Glen Whitney
Not everything is tested, but tried to capture all of the structure of the original, except for pivot points green, since there are no pivot points yet. Also many of the color specifications are missing. Resolves #8.
46 lines
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46 lines
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name: 'archematics',
version: '0.0.1',
description: 'Uncovering lost digital mathematical treasures',
scripts: {
test: 'echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1',
// Obtain additional source code needed:
prebuild: 'bash tools/fetchDeps.bash',
// Use civet to create .ts files from the source...
build_ts1: 'mkdir -p tsbuild && civet -c -o tsbuild/.ts src/*.civet',
// ... but also grab other existing files:
build_ts2: 'cp -r etc/deps tsbuild',
build_ts3: 'bash tools/copyDeps.bash tsbuild/deps',
// Use the Typescript compiler to create the final .js files:
build_js: 'tsc && mkdir -p public/js && cp -r jsbuild/* public/js',
build_deps: 'bash tools/copyDeps.bash public/js/deps',
build: 'pnpm --sequential /build_/',
start: 'node public/js',
go: 'pnpm --sequential "/build|start/"',
serve: 'pnpm build && http-server',
clean: 'rm -rf tsbuild jsbuild public/js',
packageManager: 'pnpm',
keywords: [
author: 'Glen Whitney',
license: 'MIT',
repository: {
type: 'git',
url: '',
devDependencies: {
'@danielx/civet': '^0.6.39',
'@types/jquery': '^3.5.19',
'http-server': '^14.1.1',
typescript: '^5.2.2',
dependencies: {
colorsea: '^1.2.1',
vrml1to97: '^0.2.2',