
1200 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef ENABLE_UTF8
#include <ncursesw/curses.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern char *strdup(const char* s);
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define memmove(dst,src,len) bcopy(src,dst,len)
#define realloc(s,l) myrealloc(s,l)
#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"
#include "complete.h"
#include "default.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "sheet.h"
#include "utf8.h"
static Key wgetc(void);
/* redraw -- redraw whole screen */
static void redraw(void)
/* do_attribute -- set cell attributes */
static int do_attribute(Sheet *cursheet)
int c;
Cell *cc = curcell(cursheet);
Style sc = getstyle(cursheet, cursheet->cur);
MarkState ms = getmarkstate(cursheet);
const char* prompt = _("Block attribute");
if (ms == UNMARKED) prompt = _("Cell attribute");
const char *mainmenu[] =
{ _("jJ)ustify"), _("fF)loats"), _("tT)ypeface"),
_("mM)isc"), _("lL)abel"), _("kLock)"), NULL
c = line_menu(prompt, mainmenu, 0);
/* There is a magic number "5" in the next line, presumably it represents
the selection of the lock attribute in the list of items above, in which
lock does indeed appear at index 5
if (ms == UNMARKED && c != 5 && locked(cc))
line_msg(_("Cell attribute:"), _("Cell is locked"));
switch (c)
case -2: case -1: c = KEY_CANCEL; break;
case 0:
const char *justifymenu[] =
{ _("lL)eft"), _("rR)ight"), _("cC)entered"), NULL };
switch (c = line_menu(prompt, justifymenu, sc.adjust))
case -2: case -1: c = K_INVALID; break;
case 0: c = ADJUST_LEFT; break;
case 1: c = ADJUST_RIGHT; break;
case 2: c = ADJUST_CENTER; break;
default: assert(0);
case 1:
const char *floatmenu[] =
{ _("dD)ecimal"), _("sS)cientific"), _("cC)ompact"),
_("hH)exact"), _("pP)recision"), NULL
switch (c = line_menu(prompt, floatmenu, sc.fform))
case -2: case -1: c = K_INVALID; break;
case 0: c = ADJUST_DECIMAL; break;
case 1: c = ADJUST_SCIENTIFIC; break;
case 2: c = ADJUST_COMPACT; break;
case 3: c = ADJUST_HEXACT; break;
case 4: c = ADJUST_PRECISION; break;
default: assert(0);
case 2:
const char *typemenu[] =
{ _("bB)old"), _("dD)im"), _("uU)nderline"),
_("fF)oreground"), _("kBack)ground"), NULL };
switch (c = line_menu(prompt, typemenu, 0))
case -2: case -1: c = K_INVALID; break;
case 0: c = ADJUST_BOLD; break;
case 1: c = ADJUST_DIM; break;
case 2: c = ADJUST_UNDERLINE; break;
case 3: c = ADJUST_FOREGROUND; break;
case 4: c = ADJUST_BACKGROUND; break;
default: assert(0);
case 3:
const char *miscmenu[] =
{ _("sS)hadow"), _("iI)gnore"),
_("oO)utput special characters"), NULL
switch (c = line_menu(prompt, miscmenu, 0))
case -2: case -1: c = K_INVALID; break;
case 0: c = ADJUST_SHADOW; break;
case 1: c = ADJUST_IGNORE; break;
case 2: c = ADJUST_TRANSPARENT; break;
default: assert(0);
case 4: c = ADJUST_LABEL; break;
case 5: c = ADJUST_LOCK; break;
default: assert(0);
} while (c == K_INVALID);
if (c == KEY_CANCEL) c = K_INVALID;
return c;
/* do_file -- file menu */
static int do_file(Sheet *cursheet)
int c = 0;
do {
const char *menu[] = { _("lL)oad"), _("sS)ave"), _("nN)ame"), NULL };
switch (c = line_menu(_("File:"), menu, 0)) {
case -2:
case -1: c = KEY_CANCEL; break;
case 0: c = K_LOADMENU; break;
case 1: c = K_SAVEMENU; break;
case 2: c = K_NAME; break;
default: assert(0);
} while (c == K_INVALID);
if (c == KEY_CANCEL) c = K_INVALID;
return c;
/* do_shell -- spawn a shell */
static int do_shell(void)
pid_t pid;
struct sigaction interrupt;
interrupt.sa_flags = 0;
interrupt.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigaction(SIGINT, &interrupt, (struct sigaction *)0);
sigaction(SIGQUIT, &interrupt, (struct sigaction *)0);
switch (pid=fork())
/* -1 */
case -1: line_msg(_("Spawn sub shell"),strerror(errno)); break;
/* 0 */
case 0:
const char *shell;
if ((shell=getenv("SHELL"))==(const char*)0)
struct passwd *pwd;
if ((pwd=getpwuid(getuid()))==(struct passwd*)0)
line_msg((const char*)0,_("Sub shell started"));
sigaction(SIGINT,&interrupt,(struct sigaction *)0);
sigaction(SIGQUIT,&interrupt,(struct sigaction *)0);
execl(shell,shell,(const char*)0);
/* default */
pid_t r;
int status;
while ((r=wait(&status))!=-1 && r!=pid);
sigaction(SIGINT,&interrupt,(struct sigaction *)0);
sigaction(SIGQUIT,&interrupt,(struct sigaction *)0);
return -1;
/* do_block -- block menu */
static int do_block(Sheet *cursheet)
int c = 0;
const char* block[] =
{ _("ecle)ar"), _("iI)nsert"), _("dD)elete"), _("mM)ove"),
_("cC)opy"), _("fF)ill"), _("sS)ort"), _("rMir)ror"), NULL
switch (c = line_menu(_("Block menu:"), block, 0))
case -2:
case -1: c = KEY_CANCEL; break;
case 0: c = BLOCK_CLEAR; break;
case 1: c = BLOCK_INSERT; break;
case 2: c = BLOCK_DELETE; break;
case 3: c = BLOCK_MOVE; break;
case 4: c = BLOCK_COPY; break;
case 5: c = BLOCK_FILL; break;
case 6: c = BLOCK_SORT; break;
case 7: c = BLOCK_MIRROR; break;
} while (c == K_INVALID);
if (c == KEY_CANCEL) c = K_INVALID;
return c;
Key show_menu(Sheet *cursheet)
int c = K_INVALID;
const char* menu[] =
{ _("aA)ttributes"), _("wW)idth"), _("hH)eight"), _("bB)lock"),
_("fF)ile"), _("gG)oto"), _("sS)hell"), _("vV)ersion"),
_("qQ)uit"), NULL
switch (c=line_menu(_("Main menu:"),menu,0))
case -2:
case -1: c = KEY_CANCEL; break;
case 0: c = do_attribute(cursheet); break;
case 1: c = K_COLWIDTH; break;
case 2: c = K_ROWHEIGHT; break;
case 3: c = do_block(cursheet); break;
case 4: c = do_file(cursheet); break;
case 5: c = K_GOTO; break;
case 6: do_shell(); c = KEY_CANCEL; break;
case 7: c = K_ABOUT; break;
case 8: c = K_QUIT; break;
default: assert(0);
} while (c == K_INVALID);
if (c == KEY_CANCEL) c = K_INVALID;
return c;
/* do_bg -- background teapot */
static void do_bg(void)
struct termios t;
if (tcgetattr(0,&t)==0 && t.c_cc[VSUSP]!=_POSIX_VDISABLE)
line_msg((const char*)0,_("Teapot stopped"));
else line_msg((const char*)0,_("The susp character is undefined"));
void display_main(Sheet *cursheet)
cursheet->maxx = (size_t)COLS;
cursheet->maxy = (size_t)(LINES-1);
Key k;
k = wgetc();
wmove(stdscr, LINES-1, 0);
switch ((int)k)
case '\032': do_bg(); k = K_INVALID; break;
case '\014': redraw(); k = K_INVALID; break;
case KEY_F(0):
case KEY_F(10): k = show_menu(cursheet); break;
} while (k == K_INVALID || !do_sheetcmd(cursheet, k, 0)
|| !doanyway(cursheet,_("Sheet modified, leave anyway?")));
#define CHANNEL_MAX 1000
typedef short CursesColor[3];
void display_init(Sheet *cursheet, bool imp_redraw)
assume_default_colors(COLOR_BLACK, DefaultCN[BACKGROUND]);
if (debug_level > 1)
printf("Terminal has colors: %d, #colors:%d, #pairs:%d",
has_colors(), COLORS, COLOR_PAIRS);
if (imp_redraw) typeahead(-1);
/* allocate and initialize the palette */
assert(COLORS > 0);
if ((size_t)COLORS < cursheet->max_colors) cursheet->max_colors = (size_t)COLORS;
cursheet->palette = (void *)malloc(cursheet->max_colors*sizeof(CursesColor));
memset(cursheet->palette, '\0', cursheet->max_colors*sizeof(CursesColor));
CursesColor *palt = (CursesColor *)(cursheet->palette);
for (ColorNum i = 0; i <= DefaultCN[BACKGROUND]; ++i)
(void)color_content(i, &(palt[i][0]), &(palt[i][1]), &(palt[i][2]));
void display_end(Sheet* sheet)
void redraw_cell(Sheet *sheet, const Location at )
static RowHgtT eff_height(Sheet *sheet, CoordT y) {
RowHgtT eff = rowheight(sheet, y, sheet->cur[Z]) / ROWHEIGHT_DENOMINATOR;
if (eff == 0) return 1;
return eff;
/* redraw_sheet -- draw a sheet with cell cursor */
void redraw_sheet(Sheet *sheet)
char pbuf[80];
char *buf=malloc(128);
size_t bufsz=128;
const char *label;
Location tmp;
Cell *cell;
MarkState ms;
char *err;
char moveonly;
assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0);
assert(sheet->offx >= 0);
assert(sheet->offy >= 0);
/* correct offsets to keep cursor visible */
while (shadowed(sheet, sheet->cur))
assert(sheet->cur[X] >= 0);
/* Calculate the nearest Y offset that will show the current row */
if (sheet->cur[Y] < sheet->offy) sheet->offy = sheet->cur[Y];
else {
size_t available = sheet->maxy - 2 - (header ? 1 : 0);
CoordT newoffy = sheet->cur[Y];
size_t needed = eff_height(sheet, newoffy);
while (needed < available && newoffy > 0) {
RowHgtT prevhgt = eff_height(sheet, newoffy - 1);
if (needed + prevhgt > available) break;
needed += prevhgt;
if (newoffy > sheet->offy) sheet->offy = newoffy;
/* Calculate the nearest X offset that will show the current column */
if (sheet->cur[X] < sheet->offx) sheet->offx = sheet->cur[X];
else {
size_t width = header ? 4 : 0;
bool again;
size_t col;
again = false;
col = 0;
for (CoordT x = sheet->offx;
width <= (size_t)(sheet->maxx);
width += columnwidth(sheet, x, sheet->cur[Z]), ++x, ++col);
sheet->width = col;
if (sheet->cur[X] != sheet->offx)
if (col==0) { ++sheet->offx; again = true; }
else if ((size_t)(sheet->cur[X] - sheet->offx) >= col) {
sheet->offx++; again = true;
} while (again);
short curcp = 1;
init_pair(curcp, DefaultCN[FOREGROUND], COLOR_YELLOW);
if (header) {
/* draw x numbers */
for (size_t width=4; width < (size_t)(sheet->maxx); ++width)
mvwaddch(stdscr, (int)(sheet->oriy), (int)(sheet->orix + width),
(chtype)(unsigned char)' ');
ColWidT width = 4;
for (CoordT x = sheet->offx; width < sheet->maxx; ++x)
short usecp = 0;
if (x == sheet->cur[X]) usecp = curcp;
ColWidT col = columnwidth(sheet, x, sheet->cur[Z]);
if (bufsz<(size_t)(col*UTF8SZ+1)) buf=realloc(buf,bufsz=(size_t)(col*UTF8SZ+1));
if (mbslen(buf)>col) {
assert((size_t)sheet->maxx >= width);
if ((size_t)(sheet->maxx)-width < col)
buf[(size_t)(sheet->maxx)-width] = '\0';
wcolor_set(stdscr, usecp, NULL);
mvwaddstr(stdscr, (int)(sheet->oriy), (int)(sheet->orix+width), buf);
ColWidT used = strlen(buf);
while (used++ < col) waddch(stdscr, (chtype)(unsigned char)' ');
wcolor_set(stdscr, 0, NULL);
width += col;
/* draw y numbers */
RowHgtT height = 1;
for (CoordT y = sheet->offy; height + 1 < sheet->maxy; ++y) {
short usecp = 0;
if (y == sheet->cur[Y]) usecp = curcp;
wcolor_set(stdscr, usecp, NULL);
(void)mvwprintw(stdscr, (int)(height+sheet->oriy), (int)sheet->orix,
"%-4d", y);
RowHgtT rows = eff_height(sheet, y);
for (RowHgtT extra = 1; extra < rows; ++extra) {
mvwaddstr(stdscr, (int)(height+extra+sheet->oriy), (int)sheet->orix,
" ");
wcolor_set(stdscr, 0, NULL);
height += eff_height(sheet, y);
/* draw z number */
(void)mvwprintw(stdscr, (CoordT)(sheet->oriy), (CoordT)(sheet->orix),
"%3d", sheet->cur[Z]);
/* draw elements */
RowHgtT height = header ? 1 : 0;
for (CoordT y = sheet->offy; height + 1 < sheet->maxy; ++y) {
RowHgtT rows = eff_height(sheet, y);
ColWidT width = header ? 4 : 0;
for (CoordT x = sheet->offx;
width < sheet->maxx;
width += columnwidth(sheet, x, sheet->cur[Z]), ++x)
size_t size,realsize,fill, cutoff = 0;
int realx = x;
if (x == sheet->offx) {
Location fil;
fil[X] = realx;
fil[Y] = y - (header ? 1 : 0) + sheet->offy;
fil[Z] = sheet->cur[Z];
while (shadowed(sheet, fil)) {
--realx; fil[X] = realx;
cutoff += columnwidth(sheet, realx, sheet->cur[Z]);
tmp[X] = realx; tmp[Y] = y;
tmp[Z] = sheet->cur[Z];
cell = safe_cell_at(sheet, tmp);
Style sc = getstyle(sheet, tmp);
if ((size = cellwidth(sheet, tmp)))
if (bufsz < (size*UTF8SZ+1))
buf = realloc(buf, bufsz=(size*UTF8SZ+1));
size_t esize = size; char* ebuf = buf;
if (sc.italic) { esize -= 2; *buf = '*'; ebuf += 1; }
size_t spot = printvalue(ebuf, (esize*UTF8SZ + 1), esize, quote,
sc.fform, sc.precision, sheet, tmp);
if (sc.italic) { ebuf[spot++] = '*'; ebuf[spot] = '\0'; }
adjust(sc.adjust, buf, size);
assert(size >= cutoff);
if (width + size - cutoff >= (size_t)(sheet->maxx))
*(buf + cutoff + (size_t)sheet->maxx - width) = '\0';
realsize = (size_t)(sheet->maxx) - width + cutoff;
else realsize = size;
ms = getmarkstate(sheet);
short usecp = 0;
ColorNum fg = sc.aspect[FOREGROUND];
if (fg == NO_COLOR_SET) fg = DefaultCN[FOREGROUND];
ColorNum bg = sc.aspect[BACKGROUND];
if (bg == NO_COLOR_SET) bg = DefaultCN[BACKGROUND];
while (usecp < curcp) {
short pfg, pbg;
pair_content(usecp, &pfg, &pbg);
if (fg == pfg && bg == pbg) break;
if (usecp == curcp) init_pair(curcp++, fg, bg);
wcolor_set(stdscr, usecp, NULL);
bool invert =
(ms != UNMARKED) && loc_in_box(tmp, sheet->mark1, sheet->mark2);
if (x == sheet->cur[X] && y == sheet->cur[Y])
invert = (ms == MARKING) ? true : !invert;
if (invert) (void)wattron(stdscr,DEF_CELLCURSOR);
if (sc.dim) wattron(stdscr, A_DIM);
if (sc.bold) wattron(stdscr, A_BOLD);
if (sc.underline) wattron(stdscr, A_UNDERLINE);
(void)mvwaddstr(stdscr, (int)(height + sheet->oriy),
(int)(width + sheet->orix),
for (fill=mbslen(buf+cutoff); fill<realsize; ++fill)
(void)waddch(stdscr,(chtype)(unsigned char)' ');
for (RowHgtT extra = 1; extra < rows; ++extra) {
(int)(height + extra + sheet->oriy),
(int)(width + sheet->orix),
" ");
for (fill = 1; fill < realsize; ++fill)
(void)waddch(stdscr, (chtype)(unsigned char)' ');
wcolor_set(stdscr, 0, NULL);
height += rows;
/* draw contents of current element */
if (bufsz < (size_t)(sheet->maxx)*UTF8SZ + 1)
buf = realloc(buf, bufsz = (size_t)(sheet->maxx)*UTF8SZ + 1);
label = getlabel(curcell(sheet));
assert(label != (const char*)0);
moveonly = sheet->moveonly ? *_("V") : *_("E");
if (*label=='\0')
sprintf(pbuf, "%c @(%d,%d,%d)=", moveonly,
sheet->cur[X], sheet->cur[Y], sheet->cur[Z]);
else sprintf(pbuf, "%c @(%s)=", moveonly, label);
buf[bufsz-1] = 0;
if ((err=geterror(sheet,sheet->cur)) != (const char*)0)
(void)strncpy(buf, err, bufsz);
cell = curcell(sheet);
Streamline internals of teapot The primary change is to add a “funcall” token, so that an entire expression can be encapsulated as a single token. This change is used to allow a cell to include simply a selection of appropriate semantic tokens. I.e., the content and iterative content are now each a single token like the value and the result value. Token vectors are used only as intermediate results in scanning and parsing. Not this means the cells are now in effect storing parse trees, so computation should be slightly faster and future extensions (like #56) should be facilitated. This commit also takes the opportunity while internals are being altered to add another token to a cell for future use for computed attributes, cf #22, and to change the internal numerical values from double and ints to long doubles and long longs. However, the change attempts to encapsulate that choice so it would be easy to change back or change to another representation. Note that these changes break savexdr(), as the internal binary format of a cell is now different. Rather than reimplement it, it is deprecated as the world does not need another binary spreadsheet format. Hence, the ascii format for teapot spreadsheets becomes the primary file format. Loading of old xdr files is still supported for backward compatibility. Closes #59. Also along the way, various other slight fixes and enhancements crept in, a partial but probably not exhaustive list of which follows: Fixes #31. Further revisions and improvements to documentation. Make the approximate comparison of floating point values scale more accurately with the size of the doubles being compared. Further extensions of absolute and relative cell addressing. Addition of (circle constant) tau function/constant. Modified string conversion to simply use internal printing routines, and to take "scientific" and "decimal" keywords. Allowed n() function to take a list of values, or just a single location defaulting to the current location. Added floor, ceil, trunc, and round functions, and allowed them to be keywords controlling the int() integer conversion function as well. Allowed substr() to drop its last argument to go to the end of the string. Provided an enum of built-in functions to preserve legacy function identifiers, allowing the large table inside func.c to be reorganized in a clearer fashion. Added additional annotation of properties of the built-in functions, including precedence. All operators are now also accessible as built-in functions. Made precedence of unary - lower than ^ to match python. Avoided inadvertently using FLTK @symbol abbreviations for formulas with "@" in them.
2019-08-23 19:12:06 +00:00
Token bc = gettok(cell, BASE_CONT);
printtok(buf+strlen(buf), bufsz-strlen(buf), 0, QUOTE_STRING,
Streamline internals of teapot The primary change is to add a “funcall” token, so that an entire expression can be encapsulated as a single token. This change is used to allow a cell to include simply a selection of appropriate semantic tokens. I.e., the content and iterative content are now each a single token like the value and the result value. Token vectors are used only as intermediate results in scanning and parsing. Not this means the cells are now in effect storing parse trees, so computation should be slightly faster and future extensions (like #56) should be facilitated. This commit also takes the opportunity while internals are being altered to add another token to a cell for future use for computed attributes, cf #22, and to change the internal numerical values from double and ints to long doubles and long longs. However, the change attempts to encapsulate that choice so it would be easy to change back or change to another representation. Note that these changes break savexdr(), as the internal binary format of a cell is now different. Rather than reimplement it, it is deprecated as the world does not need another binary spreadsheet format. Hence, the ascii format for teapot spreadsheets becomes the primary file format. Loading of old xdr files is still supported for backward compatibility. Closes #59. Also along the way, various other slight fixes and enhancements crept in, a partial but probably not exhaustive list of which follows: Fixes #31. Further revisions and improvements to documentation. Make the approximate comparison of floating point values scale more accurately with the size of the doubles being compared. Further extensions of absolute and relative cell addressing. Addition of (circle constant) tau function/constant. Modified string conversion to simply use internal printing routines, and to take "scientific" and "decimal" keywords. Allowed n() function to take a list of values, or just a single location defaulting to the current location. Added floor, ceil, trunc, and round functions, and allowed them to be keywords controlling the int() integer conversion function as well. Allowed substr() to drop its last argument to go to the end of the string. Provided an enum of built-in functions to preserve legacy function identifiers, allowing the large table inside func.c to be reorganized in a clearer fashion. Added additional annotation of properties of the built-in functions, including precedence. All operators are now also accessible as built-in functions. Made precedence of unary - lower than ^ to match python. Avoided inadvertently using FLTK @symbol abbreviations for formulas with "@" in them.
2019-08-23 19:12:06 +00:00
Token ic = gettok(cell, ITER_CONT);
if (ic.type != EMPTY && mbslen(buf) < (size_t)(sheet->maxx + 1 - 4))
strcat(buf," -> ");
printtok(buf+strlen(buf), bufsz-strlen(buf), 0, QUOTE_STRING,
*mbspos(buf, (int)sheet->maxx) = 0;
(void)mvwaddstr(stdscr, (int)(sheet->oriy + sheet->maxy) - 1,
(int)(sheet->orix), buf);
for (size_t col = mbslen(buf); col < sheet->maxx; ++col)
(void)waddch(stdscr, ' ');
/* line_file -- line editor function for file name entry */
const char *line_file(const char *file, const char *pattern, const char *title, int create)
static char buf[PATH_MAX] = "";
int rc;
size_t dummy1 = 0, dummy2 = 0;
if (file) strncpy(buf, file, sizeof(buf));
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;
rc = line_edit((Sheet*)0, buf, sizeof(buf), title, &dummy1, &dummy2);
if (rc < 0) return NULL;
return buf;
/* line_edit -- line editor function */
int line_edit(Sheet *sheet, char *buf, size_t size, const char *prompt,
size_t *x, size_t *offx)
char *src, *dest;
assert(buf != NULL);
assert(prompt != NULL);
assert(x != (size_t*)0);
assert(offx != (size_t*)0);
bool insert = true;
int mx = COLS;
CoordT promptlen = (CoordT)(mbslen(prompt)+1);
(void)mvwaddstr(stdscr,LINES-1,0,prompt); (void)waddch(stdscr,(chtype)(unsigned char)' ');
int c;
do {
/* correct offx so cursor stays visible */
if (*x < *offx) *offx = *x;
if ((CoordT)(*x - *offx) > (mx-promptlen-1))
*offx = *x - (size_t)mx + (size_t)promptlen + 1;
/* display buffer */
(void)wmove(stdscr, LINES-1, promptlen);
src = mbspos(buf, (int)(*offx));
dest = mbspos(buf, (int)(*offx) + COLS - promptlen);
int i = 0;
for (; *src && src < dest; ++i, ++src)
(void)waddch(stdscr, (chtype)(unsigned char)(*src));
if (i != mx) (void)wclrtoeol(stdscr);
/* show cursor */
(void)wmove(stdscr, LINES-1, (CoordT)(*x-*offx) + promptlen);
src = dest = mbspos(buf, (int)(*x));
c = wgetc();
if (sheet != (Sheet*)0 && sheet->moveonly) switch (c) {
/* ^o -- switch back to line editor */
case '\t':
case '\017': sheet->moveonly=0; break;
/* v -- insert value of current cell */
case 'v': {
char valbuf[1024];
printvalue(valbuf, sizeof(valbuf), 0, QUOTE_STRING,
FLT_COMPACT, 0, sheet, sheet->cur);
if (strlen(buf)+strlen(valbuf) >= (size-1)) break;
(void)memmove(src+strlen(valbuf), src, strlen(src));
(void)memcpy(src, valbuf, strlen(valbuf));
(*x) += mbslen(valbuf);
/* p -- insert position of current cell */
case 'p': {
char valbuf[1024];
sprintf(valbuf, "(%d,%d,%d)",
sheet->cur[X], sheet->cur[Y], sheet->cur[Z]);
if (strlen(buf)+strlen(valbuf) >= (size-1)) break;
(void)memmove(src+strlen(valbuf), src, strlen(src));
(void)memcpy(src, valbuf, strlen(valbuf));
(*x) += mbslen(valbuf);
/* default -- move around in sheet */
} else switch (c) {
/* UP */
case K_UP: break;
/* LEFT */
case K_LEFT: if (*x > 0) (*x)--; break;
/* RIGHT */
case K_RIGHT: if (*x < mbslen(buf)) (*x)++; break;
if (*x > 0) {
memmove(mbspos(src, -1), src, strlen(src)+1);
/* C-i -- file name completion */
case '\t':
completefile(buf, src, size);
/* DC */
case K_DC:
src = mbspos(dest, 1);
if (*x < strlen(buf)) memmove(dest, src, strlen(src)+1);
/* HOME */
case K_HOME:
*x = 0;
/* END */
case K_END:
*x = mbslen(buf);
/* IC */
case KEY_IC:
insert = !insert;
/* EIC */
case KEY_EIC:
insert = false;
/* control t */
case '\024':
if (*x > 0) {
dest = mbspos(src, -1);
if (*x == mbslen(buf)) {
src = dest;
dest = mbspos(src, -1);
char *end = mbspos(src, 1);
while (src != end) {
char k = *src;
memmove(dest+1, dest, (size_t)(src-dest));
*dest = k;
/* control backslash */
case '\034': {
int level;
char open = 0, close = 0, dir = 1;
switch (*dest) {
case ')': dir = -1; /* FALL THROUGH */
case '(': open = '('; close = ')'; break;
case '}': dir = -1; /* FALL THROUGH */
case '{': open = '{'; close = '}'; break;
case ']': dir = -1; /* FALL THROUGH */
case '[': open = '['; close = ']'; break;
default: break;
level = dir;
while (*dest && level) {
dest += dir;
if (*dest == open) level--;
else if (*dest == close) level++;
if (!level) *x = mbslen(buf)-mbslen(dest);
/* DL */
case KEY_DL:
*src = '\0';
/* control o */
case '\017':
if (sheet!=(Sheet*)0) sheet->moveonly=1;
/* default */
default: {
if (((unsigned int)c) < ' ' || ((unsigned int)c) >= 256) break;
bool iscont = is_mbcont((unsigned char)c);
if (strlen(buf) >= (size-1)) {
if (iscont) {
dest = mbspos(src, -1);
memmove(dest, src, strlen(src)+1);
if (insert || iscont) memmove(src+1, src, strlen(src)+1);
else {
if (is_mbchar((unsigned char)(*src)))
memmove(src+1, mbspos(src, 1), strlen(mbspos(src, 1))+1);
if (!*src) *(src+1) = '\0';
*src = (char)c;
if (!iscont) (*x)++;
} while (c != K_ENTER && c != KEY_CANCEL
&& (c != K_UP || (sheet!=(Sheet*)0 && sheet->moveonly)));
if (sheet) sheet->moveonly = false;
(void)wmove(stdscr, LINES-1, 0);
switch (c) {
case KEY_CANCEL: return -1;
case K_UP: return -2;
default: return 0;
/* line_ok -- one line yes/no menu */
int line_ok(const char *prompt, int curx)
assert(curx == 0 || curx == 1);
const char* menu[] = { _("nN)o"), _("yY)es"), NULL };
return line_menu(prompt, menu, curx);
/* line_binary -- two choices with cancel */
int line_binary(const char *prompt, const char* op1, const char* op2, int curx)
assert(curx == 0 || curx == 1);
const char* menu[] = { _("cC)ancel"), op1, op2, NULL };
return line_menu(prompt, menu, curx+1) - 1;
/* line_menu -- one line menu */
/* Notes */
The choices are terminated by the last element having a (const char*)str
field. Each item can be chosen by tolower(*str) or by the key stored in
the c field. Use a space as first character of str, if you only want the
function key to work.
int line_menu(const char *prompt, const char **choice, int curx)
assert(prompt != NULL);
assert(choice != (const char **)0);
assert(curx >= 0);
size_t promptlen = mbslen(prompt);
int maxx = 0;
while (choice[maxx] != NULL) ++maxx;
int offx = 0;
int c;
int x;
(void)wmove(stdscr, LINES-1, (int)promptlen);
/* correct offset so choice is visible */
if (curx <= offx) offx = curx;
else do
size_t width = promptlen;
x = offx;
while (x < maxx && width + mbslen(choice[x]+1) + 1 <= (size_t)COLS)
width += mbslen(choice[x]+1) + 1;
if (x < curx) ++offx;
} while (x < curx);
/* show visible choices */
size_t width = promptlen;
for (x = offx; x < maxx && width + mbslen(choice[x]+1) + 1 <= (size_t)COLS;
width += mbslen(choice[x]+1) + 1, ++x)
(void)waddch(stdscr, (chtype)(unsigned char)' ');
if (x == curx) (void)wattron(stdscr, DEF_MENU);
(void)waddstr(stdscr, (char*)(choice[x]+1));
if (x == curx) (void)wattroff(stdscr,DEF_MENU);
if (width < (size_t)COLS) (void)wclrtoeol(stdscr);
switch (c = wgetc())
/* KEY_LEFT -- move to previous item */
case K_LEFT: if (curx > 0) --curx; else curx = maxx-1; break;
/* Space, Tab, KEY_RIGHT -- move to next item */
case ' ':
case '\t':
case K_RIGHT: if (curx < (maxx-1)) ++curx; else curx = 0; break;
/* default -- search choice keys */
for (int i = 0; i < maxx; ++i)
if (c < 256 && tolower(c) == choice[i][0])
c = K_ENTER;
curx = i;
while (c != K_ENTER && c != K_DOWN && c != KEY_CANCEL && c != K_UP);
(void)wmove(stdscr, LINES-1, 0);
switch (c)
case KEY_CANCEL: return -1;
case K_UP: return -2;
default: return curx;
/* line_msg -- one line message which will be cleared by someone else */
void line_msg(const char *prompt, const char *msg)
int width;
assert(msg!=(const char*)0);
if (!*msg) msg = _("Use F0, F10 or / for menu");
if (!batch)
mvwaddch(stdscr,LINES-1,0,(chtype)(unsigned char)'[');
if (prompt!=(const char*)0)
for (; width<COLS && *prompt!='\0'; ++width,++prompt) (void)waddch(stdscr,(chtype)(unsigned char)(*prompt));
if (width<COLS) { (void)waddch(stdscr,(chtype)(unsigned char)' '); ++width; }
for (; width<COLS && *msg!='\0'; ++width,++msg) (void)waddch(stdscr,(chtype)(unsigned char)(*msg));
if (width<COLS) (void)waddch(stdscr,(chtype)(unsigned char)']');
if (width+1<COLS) (void)wclrtoeol(stdscr);
if (prompt) fprintf(stderr,_("line %u: %s %s\n"),batchln,prompt,msg);
else fprintf(stderr,_("line %u: %s\n"),batchln,msg);
void show_text(const char *text)
int i;
char *end, *stripped;
stripped = striphtml(text);
text = stripped-1;
while (text) {
for (i = 0; i < LINES-2 && text; i++) {
end = strchr(++text, '\n');
if (*text == '\f') break;
if (end) *end = 0;
(void)move(i, (COLS - (CoordT)mbslen(text))/2);
text = end;
(void)move(i+1, (COLS-29)/2); (void)addstr(_("[ Press any key to continue ]"));
/* keypressed -- get keypress, if there is one */
bool keypressed(void)
(void)nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
bool result = (getch() != ERR);
nodelay(stdscr, FALSE);
return result;
/* wgetc */
static Key wgetc(void)
int c;
switch (c=wgetch(stdscr))
/* LEFT */
case KEY_LEFT:
case '\02': return K_LEFT;
/* RIGHT */
case '\06': return K_RIGHT;
/* UP */
case KEY_UP:
case '\020': return K_UP;
/* DOWN */
case KEY_DOWN:
case '\016': return K_DOWN;
case '\010': return K_BACKSPACE;
/* DC */
case KEY_DC:
case '\04':
case '\177': return K_DC;
/* CANCEL */
case '\03':
case '\07': return KEY_CANCEL;
/* ENTER */
case '\r':
case '\n': return K_ENTER;
/* HOME */
case KEY_HOME:
case '\01': return K_HOME;
/* END */
case KEY_END:
case '\05': return K_END;
/* DL */
case '\013': return KEY_DL;
/* NPAGE */
case '\026': return K_NPAGE;
/* PPAGE */
case KEY_PPAGE: return K_PPAGE;
/* Control Y, copy */
case '\031': return K_COPY;
/* Control R, recalculate sheet */
case '\022': return K_RECALC;
/* Control S, clock sheet */
case '\023': return K_CLOCK;
/* Control X, get one more key */
case '\030':
switch (wgetch(stdscr))
/* C-x < -- BPAGE */
case '<': return K_BPAGE;
/* C-x > -- FPAGE */
case '>': return K_FPAGE;
/* C-x C-c -- QUIT */
case '\03': return K_QUIT;
/* C-x C-s -- SAVE */
case '\023': return K_SAVE;
/* C-x C-r -- LOAD */
case '\022': return K_LOAD;
/* default -- INVALID, general invalid value */
default: return K_INVALID;
/* ESC, get one more key */
case '\033':
switch (wgetch(stdscr))
/* M-v -- PPAGE */
case 'v': return K_PPAGE;
/* M-Enter -- MENTER */
case '\r':
case '\n': return K_MENTER;
/* M-s -- edit style expression */
case 's': return K_EDIT_STYLE_EXPR;
/* M-z -- SAVEQUIT */
case 'z': return K_SAVEQUIT;
/* default -- INVALID, general invalid value */
default: return K_INVALID;
/* _("Load sheet file format:") */
case KEY_F(2): return K_LOADMENU;
/* _("Save sheet file format:") */
case KEY_F(3): return K_SAVEMENU;
/* default */
default: return c;
void find_helpfile(char *buf, size_t size, const char *argv0)
strncpy(buf, HELPFILE, size);
buf[size-1] = 0;