feat: Incremental building and simultaneous overloading of object values #5

glen merged 1 commit from stepfive into main 2022-09-26 05:39:44 +00:00

So we can start with literal objects whose keys are operator names, and
whose values are arrays of implementations, and merge them, and then
replace every value with the overloaded function it specifies.

So we can start with literal objects whose keys are operator names, and whose values are arrays of implementations, and merge them, and then replace every value with the overloaded function it specifies.
glen added 1 commit 2022-09-26 05:39:30 +00:00
So we can start with literal objects whose keys are operator names, and
  whose values are arrays of implementations, and merge them, and then
  replace every value with the overloaded function it specifies.
glen merged commit f58bae105d into main 2022-09-26 05:39:44 +00:00
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Reference: glen/typomath#5
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