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2019-09-14 13:45:33 +00:00
/**! ColResize 2.6.0
* ©2017 Steven Masala
* @summary ColResize
* @description Provide the ability to resize the columns in a DataTable
* @version 2.6.0
* @file dataTables.colResize.js
* @author Steven Masala <>
* @copyright Copyright 2017 Steven Masala
* This source file is free software, available under the following license:
* MIT license -
* This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license files for details.
* For details please refer to:
(function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// amd
define( ["jquery", ""], function($) {
return factory($, window, document);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
// CommonJs
module.exports = function( root, $ ) {
if ( !root ) {
root = window;
if ( !$ || !$.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require( "" )( root, $ ).$;
return factory( $, root, root.document );
} else {
factory(jQuery, window, document);
} (function( $, window, document ) {
"use strict";
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
// Sanity check that we are using DataTables 1.10 or newer
if ( ! DataTable.versionCheck || ! DataTable.versionCheck( '1.10.15' ) ) {
throw 'DataTables ColResize requires DataTables 1.10.15 or newer';
var ColResize = function( dt, userOptions) {
var dtInstance = new DataTable.Api( dt ),
settings = dtInstance.settings()[0];
if (settings.colResize) {
// already exists on this instance
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this._defaults, userOptions);
settings.colResize = this;
$.extend( ColResize.prototype, {
* Extension version number
* @static
* @property version
* @type {string} semVer
version: "2.6.0",
* Default options for extension
* @property _defaults
* @type {object}
* @private
_defaults: {
* Determines the minimum width size a column is allowed to be
* @property minColumnWidth
* @public
* @type {integer}
* @default 20
minColumnWidth: 20,
* Height of the table body
* @property scrollY
* @public
* @type {integer|string|false}
* @default false
scrollY: false,
* Resizes the table instead of shrinking the next column
* when a specific column is resized
* @property resizeTable
* @public
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
resizeTable: false
* Created during extension init
* {} <= defaults <= userOptions
* @property options
* @type {object}
* @public
* @default {null}
options: null,
* Wrapper which is created around the <table>
* @property _wrapper
* @private
* @type {jQuery}
* @default null
_wrapper: null,
* Current jquery table element
* @property _table
* @type {jQuery}
* @private
* @default {null}
_table: null,
* Current jquery table body element
* @property _tableBody
* @type {jQuery}
* @private
* @default {null}
_tableBody: null,
* Current jquery "th" elements
* @property _tableHeaders
* @type {jQuery}
* @private
* @default null
_tableHeaders: null,
* Datatables instance
* @property _dtInstance
* @type {DataTables.Api}
* @private
* @default {null}
_dtInstance: null,
* Is column currently being dragged?
* internal flag
* @property _isDragging
* @type {boolean}
* @private
* @default {false}
_isDragging: false,
* Element cache variable.
* @property _container
* @type {jQuery}
* @private
* @default null
_container: null,
* Scroller Wrapper div used to show y scroll bar
* @property _scrollWrapper
* @type {jQuery}
* @private
* @default null
_scrollWrapper: null,
* Mimics the tbody height
* @property _scrollContent
* @type {jQuery}
* @private
* @default null
_scrollContent: null,
* Array of all generated draggable columns.
* @property _columns
* @type {jQuery[]}
* @private
* @default null
_columns: null,
* Array of index numbers of the columns which have been updated
* this is an internal cache which is used to only update the widths
* of the <td> element in columns that were changed by the user,
* for example on page change.
* @property _updatedColumns
* @type {interger[]}
* @private
* @default []
_updatedColumns: [],
* Events cache object to store registered events and listeners
* @example
* {
* "click": [ [$el1, callbackFunction], [$el2, callbackFunction2] ]
* }
* @private
* @property _events
* @type {object}
* @default
_events: {},
* Interval value used to check if the table height has changed.
* @property _tableHeight
* @type {integer}
* @private
* @default 0
_tableHeight: 0,
* css class for container which the table is wrapped in.
* @private
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-table-wrapper"
CLASS_TABLE_WRAPPER: "dt-colresizable-table-wrapper",
* css class for draggable container
* @private
* @property CLASS_WRAPPER
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable"
CLASS_WRAPPER: "dt-colresizable",
* css class for draggable column
* @private
* @property CLASS_COLUMN
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-col"
CLASS_COLUMN: "dt-colresizable-col",
* css class for css conditional scroller identifier
* @private
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-with-scroller"
CLASS_SCROLLER_HASWRAPPER: "dt-colresizable-with-scroller",
* css class for scroller wrapper div
* @private
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-scroller-wrapper"
CLASS_SCROLLER_WRAPPER: "dt-colresizable-scroller-wrapper",
* css class for scroller content mimic div
* @private
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-scroller-content-wrapper"
CLASS_SCROLLER_CONTENT_WRAPPER: "dt-colresizable-scroller-content-wrapper",
* data tag name to save the column width <th>
* saved on the draggable col <div>
* @private
* @property DATA_TAG_WIDTH
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-width"
DATA_TAG_WIDTH: "dt-colresizable-width",
* data tag name to save the column item <th>
* saved on the draggable col <div>
* @private
* @property DATA_TAG_ITEM
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-colresizable-item"
DATA_TAG_ITEM: "dt-colresizable-item",
* data tag name to save the previous draggable column
* element
* @private
* @property DATA_TAG_PREV_COL
* @type {string}
* @private
* @default "dt-prev-col-item"
DATA_TAG_PREV_COL: "dt-prev-col-item",
* @method init
* @param {object} dtInstance
init: function(dtInstance) {
var that = this;
that._dtInstance = dtInstance;
that._table = $(that._dtInstance.table().node());
that._tableBody = that._table.find("tbody");
that._tableHeaders = that._table.find("thead > tr:first-child > th");
that._addEvent(that._table, "stateSaveParams.dt", function(_event, _settings, data) {
that._addEvent(that._table, "destroy.dt", function() {
}, true);
* Builds the draggable components together and places
* them in the DOM (above the actual table)
* @method buildDom
* @returns null
buildDom: function() {
var that = this,
redraw = !!(that._wrapper),
// wrap the table so that the overflow can be controlled when
// resizing a big table on a small screen
if (!redraw) {
// wrapper check is needed for "redraw()", since this is left over and
// the table shouldn't be "re-wrapped"
that._table.wrap("<div class='" + that.CLASS_TABLE_WRAPPER + "'></div>");
that._wrapper = that._table.parent();
// build the column resize container and draggable bars
that._container = $("<div class='" + that.CLASS_WRAPPER + "'></div>");
if (!redraw && that.options.scrollY) {
//get any default widths from the store
defaultWidths = that.getStoreWidths();
// set the table dimensions correctly
// build and insert columns into container
// resave the state, they get lost the second time.
if (defaultWidths && defaultWidths.length) {;
// cache jQuery columns
that._columns = $("." + that.CLASS_COLUMN, that._container);
* Get all the widths for columns out of the datatable storage when state saving is enabled
* @returns {Array<number>|null}
getStoreWidths: function() {
var that = this,
state = that._dtInstance.state.loaded();
if (state && state.colResize && state.colResize.widths) {
return state.colResize.widths;
* Register all events needed on ColResize init
* @method initEvents
* @returns null
initEvents: function() {
var that = this;
that._addEvent(that._table, "draw.dt", function() {
// set timeout so that table dom manipulation can be done first
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
that._addEvent(that._dtInstance, "column-reorder", function() {
}, true);
that._addEvent(that._table, "column-visibility.dt", function() {
}, true);
if (that.options.scrollY) {
that._addEvent(that._wrapper, "scroll", function() {
that._scrollWrapper.css("right", 0 - that._wrapper.scrollLeft());
* Initialises the table width and height
* @method calcTableDimensions
* @param widths {Array<number>|null} [default=null] if passed then sets the
* default width state of the columns
* @returns null
calcTableDimensions: function(widths) {
var that = this,
thWidth = 0,
$ths = that._tableHeaders, // get all table headers
totalWidth = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = $ths.length; i < l; i++) {
$th = $ths.eq(i); // get individual <th>
thWidth = widths ? widths[i] : that._getWidth($th); // get <th> current/correct width
$th.css("width", thWidth);
totalWidth += thWidth;
// set the table width correctly
that._table.css("width", totalWidth);
// and it's container
if (that.options.scrollY) {
totalWidth = totalWidth + 20;
* Creates the draggable columns, add the necessary drag events
* @method buildColDoms
* @return jQuery[] actual draggable columns as jquery objects
buildColDoms: function() {
// replicate table header widths
var that = this,
$ths = that._tableHeaders, // get all table headers
$cols = [],
thWidth = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = $ths.length; i < l; i++) {
$th = $ths.eq(i); // get individual <th>
thWidth = $th.outerWidth(); // get <th> current width
$col = $("<div class='" + that.CLASS_COLUMN + "'></div>"); // create drag column item <div>
// place the drag column at the end of the <th> and as tall as the table itself
left: Math.ceil($th.position().left + thWidth)
// save the prev col item for speed rather than using the .prev() function
$, $cols[ i - 1 ]);
// save the current width
$, thWidth);
// save the <th> element reference for easy access later
$, $th);
// register necessary events
// push created drag column element in array
return $cols;
_storeWidthData: function(data) {
var that = this,
$ths = that._tableHeaders,
widths = [];
for (var i = 0, l = $ths.length; i < l; i++) {
$th = $ths.eq(i); // get individual <th>
widths.push(that._getWidth($th)); // get <th> current/correct width
data.colResize = {
widths: widths
* Get the current or correct th element width.
* If the th element has an inline width set "style='width: 100px'" then this
* the return value. If it doesn't, then the calculated "outerWidth()" is returned.
* minColumnWidth value always wins if greater than the calculated width.
* @method _getWidth
* @param $th {jQuery} th jquery element
* @returns {integer|float}
_getWidth: function($th) {
var that = this,
if (typeof $th[0].style.width === "string" && $th[0].style.width.indexOf("px") >= 1) {
width = parseFloat($th[0].style.width);
} else {
width = $th.outerWidth();
return width < that.options.minColumnWidth ? that.options.minColumnWidth : width;
* Registers the required drag events on the specified column.
* @method registerEvents
* @param $col {jQuery}
* @returns {null}
registerEvents: function($col) {
var that = this;
* Returns the mousedown event function to be used by jQuery.mousedown()
* @method onMouseDown
* @returns {function}
onMouseDown: function() {
var that = this;
return function() {
var $col = $(this),
mouseMoveFunc = function(event) {
that.onMouseMove(event, $col);
that._isDragging = true;
// check if the use has "let go of dragging"
// mouse up
$(document).one("mouseup", function() {
// no longer dragging the column
that._isDragging = false;
// remove the drag (mousemove) event listener
$(document).off("mousemove", mouseMoveFunc);
$(that._table).trigger($.Event( "column-resized.dt" ), [$col.index(), $] );;
}).on("mousemove", mouseMoveFunc); //on mousemove
return false; // stop text highlighting
* Used by jQuery.mousemove to determine the new column widths when a drag action is undertaken
* @method onMouseMove
* @param {MouseEvent} event
* @param {jQuery} $col
* @returns {null}
onMouseMove: function(event, $col) {
var that = this,
diff = 0,
if (that._isDragging) {
// caculate the difference between where the mouse has moved to
// and the left position of the column that is being dragged
diff = Math.ceil(event.clientX - $col.offset().left);
$nextCol = $;
posPlusDiff = Math.ceil($col.position().left + diff);
if ($nextCol.length) {
// check whether neighbouring is still bigger than 10px if a resize
// takes place.
if (posPlusDiff < ($nextCol.position().left - that.options.minColumnWidth)) {
if (that.updateColumn($col, diff)) {
if (!that.options.resizeTable) {
// col was resized so resize the neighbouring col too.
that.updateColumn($nextCol, diff < 0 ? Math.abs(diff) : -Math.abs(diff), true);
} else {
} else {
// if we are expanding the last column
// or when shrinking: don't allow it to shrink smaller than the minColumnWidth
if(diff > 0 || (posPlusDiff > $col.prev().position().left + that.options.minColumnWidth) ) {
if(that.updateColumn($col, diff)) {
// very last col drag bar is being dragged here (expanded)
that.updateTableOnLastColumnMove($col, diff);
updateTableOnLastColumnMove: function($col, diff) {
var that = this;
// update the table width with the next size to prevent the other columns
// going crazy
left: Math.ceil($col.position().left + diff)
* Update the column width by a given number
* @method updateColumn
* @param {jQuery} $col - column that needs a size adjustment
* @param {integer} by - width to change the column size by
* @param {boolean} nextColumn [default=false] - set to true if the column being resized is not the original but
* it's sibling.
* @return {boolean} {true} if resize was possible, {false} if not;
updateColumn: function($col, by, nextColumn) {
var that = this,
// calculate the new width of the column
newWidth = Math.ceil(by + $;
//only resize to a min of 10px
if (newWidth > that.options.minColumnWidth) {
// get the actual <th> column of the table and set the new width
width: newWidth
// save the new width for the next mouse drag call
$, newWidth);
if(nextColumn) {
// set the new let position of the dragged column (div)
left: Math.ceil($
if (that.options.scrollY) {
that.updateCells($col.index(), newWidth);
return true;
return false;
* Repositions all draggable columns and recalculates
* all table dimensions
* @method _recalcPositions
* @returns null
_recalcPositions: function() {
var that = this,
pos = that._table.position().left,
for (var i = 0, l = that._tableHeaders.length; i < l; i++) {
$th = that._tableHeaders.eq(i);
pos = pos + $th.outerWidth();
that._columns.eq(i).css("left", pos);
* Checks whether the height of the table has changed,
* if it has, then it set the draggable column items with
* the new height values.
* @method checkTableHeight
* @returns null
checkTableHeight: function() {
var that = this,
topMarg = 0,
newHeight = that._table.outerHeight();
if (newHeight !== that._tableHeight) {
that._tableHeight = newHeight;
// convert the "px" value to just a number
topMarg = parseFloat(that._table.css("margin-top"));
// if the table is empty, then don't show the column bars inside the tbody
// as they overlap the empty text which has colspan across the table.
if (that._tableBody.find("td.dataTables_empty").length) {
newHeight = (newHeight - (newHeight - that._tableBody.position().top)) - topMarg ;
//set the the position and height of all the draggable columns
height: newHeight,
top: topMarg
* Initialise the vertical scrolling feature (scrollY)
* @method initScroller
* @returns null
initScroller: function() {
var that = this;
// Build required DOM elements.
// register when a scroll is performed inside the wrapping div
// this then forces the tbody to scroll in-sync.
that._scrollWrapper.on("scroll", that.onScroll());
that._addEvent(that._table, "draw.dt", function() {
// set timeout so that table dom manipulation can be done first
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
* Builds the required dom elements together for vertical scrolling
* @method buildScrollerDom
* @returns null
buildScrollerDom: function() {
var that = this;
// add class to wrapper for better css conditional selection
// scroll wrapper container - where the scroll-y bar appears
that._scrollWrapper = $("<div class='" + that.CLASS_SCROLLER_WRAPPER + "'></div>");
// move it over the tbody content
that._scrollWrapper.css("margin-top", that._tableBody.position().top);
// create an inner div to mimic the height of the tbody content
that._scrollContent = $("<div class='" + that.CLASS_SCROLLER_CONTENT_WRAPPER + "'></div>");
// shrink the wrapper to the defined height so that the scroll bar appears
// fix the content to the tbody original height
// resize the tbody to the desired height - same as the overlapping wrapper div
// just wide enough to show the scrollbar
// hide the overflowing (y) tbody content
that._tableBody.css("overflow-y", "hidden");
// add all the new scroll controlling divs
* Event listener function for the scroll wrapper scrolling events
* @method onScroll
* @returns {function}
onScroll: function() {
var that = this,
scrollWrapper = that._scrollWrapper;
return function() {
// scroll the tbody accordingly
// i.e. keep the tbody scroll in-sync with the scrolling wrapper
* Update the cells within this column to align with the header on column resize.
* @method updateCells
* @param {integer} index column index which was changed
* @param {interger} width the new width of the column in pixels
updateCells: function(index, width) {
var that = this,
$trs = that._tableBody.find("tr");
for (var i = 0, l = $trs.length; i < l; i++) {
$trs.eq(i).find("td").eq(index).css("width", width);
if(that._updatedColumns.indexOf(index) < 0) {
* After a pagination DataTables draws the cells new,
* this function adjusts the cells back to the correct width
* in sync with the headers
* @method syncRows
* @returns null
syncRows: function() {
var that = this,
if (that._updatedColumns.length) {
$ths = that._table.find("thead th");
$trs = that._tableBody.find("tr");
for(var i = 0, l = $trs.length; i < l; i++) {
for(var ii = 0, ll = that._updatedColumns.length; ii < ll; ii++) {
index = that._updatedColumns[ii];
$trs.eq(i).find("td").eq(index).css("width", $ths.eq(index).css("width"));
* After a draw (like page change), the content height might not be longer
* than the set scrollY value. Therefore the Y scroll bar might not be needed.
* Update the content height accordingly to show or hide the scroll bar.
* @method syncHeight
* @returns null
syncHeight: function() {
var that = this,
// make the tbody full height (auto) again to get the new content height
height = that._tableBody.css("height", "auto").height();
// reset the tbody height back after calculation
// adjust scroll content div to the new table height
// this is needed if the content of the next page for example doesn't fill the entire height
// but the scroll bar is still visible
* @method destroy
* @returns null
destroy: function() {
var that = this;
that._columns = [];
that._updatedColumns = [];
that._tableHeight = null;
// remove al the events that were registered using the _addEvent(...) method
for (var key in that._events) {
if (that._events.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var arr = that._events[key];
for(var i = 0, l = arr.length; i<l; i++) {
arr[i][0].off(key, arr[i][1]);
that._events = {};
* Use this to add events to DOM elements that are not removed by a this.redraw() or table.empty()
* or JS-GC, or even a DataTableInstance.destroy()
* The events that are registered using this method are then removed on destroy or redraw so that
* double events are not created.
* This method registers an "on" event by default
* @example
* this._addEvent($("table"), "draw.dt", function() {
* // do something
* });
* @method _addEvent
* @param $el {jQuery} element to register on
* @param eventName {string} name of the event to register to
* @param callback {function} callback function to call when the event is fired
* @param once {boolean} [default=false] if true, registeres "once" instead of "on" event listener
* @private
_addEvent: function($el, eventName, callback, once) {
var that = this;
that._events[eventName] = that._events[eventName] || [];
that._events[eventName].push([$el, callback]);
var obj = that._events[eventName][that._events[eventName].length - 1];
obj[0][once ? "one" : "on"](eventName, obj[1]);
* @method redraw
* @returns null
redraw: function() {
var that = this;
* To be called instead of standard "dtInstance.column(index).visible()"
* so that the table widths and draggable bar items can be redrawn.
* @method visibility
* @param index {integer} column index to change
* @param visibility {boolean} set the column to visible or not
* @returns null
visibility: function(index, visibility, redrawCalc) {
var that = this,
width = $(that._dtInstance.settings()[0].aoColumns[index].nTh).outerWidth();
if (!visibility) {
that._table.css("width", that._table.width() - width);
} else {
that._table.css("width", that._table.width() + width);
that._dtInstance.column(index).visible(visibility, redrawCalc);
$.fn.dataTable.ColResize = ColResize;
$.fn.DataTable.ColResize = ColResize;
$(document).on("init.dt.dtr", function(e, settings) {
if(e.namespace !== "dt") {
var init = settings.oInit.colResize,
defaults = DataTable.defaults.colResize;
if(init !== false) {
var opts = $.extend({}, init, defaults);
// next DOM tick to make sure that
// DT really is finished, everytime!
setTimeout(function() {
new ColResize(settings, opts);
}, 0);
// API augmentation
$.fn.dataTable.Api.register( "colResize.redraw()", function () {
return this;
} );
$.fn.dataTable.Api.register( "colResize.visible()", function (index, visibility, redrawCalc) {
this.context[0].colResize.visibility(index, visibility, redrawCalc);
return this;
} );
return ColResize;