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38 Commits
main ... gram

Author SHA1 Message Date
Aaron Fenyes ef33b8ee10 Correct signature 2024-03-01 13:26:20 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 717e5a6200 Extend Gram matrix automatically
The signature of the Minkowski form on the subspace spanned by the Gram
matrix should tell us what the big Gram matrix has to look like
2024-02-21 03:00:06 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 16826cf07c Try out the Gram matrix approach 2024-02-20 22:35:24 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 3170a933e4 Clean up example of three mutually tangent spheres 2024-02-15 17:16:37 -08:00
Aaron Fenyes f2000e5731 Test different sign patterns for cosines
It seems like there are real solutions if and only if the product of the
cosines is positive.
2024-02-15 16:25:09 -08:00
Aaron Fenyes ba365174d3 Find real solutions for three mutually tangent spheres
I'm not sure why the solver wasn't working before. It might've been just
an unlucky random number draw.
2024-02-15 16:16:06 -08:00
Aaron Fenyes ae5db0f9ea Make results reproducible 2024-02-15 16:00:46 -08:00
Aaron Fenyes 8d8bc9162c Store elements in arrays to keep order stable
This seems to restore reproducibility.
2024-02-15 15:42:26 -08:00
Aaron Fenyes 291d5c8ff6 Study mutually tangent spheres with two fixed 2024-02-15 13:28:01 -08:00
Aaron Fenyes e41bcc7e13 Explore the performance wall
Three points on two spheres is too much.
2024-02-13 04:02:14 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 31d5e7e864 Play with two points on two spheres
Guess conditions that make the scaling constraint impossible to satisfy.
2024-02-12 22:48:16 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes a450f701fb Try displaying a chain of spheres
For three mutually tangent spheres, I couldn't find real solutions.
2024-02-12 21:14:07 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 6cf07dc6a1 Evaluate and display elements 2024-02-12 20:34:12 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 1f173708eb Move random cut routine into engine 2024-02-10 17:39:26 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 6f18d4efcc Test lots of uniformly distributed hyperplanes 2024-02-10 15:10:48 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 621c4c5776 Try uniformly distributed hyperplane orientations
Unit normals are uniformly distributed over the sphere.
2024-02-10 15:02:26 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes b3b7c2026d Separate the algebraic and numerical parts of the engine 2024-02-10 14:50:50 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes af1d31f6e6 Test a scale constraint
In all but a few cases (for example, a single point on a plane), we
should be able to us the radius-coradius boost symmetry to make the
average co-radius—representing the "overall scale"—roughly one.
2024-02-10 14:21:52 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 8e33987f59 Systematically try out different cut planes 2024-02-10 13:46:01 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 06872a04af Say how many sample solutions we found 2024-02-10 01:06:06 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes becefe0c47 Try switching to compiled system 2024-02-10 00:59:50 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 34358a8728 Find witnesses on random rational hyperplanes
Choose hyperplanes that go through the trivial solution.
2024-02-09 23:44:10 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 95c0ff14b2 Show explicitly that all coefficients are 1 in first cut equation 2024-02-09 17:09:43 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes f97090c997 Try a cut that goes through the trivial solution
The previous cut was supposed to do this, but I was missing some parentheses.
2024-02-08 01:58:12 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 45aaaafc8f Seek sample solutions by cutting with a hyperplane
The example hyperplane yields a single solution, with multiplicity six. You can
find it analytically by hand, and homotopy continuation finds it numerically.
2024-02-08 01:53:55 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 43cbf8a3a0 Add relations to center and orient the construction 2024-02-05 00:10:13 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 21f09c4a4d Switch element abbreviation from "elem" to "elt" 2024-02-04 16:08:13 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes a3f3f6a31b Order spheres before points within each coordinate block
In the cases I've tried so far, this leads to substantially smaller
Gröbner bases.
2024-02-01 16:13:22 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 65d23fb667 Use module names as filenames
You're right: this naming convention seems to be standard for Julia
modules now.
2024-01-30 02:49:33 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 4e02ee16fc Find dimension of solution variety 2024-01-30 02:45:14 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 6349f298ae Extend AbstractAlgebra ideals to rational coefficients
The extension should also let us work over finite fields of prime order,
although we don't need to do that.
2024-01-29 19:11:21 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 0731c7aac1 Correct relation equations 2024-01-29 12:41:07 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 59a527af43 Correct Minkowski product; build chain of three spheres 2024-01-29 12:28:57 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes c29000d912 Write a simple solver for the hitting set problem
I think we need this to find the dimension of the solution variety.
2024-01-28 01:34:13 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 86dbd9ea45 Order variables by coordinate and then element
In other words, order coordinates like
  (rₛ₁, rₛ₂, sₛ₁, sₛ₂, xₛ₁, xₛ₂, xₚ₃, yₛ₁, yₛ₂, yₚ₃, zₛ₁, zₛ₂, zₚ₃)
instead of like
  (rₛ₁, sₛ₁, xₛ₁, yₛ₁, zₛ₁, rₛ₂, sₛ₂, xₛ₂, yₛ₂, zₛ₂, xₚ₃, yₚ₃, zₚ₃).

In the test cases, this really cuts down the size of the Gröbner basis.
2024-01-27 14:21:03 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 463a3b21e1 Realize relations as equations 2024-01-27 12:28:29 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes 4d5aa3b327 Realize geometric elements as symbolic vectors 2024-01-26 11:14:32 -05:00
Aaron Fenyes b864cf7866 Start drafting engine prototype 2024-01-24 11:16:24 -05:00
6 changed files with 555 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
module Algebraic
codimension, dimension,
Construction, realize,
Element, Point, Sphere,
Relation, LiesOn, AlignsWithBy, mprod
import Subscripts
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using Groebner
using ...HittingSet
# --- commutative algebra ---
# as of version 0.36.6, AbstractAlgebra only supports ideals in multivariate
# polynomial rings when the coefficients are integers. we use Groebner to extend
# support to rationals and to finite fields of prime order
Generic.reduce_gens(I::Generic.Ideal{U}) where {T <: FieldElement, U <: MPolyRingElem{T}} =
Generic.Ideal{U}(base_ring(I), groebner(gens(I)))
function codimension(I::Generic.Ideal{U}, maxdepth = Inf) where {T <: RingElement, U <: MPolyRingElem{T}}
leading = [exponent_vector(f, 1) for f in gens(I)]
targets = [Set(findall(.!iszero.(exp_vec))) for exp_vec in leading]
length(HittingSet.solve(HittingSetProblem(targets), maxdepth))
dimension(I::Generic.Ideal{U}, maxdepth = Inf) where {T <: RingElement, U <: MPolyRingElem{T}} =
length(gens(base_ring(I))) - codimension(I, maxdepth)
# --- primitve elements ---
abstract type Element{T} end
mutable struct Point{T} <: Element{T}
vec::Union{Vector{MPolyRingElem{T}}, Nothing}
## [to do] constructor argument never needed?
coords::Vector{MPolyRingElem{T}} = MPolyRingElem{T}[],
vec::Union{Vector{MPolyRingElem{T}}, Nothing} = nothing
) where T = new(coords, vec, nothing)
function buildvec!(pt::Point)
coordring = parent(pt.coords[1])
pt.vec = [one(coordring), dot(pt.coords, pt.coords), pt.coords...]
mutable struct Sphere{T} <: Element{T}
vec::Union{Vector{MPolyRingElem{T}}, Nothing}
rel::Union{MPolyRingElem{T}, Nothing}
## [to do] constructor argument never needed?
coords::Vector{MPolyRingElem{T}} = MPolyRingElem{T}[],
vec::Union{Vector{MPolyRingElem{T}}, Nothing} = nothing,
rel::Union{MPolyRingElem{T}, Nothing} = nothing
) where T = new(coords, vec, rel)
function buildvec!(sph::Sphere)
coordring = parent(sph.coords[1])
sph.vec = sph.coords
sph.rel = mprod(sph.coords, sph.coords) + one(coordring)
const coordnames = IdDict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Symbol, Nothing}}}(
nameof(Point) => [nothing, nothing, :xₚ, :yₚ, :zₚ],
nameof(Sphere) => [:rₛ, :sₛ, :xₛ, :yₛ, :zₛ]
coordname(elt::Element, index) = coordnames[nameof(typeof(elt))][index]
function pushcoordname!(coordnamelist, indexed_elt::Tuple{Any, Element}, coordindex)
eltindex, elt = indexed_elt
name = coordname(elt, coordindex)
if !isnothing(name)
subscript = Subscripts.sub(string(eltindex))
push!(coordnamelist, Symbol(name, subscript))
function takecoord!(coordlist, indexed_elt::Tuple{Any, Element}, coordindex)
elt = indexed_elt[2]
if !isnothing(coordname(elt, coordindex))
push!(elt.coords, popfirst!(coordlist))
# --- primitive relations ---
abstract type Relation{T} end
mprod(v, w) = (v[1]*w[2] + w[1]*v[2]) / 2 - dot(v[3:end], w[3:end])
# elements: point, sphere
struct LiesOn{T} <: Relation{T}
LiesOn{T}(pt::Point{T}, sph::Sphere{T}) where T = new{T}([pt, sph])
equation(rel::LiesOn) = mprod(rel.elements[1].vec, rel.elements[2].vec)
# elements: sphere, sphere
struct AlignsWithBy{T} <: Relation{T}
AlignsWithBy{T}(sph1::Sphere{T}, sph2::Sphere{T}, cos_angle::T) where T = new{T}([sph1, sph2], cos_angle)
equation(rel::AlignsWithBy) = mprod(rel.elements[1].vec, rel.elements[2].vec) - rel.cos_angle
# --- constructions ---
mutable struct Construction{T}
function Construction{T}(; elements = Vector{Element{T}}(), relations = Vector{Relation{T}}()) where T
allelements = union(elements, (rel.elements for rel in relations)...)
filter(elt -> isa(elt, Point), allelements),
filter(elt -> isa(elt, Sphere), allelements),
function Base.push!(ctx::Construction{T}, elt::Point{T}) where T
push!(ctx.points, elt)
function Base.push!(ctx::Construction{T}, elt::Sphere{T}) where T
push!(ctx.spheres, elt)
function Base.push!(ctx::Construction{T}, rel::Relation{T}) where T
push!(ctx.relations, rel)
for elt in rel.elements
push!(ctx, elt)
function realize(ctx::Construction{T}) where T
# collect coordinate names
coordnamelist = Symbol[]
eltenum = enumerate(Iterators.flatten((ctx.spheres, ctx.points)))
for coordindex in 1:5
for indexed_elt in eltenum
pushcoordname!(coordnamelist, indexed_elt, coordindex)
# construct coordinate ring
coordring, coordqueue = polynomial_ring(parent_type(T)(), coordnamelist, ordering = :degrevlex)
# retrieve coordinates
for (_, elt) in eltenum
for coordindex in 1:5
for indexed_elt in eltenum
takecoord!(coordqueue, indexed_elt, coordindex)
# construct coordinate vectors
for (_, elt) in eltenum
# turn relations into equations
eqns = vcat(
[elt.rel for (_, elt) in eltenum if !isnothing(elt.rel)]
# add relations to center, orient, and scale the construction
# [to do] the scaling constraint, as written, can be impossible to satisfy
# when all of the spheres have to go through the origin
if !isempty(ctx.points)
append!(eqns, [sum(pt.coords[k] for pt in ctx.points) for k in 1:3])
if !isempty(ctx.spheres)
append!(eqns, [sum(sph.coords[k] for sph in ctx.spheres) for k in 3:4])
n_elts = length(ctx.points) + length(ctx.spheres)
if n_elts > 0
push!(eqns, sum(elt.vec[2] for elt in Iterators.flatten((ctx.points, ctx.spheres))) - n_elts)
(Generic.Ideal(coordring, eqns), eqns)

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module Numerical
using Random: default_rng
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using HomotopyContinuation:
Variable, Expression, AbstractSystem, System, LinearSubspace,
nvariables, isreal, witness_set, results
import GLMakie
using ..Algebraic
# --- polynomial conversion ---
# hat tip Sascha Timme
function Base.convert(::Type{Expression}, f::MPolyRingElem)
variables = Variable.(symbols(parent(f)))
f_data = zip(coefficients(f), exponent_vectors(f))
sum(cf * prod(variables .^ exp_vec) for (cf, exp_vec) in f_data)
# create a ModelKit.System from an ideal in a multivariate polynomial ring. the
# variable ordering is taken from the polynomial ring
function System(I::Generic.Ideal)
eqns = Expression.(gens(I))
variables = Variable.(symbols(base_ring(I)))
System(eqns, variables = variables)
# --- sampling ---
function real_samples(F::AbstractSystem, dim; rng = default_rng())
# choose a random real hyperplane of codimension `dim` by intersecting
# hyperplanes whose normal vectors are uniformly distributed over the unit
# sphere
# [to do] guard against the unlikely event that one of the normals is zero
normals = transpose(hcat(
(normalize(randn(rng, nvariables(F))) for _ in 1:dim)...
cut = LinearSubspace(normals, fill(0., dim))
filter(isreal, results(witness_set(F, cut, seed = 0x1974abba)))
AbstractAlgebra.evaluate(pt::Point, vals::Vector{<:RingElement}) =
GLMakie.Point3f([evaluate(u, vals) for u in pt.coords])
function AbstractAlgebra.evaluate(sph::Sphere, vals::Vector{<:RingElement})
radius = 1 / evaluate(sph.coords[1], vals)
center = radius * [evaluate(u, vals) for u in sph.coords[3:end]]
GLMakie.Sphere(GLMakie.Point3f(center), radius)

engine-proto/Engine.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
module Engine
using .Algebraic
using .Numerical
export Construction, mprod, codimension, dimension
# ~~~ sandbox setup ~~~
using Random
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using HomotopyContinuation
using GLMakie
CoeffType = Rational{Int64}
spheres = [Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}() for _ in 1:3]
tangencies = [
spheres[mod1(n+1, length(spheres))],
for n in 1:3
ctx_tan_sph = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = spheres, relations = tangencies)
ideal_tan_sph, eqns_tan_sph = Engine.realize(ctx_tan_sph)
freedom = Engine.dimension(ideal_tan_sph)
println("Three mutually tangent spheres: $freedom degrees of freedom")
# --- test rational cut ---
coordring = base_ring(ideal_tan_sph)
vbls = Variable.(symbols(coordring))
# test a random witness set
system = CompiledSystem(System(eqns_tan_sph, variables = vbls))
norm2 = vec -> real(dot(conj.(vec), vec))
rng = MersenneTwister(6071)
n_planes = 6
samples = []
for _ in 1:n_planes
real_solns = solution.(Engine.Numerical.real_samples(system, freedom, rng = rng))
for soln in real_solns
if all(norm2(soln - samp) > 1e-4*length(gens(coordring)) for samp in samples)
push!(samples, soln)
println("Found $(length(samples)) sample solutions")
# show a sample solution
function show_solution(ctx, vals)
# evaluate elements
real_vals = real.(vals)
disp_points = [Engine.Numerical.evaluate(pt, real_vals) for pt in ctx.points]
disp_spheres = [Engine.Numerical.evaluate(sph, real_vals) for sph in ctx.spheres]
# create scene
scene = Scene()
scatter!(scene, disp_points, color = :green)
for sph in disp_spheres
mesh!(scene, sph, color = :gray)

engine-proto/HittingSet.jl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
module HittingSet
export HittingSetProblem, solve
HittingSetProblem{T} = Pair{Set{T}, Vector{Pair{T, Set{Set{T}}}}}
# `targets` should be a collection of Set objects
function HittingSetProblem(targets, chosen = Set())
wholeset = union(targets...)
T = eltype(wholeset)
unsorted_moves = [
elt => Set(filter(s -> elt s, targets))
for elt in wholeset
moves = sort(unsorted_moves, by = pair -> length(pair.second))
Set{T}(chosen) => moves
function Base.display(problem::HittingSetProblem{T}) where T
chosen = problem.first
println(" {", join(string.(chosen), ", "), "}")
moves = problem.second
for (choice, missed) in moves
println(" | ", choice)
for s in missed
println(" | | {", join(string.(s), ", "), "}")
function solve(pblm::HittingSetProblem{T}, maxdepth = Inf) where T
problems = Dict(pblm)
while length(first(problems).first) < maxdepth
subproblems = typeof(problems)()
for (chosen, moves) in problems
if isempty(moves)
return chosen
for (choice, missed) in moves
to_be_chosen = union(chosen, Set([choice]))
if isempty(missed)
return to_be_chosen
elseif !haskey(subproblems, to_be_chosen)
push!(subproblems, HittingSetProblem(missed, to_be_chosen))
problems = subproblems
function test(n = 1)
T = [Int64, Int64, Symbol, Symbol][n]
targets = Set{T}.([
[1, 3, 5],
[2, 3, 4],
[1, 4],
[2, 3, 4, 5],
[4, 5]
# example from Amit Chakrabarti's graduate-level algorithms class (CS 105)
# notes by Valika K. Wan and Khanh Do Ba, Winter 2005
[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5],
[1, 3], [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 5],
[4, 3], [ 2, 4], [ 2, 5],
[6, 3], [6, 4], [ 5]
[:w, :x, :y],
[:x, :y, :z],
[:w, :z],
[:x, :y]
# Wikipedia showcases this as an example of a problem where the greedy
# algorithm performs especially poorly
[:a, :x, :t1],
[:a, :y, :t2],
[:a, :y, :t3],
[:a, :z, :t4],
[:a, :z, :t5],
[:a, :z, :t6],
[:a, :z, :t7],
[:b, :x, :t8],
[:b, :y, :t9],
[:b, :y, :t10],
[:b, :z, :t11],
[:b, :z, :t12],
[:b, :z, :t13],
[:b, :z, :t14]
problem = HittingSetProblem(targets)
if isa(problem, HittingSetProblem{T})
println("Correct type")
println("Wrong type: ", typeof(problem))

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
function printgood(msg)
printstyled("", color = :green)
println(" ", msg)
function printbad(msg)
printstyled("", color = :red)
println(" ", msg)
F, gens = rational_function_field(Generic.Rationals{BigInt}(), ["a₁", "a₂", "b₁", "b₂", "c₁", "c₂"])
a = gens[1:2]
b = gens[3:4]
c = gens[5:6]
# three mutually tangent spheres which are all perpendicular to the x, y plane
gram = [
-1 1 1;
1 -1 1;
1 1 -1
eig = eigen(gram)
n_pos = count(eig.values .> 0.5)
n_neg = count(eig.values .< -0.5)
if n_pos + n_neg == size(gram, 1)
printgood("Non-degenerate subspace")
printbad("Degenerate subspace")
sig_rem = Int64[ones(1-n_pos); -ones(4-n_neg)]
unk = hcat(a, b, c)
M = matrix_space(F, 5, 5)
big_gram = M(F.([
diagm(sig_rem) unk;
transpose(unk) gram
r, p, L, U = lu(big_gram)
if isone(p)
printgood("Found a solution")
printbad("Didn't find a solution")
solution = transpose(L)
mform = U * inv(solution)
vals = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -3//4]
solution_ex = [evaluate(entry, vals) for entry in solution]
mform_ex = [evaluate(entry, vals) for entry in mform]
std_basis = [
0 0 0 1 1;
0 0 0 1 -1;
1 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0
std_solution = M(F.(std_basis)) * solution
std_solution_ex = std_basis * solution_ex
println("Minkowski form:")
big_gram_recovered = transpose(solution_ex) * mform_ex * solution_ex
valid = all(iszero.(
[evaluate(entry, vals) for entry in big_gram] - big_gram_recovered
if valid
printgood("Recovered Gram matrix:")
printbad("Didn't recover Gram matrix. Instead, got:")
# this should be a solution
hand_solution = [0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 -1 2 2; 0 0 0 1 -1; 1 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0]
unmix = Rational{Int64}[[1//2 1//2; 1//2 -1//2] zeros(Int64, 2, 3); zeros(Int64, 3, 2) Matrix{Int64}(I, 3, 3)]
hand_solution_diag = unmix * hand_solution
big_gram_hand_recovered = transpose(hand_solution_diag) * diagm([1; -ones(Int64, 4)]) * hand_solution_diag
println("Gram matrix from hand-written solution:")

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
F = QQ['a', 'b', 'c'].fraction_field()
a, b, c = F.gens()
# three mutually tangent spheres which are all perpendicular to the x, y plane
gram = matrix([
[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, -1, a, b, c],
[0, a, -1, 1, 1],
[0, b, 1, -1, 1],
[0, c, 1, 1, -1]
P, L, U = gram.LU()
solution = (P * L).transpose()
mform = U * L.transpose().inverse()
concrete = solution.subs({a: 0, b: 1, c: -3/4})
std_basis = matrix([
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 1, -1],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
std_solution = std_basis * solution
std_concrete = std_basis * concrete