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No commits in common. "f97090c9974cb7d3b33b06396f5aeb84dcf620de" and "43cbf8a3a0c3e2152306876e8481fbcab797f7f8" have entirely different histories.
@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ include("HittingSet.jl")
module Engine
module Engine
export Construction, mprod, codimension, dimension
export Construction, mprod
import Subscripts
import Subscripts
using LinearAlgebra
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using Groebner
using Groebner
using HomotopyContinuation: Variable, Expression, System
using ..HittingSet
using ..HittingSet
# --- commutative algebra ---
# --- commutative algebra ---
@ -28,34 +27,6 @@ end
dimension(I::Generic.Ideal{U}, maxdepth = Inf) where {T <: RingElement, U <: MPolyRingElem{T}} =
dimension(I::Generic.Ideal{U}, maxdepth = Inf) where {T <: RingElement, U <: MPolyRingElem{T}} =
length(gens(base_ring(I))) - codimension(I, maxdepth)
length(gens(base_ring(I))) - codimension(I, maxdepth)
# hat tip Sascha Timme
function Base.convert(::Type{Expression}, f::MPolyRingElem)
variables = Variable.(symbols(parent(f)))
f_data = zip(coefficients(f), exponent_vectors(f))
sum(cf * prod(variables .^ exp_vec) for (cf, exp_vec) in f_data)
# create a ModelKit.System from an ideal in a multivariate polynomial ring. the
# variable ordering is taken from the polynomial ring
function System(I::Generic.Ideal)
eqns = Expression.(gens(I))
variables = Variable.(symbols(base_ring(I)))
System(eqns, variables = variables)
## [to do] not needed right now
# create a ModelKit.System from a list of elements of a multivariate polynomial
# ring. the variable ordering is taken from the polynomial ring
##function System(eqns::AbstractVector{MPolyRingElem})
## if isempty(eqns)
## return System([])
## else
## variables = Variable.(symbols(parent(f)))
## return System(Expression.(eqns), variables = variables)
## end
# --- primitve elements ---
# --- primitve elements ---
abstract type Element{T} end
abstract type Element{T} end
@ -218,75 +189,39 @@ function realize(ctx::Construction{T}) where T
append!(eqns, [sum(sph.coords[k] for sph in ctx.spheres) for k in 3:4])
append!(eqns, [sum(sph.coords[k] for sph in ctx.spheres) for k in 3:4])
(Generic.Ideal(coordring, eqns), eqns)
Generic.Ideal(coordring, eqns)
# ~~~ sandbox setup ~~~
# ~~~ sandbox setup ~~~
using AbstractAlgebra
using HomotopyContinuation
CoeffType = Rational{Int64}
CoeffType = Rational{Int64}
a = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
a = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
s = Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}()
s = Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}()
a_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(a, s)
a_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(a, s)
ctx = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set([a]), relations= Set([a_on_s]))
ctx = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set([a]), relations= Set([a_on_s]))
##ideal_a_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
ideal_a_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
##println("A point on a sphere: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_a_s), " degrees of freedom")
println("A point on a sphere: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_a_s), " degrees of freeom")
b = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
b = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
b_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(b, s)
b_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(b, s)
Engine.push!(ctx, b)
Engine.push!(ctx, b)
Engine.push!(ctx, s)
Engine.push!(ctx, s)
Engine.push!(ctx, b_on_s)
Engine.push!(ctx, b_on_s)
ideal_ab_s, eqns_ab_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
ideal_ab_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
println("Two points on a sphere: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_ab_s), " degrees of freedom")
println("Two points on a sphere: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_ab_s), " degrees of freeom")
##spheres = [Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}() for _ in 1:3]
spheres = [Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}() for _ in 1:3]
##tangencies = [
tangencies = [
## Engine.AlignsWithBy{CoeffType}(
## spheres[n],
## spheres[mod1(n+1, length(spheres))],
spheres[mod1(n+1, length(spheres))],
## CoeffType(-1//1)
## )
## for n in 1:3
for n in 1:3
##ctx_tan_sph = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set(spheres), relations = Set(tangencies))
##ideal_tan_sph = Engine.realize(ctx_tan_sph)
##println("Three mutually tangent spheres: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_tan_sph), " degrees of freedom")
# --- test rational cut ---
cut = [
sum(vcat(a.coords, (s.coords - [0, 0, 0, 0, 1])))
sum(vcat([2, 1, 1] .* a.coords, [1, 2, 1, 1, 1] .* (s.coords - [0, 0, 0, 0, 1])))
sum(vcat([1, 2, 0] .* a.coords, [1, 1, 0, 1, 2] .* (s.coords - [0, 0, 0, 0, 1])))
cut_ideal_ab_s = Generic.Ideal(base_ring(ideal_ab_s), [gens(ideal_ab_s); cut])
ctx_tan_sph = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set(spheres), relations = Set(tangencies))
cut_dim = Engine.dimension(cut_ideal_ab_s)
ideal_tan_sph = Engine.realize(ctx_tan_sph)
println("Two points on a sphere, after cut: ", cut_dim, " degrees of freedom")
println("Three mutually tangent spheres: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_tan_sph), " degrees of freeom")
if cut_dim == 0
vbls = Variable.(symbols(base_ring(ideal_ab_s)))
cut_system = System([eqns_ab_s; cut], variables = vbls)
cut_result = HomotopyContinuation.solve(cut_system)
println("non-singular solutions:")
for soln in solutions(cut_result)
println("singular solutions:")
for sing in singular(cut_result)
# test corresponding witness set
cut_matrix = [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0; 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0; 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0]
cut_subspace = LinearSubspace(cut_matrix, [1, 1, 2])
witness = witness_set(System(eqns_ab_s, variables = vbls), cut_subspace)
println("witness solutions:")
for wtns in solutions(witness)
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