Integrate engine into application prototype #15
3 changed files with 151 additions and 36 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Castor"),
color: [1.00_f32, 0.25_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Pollux"),
color: [0.00_f32, 0.25_f32, 1.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -30,7 +32,8 @@ fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Ursa major"),
color: [0.25_f32, 0.00_f32, 1.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.75),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -39,7 +42,8 @@ fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Ursa minor"),
color: [0.25_f32, 1.00_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -48,7 +52,8 @@ fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Deimos"),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.0, 0.15, 1.0, 0.25),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -57,17 +62,8 @@ fn load_gen_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Phobos"),
color: [0.00_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.50_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.0, -0.15, -1.0, 0.25),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
Constraint {
args: (
assembly.elements_by_id.with_untracked(|elts_by_id| elts_by_id["gemini_a"]),
assembly.elements_by_id.with_untracked(|elts_by_id| elts_by_id["gemini_b"])
rep: 0.5,
active: create_signal(true)
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
@ -81,7 +77,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Central".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -90,7 +87,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Assembly plane".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -99,7 +97,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Side 1".to_string(),
color: [1.00_f32, 0.00_f32, 0.25_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -108,7 +107,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Side 2".to_string(),
color: [0.25_f32, 1.00_f32, 0.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(-0.5, a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Side 3".to_string(),
color: [0.00_f32, 0.25_f32, 1.00_f32],
rep: engine::sphere_with_offset(-0.5, -a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -126,7 +127,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Corner 1".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(-4.0/3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0/3.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -135,7 +137,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: "Corner 2".to_string(),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(2.0/3.0, -4.0/3.0 * a, 0.0, 1.0/3.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
let _ = assembly.try_insert_element(
@ -144,7 +147,8 @@ fn load_low_curv_assemb(assembly: &Assembly) {
label: String::from("Corner 3"),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: engine::sphere(2.0/3.0, 4.0/3.0 * a, 0.0, 1.0/3.0),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
@ -215,6 +219,7 @@ pub fn AddRemove() -> View {
rep: 0.0,
active: create_signal(true)
state.selection.update(|sel| sel.clear());
/* DEBUG */
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
use nalgebra::DVector;
use nalgebra::{DMatrix, DVector};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use slab::Slab;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use sycamore::prelude::*;
use web_sys::{console, wasm_bindgen::JsValue}; /* DEBUG */
use crate::engine::{realize_gram, PartialMatrix};
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Element {
@ -10,7 +13,10 @@ pub struct Element {
pub label: String,
pub color: [f32; 3],
pub rep: DVector<f64>,
pub constraints: BTreeSet<usize>
pub constraints: BTreeSet<usize>,
// internal properties, not reflected in any view
pub index: usize
@ -40,6 +46,8 @@ impl Assembly {
// --- inserting elements and constraints ---
// insert an element into the assembly without checking whether we already
// have an element with the same identifier. any element that does have the
// same identifier will get kicked out of the `elements_by_id` index
@ -77,7 +85,8 @@ impl Assembly {
label: format!("Sphere {}", id_num),
color: [0.75_f32, 0.75_f32, 0.75_f32],
rep: DVector::<f64>::from_column_slice(&[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5]),
constraints: BTreeSet::default()
constraints: BTreeSet::default(),
index: 0
@ -90,4 +99,83 @@ impl Assembly {
// --- realization ---
pub fn realize(&self) {
// index the elements
self.elements.update_silent(|elts| {
for (index, (_, elt)) in elts.into_iter().enumerate() {
elt.index = index;
// set up the Gram matrix and the initial configuration matrix
let (gram, guess) = self.elements.with_untracked(|elts| {
// set up the off-diagonal part of the Gram matrix
let mut gram_to_be = PartialMatrix::new();
self.constraints.with_untracked(|csts| {
for (_, cst) in csts {
let args = cst.args;
let row = elts[args.0].index;
let col = elts[args.1].index;
gram_to_be.push_sym(row, col, cst.rep);
// set up the initial configuration matrix and the diagonal of the
// Gram matrix
let mut guess_to_be = DMatrix::<f64>::zeros(5, elts.len());
for (_, elt) in elts {
let index = elt.index;
gram_to_be.push_sym(index, index, 1.0);
guess_to_be.set_column(index, &elt.rep);
(gram_to_be, guess_to_be)
/* DEBUG */
// log the Gram matrix
console::log_1(&JsValue::from("Gram matrix:"));
/* DEBUG */
// log the initial configuration matrix
console::log_1(&JsValue::from("old configuration:"));
for j in 0..guess.nrows() {
let mut row_str = String::new();
for k in 0..guess.ncols() {
row_str.push_str(format!(" {:>8.3}", guess[(j, k)]).as_str());
// look for a configuration with the given Gram matrix
let (config, success, history) = realize_gram(
&gram, guess, &[],
1.0e-12, 0.5, 0.9, 1.1, 200, 110
/* DEBUG */
// report the outcome of the search
if success {
"Target accuracy achieved!"
} else {
"Failed to reach target accuracy"
console::log_2(&JsValue::from("Steps:"), &JsValue::from(history.scaled_loss.len() - 1));
console::log_2(&JsValue::from("Loss:"), &JsValue::from(*history.scaled_loss.last().unwrap()));
if success {
// read out the solution
self.elements.update(|elts| {
glen marked this conversation as resolved
for (_, elt) in elts.iter_mut() {
elt.rep.set_column(0, &config.column(elt.index));
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use nalgebra::{Const, DMatrix, DVector, Dyn};
use web_sys::{console, wasm_bindgen::JsValue}; /* DEBUG */
// --- elements ---
@ -40,9 +41,30 @@ struct MatrixEntry {
value: f64
struct PartialMatrix(Vec<MatrixEntry>);
pub struct PartialMatrix(Vec<MatrixEntry>);
impl PartialMatrix {
pub fn new() -> PartialMatrix {
pub fn push_sym(&mut self, row: usize, col: usize, value: f64) {
let PartialMatrix(entries) = self;
entries.push(MatrixEntry { index: (row, col), value: value });
if row != col {
entries.push(MatrixEntry { index: (col, row), value: value });
/* DEBUG */
pub fn log_to_console(&self) {
let PartialMatrix(entries) = self;
for ent in entries {
let ent_str = format!("{} {} {}", ent.index.0, ent.index.1, ent.value);
fn proj(&self, a: &DMatrix<f64>) -> DMatrix<f64> {
let mut result = DMatrix::<f64>::zeros(a.nrows(), a.ncols());
let PartialMatrix(entries) = self;
@ -64,13 +86,13 @@ impl PartialMatrix {
// --- descent history ---
struct DescentHistory {
config: Vec<DMatrix<f64>>,
scaled_loss: Vec<f64>,
neg_grad: Vec<DMatrix<f64>>,
min_eigval: Vec<f64>,
base_step: Vec<DMatrix<f64>>,
backoff_steps: Vec<i32>
pub struct DescentHistory {
pub config: Vec<DMatrix<f64>>,
pub scaled_loss: Vec<f64>,
pub neg_grad: Vec<DMatrix<f64>>,
pub min_eigval: Vec<f64>,
pub base_step: Vec<DMatrix<f64>>,
pub backoff_steps: Vec<i32>
impl DescentHistory {
@ -148,7 +170,7 @@ fn seek_better_config(
// seek a matrix `config` for which `config' * Q * config` matches the partial
// matrix `gram`. use gradient descent starting from `guess`
fn realize_gram(
pub fn realize_gram(
gram: &PartialMatrix,
guess: DMatrix<f64>,
frozen: &[(usize, usize)],
Add table
Reference in a new issue
Are the _1 and _2 suffixes the number of arguments? I take it rust doesn't have functions with a varying number of arguments? Or do they mean something else?
are convenience wrappers forlog
, which takes an array of things to log.Is that a Rustism? Or a local convenience? It's pretty awful; I hope we can avoid it in the long run, one way or another.