Aaron Fenyes a7f9545a37 Circles in triangle: correct frozen variables
Since the self-product of the point at infinity is left unspecified, the
first three components can vary without violating any constraints. To
keep the point at infinity where it's supposed to be, we freeze all of
its components.
2024-07-18 00:43:00 -07:00

109 lines
3.2 KiB

using SparseArrays
# initialize the partial gram matrix for a sphere inscribed in a regular
# tetrahedron
J = Int64[]
K = Int64[]
values = BigFloat[]
for j in 1:9
for k in 1:9
filled = false
if j == 9
if (k <= 5 && k != 2)
push!(values, 0)
filled = true
elseif k == 9
if (j <= 5 && j != 2)
push!(values, 0)
filled = true
elseif j == k
push!(values, 1)
filled = true
elseif (j == 1 || k == 1)
push!(values, 0)
filled = true
elseif (j == 2 || k == 2)
push!(values, -1)
filled = true
if filled
push!(J, j)
push!(K, k)
append!(J, [6, 4, 6, 5, 7, 5, 7, 3, 8, 3, 8, 4])
append!(K, [4, 6, 5, 6, 5, 7, 3, 7, 3, 8, 4, 8])
append!(values, fill(-1, 12))
#= make construction rigid
append!(J, [3, 4, 4, 5])
append!(K, [4, 3, 5, 4])
append!(values, fill(-0.5, 4))
gram = sparse(J, K, values)
# set initial guess (random)
## Random.seed!(58271) # stuck; step size collapses on step 48
## Random.seed!(58272) # good convergence
## Random.seed!(58273) # stuck; step size collapses on step 18
## Random.seed!(58274) # stuck
## Random.seed!(58275) #
## guess = Engine.rand_on_shell(fill(BigFloat(-1), 8))
# set initial guess
guess = hcat(
Engine.plane(BigFloat[0, 0, 1], BigFloat(0)),
Engine.sphere(BigFloat[0, 0, 0], BigFloat(1//2)),
Engine.plane(-BigFloat[1, 0, 0], BigFloat(-1)),
Engine.plane(-BigFloat[cos(2pi/3), sin(2pi/3), 0], BigFloat(-1)),
Engine.plane(-BigFloat[cos(-2pi/3), sin(-2pi/3), 0], BigFloat(-1)),
Engine.sphere(BigFloat[-1, 0, 0], BigFloat(1//5)),
Engine.sphere(BigFloat[cos(-pi/3), sin(-pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1//5)),
Engine.sphere(BigFloat[cos(pi/3), sin(pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1//5)),
BigFloat[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
frozen = [CartesianIndex(j, 9) for j in 1:5]
guess = hcat(
Engine.plane(BigFloat[0, 0, 1], BigFloat(0)),
Engine.sphere(BigFloat[0, 0, 0], BigFloat(0.9)),
Engine.plane(BigFloat[1, 0, 0], BigFloat(1)),
Engine.plane(BigFloat[cos(2pi/3), sin(2pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1)),
Engine.plane(BigFloat[cos(-2pi/3), sin(-2pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1)),
Engine.sphere(4//3*BigFloat[-1, 0, 0], BigFloat(1//3)),
Engine.sphere(4//3*BigFloat[cos(-pi/3), sin(-pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1//3)),
Engine.sphere(4//3*BigFloat[cos(pi/3), sin(pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1//3)),
BigFloat[0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
# complete the gram matrix using gradient descent followed by Newton's method
L, history = Engine.realize_gram_gradient(gram, guess, scaled_tol = 0.01)
L_pol, history_pol = Engine.realize_gram_newton(gram, L, rate = 0.3, scaled_tol = 1e-9)
L_pol2, history_pol2 = Engine.realize_gram_newton(gram, L_pol)
L, success, history = Engine.realize_gram(gram, guess, frozen)
completed_gram = L'*Engine.Q*L
println("Completed Gram matrix:\n")
"\nSteps: ",
size(history.scaled_loss, 1),
" + ", size(history_pol.scaled_loss, 1),
" + ", size(history_pol2.scaled_loss, 1)
println("Loss: ", history_pol2.scaled_loss[end], "\n")
if success
println("\nTarget accuracy achieved!")
println("\nFailed to reach target accuracy")
println("Steps: ", size(history.scaled_loss, 1))
println("Loss: ", history.scaled_loss[end], "\n")