Glen Whitney
Provides the infrastructure to allow annotating the return types of functions, and does so for essentially every operation in the system (the only known exceptions being add, multiply, etc., on arbitrarily many arguments). One main infrastructure enhancements are bounded template types, e.g. `T:number` being a template parameter where T can take on the type `number` or any subtype thereof. A main internal enhancement is that base template types are no longer added to the typed universe; rather, there is a secondary, "meta" typed universe where they live. The primary point/purpose of this change is then the necessary search order for implementations can be much better modeled by typed-function's search order, using the `onMismatch` facility to redirect the search from fully instantiated implementations to the generic catchall implementations for each template (these catchalls live in the meta universe). Numerous other small improvements and bugfixes were encountered along the way. Co-authored-by: Glen Whitney <> Reviewed-on: #53
161 lines
6.6 KiB
161 lines
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import assert from 'assert'
import PocomathInstance from '../src/core/PocomathInstance.mjs'
import math from '../src/pocomath.mjs'
describe('The default full pocomath instance "math"', () => {
it('has no unexpected undefined types', () => {
const undef = math.undefinedTypes()
if (undef.length) {
console.log('NOTE: Found undefined types', undef)
assert.strictEqual(undef.length, 1) // Mentioning 'Fraction' but not using
it('has a built-in typeOf operator', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.typeOf(42), 'NumInt')
assert.strictEqual(math.typeOf(-1.5), 'number')
assert.strictEqual(math.typeOf(-42n), 'bigint')
assert.strictEqual(math.typeOf(undefined), 'undefined')
assert.strictEqual(math.typeOf({re: 15n, im: -2n}), 'Complex<bigint>')
assert.strictEqual(math.typeOf({re: 6.28, im: 2.72}), 'Complex<number>')
it('can determine the return types of operations', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('negate', 'number'), 'number')
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('negate', 'NumInt'), 'NumInt')
math.negate(math.complex(1.2, 2.8)) // TODO: make this call unnecessary
math.returnTypeOf('negate', 'Complex<number>'), 'Complex<number>')
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('add', 'number,number'), 'number')
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('add', 'NumInt,NumInt'), 'NumInt')
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('add', 'NumInt,number'), 'number')
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('add', 'number,NumInt'), 'number')
assert.deepStrictEqual( // TODO: ditto
math.add(3, math.complex(2.5, 1)), math.complex(5.5, 1))
math.returnTypeOf('add', 'Complex<number>,NumInt'), 'Complex<number>')
// The following is not actually what we want, but the Pocomath type
// language isn't powerful enough at this point to capture the true
// return type:
math.returnTypeOf('add', 'number,NumInt,Complex<number>'), 'any')
math.returnTypeOf('chain', 'bigint'), 'Chain<bigint>')
math.returnTypeOf('returnTypeOf', 'string,string'), 'string')
math.returnTypeOf('conjugate', 'bigint'), 'bigint')
math.returnTypeOf('gcd', 'bigint,bigint'), 'bigint')
math.identity(math.fraction(3,5)) // TODO: ditto
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('identity', 'Fraction'), 'Fraction')
math.returnTypeOf('quotient', 'bigint,bigint'), 'bigint')
math.abs(math.complex(2,1)) //TODO: ditto
math.returnTypeOf('abs','Complex<NumInt>'), 'number')
math.multiply(math.quaternion(1,1,1,1), math.quaternion(1,-1,1,-1)) // dit
const quatType = math.returnTypeOf(
'quaternion', 'NumInt,NumInt,NumInt,NumInt')
assert.strictEqual(quatType, 'Complex<Complex<NumInt>>')
math.returnTypeOf('multiply', quatType + ',' + quatType), quatType)
assert.strictEqual(math.returnTypeOf('isZero', 'NumInt'), 'boolean')
math.returnTypeOf('roundquotient', 'NumInt,number'), 'NumInt')
math.returnTypeOf('factorial', 'NumInt'), 'bigint')
it('can subtract numbers', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.subtract(12, 5), 7)
assert.throws(() => math.subtract(3n, 1.5), 'TypeError')
it('can add numbers', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.add(3, 4), 7)
assert.strictEqual(math.add(1.5, 2.5, 3.5), 7.5)
assert.strictEqual(math.add(Infinity), Infinity)
assert.throws(() => math.add(3n, -1.5), TypeError)
it('can negate numbers', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.negate(-1), 1)
assert.strictEqual(math.add(10, math.negate(3)), 7)
it('can be extended', () => {
const stretch = PocomathInstance.merge(math) // clone to not pollute math
stretch.installType('stringK', {
test: s => typeof s === 'string' && s.charAt(0) === 'K',
before: ['string']
add: {
'...stringK': () => addends => addends.reduce((x,y) => x+y, '')
assert.strictEqual(stretch.add('Kilroy','K is here'), 'KilroyK is here')
it('handles complex numbers', () => {
const norm13 = {re: 2, im: 3}
assert.deepStrictEqual(math.complex(2,3), norm13)
assert.deepStrictEqual(math.complex(2), math.complex(2,0))
assert.deepStrictEqual(math.add(2, math.complex(0,3)), norm13)
math.subtract(math.complex(1,1), math.complex(2,-2)),
assert.strictEqual(math.negate(math.complex(3, 8)).im, -8)
math.subtract(16, math.add(3, math.complex(0,4), 2)),
math.complex(11, -4))
it('handles bigints', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.negate(5n), -5n)
assert.strictEqual(math.subtract(12n, 5n), 7n)
assert.strictEqual(math.add(15n, 25n, 35n), 75n)
assert.strictEqual(math.add(10n, math.negate(3n)), 7n)
it('handles Gaussian integers', () => {
const norm13n = {re: 2n, im: 3n}
assert.deepStrictEqual(math.complex(2n,3n), norm13n)
assert.deepStrictEqual(math.complex(2n), math.complex(2n, 0n))
assert.deepStrictEqual(math.add(2n, math.complex(0n, 3n)), norm13n)
math.subtract(16n, math.add(3n, math.complex(0n,4n), 2n)),
math.complex(11n, -4n))
assert.strictEqual(math.negate(math.complex(3n, 8n)).im, -8n)
it('creates chains', () => {
const mychain = math.chain(7).negate()
assert.strictEqual(mychain.value, -7)
assert.strictEqual(mychain.value, 20)
assert.strictEqual(math.mean(3,4,5), 4)
assert.throws(() => math.chain(3).mean(4,5), /chain function.*split/)
assert.throws(() => math.chain(3).foo(), /Unknown operation/)
it('calls plain factorial function', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.factorial(4), 24n)
assert.strictEqual(math.factorial(7n), 5040n)
it('calculates binomial coefficients', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.choose(6, 3), 20)
assert.strictEqual(math.choose(21n, 2n), 210n)
it('calculates multi-way gcds and lcms', () => {
assert.strictEqual(math.gcd(30,105,42), 3)
const gaussianLCM = math.lcm(
math.complex(2n,1n), math.complex(1n,1n), math.complex(0n,1n))
assert.strictEqual(math.associate(gaussianLCM, math.complex(1n,3n)), true)