experiment: Can't put code in declare sections :-)

This commit is contained in:
Glen Whitney 2022-12-06 12:10:18 -05:00
parent 78f3975d54
commit 2a9039ac67
8 changed files with 211 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Emacs backups
# Typescript
# emitted code
# ---> Node
# Logs

src/complex/type.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import {Specifications, joinTypes, typeOfDependency} from '../core/Dispatcher'
export type Complex<T> = {re: T; im: T;}
declare module 'Dispatcher' {
namespace Specifications {
export class ComplexSpecifications {}
namespace ComplexSpecifications {
export class Complex_type<T> {
static test = (testT: (z: unknown) => z is T) =>
(z: unknown): z is Complex<T> =>
typeof z === 'object'
&& 're' in z && 'im' in z
&& testT(z.re) && testT(z.im);
static infer = (dep: typeOfDependency) =>
(z: Complex<unknown>) =>
joinTypes(dep.typeOf(z.re), dep.typeOf(z.im));
static from = {
T: (dep: ImplementationType<'zero', [T]>) => (t: T) =>
({re: t, im: dep.zero(t)}),
Complex: <U>(convert: (from: U) => T) =>
(z: Complex<U>) => ({re: convert(z.re), im: convert(z.im)})
export const complex_1 = <T>(dep: DependencyType<'zero', [T]>) =>
(t: T) => ({re: t, im: dep.zero(t)})
export const complex_2 = <T>(t: T, u: T) => ({re: t, im: u})
export {Specifications}

src/core/Config.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
export type Config = {
predictable: boolean
export type ConfigDependency = {
config: Config

src/core/Dispatcher.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
/* A Dispatcher is a collection of operations that do run-time
* dispatch on the types of their arguments. Thus, every individual
* method is like a typed-function (from the library by that name),
* but they can depend on one another and on ona another's implementations
* for specific types (including their own).
type TypeName = string
type Parameter = TypeName
type Signature = Parameter[]
export class Specifications {}
export type typeOfDependency = {typeOf: (x: unknown) => TypeName}
//dummy implementation for now
export function joinTypes(a: TypeName, b: TypeName) {
if (a === b) return a
return 'any'
// Will need to build this up. Need to start with looping through the keys of
// values of keys, and filtering ones that start with Name, then add in
// checking the types.
// Some relevant stuff that worked in the playground:
// type KeysMatching<T, N, V> = {[K in keyof T]-?: T[K] extends V ? K extends `${string}${N}${string}` ? K : never : never}[keyof T];
// type ValuesMatching<T, V> = {[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? T[K] : never}[keyof T]
// type SubKeysMatching<T, N, V> = {[K in keyof T]: KeysMatching<T[K], N, V>}[keyof T]
// type SubValuesMatching<T, V> = {[K in keyof T]: ValuesMatching<T[K], V>}[keyof T]
// let trial: SubKeysMatching<typeof Bar, 'ng', number | boolean> = 'strange'
// let valtrial: SubValuesMatching<typeof Bar, number> = 3
// type MyFunc = (...args: [string, number]) => any
// Selecting the proper key for arguments [string, number] is working
// let key: KeysMatching<typeof Foo, 'a', MyFunc > = 'bar' // OK, and 'baz' here does fail, as desired
// The above should have all of the ingredients.
type DependenciesType = Record<String, Function>
type FinalShape<FuncType> =
FuncType extends (arg: DependenciesType) => Function
? ReturnType<FuncType> : FuncType
type BeginsWith<Name> = `${Name}${string}`
type ImmediateDependency<Ob, Name, ParamTuple> =
{[K in keyof Ob]: K extends BeginsWith<Name>
? FinalShape<Ob[K]> extends (...args: ParamTuple) => any
? FinalShape<Ob[K]>
: never
: never}[keyof Ob]
type SpecType = typeof Specifications
export type ImplementationDependency<Name, ParamTuple> =
{[S in keyof SpecType]:
ImmediateDependency<SpecType[S], Name, ParamTuple>}[keyof SpecType]
type TypeSpecification = {
before?: TypeName[],
test: ((x: unknown) => boolean)
| ((d: DependenciesType) => (x: unknown) => boolean),
from: Record<Typename, Function>,
infer?: (d: DependenciesType) => (z: unknown) => TypeName
type SpecObject = Record<string, Function | TypeSpecification>
export type SpecifcationsGroup = Record<string, SpecObject>
export class Dispatcher {
name: string,
signature: Signature,
returns: Type,
dependencies: Record<string, Signature>,
behavior: Function // possible todo: constrain this type based
// on the signature, return type, and dependencies. Not sure if
// that's really possible, though.
) {
console.log('Pretending to install', name, signature, '=>', returns)
//TODO: implement me
installType(name: TypeName, typespec: TypeSpecification) {
console.log('Pretending to install type', name, typespec)
//TODO: implement me
constructor(collection: SpecificationsGroup) {
for (key in collection) {
console.log('Working on', key)
for (identifier in collection[key]) {
console.log('Handling', key, ':', identifier)
const parts = identifier.split('_')
if (parts[parts.length - 1] === 'type') {
const name = parts.join('_')
installType(name, collection[key][identifier])
} else {
const name = parts[0]
name, ['dunno'], 'unsure', {}, collection[key][identifier])

src/index.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import Dispatcher from 'core/Dispatcher'
import Complex from 'complex/type'
import Specifications from 'number/arithmetic'
export default new Dispatcher(Specifications)

src/number/arithmetic.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import Specifications from './type'
import configDependency from '../core/Config'
/// <reference path="../complex/type.ts">
declare module 'Dispatcher' {
namespace Specifications {
namespace NumberSpecifications {
export const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b
export const unaryMinus = (a: number) => -a
export const subtract = (a: number, b: number) => a - b
export const multiply = (a: number, b: number) => a * b
export const divide = (a: number, b: number) => a / b
export const sqrt =
(dep: configDependency
& ImplementationDependency<'complex', [number,number]>) => {
if (dep.config.predictable || !dep.complex) {
return (a: number) => isNaN(n) ? NaN : Math.sqrt(n)
return (a: number) => {
if (isNaN(n)) return NaN
if (n >= 0) return Math.sqrt(n)
return dep.complex(0, Math.sqrt(unaryMinus(n)))
export {Specifications}

src/number/type.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import Specifications from '../core/Dispatcher'
declare module 'Dispatcher' {
namespace Specifications {
export class NumberSpecifications {}
namespace NumberSpecifications {
export const number_type = {
before: ['Complex'],
test: (n: unknown): n is number => typeof n === 'number',
from: {string: s => +s}
export const zero = (a: number) => 0
export {Specifications}

tsconfig.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES2022",
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./obj"