Glen Whitney f64208f12f update to LOOPS 3.4.0
These are simply the changes as distributed.
2017-10-29 23:54:13 -04:00

37 lines
1.2 KiB

#W memory.gi Memory management [loops]
#H @(#)$Id: memory.gi, v 3.4.0 2016/11/4 gap Exp $
#Y Copyright (C) 2004, G. P. Nagy (University of Szeged, Hungary),
#Y P. Vojtechovsky (University of Denver, USA)
#F LOOPS_FreeMemory( )
## Frees memory by unbinding some global variables, mostly those
## declared during activation of libraries.
## Returns the amount of freed memory in kbytes.
InstallGlobalFunction( LOOPS_FreeMemory, function( )
# RCC loops
LOOPS_rcc_transitive_groups := [];
LOOPS_rcc_sections := List( [1..Length(LOOPS_rcc_data[1])], i-> [] );
LOOPS_rcc_conjugacy_classes := [ [], [] ];
# cc loops
LOOPS_cc_used_factors := [];
LOOPS_cc_cocycles := [];
LOOPS_cc_bases := [];
LOOPS_cc_coordinates := [];
# right Bruck loops
LOOPS_right_bruck_cocycles := [];
LOOPS_right_bruck_coordinates := [];
return GasmanStatistics().full.deadkb;