Glen Whitney d95e5ad930 feat: Allow reconfiguration of an existing picomath instance
Keeps track of which operations depend on the configuration and
  invalidates them for lazy reconfiguration when the config changes.
2022-03-25 14:40:57 -07:00
add.js feat: Allow reconfiguration of an existing picomath instance 2022-03-25 14:40:57 -07:00
all.js feat: Add complex numbers 2022-03-25 01:54:20 -07:00
complex.js feat: Add complex numbers 2022-03-25 01:54:20 -07:00
extendByComplex.js feat: Selective loader that extends all/only existing number methods to complex 2022-03-25 02:46:49 -07:00
negate.js feat: Add complex numbers 2022-03-25 01:54:20 -07:00