2 Constraints
Glen Whitney edited this page 2024-02-04 06:14:36 +00:00

Here is a list of possible constraints we may want to try to support in Dyna3. Those labeled with a ? may be unclear how to capture as a polynomial in the coordinates of the entities.

  • Point lies on entity
  • One entity is contained in another (For some entities, this may be (?), e.g. a point and a ball, as opposed to a sphere -- seems like that's an inequality rather than a polynomial equation.)
  • Two entities are tangent
  • Two entities coincide
  • Two entities are at a fixed distance
  • Two entities make a specific angle
  • Two entities intersect (or do not intersect (?))
  • The position of an entity is fixed to be v
  • The measure (length, area, volume, angle, dihedral angle, solid angle, ...) of an entity is fixed to be m
  • Two entities are congruent (Is this just a conjunction of some automatically-generated conjunction of some of the above?)
  • Some polynomial equation in the measures or positions of an entity or entities holds (i.e., we may want to just allow direct entry of an arbitrary polynomial constraint, e.g, dist(a,b) + dist(b,c) = k to define an ellipse

Definitely feel free to add items!