docs build produces error/warning messages #2

opened 2019-07-22 22:14:29 +00:00 by glen · 0 comments

Currently, a vanilla build on OpenSUSE tumbleweed produces, during the docs build:

[100%] Generating html, html/index.html, .latex2html-init
Note: Loading ./.latex2html-init
Note: Initialising with file: ./.latex2html-init
This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2018 (Released Feb 1, 2018)
by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

Revised and extended by:
 Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan and others
...producing markup for HTML version 4.0  

Extension: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/
HTML version: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/

 *** processing declarations ***

OPENING /home/gwhitney/code/teapot-spreadsheet/build/teapot.tex 

Cannot create directory html/: File exists, reusing it.

Note: Working directory is /home/gwhitney/code/teapot-spreadsheet/build/html
Note: Images will be generated in /tmp/l2h25483

texexpand V2018 (Released Feb 1, 2018)

Loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/texdefs.perl...
Warning: No implementation found for option: `english' for `scrartcl' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `DIV_11' for `scrartcl' package

Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/fontenc.perl
Warning: No implementation found for option: `T1' for `fontenc' package

Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/inputenc.perl
Loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/
Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/babel.perl
Extension: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/
Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/hyperref.perl
Warning: No implementation found for option: `unicode_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarks_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksnumbered_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopen_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopenlevel_2' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `breaklinks_false' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborder__0_0_0_' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborderstyle___' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `backref_false' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `colorlinks_false' for `hyperref' package

Reading ...

Reading aux file: /home/gwhitney/code/teapot-spreadsheet/build/teapot.aux ...
Processing macros ...,,,,,,,,,,++............................................................................................................................................

*** sub wrap_cmd_hyper@newdestlabel  failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_hyper at (eval 497) line 1.


*** sub wrap_cmd_new@tpo@label  failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_new at (eval 498) line 1.


*** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before:

*** using "" as the argument instead; is this correct?  ***

*** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before:

*** using "" as the argument instead; is this correct?  ***

*** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before:

*** using "" as the argument instead; is this correct?  ***

Cannot find matching bracket for 2078..

*** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before:
*** using "<" as the argument instead; is this correct?  ***


*** sub wrap_cmd_HyField@AuxAddToFields  failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_HyField at (eval 500) line 1.


*** sub wrap_cmd_HyField@AuxAddToCoFields  failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_HyField at (eval 501) line 1.


*** sub wrap_cmd_BKM@entry  failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_BKM at (eval 502) line 1.

Translating ...
0/56:top of teapot:"fteapot manual" for teapot.html

 *** translating preamble ***
Warning: No implementation found for document class: scrartcl.
Warning: No implementation found for package: newcent.
Warning: No implementation found for option: `T1' for `fontenc' package
Warning: No implementation found for package: fancyhdr...
Warning: No implementation found for package: varioref.
Warning: No implementation found for package: tipa.
Warning: No implementation found for option: `unicode_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarks_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksnumbered_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopen_true' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopenlevel_2' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `breaklinks_false' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborder___10__0_0_0__10__' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborderstyle___11____11__' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `backref_false' for `hyperref' package

Warning: No implementation found for option: `colorlinks_false' for `hyperref' package
Warning: No implementation found for package: tikz.
Warning: No implementation found for package: pgffor..
 *** preamble done ***

1/56:tableofcontents:.."Contents" for node1.html

2/56:section:.."Copyright, Contributors and License" for node2.html

3/56:section:.."Introduction to Spread Sheets" for node3.html

4/56:subsection:.."General Introduction" for node4.html

5/56:subsection:.."The First Steps" for node5.html

6/56:subsection:..."Differences Between User
Interfaces" for node6.html

7/56:section:.."Command Mode" for node7.html

8/56:section:.."The Line Editor" for node8.html

9/56:section:.."Interactive Functions" for node9.html

10/56:subsection:..."Cell Attributes" for node10.html

11/56:subsubsection:.."Precision" for node10.html

12/56:subsubsection:.."Exponential / Decimal" for node10.html

13/56:subsubsection:.."Adjustment" for node10.html

14/56:subsubsection:.."Label" for node10.html

15/56:subsubsection:.."Lock" for node10.html

16/56:subsubsection:.."Ignore" for node10.html

17/56:subsubsection:.."Transparent" for node10.html

18/56:subsubsection:.."Shadow" for node10.html

19/56:subsubsection:.."Column Width" for node10.html

20/56:subsection:.."Block Functions" for node11.html

21/56:subsubsection:.."Copy/Move" for node11.html

22/56:subsubsection:.."Fill" for node11.html

23/56:subsubsection:.."Clear" for node11.html

24/56:subsubsection:.."Insert" for node11.html

25/56:subsubsection:.."Delete" for node11.html

26/56:subsubsection:..."Sort" for node11.html

27/56:subsubsection:.."Mirror" for node11.html

28/56:subsection:.."Saving and Loading" for node12.html

29/56:subsubsection:.."File names" for node12.html

30/56:subsubsection:.."File Formats" for node12.html

31/56:paragraph:.."XDR (.tp)" for node12.html

32/56:paragraph:.."ASCII (.tpa)" for node12.html

33/56:paragraph:.."CSV (.csv)" for node12.html

34/56:paragraph:.."SC SpreadsheetCalculator (.sc)" for node12.html

35/56:paragraph:.."Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1)" for node12.html

36/56:paragraph:.."Formatted ASCII (.txt)" for node12.html

37/56:paragraph:.."Troff tbl (.tbl)" for node12.html

38/56:paragraph:..."LATEX (.latex)" for node12.html

39/56:paragraph:..."ConTEXt (.tex)" for node12.html

40/56:paragraph:.."HTML (.html)" for node12.html

41/56:subsection:.."Other Functions" for node13.html

42/56:subsubsection:.."Goto Location" for node13.html

43/56:subsubsection:.."Shell" for node13.html

44/56:subsubsection:.."Version" for node13.html

45/56:subsubsection:.."Help" for node13.html

46/56:section:.."Batch functions" for node14.html

47/56:section:.."Expressions" for node15.html

48/56:subsection:.."Data Types" for node16.html

49/56:subsection:.."Operators" for node17.html

50/56:subsection:.."Functions" for node18.html

51/56:subsection:.."Expression Grammar" for node19.html

52/56:section:.."Frequently Asked Questions" for node20.html

53/56:subsection:.."Why is 1.0 unequal 1.0?" for node21.html

54/56:subsection:.."How do I hide intermediate results?" for node22.html

55/56:subsection:.."Why is there no conditional evaluation?" for node23.html

56/56:sectionstar:.."About this document ..." for node24.html
Doing footnotes ...
Writing image file ...

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/TeX Live for SUSE Linux) (preloaded format=latex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2018-12-01>

 *** processing 2 images ***

Generating postscript images using dvips ...
This is dvips(k) 5.999 Copyright 2019 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2019.07.22:1445' -> /tmp/l2h25483/image
(-> /tmp/l2h25483/image001) </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/>
(-> /tmp/l2h25483/image002) </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/>
Converting image #1
Converting image #2
pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  < /tmp/l2h25483/p25507.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -bot -sides  -sides  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -sides  -sides   > /tmp/l2h25483/p25507.t00" failed: Illegal seek

Error while converting image

Error: Cannot read 'img2.png': No such file or directory

Doing section links ......
Doing table of contents .....................,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,.......................
Copying navigation icons ...
 *** Adding document-specific styles *** 

*********** WARNINGS ***********  
No implementation found for style `scrartcl'
No implementation found for style `newcent'
No implementation found for style `fancyhdr'
No implementation found for style `varioref'
No implementation found for style `tipa'
No implementation found for style `tikz'
No implementation found for style `pgffor'

Substitution of arg to newlabelxx delayed.

? brace missing for \oldcontentsline

Failed to convert image /tmp/l2h25483/

This all seems to have to do with making the html version. The PDF looks fine, and html is generated, and it pretty much looks reasonable, so this is a low priority issue.

Currently, a vanilla build on OpenSUSE tumbleweed produces, during the docs build: ``` [100%] Generating html, html/index.html, .latex2html-init Note: Loading ./.latex2html-init Note: Initialising with file: ./.latex2html-init This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2018 (Released Feb 1, 2018) by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds. Revised and extended by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan and others ...producing markup for HTML version 4.0 Extension: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/ HTML version: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/ *** processing declarations *** OPENING /home/gwhitney/code/teapot-spreadsheet/build/teapot.tex Cannot create directory html/: File exists, reusing it. Note: Working directory is /home/gwhitney/code/teapot-spreadsheet/build/html Note: Images will be generated in /tmp/l2h25483 texexpand V2018 (Released Feb 1, 2018) Loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/texdefs.perl... Warning: No implementation found for option: `english' for `scrartcl' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `DIV_11' for `scrartcl' package Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/fontenc.perl Warning: No implementation found for option: `T1' for `fontenc' package Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/inputenc.perl Loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/ Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/babel.perl Extension: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/ Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/hyperref.perl Warning: No implementation found for option: `unicode_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarks_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksnumbered_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopen_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopenlevel_2' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `breaklinks_false' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborder__0_0_0_' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborderstyle___' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `backref_false' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `colorlinks_false' for `hyperref' package Reading ... %%%%%,,++................................................................ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Reading aux file: /home/gwhitney/code/teapot-spreadsheet/build/teapot.aux ... Processing macros ...,,,,,,,,,,++............................................................................................................................................ *** sub wrap_cmd_hyper@newdestlabel failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_hyper at (eval 497) line 1. . *** sub wrap_cmd_new@tpo@label failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_new at (eval 498) line 1. ....... *** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before: *** using "" as the argument instead; is this correct? *** *** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before: *** using "" as the argument instead; is this correct? *** *** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before: *** using "" as the argument instead; is this correct? *** . Cannot find matching bracket for 2078.. *** no brace for \oldcontentsline , before: {\oldnewlabel{<}{{<}{2}}>> *** using "<" as the argument instead; is this correct? *** .. *** sub wrap_cmd_HyField@AuxAddToFields failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_HyField at (eval 500) line 1. . *** sub wrap_cmd_HyField@AuxAddToCoFields failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_HyField at (eval 501) line 1. . *** sub wrap_cmd_BKM@entry failed: Illegal declaration of subroutine main::wrap_cmd_BKM at (eval 502) line 1. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. @..... @......................................................................................... Translating ... 0/56:top of teapot:"fteapot manual" for teapot.html *** translating preamble *** .. Warning: No implementation found for document class: scrartcl. Warning: No implementation found for package: newcent. Warning: No implementation found for option: `T1' for `fontenc' package .. Warning: No implementation found for package: fancyhdr... Warning: No implementation found for package: varioref. Warning: No implementation found for package: tipa. Warning: No implementation found for option: `unicode_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarks_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksnumbered_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopen_true' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `bookmarksopenlevel_2' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `breaklinks_false' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborder___10__0_0_0__10__' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `pdfborderstyle___11____11__' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `backref_false' for `hyperref' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `colorlinks_false' for `hyperref' package ... Warning: No implementation found for package: tikz. Warning: No implementation found for package: pgffor.. *** preamble done *** ;..,.;... 1/56:tableofcontents:.."Contents" for node1.html ;..;.. 2/56:section:.."Copyright, Contributors and License" for node2.html ;.......;.. 3/56:section:.."Introduction to Spread Sheets" for node3.html ;.; 4/56:subsection:.."General Introduction" for node4.html ;..,.....;. 5/56:subsection:.."The First Steps" for node5.html ;...,.,.,...,...,..,..,..........,......,...;............................ 6/56:subsection:..."Differences Between User Interfaces" for node6.html ;...;. 7/56:section:.."Command Mode" for node7.html ;....,,........;. 8/56:section:.."The Line Editor" for node8.html ;...,,.......;. 9/56:section:.."Interactive Functions" for node9.html ;..; 10/56:subsection:..."Cell Attributes" for node10.html ;.,...; 11/56:subsubsection:.."Precision" for node10.html ;..; 12/56:subsubsection:.."Exponential / Decimal" for node10.html ;..; 13/56:subsubsection:.."Adjustment" for node10.html ;..; 14/56:subsubsection:.."Label" for node10.html ;..; 15/56:subsubsection:.."Lock" for node10.html ;..; 16/56:subsubsection:.."Ignore" for node10.html ;..; 17/56:subsubsection:.."Transparent" for node10.html ;...; 18/56:subsubsection:.."Shadow" for node10.html ;..; 19/56:subsubsection:.."Column Width" for node10.html ;..; 20/56:subsection:.."Block Functions" for node11.html ;.; 21/56:subsubsection:.."Copy/Move" for node11.html ;..; 22/56:subsubsection:.."Fill" for node11.html ;..; 23/56:subsubsection:.."Clear" for node11.html ;..; 24/56:subsubsection:.."Insert" for node11.html ;..; 25/56:subsubsection:.."Delete" for node11.html ;..; 26/56:subsubsection:..."Sort" for node11.html ;..,,......,,.....;... 27/56:subsubsection:.."Mirror" for node11.html ;..; 28/56:subsection:.."Saving and Loading" for node12.html ;.; 29/56:subsubsection:.."File names" for node12.html ;...; 30/56:subsubsection:.."File Formats" for node12.html ;.; 31/56:paragraph:.."XDR (.tp)" for node12.html ;..; 32/56:paragraph:.."ASCII (.tpa)" for node12.html ;..;. 33/56:paragraph:.."CSV (.csv)" for node12.html ;...;. 34/56:paragraph:.."SC SpreadsheetCalculator (.sc)" for node12.html ;..; 35/56:paragraph:.."Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1)" for node12.html ;..; 36/56:paragraph:.."Formatted ASCII (.txt)" for node12.html ;..; 37/56:paragraph:.."Troff tbl (.tbl)" for node12.html ;.,.........,......;.... 38/56:paragraph:..."LATEX (.latex)" for node12.html ;....;. 39/56:paragraph:..."ConTEXt (.tex)" for node12.html ;....; 40/56:paragraph:.."HTML (.html)" for node12.html ;...; 41/56:subsection:.."Other Functions" for node13.html ;.; 42/56:subsubsection:.."Goto Location" for node13.html ;...;. 43/56:subsubsection:.."Shell" for node13.html ;..; 44/56:subsubsection:.."Version" for node13.html ;..; 45/56:subsubsection:.."Help" for node13.html ;..; 46/56:section:.."Batch functions" for node14.html ;..,................,.............................;............... 47/56:section:.."Expressions" for node15.html ;...;. 48/56:subsection:.."Data Types" for node16.html ;.,.......;....... 49/56:subsection:.."Operators" for node17.html ;.,..................................................;...................................... 50/56:subsection:.."Functions" for node18.html ;.,........................................................................................................................,,..,.................................................,.....................................................................................................;................................................................................. 51/56:subsection:.."Expression Grammar" for node19.html ;,...........................;.......................................................................................................... 52/56:section:.."Frequently Asked Questions" for node20.html ;.; 53/56:subsection:.."Why is 1.0 unequal 1.0?" for node21.html ;.,...;. 54/56:subsection:.."How do I hide intermediate results?" for node22.html ;..; 55/56:subsection:.."Why is there no conditional evaluation?" for node23.html ;.....,.....;...... 56/56:sectionstar:.."About this document ..." for node24.html ;;. . Doing footnotes ... Writing image file ... This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/TeX Live for SUSE Linux) (preloaded format=latex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./images.tex LaTeX2e <2018-12-01> *** processing 2 images *** Generating postscript images using dvips ... This is dvips(k) 5.999 Copyright 2019 Radical Eye Software ( ' TeX output 2019.07.22:1445' -> /tmp/l2h25483/image (-> /tmp/l2h25483/image001) </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/><./> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/ncntrsbk/uncr8a.pfb>[1] (-> /tmp/l2h25483/image002) </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/><./> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmr8.pfb> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmr10.pfb> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmsy10.pfb> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmmi8.pfb> </usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmmi10.pfb>[2] Converting image #1 Converting image #2 pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose < /tmp/l2h25483/p25507.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose -bot -sides -sides | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose -l -sides -sides > /tmp/l2h25483/p25507.t00" failed: Illegal seek Error while converting image Error: Cannot read 'img2.png': No such file or directory Doing section links ...... Doing table of contents .....................,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,....................... Copying navigation icons ... *** Adding document-specific styles *** *********** WARNINGS *********** No implementation found for style `scrartcl' No implementation found for style `newcent' No implementation found for style `fancyhdr' No implementation found for style `varioref' No implementation found for style `tipa' No implementation found for style `tikz' No implementation found for style `pgffor' Substitution of arg to newlabelxx delayed. ? brace missing for \oldcontentsline Failed to convert image /tmp/l2h25483/ ``` This all seems to have to do with making the html version. The PDF looks fine, and html is generated, and it pretty much looks reasonable, so this is a low priority issue.
glen added the
label 2019-07-23 00:25:50 +00:00
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Reference: glen/teapot-spreadsheet#2
No description provided.