Glen Whitney
Enabling type checking involves a full rearrangement of the build process, as well as supplying types for some of the dependencies. Now that (hopefully) all of the methods are typed, can call (for example) browser.setBrowserOption to manage the viewer navigation. Resolves #14. Resolves #17. Reviewed-on: #18 Co-authored-by: Glen Whitney <> Co-committed-by: Glen Whitney <>
391 lines
17 KiB
391 lines
17 KiB
// This source file was replicated from the netless GitHub repository
// compliant with the MIT License, under which it was released.
// The authors of archematics wish to express their thanks to the
// netless team for creating and releasing this code.
* @link
export interface AppletObject {
remove(): void;
getXML(objName?: string): string;
getAlgorithmXML(objName: string): string;
getPerspectiveXML(): string;
getBase64: {
(callback?: (base64string: string) => void): string;
(includeThumbnail?: boolean, callback?: (base64string: string) => void): string;
setBase64(base64string: string, callback: () => void): void;
openFile(filename: string, callback: () => void): void;
login(token: string, ui: boolean): void;
logout(): void;
setXML(xml: string): void;
evalXML(xmlString: string): void;
setDisplayStyle(objName: string, style: string): void;
evalCommand(cmdString: string): boolean;
evalCommandGetLabels(cmdString: string): string;
asyncEvalCommand(cmdString: string): Promise<string>;
asyncEvalCommandGetLabels(cmdString: string): Promise<string>;
evalCommandCAS(cmdString: string): string;
evalGeoGebraCAS(cmdString: string): string;
setFixed(objName: string, flag: boolean, selection?: boolean): void;
isFixed(objName: string): boolean;
isSelectionAllowed(objName: string): boolean;
setOnTheFlyPointCreationActive(flag: boolean): void;
setUndoPoint(): void;
setSaved(): void;
isSaved(): boolean;
startSaveCallback(title: string, visibility: string, callbackAction: string): void;
initCAS(): void;
setErrorDialogsActive(flag: boolean): void;
xmin: number,
xmax: number,
ymin: number,
ymax: number,
zmin?: number,
zmax?: number,
yVertical?: boolean
): void;
reset(): void;
refreshViews(): void;
setVisible(objName: string, visible: boolean): void;
getVisible(objName: string, view?: number): boolean;
setLayer(objName: string, layer: number): void;
getLayer(objName: string): number;
setLayerVisible(layer: number, visible: boolean): void;
setTrace(objName: string, flag: boolean): void;
isTracing(objName: string): boolean;
setLabelVisible(objName: string, visible: boolean): void;
setLabelStyle(objName: string, style: number): void;
getLabelStyle(objName: string): number;
getLabelVisible(objName: string): boolean;
setColor(objName: string, red: number, green: number, blue: number): void;
setCorner(objName: string, x: number, y: number, index?: number): void;
setLineStyle(objName: string, style: number): void;
setLineThickness(objName: string, thickness: number): void;
setPointStyle(objName: string, style: number): void;
setPointSize(objName: string, style: number): void;
setFilling(objName: string, filling: number): void;
getColor(objName: string): string;
getPenColor(): string;
getPenSize(): number;
setPenSize(size: number): void;
setPenColor(red: number, green: number, blue: number): void;
getFilling(objName: string): number;
getImageFileName(objName: string): string;
getLineStyle(objName: string): number;
getLineThickness(objName: string): number;
getPointStyle(objName: string): number;
getPointSize(objName: string): number;
deleteObject(objName: string): void;
setAnimating(objName: string, animate: boolean): void;
setAnimationSpeed(objName: string, speed: number): void;
startAnimation(): void;
stopAnimation(): void;
setAuxiliary(objName: string, auxiliary: boolean): void;
hideCursorWhenDragging(hideCursorWhenDragging: boolean): void;
isAnimationRunning(): boolean;
getFrameRate(): number;
renameObject(oldName: string, newName: string, force?: boolean): boolean;
exists(objName: string): boolean;
isDefined(objName: string): boolean;
getValueString(objName: string, localized?: boolean): string;
getListValue(objName: string, index: number): number;
getDefinitionString(objName: string, localized?: boolean): string;
getLaTeXString(objName: string): string;
getLaTeXBase64(objName: string, value: boolean): string;
getCommandString(objName: string, localized?: boolean): string;
getCaption(objName: string, subst?: boolean): string;
setCaption(objName: string, caption: string): void;
getXcoord(objName: string): number;
getYcoord(objName: string): number;
getZcoord(objName: string): number;
setCoords(objName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): void;
getValue(objName: string): number;
getVersion(): string;
getScreenshotBase64(callback: (data: string) => void, scale?: number): void;
getThumbnailBase64(): string;
setValue(objName: string, x: number): void;
setTextValue(objName: string, x: string): void;
setListValue(objName: string, x: number | boolean, y: number | boolean): void;
setRepaintingActive(flag: boolean): void;
setAxesVisible: {
(x: boolean, y: boolean): void;
(view: number, x: boolean, y: boolean, z: boolean): void;
setAxisUnits(view: number, x: string, y: string, z: string): void;
setAxisLabels(view: number, x: string, y: string, z: string): void;
setAxisSteps(view: number, x: string, y: string, z: string): void;
getAxisUnits(view: number): string[];
getAxisLabels(view: number): string[];
setPointCapture(view: number, capture?: number): void;
getGridVisible(view?: number): boolean;
setGridVisible: {
(visible: boolean): void;
(view: number, visible?: boolean): void;
getAllObjectNames(objectType?: string): string[];
getObjectNumber(): number;
getObjectName(i: number): string;
getObjectType(objName: string): string;
setMode(mode: number): void;
getMode(): number;
getToolName(i: number): string;
openMaterial(material: string): void;
undo(): void;
redo(): void;
newConstruction(): void;
resetAfterSaveLoginCallbacks(): void;
debug(str: string): void;
setWidth(width: number): void;
setHeight(height: number): void;
setSize(width: number, height: number): void;
enableRightClick(enable: boolean): void;
enableLabelDrags(enable: boolean): void;
enableShiftDragZoom(enable: boolean): void;
showToolBar(show: boolean): void;
setCustomToolBar(toolbarDef: string): void;
showMenuBar(show: boolean): void;
showAlgebraInput(show: boolean): void;
showResetIcon(show: boolean): void;
getViewProperties(view: number): string;
setFont(label: string, size: number, bold: boolean, italic: boolean, serif: boolean): void;
insertImage(url: string, corner1: string, corner2: string, corner4: string): string;
addImage(fileName: string, urlOrSvgContent: string): void;
recalculateEnvironments(): void;
isIndependent(label: string): boolean;
isMoveable(label: string): boolean;
setPerspective(code: string): void;
enableCAS(enable: boolean): void;
enable3D(enable: boolean): void;
getFileJSON(thumbnail?: boolean): { archive: { fileName: string; fileContent: string }[] };
setFileJSON(zip: { archive: { fileName: string; fileContent: string }[] }): void;
setLanguage(lang: string): void;
showTooltip(tooltip: boolean): void;
clientId: string,
name: string,
color: string,
label: string,
newGeo: boolean
): void;
removeMultiuserSelections(clientId: string): void;
getExerciseFraction(): number;
isExercise(): boolean;
setExternalPath(path: string): void;
checkSaved(path: () => void): void;
getCASObjectNumber(): number;
exportPGF(callback: (data: string) => void): void;
exportSVG: {
(filename: string): void;
(callback: (svg: string) => void): void;
exportPDF: {
(scale: number, filename: string, sliderLabel: string): void;
(scale: number, callback: (pdf: string) => void, sliderLabel: string): void;
exportPSTricks(callback: (data: string) => void): void;
exportAsymptote(callback: (data: string) => void): void;
setRounding(digits: string): void;
getRounding(): string;
copyTextToClipboard(text: string): void;
evalLaTeX(text: string, mode: number): void;
evalMathML(text: string): boolean;
getScreenReaderOutput(text: string): string;
getEditorState(): string;
setEditorState(state: string, label: string): void;
getGraphicsOptions(viewId: number): GraphicsOptions;
setGraphicsOptions(viewId: number, options: string | RecursivePartial<GraphicsOptions>): void;
translate(arg1: string, callback: (data: string) => void): string;
exportConstruction(flags: string[]): string;
updateConstruction(): void;
getConstructionSteps(breakpoints?: boolean): number;
setConstructionStep(n: number, breakpoints?: boolean): void;
previousConstructionStep(): void;
nextConstructionStep(): void;
getEmbeddedCalculators(includeGraspableMath?: boolean): Record<string, AppletObject>;
getFrame(): HTMLElement;
enableFpsMeasurement(): void;
disableFpsMeasurement(): void;
testDraw(): void;
startDrawRecording(): void;
endDrawRecordingAndLogResults(): void;
registerAddListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
unregisterAddListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
registerStoreUndoListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void;
unregisterStoreUndoListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void;
registerRemoveListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
unregisterRemoveListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
registerClearListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void;
unregisterClearListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void;
JSFunctionName: string | ((oldName: string, newName: string) => void)
): void;
JSFunctionName: string | ((oldName: string, newName: string) => void)
): void;
registerUpdateListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
unregisterUpdateListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
registerClientListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((event: ClientEvent) => void)): void;
unregisterClientListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((event: ClientEvent) => void)): void;
objName: string,
JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)
): void;
unregisterObjectUpdateListener(objName: string): void;
registerObjectClickListener(objName: string, JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void;
unregisterObjectClickListener(objName: string): void;
registerClickListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
unregisterClickListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void;
handleSlideAction(eventType: string, pageIdx: string, appState?: string): void;
selectSlide(pageIdx: string): void;
updateOrdering(labels: string): void;
previewRefresh(): void;
groupObjects(objects: string[]): void;
ungroupObjects(objects: string[]): void;
getObjectsOfItsGroup(object: string): string[];
addToGroup(item: string, objectsInGroup: string[]): void;
setEmbedContent(label: string, base64: string): void;
addGeoToTV(label: string): void;
removeGeoFromTV(label: string): void;
setValuesOfTV(values: string): void;
showPointsTV(column: string, show: string): void;
hasUnlabeledPredecessors(label: string): boolean;
lockTextElement(label: string): void;
unlockTextElement(label: string): void;
export type AxisConfiguration = {
label: string | null;
unitLabel: string | null;
positiveAxis: boolean;
showNumbers: boolean;
tickStyle: number;
visible: boolean;
export type AxesConfiguration = {
x: AxisConfiguration;
y: AxisConfiguration;
z: AxisConfiguration;
export type GraphicsOptions = {
axesColor: string;
bgColor: string;
gridColor: string;
axes: AxesConfiguration;
grid: boolean;
gridDistance: { x: number | null; y: number | null };
gridType: number;
pointCapturing: number;
rightAngleStyle: number;
rulerType: number;
type RecursivePartial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: RecursivePartial<T[P]>;
* @link
export type ClientEvent =
// when new macro is added, `argument`: macro name
| { type: "addMacro"; argument: string }
// polygon construction started
| { type: "addPolygon" }
// polygon construction finished, `target`: polygon label
| { type: "addPolygonComplete"; target: string }
// Graphing / Geometry apps: algebra tab selected in sidebar
| { type: "algebraPanelSelected" }
// multiple objects deleted
| { type: "deleteGeos" }
// one or all objects removed from selection, `target`: object name (for single object) or null (deselect all)
| { type: "deselect"; target: string | null }
// mouse drag ended
| { type: "dragEnd" }
// dropdown list closed, `target`: dropdown list name, `index` index of selected item (0 based) */
| { type: "dropdownClosed"; target: string; index: number }
// dropdown list item focused using mouse or keyboard, `target`: dropdown list name, `index` index of focused item (0 based) */
| { type: "dropdownItemFocused"; target: string; index: number }
// dropdown list opened, `target`: dropdown list name
| { type: "dropdownOpened"; target: string }
// key typed in editor (Algebra view of any app or standalone Evaluator app),
| { type: "editorKeyTyped" }
// user moves focus to the editor (Algebra view of any app or standalone Evaluator app), `target:` object label if editing existing object
| { type: "editorStart"; target?: string }
// user (Algebra view of any app or standalone Evaluator app), `target`: object label if editing existing object
| { type: "editorStop"; target?: string }
// export started, `argument`: JSON encoded array including export format
| { type: "export"; argument: string }
// user pressed the mouse button, `x`: mouse x-coordinate, `y`: mouse y-coordinate
| { type: "mouseDown"; x: number; y: number }
// multiple objects move ended, `argument`: object labels
| { type: "movedGeos"; argument: string[] }
// multiple objects are being moved, `argument`: object labels
| { type: "movingGeos"; argument: string[] }
// dialog is opened (currently just for export dialog), `argument`: dialog ID
| { type: "openDialog"; argument: string }
// main menu or one of its submenus were open, `argument`: submenu ID
| { type: "openMenu"; argument: string }
// pasting multiple objects started, `argument`: pasted objects as XML
| { type: "pasteElms"; argument: string }
// pasting multiple objects ended,
| { type: "pasteElmsComplete" }
// perspective changed (e.g. a view was opened or closed),
| { type: "perspectiveChange" }
// redo button pressed,
| { type: "redo" }
// relation tool used, `argument`: HTML description of the object relation
| { type: "relationTool"; argument: string }
// custom tool removed, `argument`: custom tool name
| { type: "removeMacro"; argument: string }
// object renaming complete (in case of chain renames),
| { type: "renameComplete" }
// custom tool was renamed, `argument`: array [old name, new name]
| { type: "renameMacro"; argument: [oldName: string, newName: string] }
// object added to selection, `target`: object label
| { type: "select"; target: string }
// app mode changed (e.g. a tool was selected), `argument`: mode number (see toolbar reference for details)
| { type: "setMode"; argument: string }
// navigation bar visibility changed, `argument`: "true" or "false"
| { type: "showNavigationBar"; argument: string }
// style bar visibility changed, `argument`: "true" or "false"
| { type: "showStyleBar"; argument: string }
// side panel (where algebra view is in Graphing Calculator) closed,
| { type: "sidePanelClosed" }
// side panel (where algebra view is in Graphing Calculator) opened,
| { type: "sidePanelOpened" }
// table of values panel selected,
| { type: "tablePanelSelected" }
// tools panel selected,
| { type: "toolsPanelSelected" }
// undo pressed,
| { type: "undo" }
// object style changed, `target`: object label
| { type: "updateStyle"; target: string }
// graphics view dimensions changed by zooming or panning, `xZero`: horizontal pixel position of point (0,0), `yZero`: vertical pixel position of point (0,0), `xscale`: ratio pixels / horizontal units, `yscale`: ratio pixels / vertical units, `viewNo`: graphics view number (1 or 2)
| {
type: "viewChanged2D";
xZero: number;
yZero: number;
scale: number;
yscale: number;
viewNo: 1 | 2;
// 3D view dimensions changed by zooming or panning, similar to 2D, e.g. `xZero: 0,yZero: 0,scale: 50,yscale: 50,viewNo: 512,zZero: -1.5,zscale: 50,xAngle: -40,zAngle: 24`
| {
type: "viewChanged3D";
xZero: number;
yZero: number;
zZero: number;
scale: number;
yscale: number;
zscale: number;
xAngle: number;
zAngle: number;
viewNo: 1 | 2;