Implement dragging to fill cells #14

opened 2019-07-23 18:24:20 +00:00 by glen · 1 comment

The current scheme of filling cells is somewhat cumbersome. In the GUI version, implement a scheme to allow cells to be filled by dragging perhaps modeled on typical spreadsheets.

The current scheme of filling cells is somewhat cumbersome. In the GUI version, implement a scheme to allow cells to be filled by dragging perhaps modeled on typical spreadsheets.
glen added the
label 2019-07-23 18:24:20 +00:00

Partial progress was made on this by FillWith, which fills the marked region with the contents of the current cell. But it would be good to have the capacity to mark a region, and then indicate a region to fill it into by dragging, and do the fill.

Partial progress was made on this by FillWith, which fills the marked region with the contents of the current cell. But it would be good to have the capacity to mark a region, and then indicate a region to fill it into by dragging, and do the fill.
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Reference: glen/teapot-spreadsheet#14
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