37 lines
995 B
37 lines
995 B
#!/usr/bin/env xonsh
import re
#### Set Parameters
# Should be a list of Path objects:
TEST_LIST = pg`tests/*.spt`
# Should be the top-level directory for all extracted tests:
# (there will be one subdirectory per item in TEST_LIST)
DESTINATION = 'tests/extracted'
# Extension for extracted files:
EXT = 'fos'
# Extension for expectations:
EXP = 'expect'
for path in TEST_LIST:
destdir = pf"{DESTINATION}/{path.stem}"
mkdir -p @(destdir)
contents = path.read_text()
tests = re.split(r'test\s*(.+?)\s*\[\[.*?\n', contents)[1:]
testit = iter(tests)
for name, details in zip(testit, testit):
em = re.search(r'\n\s*\]\]', details)
if not em: continue
example = details[:em.start()+1]
expath = destdir / f"{name}.{EXT}"
echo Wrote @(expath)
xm = re.search(r'/\*\*\s+writes.*?\n([\s\S]*?)\*\*/', details[em.end():])
if xm:
xpath = destdir / f"{name}.{EXP}"
echo " ...and" @(xpath)