Encapsulate gradient descent code

The completed gram matrix from this commit matches the one from commit
e7dde58 to six decimal places.
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Fenyes 2024-07-02 14:57:57 -07:00
parent e7dde5800c
commit 133519cacb
2 changed files with 106 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
module Engine
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
export Q, DescentHistory, realize_gram
# the Lorentz form
Q = diagm([1, 1, 1, 1, -1])
# the difference between the matrices `target` and `attempt`, projected onto the
# subspace of matrices whose entries vanish at each empty index of `target`
function proj_diff(target::SparseMatrixCSC{T, <:Any}, attempt::Matrix{T}) where T
J, K, values = findnz(target)
result = zeros(size(target)...)
for (j, k, val) in zip(J, K, values)
result[j, k] = val - attempt[j, k]
# a type for keeping track of gradient descent history
struct DescentHistory{T}
function DescentHistory{T}(
scaled_loss = Array{T}(undef, 0),
stepsize = Array{T}(undef, 0),
backoff_steps = Int64[]
) where T
new(scaled_loss, stepsize, backoff_steps)
# seek a matrix `L` for which `L'QL` matches the sparse matrix `gram` at every
# explicit entry of `gram`. use gradient descent starting from `guess`
function realize_gram(
gram::SparseMatrixCSC{T, <:Any},
scaled_tol = 1e-30,
target_improvement = 0.5,
init_stepsize = 1.0,
backoff = 0.9,
max_descent_steps = 600,
max_backoff_steps = 110
) where T <: Number
# start history
history = DescentHistory{T}()
# scale tolerance
scale_adjustment = sqrt(T(nnz(gram)))
tol = scale_adjustment * scaled_tol
# initialize variables
stepsize = init_stepsize
L = copy(guess)
# do gradient descent
Δ_proj = proj_diff(gram, L'*Q*L)
loss = norm(Δ_proj)
for step in 1:max_descent_steps
# stop if the loss is tolerably low
if loss < tol
# find negative gradient of loss function
neg_grad = 4*Q*L*Δ_proj
slope = norm(neg_grad)
# store current position and loss
L_last = L
loss_last = loss
push!(history.scaled_loss, loss / scale_adjustment)
# find a good step size using backtracking line search
push!(history.stepsize, 0)
push!(history.backoff_steps, max_backoff_steps)
for backoff_steps in 0:max_backoff_steps
history.stepsize[end] = stepsize
L = L_last + stepsize * neg_grad
Δ_proj = proj_diff(gram, L'*Q*L)
loss = norm(Δ_proj)
improvement = loss_last - loss
if improvement >= target_improvement * stepsize * slope
history.backoff_steps[end] = backoff_steps
stepsize *= backoff
# return the factorization and its history
push!(history.scaled_loss, loss / scale_adjustment)
L, history

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@ -1,28 +1,9 @@
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using AbstractAlgebra
using PolynomialRoots
# testing Gram matrix recovery using a homemade gradient descent routine
# === gradient descent ===
# the difference between the matrices `target` and `attempt`, projected onto the
# subspace of matrices whose entries vanish at each empty index of `target`
function proj_diff(target, attempt)
J, K, values = findnz(target)
result = zeros(BigFloat, size(target)...)
for (j, k, val) in zip(J, K, values)
result[j, k] = val - attempt[j, k]
# === example ===
# the Lorentz form
Q = diagm([1, 1, 1, 1, -1])
# initialize the partial gram matrix for an arrangement of seven spheres in
# which spheres 1 through 5 are mutually tangent, and spheres 3 through 7 are
# also mutually tangent
@ -61,50 +42,13 @@ guess = sqrt(0.5) * BigFloat[
1 1 1 1 2 0.2 0.1;
# search parameters
steps = 600
line_search_max_steps = 100
init_stepsize = BigFloat(1)
step_shrink_factor = BigFloat(0.9)
target_improvement_factor = BigFloat(0.5)
# complete the gram matrix using gradient descent
loss_history = Array{BigFloat}(undef, steps + 1)
stepsize_history = Array{BigFloat}(undef, steps)
line_search_depth_history = fill(line_search_max_steps, steps)
stepsize = init_stepsize
L = copy(guess)
Δ_proj = proj_diff(gram, L'*Q*L)
loss = norm(Δ_proj)
for step in 1:steps
# find negative gradient of loss function
neg_grad = 4*Q*L*Δ_proj
slope = norm(neg_grad)
# store current position and loss
L_last = L
loss_last = loss
loss_history[step] = loss
# find a good step size using backtracking line search
for line_search_depth in 1:line_search_max_steps
stepsize_history[step] = stepsize
global L = L_last + stepsize * neg_grad
global Δ_proj = proj_diff(gram, L'*Q*L)
global loss = norm(Δ_proj)
improvement = loss_last - loss
if improvement >= target_improvement_factor * stepsize * slope
line_search_depth_history[step] = line_search_depth
global stepsize *= step_shrink_factor
completed_gram = L'*Q*L
loss_history[steps + 1] = loss
L, history = Engine.realize_gram(gram, guess)
completed_gram = L'*Engine.Q*L
println("Completed Gram matrix:\n")
println("\nLoss: ", loss, "\n")
println("\nSteps: ", size(history.stepsize, 1))
println("Loss: ", history.scaled_loss[end], "\n")
# === algebraic check ===