264 lines
9.2 KiB
264 lines
9.2 KiB
use std::collections::BTreeSet; /* DEBUG */
use sycamore::prelude::*;
use web_sys::{console, wasm_bindgen::JsValue};
use crate::{engine, AppState, assembly::{Assembly, Constraint, Element}};
/* DEBUG */
fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("gemini_a"),
label: String::from("Castor"),
color: [1.00_f32, 0.25_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("gemini_b"),
label: String::from("Pollux"),
color: [0.00_f32, 0.25_f32, 1.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("ursa_major"),
label: String::from("Ursa major"),
color: [0.25_f32, 0.00_f32, 1.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.75),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("ursa_minor"),
label: String::from("Ursa minor"),
color: [0.25_f32, 1.00_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("moon_deimos"),
label: String::from("Deimos"),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.0, 0.15, 1.0, 0.25),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("moon_phobos"),
label: String::from("Phobos"),
color: [0.00_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.50_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.0, -0.15, -1.0, 0.25),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
/* DEBUG */
fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
let a = 0.75_f64.sqrt();
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "central".to_string(),
label: "Central".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "assemb_plane".to_string(),
label: "Assembly plane".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "side1".to_string(),
label: "Side 1".to_string(),
color: [1.00_f32, 0.00_f32, 0.25_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "side2".to_string(),
label: "Side 2".to_string(),
color: [0.25_f32, 1.00_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(-0.5, a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "side3".to_string(),
label: "Side 3".to_string(),
color: [0.00_f32, 0.25_f32, 1.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(-0.5, -a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "corner1".to_string(),
label: "Corner 1".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(-4.0/3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0/3.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: "corner2".to_string(),
label: "Corner 2".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(2.0/3.0, -4.0/3.0 * a, 0.0, 1.0/3.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
Element {
id: String::from("corner3"),
label: String::from("Corner 3"),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(2.0/3.0, 4.0/3.0 * a, 0.0, 1.0/3.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
pub fn AddRemove() -> View {
/* DEBUG */
let assembly_name = create_signal("general".to_string());
create_effect(move || {
// get name of chosen assembly
let name = assembly_name.get_clone();
&JsValue::from(format!("Showing assembly \"{}\"", name.clone()))
batch(|| {
let state = use_context::<AppState>();
let assembly = &state.assembly;
// clear state
assembly.elements.update(|elts| elts.clear());
assembly.elements_by_id.update(|elts_by_id| elts_by_id.clear());
state.selection.update(|sel| sel.clear());
// load assembly
match name.as_str() {
"general" => load_gen_assemb(assembly),
"low-curv" => load_low_curv_assemb(assembly),
_ => ()
view! {
div(id="add-remove") {
on:click=|_| {
let state = use_context::<AppState>();
/* DEBUG */
// print updated list of elements by identifier
console::log_1(&JsValue::from("elements by identifier:"));
for (id, key) in state.assembly.elements_by_id.get_clone().iter() {
&JsValue::from(" "),
) { "+" }
let state = use_context::<AppState>();
state.selection.with(|sel| sel.len() != 2)
on:click=|_| {
let state = use_context::<AppState>();
let args = state.selection.with(
|sel| {
let arg_vec: Vec<_> = sel.into_iter().collect();
(arg_vec[0].clone(), arg_vec[1].clone())
let rep = create_signal(0.0);
let active = create_signal(true);
state.assembly.insert_constraint(Constraint {
args: args,
rep: rep,
rep_text: create_signal(String::new()),
rep_valid: create_signal(false),
active: active,
state.selection.update(|sel| sel.clear());
/* DEBUG */
// print updated constraint list
state.assembly.constraints.with(|csts| {
for (_, cst) in csts.into_iter() {
&JsValue::from(" "),
// update the realization when the constraint activated, or
// edited while active
create_effect(move || {
&JsValue::from("Constraint rep updated to"),
if active.get() {
) { "🔗" }
select(bind:value=assembly_name) { /* DEBUG */
option(value="general") { "General" }
option(value="low-curv") { "Low-curvature" }
} |