Aaron Fenyes d7dbee4c05 Stow algebraic engine prototype
We're using the Gram matrix engine for the next stage of development,
so the algebraic engine shouldn't be at the top level anymore.
2024-07-28 20:50:04 -07:00

53 lines
1.8 KiB

module Numerical
using Random: default_rng
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using HomotopyContinuation:
Variable, Expression, AbstractSystem, System, LinearSubspace,
nvariables, isreal, witness_set, results
import GLMakie
using ..Algebraic
# --- polynomial conversion ---
# hat tip Sascha Timme
# https://github.com/JuliaHomotopyContinuation/HomotopyContinuation.jl/issues/520#issuecomment-1317681521
function Base.convert(::Type{Expression}, f::MPolyRingElem)
variables = Variable.(symbols(parent(f)))
f_data = zip(coefficients(f), exponent_vectors(f))
sum(cf * prod(variables .^ exp_vec) for (cf, exp_vec) in f_data)
# create a ModelKit.System from an ideal in a multivariate polynomial ring. the
# variable ordering is taken from the polynomial ring
function System(I::Generic.Ideal)
eqns = Expression.(gens(I))
variables = Variable.(symbols(base_ring(I)))
System(eqns, variables = variables)
# --- sampling ---
function real_samples(F::AbstractSystem, dim; rng = default_rng())
# choose a random real hyperplane of codimension `dim` by intersecting
# hyperplanes whose normal vectors are uniformly distributed over the unit
# sphere
# [to do] guard against the unlikely event that one of the normals is zero
normals = transpose(hcat(
(normalize(randn(rng, nvariables(F))) for _ in 1:dim)...
cut = LinearSubspace(normals, fill(0., dim))
filter(isreal, results(witness_set(F, cut, seed = 0x1974abba)))
AbstractAlgebra.evaluate(pt::Point, vals::Vector{<:RingElement}) =
GLMakie.Point3f([evaluate(u, vals) for u in pt.coords])
function AbstractAlgebra.evaluate(sph::Sphere, vals::Vector{<:RingElement})
radius = 1 / evaluate(sph.coords[1], vals)
center = radius * [evaluate(u, vals) for u in sph.coords[3:end]]
GLMakie.Sphere(GLMakie.Point3f(center), radius)