Engine prototype #13

glen merged 133 commits from engine-proto into main 2024-10-21 03:18:48 +00:00
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@ -311,7 +311,8 @@ end
# explicit entry of `gram`. use gradient descent starting from `guess`
function realize_gram(
gram::SparseMatrixCSC{T, <:Any},
frozen = nothing;
scaled_tol = 1e-30,
min_efficiency = 0.5,
init_rate = 1.0,
@ -336,6 +337,15 @@ function realize_gram(
scale_adjustment = sqrt(T(length(constrained)))
tol = scale_adjustment * scaled_tol
# list the un-frozen indices
has_frozen = !isnothing(frozen)
if has_frozen
is_unfrozen = fill(true, size(guess))
is_unfrozen[frozen] .= false
unfrozen = findall(is_unfrozen)
unfrozen_stacked = reshape(is_unfrozen, total_dim)
# initialize variables
grad_rate = init_rate
L = copy(guess)
@ -371,7 +381,23 @@ function realize_gram(
if min_eigval <= 0
hess -= reg_scale * min_eigval * I
base_step = reshape(hess \ reshape(neg_grad, total_dim), dims)
# compute the Newton step
neg_grad_stacked = reshape(neg_grad, total_dim)
if has_frozen
hess = hess[unfrozen_stacked, unfrozen_stacked]
neg_grad_compressed = neg_grad_stacked[unfrozen_stacked]
neg_grad_compressed = neg_grad_stacked
base_step_compressed = hess \ neg_grad_compressed
if has_frozen
base_step_stacked = zeros(total_dim)
base_step_stacked[unfrozen_stacked] .= base_step_compressed
base_step_stacked = base_step_compressed
base_step = reshape(base_step_stacked, dims)
push!(history.base_step, base_step)
# store the current position, loss, and slope

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@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ guess = hcat(
Engine.sphere(BigFloat[cos(pi/3), sin(pi/3), 0], BigFloat(1//5)),
BigFloat[0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
frozen = [CartesianIndex(j, 9) for j in 4:5]
guess = hcat(
Engine.plane(BigFloat[0, 0, 1], BigFloat(0)),
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ L, history = Engine.realize_gram_gradient(gram, guess, scaled_tol = 0.01)
L_pol, history_pol = Engine.realize_gram_newton(gram, L, rate = 0.3, scaled_tol = 1e-9)
L_pol2, history_pol2 = Engine.realize_gram_newton(gram, L_pol)
L, success, history = Engine.realize_gram(gram, guess)
L, success, history = Engine.realize_gram(gram, guess, frozen)
completed_gram = L'*Engine.Q*L
println("Completed Gram matrix:\n")