feat: joyce commands needed for BookEleven #57
2 changed files with 237 additions and 59 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ obs := new MutationObserver (mutationList) =>
newNode := (newGenericNode as HTMLElement)
newParent := (change.target as HTMLElement)
unless newNode.tagName is 'APPLET' then continue
unless newNode.getAttribute('code') is 'Geometry' then continue
code := newNode.getAttribute('code')
unless code is 'Geometry' or code is 'Geometry.class' then continue
id .= newParent.getAttribute 'id'
unless id
id = 'joyceApplet' + joyceApplets.length
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function vertFlipped(coords: number[], cdata: ConstructionData): XYZ
coords = coords.slice()
if cdata.is3d
if coords[Z] then coords[Z] = -coords[Z]
else coords[Y] = cdata.height - coords[Y]
coords[Y] = cdata.height - coords[Y]
return coords as XYZ
type ConstructionData
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ type ConstructionData
height: number
elements: JoyceElements
pivot: string
title?: string
// Global data setup for pivoting (ugh, but necessary because the api
// is not passed to the callback, so we have to look up the slider in
@ -128,11 +129,12 @@ function postApplets(jApplets: AppletDescription[], codebase = '')
if is3d
depth .= jApp.width
if jApp.height > depth then depth = jApp.height
depth /= 8
-10, 10 + jApp.width,
-10, 10 + jApp.height,
-depth - 10, depth + 10,
-10 + jApp.width/6, 10 + 4*jApp.width/6,
-10 + jApp.height/6, 10 + 4*jApp.height/6,
-2*depth - 10, depth + 10,
api.setAxesVisible 3, false, false, false
api.setGridVisible 3, false
@ -185,7 +187,8 @@ type ClassHandler = (
method: string,
args: JoyceArguments,
index: number,
cdata: ConstructionData) => Commander
cdata: ConstructionData,
colors: string[]) => Commander
type RGB = [number, number, number]
type XYZ = RGB
@ -207,8 +210,8 @@ function dispatchJcommand(
if adapParams.config?.commands
console.log 'Setting title to', value
corner := cdata.is3d ? 'Corner(-1,1)' : 'Corner(1,1)'
api.evalCommand `TitlePoint = ${corner}
cdata.title = value
api.evalCommand `TitlePoint = Corner(1,1)
Text("${value}", TitlePoint + (2,5))`
return // already handled in postApplets
@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ function jToG(
args: JoyceArguments := {}
usesCaptions := []
for each jdep of data.split ','
scalar := parseFloat jdep
scalar := Number jdep
if scalar is scalar // not NaN
(args.scalar ?= []).push scalar
@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ function jToG(
(args.subpoints ?= []).push depGeo
else if depKlass is 'line'
(args.subpoints ?= []).push ...ends ?? []
cmdr = classHandler[klass] name, method, args, index, cdata
cmdr = classHandler[klass] name, method, args, index, cdata, colors
unless name is jname then cmdr.callbacks.push (api: AppletObject) =>
api.setCaption name, jname
api.setLabelStyle name, 3 // style CAPTION = 3
@ -312,23 +315,26 @@ function jToG(
// we can adjust components after setting overall color, etc.
// Color the "Faces"; they default to 'brighter':
if invisible colors[3]
for each face of parts[2]
if face is name
console.log 'Fading out interior of', face if traceC
// hide the interior by making it transparent
api.setFilling face, 0
else if face not in cdata.elements
console.log 'Hiding face', face if traceC
api.setVisible face, false
if invisible(colors[3]) and (klass !== 'sphere' or invisible colors[2])
for each face of parts[2]
if face is name
console.log 'Fading out interior of', face if traceC
// hide the interior by making it transparent
api.setFilling face, 0
else if face not in cdata.elements
console.log 'Hiding face', face if traceC
api.setVisible face, false
faceRGB := joyce2rgb(colors[3] or 'brighter', cdata.bg)
surface .= colors[3]
if klass is 'sphere' and invisible surface
surface = colors[2] // for Joyce, spheres had one circular "edge"
faceRGB := joyce2rgb(surface or 'brighter', cdata.bg)
deep := ['circle', 'polygon', 'sector']
filling := deep.includes(klass) ? 0.7 : 0.2
for each face of parts[2]
if traceC
console.log 'Coloring face', face, 'to',
colors[3], '=', faceRGB
surface, '=', faceRGB
api.setVisible face, true
api.setFilling face, filling
api.setColor face, ...faceRGB
@ -485,7 +491,7 @@ function joyce2rgb(cname: string, backgroundRGB?: RGB): RGB
@ -514,7 +520,7 @@ function pointDefaultColorName(
function geoname(
jname: JoyceName, elements: JoyceElements, klass: JoyceClass): GeoName
unless jname.substring(0,3) is 'Geo' // those might clash
unless jname is 'floor' or jname.substring(0,3) is 'Geo' // those might clash
// Names with word characters starting with a capital are always good:
if /^[A-Z]['\w]*$/.test jname then return jname
// If it's not a point, can start with any letter:
@ -568,13 +574,30 @@ function proportionSimilar(
// All of the detailed semantics of each available command lies in this
// function.
classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
point: (name, method, args, index, cdata): Commander =>
point: (name, method, args, index, cdata, colors): Commander =>
return := freshCommander()
{commands, callbacks, parts, auxiliaries} := return.value
zeroVector := cdata.is3d ? 'Vector((0,0,0))' : 'Vector((0,0))'
defaultPlane := cdata.is3d ? ', xOyPlane' : ''
aux := name + 'aUx'
pivotable := cdata.pivot and name !== pivotData[cdata.pivot].pivot
parts[0].push name
// HACK: Special-case corrections for Joyce Elements Bk XI
if cdata.title is 'XI.4'
if name is 'Z' and method is 'fixed' and args.scalar?.length is 3
method = 'perpendicular'
args.subpoints = ['E','P2','A']
args.plane = ['baseplane']
colors[0] = '0'
colors[1] = '0'
if name is 'F' and method is 'lineSlider' and args.subpoints?[0] is 'E'
args.scalar = [160,40,60]
if cdata.title is 'XI.5'
if name is 'A' and method is 'free'
method = 'perpendicular'
args.subpoints = ['B','P1','P3']
args.plane = ['xOyPlane']
commands.push 'B=(80,140)'
switch method
{center, foot} :=
@ -604,6 +627,12 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
if args.scalar and args.scalar.length
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject) =>
api.setCoords name, ...vertFlipped(args.scalar or [], cdata)
unless args.subpoints?.length is 3 then return
`${aux} = Circle(${args.subpoints.join ','})`
`${name} = Center(${aux})`
auxiliaries.push aux
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt and pt.length is 4 then return
@ -612,9 +641,9 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
commands.push `${name} = Translate(${source}, ${displacement})`
unless args.subpoints then return
// HACK: Special-case correction for Joyce Elements Bk II, prop 14
index .= 0
if name === 'H' and args.line and args.line[0] === 'HH2'
// HACK: Special-case correction for Joyce Elements Bk II, prop 14
if cdata.title is 'II.14' and name is 'H' and args.line?[0] is 'HH2'
index = 1
commands.push `${name} = ${args.subpoints[index]}`
@ -638,9 +667,9 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
// Checking Joyce source, means intersection of lines, not
// intersection of line segments
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt then return
unless pt and pt.length > 1 then return
l1 := `Line(${pt[0]},${pt[1]})`
e2 := args.plane ? args.plane[0] : `Line(${pt[2]},${pt[3]})`
e2 := pt.length < 3 ? args.plane?[0] : `Line(${pt[2]},${pt[3]})`
commands.push `${name} = Intersect(${l1},${e2})`
unless args.subpoints then return
@ -682,15 +711,49 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
unless pt then return
commands.push `${name} = ${pt[0]} + ${pt[2]} - ${pt[1]}`
// Note only the two-point option implemented so far
unless args.subpoints return
[center, direction] := args.subpoints
commands.push `${name} = Rotate(${direction}, pi/2, ${center})`
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt return
inPlane := args.plane ? `,${args.plane[0]}` : defaultPlane
center := pt[0]
switch pt.length
when 2
`${name} = Rotate(${pt[1]}, pi/2, ${center}${inPlane})`
when 3 // perpendicular **to** the plane
// Uses lots of auxiliaries
radius := `Distance(${pt[1]}, ${pt[2]})`
`${aux}1 = Circle(${center}, ${radius}${inPlane})`
`${aux}2 = PointIn(${aux}1)`
`${aux}3 = PerpendicularLine(${center}${inPlane})`
`${aux}4 = Plane(${aux}2, ${aux}3)`
`${name} = Rotate(${aux}2, pi/2, ${center}, ${aux}4)`
auxiliaries.push aux+n for n of [1..4]
when 4
`${aux}1 = Ray(${center}, Rotate(${pt[1]}, pi/2, ${center}${inPlane}))`
`${aux}2 = Circle(${center}, Distance(${pt[2]},${pt[3]})${inPlane})`
`${name} = Intersect(${aux}1, ${aux}2)`
auxiliaries.push aux+1, aux+2
pln := args.plane?[0]
unless pln then return
commands.push `${name} = PointIn(${pln})`
if args.scalar and args.scalar.length
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject) =>
api.setCoords name, ...vertFlipped(args.scalar or [], cdata)
[source, displacement] :=
proportionSimilar method, args, cdata, aux, commands, auxiliaries
unless source then return
commands.push `${name} = Translate(${source}, ${displacement})`
sph := args.sphere?[0]
unless sph then return
commands.push `${name} = PointIn(${sph})`
if args.scalar and args.scalar.length
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject) =>
api.setCoords name, ...vertFlipped(args.scalar or [], cdata)
`${name} = Vertex(${args.polygon?[0]},${args.scalar?[0]})`
@ -731,7 +794,7 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
`${aux}4 = If(${condition}, ${aux}2, ${aux}1)`
ends[0] = aux + 3
ends[1] = aux + 4
auxiliaries.push ...[1..4].map (n) => aux + n
auxiliaries.push aux+n for n of [1..4]
// To match Joyce, we need to get the ordering here correct.
// The complicated condition about distances is modeled after
@ -755,7 +818,7 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
`${aux}4 = If(${condition}, ${aux}1, ${aux}2)`
ends[0] = aux + 3
ends[1] = aux + 4
auxiliaries.push ...[1..4].map (n) => aux + n
auxiliaries.push aux+n for n of [1..4]
unless args.subpoints and args.subpoints.length is 2 then return
ends[0] = args.subpoints[0]
@ -810,7 +873,17 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
`${aux} = Rotate(${pt[1]}, pi/2, ${pt[0]}${inPlane})`
when 3
return // TODO: line perpendicular to plane
radius := `Distance(${pt[1]}, ${pt[2]})`
`${aux}1 = PerpendicularLine(${pt[1]}${inPlane})`
`${aux}2 = Intersect(${aux}1${inPlane})`
`${aux}3 = Circle(${aux}2, ${radius}${inPlane})`
`${aux}4 = PointIn(${aux}3)`
`${aux}5 = Plane(${aux}4, ${aux}1)`
`${aux}6 = Rotate(${aux}4, pi/2, ${aux}2, ${aux}5)`
ends[0] = aux + 2
ends[1] = aux + 6
auxiliaries.push aux+n for n of [1..6]
when 4
ends[0] = pt[0]
ends[1] = aux + 2
@ -836,22 +909,27 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject) => api.setLabelVisible name, true
parts[0].push ...ends
circle: (name, method, args) =>
circle: (name, method, args, index, cdata) =>
return := freshCommander()
return.value.ends = ['', '']
{commands, callbacks, parts, auxiliaries, ends} := return.value
aux := name + 'aUx'
parts[1].push name
circle .= ''
defaultPlane := cdata.is3d ? ', xOyPlane' : ''
switch method
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt and pt.length is 3 then return
circle = `Circle(${pt.join ','})`
sph := args.sphere
unless sph and sph.length is 2 then return
circle = `IntersectConic(${sph[0]}, ${sph[1]})`
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt then return
inPlane := args.plane ? `, ${args.plane[0]}` : ''
inPlane := args.plane ? `, ${args.plane[0]}` : defaultPlane
switch pt.length
when 2
[center, point] := pt
@ -931,7 +1009,7 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
`${aux}1 = Angle(${pt[3]},${pt[2]},${pt[4]}${inSourcePlane})`
`${aux}2 = Rotate(${pt[1]},${aux}1,${pt[0]}${inDestPlane})`
`${aux}3 = ${pt[0]} + (${aux}2 - ${pt[0]})*${factor}`
auxiliaries.push ...[1..3].map (n) => aux + n
auxiliaries.push aux+n for n of [1..3]
pt = [pt[0], pt[1], aux+3]
commands.push ''
@ -949,12 +1027,14 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
api.renameObject obj, newObj
moreParts[1].push newObj
sector: (name, method, args, index) =>
sector: (name, method, args, index, cdata) =>
return := freshCommander()
return.value.ends = ['', '']
{commands, callbacks, parts, auxiliaries, ends} := return.value
aux := name + 'aUx'
parts[2].push name
defaultPlane := cdata.is3d ? ', xOyPlane' : ''
inPlane .= args.plane ? `, ${args.plane[0]}` : defaultPlane
switch method
unless args.subpoints?.length is 3 return
@ -968,12 +1048,14 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
center = temp
parms = start + ', ' + center + ', ' + end
prefix = 'Circumcircular'
inPlane = '' // not needed in 3-point case
ends[0] = start
ends[1] = end
`${name} = ${prefix}Sector(${parms})`
`${aux}1 = ${prefix}Arc(${parms})`
`${name} = ${prefix}Sector(${parms}${inPlane})`
`${aux}1 = ${prefix}Arc(${parms}${inPlane})`
parts[1].push aux + 1
auxiliaries.push aux + 1
makeLinesInvisible callbacks, name
plane: (name, method, args) =>
@ -984,38 +1066,133 @@ classHandler: Record<JoyceClass, ClassHandler> :=
unless args.subpoints?.length is 3 then return
commands.push `${name} = Plane(${args.subpoints.join ','})`
unless args.subpoints?.length is 1 then return
unless args.plane?.length is 1 then return
commands.push `${name} = Plane(${args.subpoints[0]}, ${args.plane[0]})`
unless args.subpoints?.length is 2 then return
[thru, perp] := args.subpoints
`${name} = PerpendicularPlane(${thru}, Line(${thru}, ${perp}))`
sphere: (name, method, args) => freshCommander()
polyhedron: (name, method, args, index) =>
sphere: (name, method, args) =>
return := freshCommander()
return.value.ends = ['', '']
{commands, callbacks, parts, auxiliaries, ends} := return.value
aux := name + 'aUx'
parts[2].push name
pt := args.subpoints
if method is 'radius' and pt
switch pt.length
when 2
[center, point] := pt
ends[0] = center
commands.push `${name} = Sphere(${center}, ${point})`
when 3
center := pt[0]
ends[0] = center
radius := `Distance(${pt[1]}, ${pt[2]})`
commands.push `${name} = Sphere(${center}, ${radius})`
polyhedron: (name, method, args, index, cdata) =>
return := freshCommander()
return.value.ends = ['', '']
{commands, callbacks, parts, auxiliaries, ends} := return.value
aux := geoname name + 'aUx', cdata.elements, 'point'
switch method
pt := args.subpoints
pt .= args.subpoints
unless pt and pt.length is 4 then return
commands.push '' // hack, make sure there is a command
// create all of the vertices we will need:
`${aux}4 = ${pt[2]} + ${pt[1]} - ${pt[0]}`
`${aux}5 = ${pt[3]} + ${pt[1]} - ${pt[0]}`
`${aux}6 = ${pt[3]} + ${pt[2]} - ${pt[0]}`
`${aux}7 = ${pt[3]} + ${pt[2]} + ${pt[1]} - 2*${pt[0]}`
auxiliaries.push aux+i for i of [4..7]
pt = [...pt, ...auxiliaries]
parts[0].push ...pt
ends[0] = aux + 1
ends[1] = pt[3]
generalRecipe :=
A: [0,1,4,2]
B: [0,1,5,3]
C: [0,2,6,3]
D: [3,5,7,6]
E: [2,4,7,6]
F: [1,4,7,5]
letters := ['A'..'F'] as const
recipe: Record<string, string[]> := {}
for ltr of letters
auxlet := aux + ltr
auxiliaries.push auxlet
parts[2].push auxlet
recipe[auxlet] = (pt[i] for each i of generalRecipe[ltr])
ends[0] = aux + 'A'
ends[1] = aux + 'D'
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject, moreParts: DimParts) =>
madeBase := api.evalCommandGetLabels
`${ends[0]} = Polygon(${pt[0]},${pt[1]},${pt[2]})`
if not madeBase return
for each obj of madeBase.split ','
if obj is ends[0] continue
ix .= 0
for piece in recipe
madeIt := api.evalCommandGetLabels
`${piece} = Polygon(${recipe[piece].join ','})`
if not madeIt return
for each obj of madeIt.split ','
if obj is piece continue
newObj := 'GeoAux' + index + obj + ix
api.renameObject obj, newObj
moreParts[1].push newObj
ix += 1
unless args.polygon?.length is 1 then return
base := args.polygon[0]
ends[0] = base
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt and pt.length is 2 then return
`${aux}1 = Vertex(${base},1) + ${pt[1]} - ${pt[0]}`
auxiliaries.push aux+1
ends[1] = aux+1
parts[0].push aux+1
parts[2].push ends[0]
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject, moreParts: DimParts) =>
made := api.evalCommandGetLabels
`${name} = Prism(${base}, ${aux}1)`
if not made return
for each obj of made.split ','
if obj is name continue
newObj := 'GeoAux' + index + obj
api.renameObject obj, newObj
moreParts[1].push newObj
switch api.getObjectType newObj
moreParts[0].push newObj
moreParts[1].push newObj
moreParts[2].push newObj
base .= args.polygon?[0]
ends[0] = base or aux + 1
pt := args.subpoints
unless pt and pt.length > 0 then return
// A tetrahedron is just a pyramid where we have to build the
// base from three points ourselves. But it has to be done in the
// callback, since we have to capture the edges.
if method is 'tetrahedron' and pt.length !== 4 then return
commands.push '' // hack, make sure there is a command
parts[0].push ...pt
parts[2].push ends[0]
ends[1] = pt.at(-1) or ''
callbacks.push (api: AppletObject, moreParts: DimParts) =>
if not base
madeBase := api.evalCommandGetLabels
`${ends[0]} = Polygon(${pt[0]},${pt[1]},${pt[2]})`
if not madeBase return
for each obj of madeBase.split ','
if obj is ends[0] continue
newObj := 'GeoAux' + index + obj
api.renameObject obj, newObj
moreParts[1].push newObj
base = ends[0]
made := api.evalCommandGetLabels
`${name} = Pyramid(${aux}1, ${pt[3]})`
`${name} = Pyramid(${base}, ${ends[1]})`
if not made return
for each obj of made.split ','
if obj is name continue
@ -1051,7 +1228,7 @@ function makeAngDiv(
`${aux}2 = Angle(${start}, ${center}, ${end}${inPlane})`
`${aux}3 = If(${aux}2 > pi, ${aux}2 - 2*pi, ${aux}2)`
`${aux}4 = Rotate(${start}, ${aux}3/${n}, ${center}${inPlane})`
auxiliaries.push ...[2..4].map (i) => `${aux}${i}`
auxiliaries.push aux+i for i of [2..4]
return {center, foot: `Intersect(${destination}, Ray(${center}, ${aux}4))`}
// helper for separating color of perimeter and interior:
Add table
Reference in a new issue