feat: Produce an archematics plugin that works in Firefox #38

glen merged 3 commits from first_plugin into main 2023-10-05 06:19:14 +00:00

With this loaded in under the Firefox debugger, one can see linked WRL files and Java Geometry Applets on arbitrary web pages.
This represents significant progress on #28, but getting more controls and getting it to work in other browsers is still on deck.

With this loaded in under the Firefox debugger, one can see linked WRL files and Java Geometry Applets on arbitrary web pages. This represents significant progress on #28, but getting more controls and getting it to work in other browsers is still on deck.
glen added 3 commits 2023-10-05 06:18:38 +00:00
e56090cd7e feat: Generate Firefox plugin
So far, plugin only handles VRML. But it loads as a temporary plugin in
   Firefox OK, and it generates viewers as necessary, including overlaying
   existing images that are links to VRML files.
58469f793e feat: Get plugin working with Joyce Geometry Applets as well
Since third-party code may not be loaded from the web in an extension,
  requires bundling many GeoGebra app files into the extension.

  Still to come: control panel for the extension.
92308d2197 feat: Add an options panel
Right now it just controls debugging options for what gets logged to the
  console during execution. But at some point we should add on/off switches
  for the two main facilities.

  Also implements just enough additional commands to successfully render
  the very first illustration in Joyce's Euclid, namely Book 1, Def I.2.
glen merged commit e7361f94a7 into main 2023-10-05 06:19:14 +00:00
glen deleted branch first_plugin 2023-10-08 22:15:48 +00:00
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