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Glen Whitney 2024-08-26 16:10:26 +00:00
parent 34b091ad4a
commit 9e4b317101

4 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
### In-line conditionals
Let's suppose you want to increment `x` if `right` is true and decrement it otherwise. In C you might write `x += right ? 1 : -1;`.
In the Husht examples, the only in-line two-way conditionals that come up would render this as `x += if right then 1 else -1` or (inherited from Rust) `x += if right {1} else {-1}`. Both of these have a lot of syntax for the semantic payoff. Is there a need for a more compact inline choice for a binary? There a [stackOverflow answer]( on this topic that suggests adding an `IfElse` trait to the boolean type so that you can write `(a < b).ifelse(1, -1)`. So in Husht we could take this just a step further (and in a nod to C) allow `x += right.? 1, -1` and `a < b .? 1, -1`.