feat(overload): Use typescript-rtti to select implementations #4

glen merged 2 commits from stepfour into main 2022-09-25 20:02:01 +00:00

Note that the changes to module resolution cause steps one and two no longer
to run because node can't find the imports, although they still compile fine.

Note that the changes to module resolution cause steps one and two no longer to run because node can't find the imports, although they still compile fine.
glen added 1 commit 2022-09-25 19:57:27 +00:00
Note that the changes to module resolution cause steps one and two no longer
  to run because node can't find the imports, although they still compile fine.
glen added 1 commit 2022-09-25 20:00:54 +00:00
glen merged commit 2f0a9936a3 into main 2022-09-25 20:02:01 +00:00
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Reference: glen/typomath#4
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