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module Spoofax-Propositional-Language
/** md:
Title: Concrete Syntax
## Concrete Syntax
The current Spoofax/Eclipse IDE is oriented around individual language
projects. Therefore in order to work with ASTs of the SPL
[abstract syntax](../README.md#abstract-syntax) that we just saw, it's easiest to
define a concrete syntax for SPL, via the following SDF3 definition:
*[SPL]: Spoofax Propositional Language
context-free sorts
Prop String
context-free start-symbols
/** md (include the following code in the documentation) */
context-free syntax
Prop.True = <1>
Prop.False = <0>
Prop.Atom = String
Prop.Not = <!<Prop>>
Prop.And = <<Prop> & <Prop>> {left}
Prop.Or = <<Prop> | <Prop>> {left}
Prop.Impl = [[Prop] -> [Prop]] {right}
Prop.Eq = <<Prop> = <Prop>> {non-assoc}
Prop = <(<Prop>)> {bracket}
String = ID
context-free priorities
> Prop.And
> Prop.Or
> Prop.Impl
> Prop.Eq
/* [stop to avoid the open-comment in the extracted markdown] **/
/** md [conclusion of the documentation]
Thus, the first two example AST expressions
`A: {! examples/sec4.1_A.aterm !}` and
`B: {! examples/sec4.1_B.aterm !}`
from {! ../docrefs/sec4.1.md !} can be generated by the following much more
compact SPL expressions:
`A: {! examples/sec4.1_A.spl !}` and
`B: {! examples/sec4.1_B.spl !}`. (If you are following along in the repository,
you can visit the file `syntax/examples/sec4.1_A.spl` (or ...`_B.spl`) and from the
Spoofax menu select "Syntax > Show parsed AST" to see the AST generation
in action.)