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<h3>A <span class="Heading">Files</span></h3>
<p>Below is a list of all relevant files forming the <strong class="pkg">LOOPS</strong> package. Some technical files are not included. A typical user will not need to know any of this information. All paths are relative to the <code class="file">pkg/loops</code> folder. <br /> <br /> <code class="file">../README.loops</code> (installation and usage instructions) <br /> <code class="file">init.g</code> (declarations) <br /> <code class="file">PackageInfo.g</code> (loading info for GAP 4.4) <br /> <code class="file">read.g</code> (implementations) <br /> <code class="file">data/automorphic.tbl</code> (library of automorphic loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/automorphic/*.*</code> (addition files for the library of automorphic loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/cc.tbl</code> (library of conjugacy closed loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/code.tbl</code> (library of code loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/interesting.tbl</code> (library of interesting loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/itp_small.tbl</code> (library of small loops up to isotopism) <br /> <code class="file">data/leftbol.tbl</code> (library of left Bol loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/moufang.tbl</code> (library of Moufang loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/nilpotent.tbl</code> (library of small nilpotent loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/rcc.tbl</code> (library of right conjugacy closed loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/rcc/*.*</code> (additional files for the library of right conjugacy closed loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/paige.tbl</code> (library of Paige loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/small.tbl</code> (library of small loops) <br /> <code class="file">data/steiner.tbl</code> (library of Steiner loops) <br /> <code class="file">doc/*.*</code> (all documentation files) <br /> <code class="file">doc/loops.xml</code> (the main documentation file for GAPDoc) <br /> <code class="file">doc/loops.bib</code> (the main bibliography file for documentation) <br /> <code class="file">gap/banner.g</code> (banner of LOOPS) <br /> <code class="file">gap/bol_core_methods.gd .gi</code> (core methods for Bol loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/classes.gd .gi</code> (properties of quasigroups and loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/convert.gd .gi</code> (methods for data conversion and compression) <br /> <code class="file">gap/core_methods.gd .gi</code> (core methods for quasigroups and loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/elements.gd .gi</code> (elements and basic arithmetic operations) <br /> <code class="file">gap/examples.gd .gi</code> (methods for libraries of loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/extensions.gd .gi</code> (methods for extensions of loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/iso.gd .gi</code> (methods for isomorphisms and isotopisms of loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/memory.gd .gi</code> (memory management) <br /> <code class="file">gap/mlt_search.gd .gi</code> (realizing groups as multiplication groups of loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/moufang_modifications.gd .gi</code> (methods for Moufang modifications) <br /> <code class="file">gap/moufang_triality.gd .gi</code> (methods for triality of Moufang loops) <br /> <code class="file">gap/quasigroups.gd .gi</code> (representing, creating and displaying quasigroups) <br /> <code class="file">gap/random.gd .gi</code> (random quasigroups and loops) <br /> <code class="file">tst/bol.tst</code> (test file for Bol loops) <br /> <code class="file">tst/core_methods.tst</code> (test file for core methods) <br /> <code class="file">tst/iso.tst</code> (test file for isomorphisms and automorphisms) <br /> <code class="file">tst/lib.tst</code> (test file for libraries of loops, except Moufang loops) <br /> <code class="file">tst/nilpot.tst</code> (test file for nilpotency and triality) <br /> <code class="file">tst/testall.g</code> (batch for all tets files)</p>
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