
40 lines
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import {Dependency, ImpType, ImpReturns} from "../core/Dispatcher";
declare module "./type" {
interface GenericReturn<Params> {
// Jos: not sure how to define this or why it is needed
// square: Signature<Params, [T], T>
// square: ConservativeUnary<Params, T>
// square: Params extends [infer R]
// ? R extends number ? UnderlyingReal<R> : never
// : never
// The type of `square` in this interface, instantiated with the type
// Params of a parameter list, needs to be the return type of the
// operation `square` on those parameters. In other words, `square` gives
// a type transformer from the tuple type of its parameters to its return
// type.
// That's how Dispatcher knows what the return type will be in
// `Dependency<'square', [bigint]>`, for example: it instantiates
// GenericReturn with Params equal to [bigint] and then grabs the
// type of the `square` property. Hence we write:
square: Params extends [infer T] // square only takes 1 arbitrary parameter
? ImpReturns<'multiply', [T, T]> // and returns whatever multiply does
: never; // otherwise if not a single argument, this implementation
// doesn't handle it
// If square had more than one implementation in this collection, we could
// either add more conditional clauses to the above type transformer
// as I did in Complex/type.ts for `complex`, or we could have two
// different keys that both start with `square_` and Dispatcher will
// check both (as I have now done in comments in Complex/type.ts and
// verified that also works).
export const square =
<T>(dep: Dependency<'multiply', [T, T]>):
ImpType<'square', [T]> =>
z => dep.multiply(z, z)