Glen Whitney 569079e908 refactor: change Dispatcher class to a closure
Also starts work on typing that closure. Gets the property names right,
  but currently has the "unfilled" method types, rather than the returned
  "filled-in" function types. Not sure how to fix this.
2023-10-18 23:10:58 -07:00

91 lines
3.9 KiB

import {$$typeToString} from 'ts-macros'
* Every typocomath type has some associated types; they need
* to be published in the following interface. The key is the
* name of the type, and within the subinterface for that key,
* the type of the 'type' property is the actual TypeScript type
* we are associating the other properties to. Note the interface
* is generic with one parameter, corresponding to the fact that
* typocomath currently only allows generic types with a single
* generic parameter. This way, AssociatedTypes<SubType> can give the
* associated types for a generic type instantiated with SubType.
* That's not necessary for the 'undefined' type (or if you look in the
* `numbers` subdirectory, the 'number' type) or any concrete type,
* but that's OK, the generic parameter doesn't hurt in those cases.
export type ValueIntersectionByKeyUnion<T, TKey extends keyof T> = {
[P in TKey]: (k: T[P])=>void
} [TKey] extends ((k: infer I)=>void) ? I : never
export interface AssociatedTypes<T> {
undefined: {
type: undefined
zero: undefined
one: undefined
nan: undefined
real: undefined
type AssociatedTypeNames = keyof AssociatedTypes<unknown>['undefined']
type ALookup<T, Name extends AssociatedTypeNames> = ValueIntersectionByKeyUnion<{
[K in keyof AssociatedTypes<T>]:
T extends AssociatedTypes<T>[K]['type'] ? AssociatedTypes<T>[K][Name] : unknown},
keyof AssociatedTypes<T>>
// For everything to compile, zero and one must be subtypes of T:
export type ZeroType<T> = ALookup<T, 'zero'> & T
export type OneType<T> = ALookup<T, 'one'> & T
// But I believe 'nan' really might not be, like I think we will have to use
// 'undefined' for the nan of 'bigint', as it has nothing at all like NaN,
// so don't force it:
export type NaNType<T> = ALookup<T, 'nan'>
export type RealType<T> = ALookup<T, 'real'>
* The global signature patterns for all operations need to be published in the
* following interface. Each key is the name of an operation (but note that
* the Dispatcher will automatically merge operations that have the same
* name when the first underscore `_` and everything thereafter is stripped).
* The type of each key should be an interface with two properties: 'params'
* whose type is the type of the parameter list for the operation, and
* 'returns' whose type is the return type of the operation on those
* parameters. These types are generic in a parameter type T which should
* be interpreted as the type that the operation is supposed to "primarily"
* operate on, although note that some of the parameters and/or return types
* may depend on T rather than be exactly T.
* So note that the example 're' below provides essentially the same
* information that e.g.
* `type ReOp<T> = (t: T) => RealType<T>`
* would, but in a way that is much easier to manipulate in TypeScript,
* and it records the name of the operation as 're' also by virtue of the
* key 're' in the interface.
export interface Signatures<T> {
zero: (a: T) => ZeroType<T>
one: (a: T) => OneType<T>
// nan needs to be able to operate on its own output for everything
// else to compile. That's why its parameter type is widened:
nan: (a: T | NaNType<T>) => NaNType<T>
re: (a: T) => RealType<T>
type SignatureKey<T> = keyof Signatures<T>
export type Signature<Name extends SignatureKey<T>, T> = Signatures<T>[Name]
export type Returns<Name extends SignatureKey<T>, T> =
type Deps<T> = T extends unknown ? { [K in keyof T]: T[K] } : never;
export type Dependencies<Name extends SignatureKey<T>, T> =
Deps<{[K in Name]: Signature<K, T>}>
export type AliasOf<Name extends string, T> = T & {aliasOf?: Name}
// For defining implementations with type reflection
export function $reflect<ImplTuple>(tup: ImplTuple) {
+[[tup], <T>(elt: T) =>
elt.reflectedType = $$typeToString!<T>(true, false, true)]