Glen Whitney f64208f12f update to LOOPS 3.4.0
These are simply the changes as distributed.
2017-10-29 23:54:13 -04:00

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#W lib.tst Testing libraries of loops G. P. Nagy / P. Vojtechovsky
#H @(#)$Id: lib.tst, v 3.4.0 2017/10/26 gap Exp $
#Y Copyright (C) 2004, G. P. Nagy (University of Szeged, Hungary),
#Y P. Vojtechovsky (University of Denver, USA)
gap> START_TEST("LOOPS, lib: testing all libraries except Moufang");
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo( "interesting" );
The library contains a few interesting loops.
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 5
1 loop of order 6
1 loop of order 16
1 loop of order 32
1 loop of order 96
# number of orders implemented in the library
gap> t := Length( LOOPS_interesting_data[ 1 ] );
# testing loops
gap> for i in [1..t] do
> n := LOOPS_interesting_data[ 1 ][ i ];
> for m in [ 1..LOOPS_interesting_data[ 2 ][ i ] ] do
> InterestingLoop( n, m );
> od;
> od;
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo( "left Bol" );
The library contains all nonassociative left Bol loops of order less than 17
and all nonassociative left Bol loops of order p*q, where p>q>2 are primes.
Extent of the library:
6 loops of order 8
3 loops of order 12
2038 loops of order 16
(p-q)/2 loops of order p*q for primes p>q>2 such that q divides p-1
(p-q+2)/2 loops of order p*q for primes p>q>2 such that q divides p+1
# number of orders implemented in the library
gap> t := Length( LOOPS_left_bol_data[ 1 ] );
# testing loops
gap> for i in [1..t] do
> n := LOOPS_left_bol_data[ 1 ][ i ];
> for m in [ 1..LOOPS_left_bol_data[ 2 ][ i ] ] do
> LeftBolLoop( n, m );
> od;
> od;
# testing right Bol loop
gap> RightBolLoop( 8, 1 );
<right Bol loop 8/1>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo( "Steiner" );
The library contains all nonassociative Steiner loops
of order less or equal to 16. It also contains the
associative Steiner loops of order 4 and 8.
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 4
1 loop of order 8
1 loop of order 10
2 loops of order 14
80 loops of order 16
# number of orders implemented in the library
gap> t := Length( LOOPS_steiner_data[ 1 ] );
# testing loops
gap> for i in [1..t] do
> n := LOOPS_steiner_data[ 1 ][ i ];
> for m in [ 1..LOOPS_steiner_data[ 2 ][ i ] ] do
> SteinerLoop( n, m );
> od;
> od;
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo( "nilpotent" );
The library contains all nonassociative nilpotent loops
of order less than 12.
Extent of the library:
2 loops of order 6
134 loops of order 8
8 loops of order 9
1043 loops of order 10
gap> NilpotentLoop( 10, 1000 );
<nilpotent loop 10/1000>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo( "Paige" );
The library contains the smallest nonassociative finite
simple Moufang loop.
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 120
gap> PaigeLoop( 2 );
<Paige loop 120/1>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("RCC");
The library contains all nonassociative RCC loops of order less than 28.
Extent of the library:
3 loops of order 6
19 loops of order 8
5 loops of order 9
16 loops of order 10
155 loops of order 12
97 loops of order 14
17 loops of order 15
6317 loops of order 16
1901 loops of order 18
8248 loops of order 20
119 loops of order 21
10487 loops of order 22
471995 loops of order 24
119 loops of order 25
151971 loops of order 26
152701 loops of order 27
gap> RCCLoop(6,1); RCCLoop(16,6317); RightConjugacyClosedLoop(27,152701);
<RCC loop 6/1>
<RCC loop 16/6317>
<RCC loop 27/152701>
gap> LCCLoop(6,3); LCCLoop(25,119);
<LCC loop 6/3>
<LCC loop 25/119>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("CC");
The library contains all CC loops of order
2<=2^k<=64, 3<=3^k<=81, 5<=5^k<=125, 7<=7^k<=343,
all nonassociative CC loops of order less than 28,
and all nonassociative CC loops of order p^2 and 2*p for any odd prime p.
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 2
1 loop of order 3
2 loops of order 4
1 loop of order 5
1 loop of order 7
7 loops of order 8
5 loops of order 9
3 loops of order 12
42 loops of order 16
7 loops of order 18
3 loops of order 20
1 loop of order 21
14 loops of order 24
5 loops of order 25
60 loops of order 27
437 loops of order 32
5 loops of order 49
14854 loops of order 64
5406 loops of order 81
84 loops of order 125
122 loops of order 343
3 loops of order p^2 for every prime p>7,
1 loop of order 2*p for every odd prime p
gap> CCLoop(25,1); CCLoop(49,2); CCLoop(121,3); CCLoop(14,1);
<CC loop 25/1>
<CC loop 49/2>
<CC loop 121/3>
<CC loop 14/1>
gap> CCLoop(16,28); ConjugacyClosedLoop(27,55);
<CC loop 16/28>
<CC loop 27/55>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("small");
The library contains all nonassociative loops of order less than 7.
Extent of the library:
5 loops of order 5
107 loops of order 6
gap> SmallLoop( 5, 3 ); SmallLoop( 6, 12 );
<small loop 5/3>
<small loop 6/12>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("itp small");
The library contains all nonassociative loops of order less than 7 up to isoto\
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 5
20 loops of order 6
gap> ItpSmallLoop( 5, 1 ); ItpSmallLoop( 6, 14 );
<small loop 5/1>
<small loop 6/42>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("code");
The library contains all nonassociative even code loops
of order less than 65.
Extent of the library:
5 loops of order 16
16 loops of order 32
80 loops of order 64
gap> CodeLoop( 16, 3 );
<Moufang loop 16/3>
gap> CodeLoop( 64, 80 );
<Moufang loop 64/4247>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("automorphic");
The library contains:
- all nonassociative automorphic loops of order less than 16,
- all commutative automorphic loops of order 3, 9, 27, 81.
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 3
1 loop of order 6
7 loops of order 8
2 loops of order 9
3 loops of order 10
2 loops of order 12
5 loops of order 14
2 loops of order 15
7 loops of order 27
72 loops of order 81
gap> AutomorphicLoop(15,2);
<automorphic loop 15/2>
gap> AutomorphicLoop(27,1);
<automorphic loop 27/1>
gap> AutomorphicLoop(81,10);
<automorphic loop 81/10>
gap> DisplayLibraryInfo("right Bruck");
The library contains all right Bruck loops of orders 3, 9, 27 and 81.
Extent of the library:
1 loop of order 3
2 loops of order 9
7 loops of order 27
72 loops of order 81
gap> RightBruckLoop(81,3);
<right Bruck loop 81/3>
gap> STOP_TEST( "lib.tst", 10000000 );