
89 lines
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import PocomathInstance from '../../core/PocomathInstance.mjs'
/* creates a PocomathInstance incorporating a new numeric type encapsulated
* as a class. (This instance can the be `install()ed` in another to add the
* type so created.)
* @param {string} name The name of the new type
* @param {class} Thing The class implementing the new type
* @param {object} overrides Patches to the auto-generated adaptation
export default function adapted(name, Thing, overrides) {
const thing = new PocomathInstance('Adapted Thing')
const test = overrides.isa || Thing.isa || (x => x instanceof Thing)
thing.installType(name, {
from: overrides.from || {},
before: overrides.before || [],
refines: overrides.refines || undefined
// Build the operations for Thing
const operations = {}
// first a creator function, with name depending on the name of the thing:
const creatorName = overrides.creatorName || name.toLowerCase()
const creator = overrides[creatorName]
? overrides[creatorName]('')
: Thing[creatorName]
? (Thing[creatorName])
: ((...args) => new Thing(...args))
const defaultCreatorImps = {
'': () => () => creator(),
'...any': () => args => creator(...args)
defaultCreatorImps[name] = () => x => x // x.clone(x)?
operations[creatorName] = overrides[creatorName] || defaultCreatorImps
// We make the default instance, just as a place to check for methods
const instance = overrides.instance || creator()
// Now adapt the methods to typed-function:
const unaryOps = {
abs: 'abs',
ceiling: 'ceil',
floor: 'floor',
invert: 'inverse',
round: 'round',
sqrt: 'sqrt',
negate: 'neg'
const binaryOps = {
add: 'add',
compare: 'compare',
divide: 'div',
equalTT: 'equals',
gcd: 'gcd',
lcm: 'lcm',
mod: 'mod',
multiply: 'mul',
subtract: 'sub'
for (const [mathname, standardname] of Object.entries(unaryOps)) {
if (standardname in instance) {
operations[mathname] = {}
operations[mathname][name] = () => t => t[standardname]()
operations.zero = {}
operations.zero[name] = () => t => creator()
operations.one = {}
operations.one[name] = () => t => creator(1)
operations.conjugate = {}
operations.conjugate[name] = () => t => t // or t.clone() ??
const binarySignature = `${name},${name}`
for (const [mathname, standardname] of Object.entries(binaryOps)) {
if (standardname in instance) {
operations[mathname] = {}
operations[mathname][binarySignature] = () => (t,u) => t[standardname](u)
if ('operations' in overrides) {
Object.assign(operations, overrides.operations)
return thing
export {adapted}