GeneratorsOfMagma for a quandle generated by ConjugatorObjs

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Glen Whitney 2017-10-22 00:43:04 +02:00
parent 6d296de57e
commit e531b6491d
4 changed files with 34 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ DeclareAttribute("ConjugatorFamily", IsFamily);
IsConjugatorObject and IsPositionalObjectOneSlotRep);
IsMultiplicativeElement and IsLeftQuotientElement and
# As far as I can tell, we are not losing any generality here;
# to define the conjugator, we need the quotient on one side, to define
# left quotients of conjugators we need the quotient on the other side, and
# to prove it works we need associativity, which makes the underlying elements
# of conjugator objects automatically group elements.
DeclareAttribute("ConjugatorObj", IsMultiplicativeElementWithInverse);
DeclareAttribute("UnderlyingMultiplicativeElement", IsConjugatorObject);

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@ -17,20 +17,8 @@ ConjugatorType@ := obj -> ConjugatorFamily(FamilyObj(obj))!.ConjType;
"for a mult element that allows quotients (and should be assoc)",
[IsMultiplicativeElement and IsLeftQuotientElement and IsRightQuotientElement],
obj -> Objectify(ConjugatorType@(obj), Immutable(obj))
# Even though IsMultiplicativeElementWithInverse implies both
# IsLeftQuotientElement and IsRightQuotientElement, GAP doesn't seem to
# calculate these implications on built-in elements. So we need to repeat the
# method for IsMultiplicativeElementWithInverse, which is true of built-ins,
# particularly permutations, which serve as a common representation of group
# elements.
"for a mult element with inverse (and should be assoc)",
obj -> Objectify(ConjugatorType@(obj), [Immutable(obj)])
obj -> Objectify(ConjugatorType@(obj), Immutable(obj))
## Printing and viewing
@ -78,7 +66,7 @@ InstallMethod(ConjugationQuandle, "for a group",
local fam, elts, Q;
fam := CollectionsFamily(ConjugatorFamily(ElementsFamily(FamilyObj(G))));
# Question: how do we easily/quickly determine a set of generators of
# Question: how do we feasibly determine a set of generators of
# Conj(G) from a set of generators of G, so that we can handle infinite
# conj-quandles here?
elts := List(Elements(G), g -> ConjugatorObj(g) );
@ -92,6 +80,19 @@ InstallMethod(ConjugationQuandle, "for a group",
return Q;
## Methods that are easier in conjugator quandles:
"for a quandle generated by conjugator objects",
[IsLeftQuasigroup and HasGeneratorsOfLeftQuasigroup and
local gens, invgens;
# idea: ^g^-1: * ^h: = ^g: \ ^h:, so the generators of the quasigroup
# together with their inverses generate the quandle as a magma.
gens := GeneratorsOfLeftQuasigroup(Q);
invgens := Set(gens, g -> Inverse(g));
UniteSet(invgens, gens);
return invgens;

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ DeclareGlobalFunction("CloneOfTypeByGenerators");
# elements might be required to generate the structure just under *
DeclareAttribute("GeneratorsOfLeftQuasigroup", IsLeftQuasigroup);
"finite left quasigroups *-generated by left quasigroup generators",
"finite left quasigroups"
IsLeftQuasigroup and IsFinite,
q -> GeneratorsOfLeftQuasigroup(q)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ InstallImmediateMethod(GeneratorsOfMagma,
# Generates the structure by \* and \/, same considerations as above
DeclareAttribute("GeneratorsOfRightQuasigroup", IsRightQuasigroup);
"finite right quasigroups *-generated by right quasigroup generators",
"finite right quasigroups"
IsRightQuasigroup and IsFinite,
q -> GeneratorsOfRightQuasigroup(q)

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@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ InstallMethod(IsElementwiseIdempotent, "for finite collections",
"for arbitrary multiplicative collections, the hard way",
"for arbitrary multiplicative collections, the hard way",
function (C)
local a,b,d;
for a in C do for b in C do for d in C do
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ InstallMethod(IsLSelfDistributive,
"for arbitrary multiplicative collections, the hard way",
"for arbitrary multiplicative collections, the hard way",
function (C)
local a,b,d;
for a in C do for b in C do for d in C do
@ -172,6 +172,12 @@ InstallGlobalFunction(RightQuandleNC, function(fam, gens)
## NOTE: If it is the case that the magma generated by the
## GeneratorsOf[Left|Right]Quasigroup is finite, then since the [left|right]
## multiplication is injective, it is also surjective on that set and in fact
## it is the whole quasigroup. However, it is not yet clear to me how best to
## capture this fact in GAP in a computationally useful way.
## View and print and such
LeftObjString@ := function(Q)
# Don't test distributivity if we haven't already