a few small fixes

This commit is contained in:
Glen Whitney 2017-10-25 16:33:53 +02:00
parent 4b723e17f6
commit aed92b7793

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@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ FiltersOfObj@ := function(obj)
local f;
f := CategoriesOfObject(obj);
Append(f,List(KnownAttributesOfObject(obj), x -> Concatenate("Has", x)));
Append(f,List(KnownAttributesOfObject(obj), x -> Concatenation("Has", x)));
return f;
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ end;
# This is a helper that creates a rough join of the filters of a list of
# objects, using the same arguments as directproduct op (the redundant "first"
# argument, which is handy for seeding the filter list)
RoughJoinOfFilters@ := function(list, first);
RoughJoinOfFilters@ := function(list, first)
local item, jof;
jof := Set(FiltersOfObj@(first));
for item in list{[2..Length(list)]} do