Clean up the source code and interface of the outline view. In addition, [fix a bug](commit/6e42681b719d7ec97c4225ca321225979bf87b56) that could cause `Assembly::realize` to react to itself under certain circumstances. Those circumstances arose, making the bug noticeable, while this branch was being written. #### Source code - Modularize the `Outline` component into smaller components. - Switch from static iteration to dynamic Sycamore lists. This reduces the amount of re-rendering that happens when an element or constraint changes. It also allows constraint details to stay open or closed during constraint updates, rather than resetting to closed. - Make `Element::index` private, as discussed [here](pulls/15#issuecomment-1816). #### Interface - Make constraints editable, updating the assembly realization on input. Flag constraints where the Lorentz product value doesn't parse. - Round element vector coordinates to prevent the displayed strings from overlapping. Note that issue #20 was created by this PR, but it will be addressed shortly. Co-authored-by: Aaron Fenyes <> Reviewed-on: #19 Co-authored-by: Vectornaut <> Co-committed-by: Vectornaut <>
175 lines
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175 lines
2.9 KiB
:root {
--text: #fcfcfc; /* almost white */
--text-bright: white;
--text-invalid: #f58fc2; /* bright pink */
--border: #555; /* light gray */
--border-focus: #aaa; /* bright gray */
--border-invalid: #70495c; /* dusky pink */
--selection-highlight: #444; /* medium gray */
--page-background: #222; /* dark gray */
--display-background: #020202; /* almost black */
body {
margin: 0px;
color: var(--text);
background-color: var(--page-background);
font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif;
/* sidebar */
#sidebar {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
float: left;
width: 450px;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border-width: 0px 1px 0px 0px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: var(--border);
/* add-remove */
#add-remove {
display: flex;
gap: 8px;
margin: 8px;
#add-remove > button {
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
font-size: large;
/* KLUDGE */
for convenience, we're using emoji as temporary icons for some buttons. these
buttons need to be displayed in an emoji font
#add-remove > button.emoji {
font-family: 'Noto Emoji', sans-serif;
/* outline */
#outline {
flex-grow: 1;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
overflow-y: scroll;
li {
user-select: none;
summary {
display: flex;
summary.selected {
color: var(--text-bright);
background-color: var(--selection-highlight);
summary > div, .constraint {
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
.element, .constraint {
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
.element-switch {
width: 18px;
padding-left: 2px;
text-align: center;
details:has(li) .element-switch::after {
content: '▸';
details[open]:has(li) .element-switch::after {
content: '▾';
.element-label {
flex-grow: 1;
.constraint-label {
flex-grow: 1;
.element-representation {
display: flex;
.element-representation > div {
padding: 2px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: 10pt;
font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
text-align: right;
width: 56px;
.constraint {
font-style: italic;
.constraint.invalid {
color: var(--text-invalid);
.constraint > input[type=checkbox] {
margin: 0px 8px 0px 0px;
.constraint > input[type=text] {
color: inherit;
background-color: inherit;
border: 1px solid var(--border);
border-radius: 2px;
.constraint.invalid > input[type=text] {
border-color: var(--border-invalid);
.status {
width: 20px;
padding-left: 4px;
text-align: center;
font-family: 'Noto Emoji';
font-style: normal;
.invalid > .status::after, details:has(.invalid):not([open]) .status::after {
content: '⚠';
color: var(--text-invalid);
/* display */
canvas {
float: left;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
background-color: var(--display-background);
border: 1px solid var(--border);
border-radius: 16px;
canvas:focus {
border-color: var(--border-focus);
} |