feat: Enable 3D constructions when adapting Geometry Applet #40

glen merged 3 commits from enable_3d into main 2023-10-08 17:11:02 +00:00

Turns on 3D viewing only for the constructions that use a 3D primitive, but loads the more extensive web3d bundle from the embedded GeoGebra package whenever any applet on the page uses 3d. (The idea is to only require the loading of one bundle per page.) Provides progress on #36.

Turns on 3D viewing only for the constructions that use a 3D primitive, but loads the more extensive web3d bundle from the embedded GeoGebra package whenever any applet on the page uses 3d. (The idea is to only require the loading of one bundle per page.) Provides progress on #36.
glen added 3 commits 2023-10-08 17:10:39 +00:00
3245db6d07 feat: Initial enabling of 3D
Turns on 3D viewer when needed; implements tetrahedron command. Still
   quite several commands remaining for first test construction
   (from Rostamian's incenter.html) to work.
glen merged commit 25ba69c621 into main 2023-10-08 17:11:02 +00:00
glen deleted branch enable_3d 2023-10-08 17:11:02 +00:00
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