@ -19,24 +19,25 @@ using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using AbstractAlgebra
using HomotopyContinuation
using GLMakie
CoeffType = Rational{Int64}
a = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
s = Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}()
a_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(a, s)
ctx = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set([a]), relations= Set([a_on_s]))
##a = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
##s = Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}()
##a_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(a, s)
##ctx = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set([a]), relations= Set([a_on_s]))
##ideal_a_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
##println("A point on a sphere: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_a_s), " degrees of freedom")
##println("A point on a sphere: $(Engine.dimension(ideal_a_s)) degrees of freedom")
b = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
b_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(b, s)
Engine.push!(ctx, b)
Engine.push!(ctx, s)
Engine.push!(ctx, b_on_s)
ideal_ab_s, eqns_ab_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
freedom = Engine.dimension(ideal_ab_s)
println("Two points on a sphere: ", freedom, " degrees of freedom")
##b = Engine.Point{CoeffType}()
##b_on_s = Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(b, s)
##Engine.push!(ctx, b)
##Engine.push!(ctx, s)
##Engine.push!(ctx, b_on_s)
##ideal_ab_s, eqns_ab_s = Engine.realize(ctx)
##freedom = Engine.dimension(ideal_ab_s)
##println("Two points on a sphere: $freedom degrees of freedom")
##spheres = [Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}() for _ in 1:3]
##tangencies = [
@ -47,58 +48,53 @@ println("Two points on a sphere: ", freedom, " degrees of freedom")
## )
## for n in 1:3
##tangencies = [
##Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(points[1], spheres[2]),
##Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(points[1], spheres[3]),
##Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(points[2], spheres[3]),
##Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(points[2], spheres[1]),
##Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(points[3], spheres[1]),
##Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(points[3], spheres[2])
##ctx_tan_sph = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(elements = Set(spheres), relations = Set(tangencies))
##ideal_tan_sph = Engine.realize(ctx_tan_sph)
##println("Three mutually tangent spheres: ", Engine.dimension(ideal_tan_sph), " degrees of freedom")
##ideal_tan_sph, eqns_tan_sph = Engine.realize(ctx_tan_sph)
##freedom = Engine.dimension(ideal_tan_sph)
##println("Three mutually tangent spheres: $freedom degrees of freedom")
points = [Engine.Point{CoeffType}() for _ in 1:3]
spheres = [Engine.Sphere{CoeffType}() for _ in 1:2]
ctx_joined = Engine.Construction{CoeffType}(
elements = Set([points; spheres]),
relations= Set([
Engine.LiesOn{CoeffType}(pt, sph)
for pt in points for sph in spheres
ideal_joined, eqns_joined = Engine.realize(ctx_joined)
freedom = Engine.dimension(ideal_joined)
println("$(length(points)) points on $(length(spheres)) spheres: $freedom degrees of freedom")
# --- test rational cut ---
coordring = base_ring(ideal_ab_s)
coordring = base_ring(ideal_joined)
vbls = Variable.(symbols(coordring))
##cut_system = CompiledSystem(System([eqns_ab_s; cut], variables = vbls))
##cut_result = HomotopyContinuation.solve(cut_system)
##println("non-singular solutions:")
##for soln in solutions(cut_result)
## display(soln)
##println("singular solutions:")
##for sing in singular(cut_result)
## display(sing.solution)
# test a random witness set
system = CompiledSystem(System(eqns_ab_s, variables = vbls))
sph_z_ind = indexin([sph.coords[5] for sph in ctx.spheres], gens(coordring))
println("sphere z variables: ", vbls[sph_z_ind])
trivial_soln = fill(0, length(gens(coordring)))
trivial_soln[sph_z_ind] .= 1
println("trivial solutions: $trivial_soln")
system = CompiledSystem(System(eqns_joined, variables = vbls))
norm2 = vec -> real(dot(conj.(vec), vec))
is_nontrivial = soln -> norm2(abs.(real.(soln)) - trivial_soln) > 1e-4*length(gens(coordring))
##max_slope = 5
##binom = Binomial(2max_slope, 1/2)
n_planes = 36
for through_trivial in [false, true]
samples = []
for _ in 1:n_planes
n_planes = 3
samples = []
for _ in 1:n_planes
real_solns = solution.(Engine.Numerical.real_samples(system, freedom))
nontrivial_solns = filter(is_nontrivial, real_solns)
println("$(length(real_solns) - length(nontrivial_solns)) trivial solutions found")
for soln in nontrivial_solns
## [test] for soln in filter(is_nontrivial, solution.(filter(isreal, results(wtns))))
for soln in real_solns
if all(norm2(soln - samp) > 1e-4*length(gens(coordring)) for samp in samples)
push!(samples, soln)
if through_trivial
println("--- planes through trivial solution ---")
println("--- planes through origin ---")
println("$(length(samples)) sample solutions, not including the trivial one:")
for soln in samples
println("$(length(samples)) sample solutions:")
for soln in samples
## display([vbls round.(soln, digits = 6)]) ## [verbose]
k_sq = abs2(soln[1])
if abs2(soln[end-2]) > 1e-12
@ -112,5 +108,21 @@ for through_trivial in [false, true]
sum_sq = sum(soln[[4, 7, 10]] .^ 2)
println(" center at origin: r² = $(round(1/k_sq, digits = 6)); x² + y² + z² = $(round(sum_sq, digits = 6))")
# show a sample solution
function show_solution(ctx, vals)
# evaluate elements
real_vals = real.(vals)
disp_points = [Engine.Numerical.evaluate(pt, real_vals) for pt in ctx.points]
disp_spheres = [Engine.Numerical.evaluate(sph, real_vals) for sph in ctx.spheres]
# create scene
scene = Scene()
scatter!(scene, disp_points, color = :green)
for sph in disp_spheres
mesh!(scene, sph, color = :gray)