
765 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright 2006 Rene Grothmann, modified by Eric Hakenholz
This file is part of C.a.R. software.
C.a.R. is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
C.a.R. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package rene.zirkel.objects;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import eric.JEricPanel;
import rene.dialogs.Warning;
import rene.gui.ButtonAction;
import rene.gui.Global;
import rene.gui.IconBar;
import rene.gui.MyLabel;
import rene.gui.TextFieldAction;
import rene.util.xml.XmlWriter;
import rene.gui.Global;
import rene.zirkel.ZirkelCanvas;
import rene.zirkel.expression.Expression;
import rene.zirkel.expression.ExpressionColor;
import rene.zirkel.expression.InvalidException;
public class FixedAngleObject extends PrimitiveLineObject implements
MoveableObject, SimulationObject, InsideObject {
protected PointObject P2;
static Count N = new Count();
double A, A1, A2, AA;
Expression E;
boolean Filled = false;
boolean Inverse = false;
boolean EditAborted = false;
boolean Dragable = false;
boolean Reduced = false;
public static final int NORMALSIZE = 1, SMALL = 0, LARGER = 2, LARGE = 3,
RECT = 4;
protected int DisplaySize = NORMALSIZE;
public FixedAngleObject(final Construction c, final PointObject p1,
final PointObject p2, final double x, final double y) {
P1 = p1;
P2 = p2;
init(c, x, y);
Unit = Global.getParameter("unit.angle", "°");
public void setDefaults() {
setShowName(Global.getParameter("options.angle.shownames", false));
setShowValue(Global.getParameter("options.angle.showvalues", false));
setColor(Global.getParameter("options.angle.color", 0), Global
.getParameter("options.angle.pcolor", (ExpressionColor) null, this));
setColorType(Global.getParameter("options.angle.colortype", 0));
setFilled(Global.getParameter("options.angle.filled", false));
setObtuse(Global.getParameter("options.angle.obtuse", false));
public void setTargetDefaults() {
setShowName(Global.getParameter("options.angle.shownames", false));
setShowValue(Global.getParameter("options.angle.showvalues", false));
setColor(Global.getParameter("options.angle.color", 0), Global
.getParameter("options.angle.pcolor", (ExpressionColor) null, this));
setColorType(Global.getParameter("options.angle.colortype", 0));
setFilled(Global.getParameter("options.angle.filled", false));
setObtuse(Global.getParameter("options.angle.obtuse", false));
public void init(final Construction c, final double x, final double y,
final boolean invert) {
double dx = P1.getX() - P2.getX(), dy = P1.getY() - P2.getY();
A1 = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
dx = x - P2.getX();
dy = y - P2.getY();
A2 = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
A = A2 - A1;
if (A < 0) {
A += 2 * Math.PI;
} else if (A > 2 * Math.PI) {
A -= 2 * Math.PI;
if (Inverse && Obtuse) {
A = 2 * Math.PI - A;
if (invert && !Obtuse) {
if (A > Math.PI) {
A = 2 * Math.PI - A;
Inverse = true;
} else {
Inverse = false;
E = new Expression(""
+ round(A / Math.PI * 180, ZirkelCanvas.EditFactor), c, this);
setColor(ColorIndex, SpecialColor);
public void init(final Construction c, final double x, final double y) {
init(c, x, y, true);
double xx[] = new double[4], yy[] = new double[4];
public void paint(final MyGraphics g, final ZirkelCanvas zc) {
if (!Valid || mustHide(zc)) {
// compute middle of the screen:
final double xm = (zc.minX() + zc.maxX()) / 2, ym = (zc.minY() + zc
.maxY()) / 2;
// compute distance from middle to line:
final double d = (xm - X1) * DY - (ym - Y1) * DX;
// compute point with minimal distance
final double x = xm - d * DY, y = ym + d * DX;
// compute size of the screen
final double a = Math.max(zc.maxX() - zc.minX(), zc.maxY() - zc.minY());
if (Math.abs(d) > a) {
// compute distance from closest point to source
final double b = (x - X1) * DX + (y - Y1) * DY;
// compute the two visible endpoints
double k1 = b - a;
final double k2 = b + a;
if (k1 < 0) {
k1 = 0;
if (k1 >= k2) {
double c1 = zc.col(X1 + k1 * DX);
final double c2 = zc.col(X1 + k2 * DX);
double r1 = zc.row(Y1 + k1 * DY);
final double r2 = zc.row(Y1 + k2 * DY);
// paint:
if (!Reduced) {
g.drawLine(c1, r1, c2, r2, this);
final double R = zc.col(getDisplaySize(zc)) - zc.col(0);
c1 = zc.col(X1) - R;
r1 = zc.row(Y1) - R;
final String s = AngleObject.translateToUnicode(getDisplayText());
double DA = (A / Math.PI * 180);
if (DA < 0) {
DA += 360;
} else if (DA >= 360) {
DA -= 360;
if (isStrongSelected() && g instanceof MainGraphics) {
((MainGraphics) g).drawMarkerArc(c1 + R, r1 + R, R, A1 / Math.PI
* 180, DA);
if (Filled) {
if (Math.abs(DA - 90) < 0.0000001) {
final double dx1 = Math.cos(A1), dy1 = Math.sin(A1), dx2 = Math
.cos(A1 + DA / 180 * Math.PI), dy2 = Math.sin(A1 + DA
/ 180 * Math.PI);
final double dx3 = dx1 + dx2, dy3 = dy1 + dy2;
xx[0] = c1;
yy[0] = r1;
xx[0] = c1 + R;
yy[0] = r1 + R;
xx[1] = c1 + R + R * dx1;
yy[1] = r1 + R - R * dy1;
xx[2] = c1 + R + R * dx3;
yy[2] = r1 + R - R * dy3;
xx[3] = c1 + R + R * dx2;
yy[3] = r1 + R - R * dy2;
g.fillPolygon(xx, yy, 4, false, getColorType() != THICK, this);
g.drawLine(xx[1], yy[1], xx[2], yy[2]);
g.drawLine(xx[2], yy[2], xx[3], yy[3]);
} else {
g.fillArc(c1, r1, 2 * R + 1, 2 * R + 1, A1 / Math.PI * 180, DA,
Selected || getColorType() == NORMAL,
getColorType() != THICK, true, this);
} else {
if (DisplaySize == RECT) {
final double dx1 = Math.cos(A1), dy1 = Math.sin(A1), dx2 = Math
.cos(A1 + DA / 180 * Math.PI), dy2 = Math.sin(A1 + DA
/ 180 * Math.PI);
g.drawLine(c1 + R + R * dx1, r1 + R - R * dy1, c1 + R + R
* (dx1 + dx2), r1 + R - R * (dy1 + dy2));
g.drawLine(c1 + R + R * (dx1 + dx2), r1 + R - R * (dy1 + dy2),
c1 + R + R * dx2, r1 + R - R * dy2);
} else {
if (Math.abs(DA - 90) < 0.0000001) {
final double dx1 = Math.cos(A1), dy1 = Math.sin(A1), dx2 = Math
.cos(A1 + DA / 180 * Math.PI), dy2 = Math.sin(A1
+ DA / 180 * Math.PI);
final double dx3 = dx1 + dx2, dy3 = dy1 + dy2;
xx[1] = c1 + R + R * dx1;
yy[1] = r1 + R - R * dy1;
xx[2] = c1 + R + R * dx3;
yy[2] = r1 + R - R * dy3;
xx[3] = c1 + R + R * dx2;
yy[3] = r1 + R - R * dy2;
g.drawLine(xx[1], yy[1], xx[2], yy[2]);
g.drawLine(xx[2], yy[2], xx[3], yy[3]);
} else {
g.drawCircleArc(c1 + R, r1 + R, R, A1 / Math.PI * 180, DA,
if (!s.equals("")) {
DisplaysText = true;
final double dx = Math.cos(A1 + A / 2), dy = Math.sin(A1 + A / 2);
// if (s.equals("90"+getUnit())||Name.startsWith(".")) {
// if (KeepClose) {
// double dof=Math.sqrt(XcOffset*XcOffset+YcOffset*YcOffset);
// TX1=zc.col(X1+dof*dx)-3;
// TY1=zc.row(Y1+dof*dy)-3;
// TX2=TX1+9;
// TY2=TY1+9;
// g.drawRect(zc.col(X1+dof*dx)-1,
// zc.row(Y1+dof*dy)-1, 3, 3);
// } else {
// TX1=zc.col(X1+zc.dx(R*AngleObject.LabelScale)*dx+XcOffset)-3;
// TY1=zc.row(Y1+zc.dy(R*AngleObject.LabelScale)*dy+YcOffset)-3;
// TX2=TX1+9;
// TY2=TY1+9;
// g.drawRect(zc.col(X1+zc.dx(R*AngleObject.LabelScale)*dx+XcOffset)-1,
// zc.row(Y1+zc.dy(R*AngleObject.LabelScale)*dy+YcOffset)-1, 3, 3);
// }
// } else {
if (KeepClose) {
final double dof = Math.sqrt(XcOffset * XcOffset + YcOffset
* YcOffset);
drawCenteredLabel(g, s, zc, X1 + dof * dx, Y1 + dof * dy, 0, 0);
} else {
drawCenteredLabel(g, s, zc, X1
+ zc.dx(R * AngleObject.LabelScale) * dx, Y1
+ zc.dy(R * AngleObject.LabelScale) * dy, XcOffset,
// }
public boolean canKeepClose() {
return true;
public void setKeepClose(final double x, final double y) {
KeepClose = true;
XcOffset = x - X1;
YcOffset = y - Y1;
double getDisplaySize(final ZirkelCanvas zc) {
double R = zc.dx(12 * zc.pointSize());
if (DisplaySize == SMALL || DisplaySize == RECT) {
R /= 2;
} else if (DisplaySize == LARGER) {
R *= 2;
} else if (DisplaySize == LARGE) {
final double dx = P1.getX() - X1, dy = P1.getY() - Y1;
R = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return R;
public String getTag() {
return "Angle";
public int getN() {
public void updateText() {
if (E == null || !E.isValid()) {
setText(text3("text.fixedangle"), P1.getName(), P2
.getName(), E.toString()));
public String getDisplayValue() {
return Global.getLocaleNumber(A / Math.PI * 180, "angles");
// public String getDisplayValue() {
// if (ZirkelCanvas.AnglesFactor<=2) {
// return ""+(int) (A/Math.PI*180+0.5);
// } else {
// return ""+round(A/Math.PI*180, ZirkelCanvas.AnglesFactor);
// }
// }
public void validate() {
if (!P1.valid() || !P2.valid()) {
Valid = false;
} else {
X1 = P2.getX();
Y1 = P2.getY();
final double dx = P1.getX() - X1, dy = P1.getY() - Y1;
if (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < 1e-9) {
Valid = false;
A1 = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
boolean Negative = false;
try {
if (E != null && E.isValid()) {
A = E.getValue() / 180 * Math.PI;
if (Obtuse) {
if (Inverse) {
A = -A;
} else {
if (Inverse && Math.sin(A) > 0) {
A = -A;
if (!Inverse && Math.sin(A) < 0) {
A = -A;
if (A < 0) {
Negative = true;
while (A < 0) {
A = A + 2 * Math.PI;
while (A >= 2 * Math.PI) {
A = A - 2 * Math.PI;
A2 = A1 + A;
DX = Math.cos(A2);
DY = Math.sin(A2);
AA = A;
} catch (final Exception e) {
Valid = false;
if (!Obtuse && A > Math.PI) {
A1 = A2;
A = 2 * Math.PI - A;
A2 = A1 + A;
} else if (Obtuse && Negative) {
A1 = A2;
A = 2 * Math.PI - A;
A2 = A1 + A;
Valid = true;
public double getLength() {
return A;
public void setFixed(final String s) {
E = new Expression(s, getConstruction(), this);
public void round() {
try {
setFixed(round(E.getValue(), ZirkelCanvas.AnglesFactor) + "");
} catch (final Exception e) {
public void setEditFixed(final String s) {
E = new Expression(s, getConstruction(), this);
public boolean canFix() {
return true;
public void printArgs(final XmlWriter xml) {
xml.printArg("first", P1.getName());
xml.printArg("root", P2.getName());
if (DisplaySize == SMALL) {
xml.printArg("display", "small");
if (DisplaySize == LARGE) {
xml.printArg("display", "large");
if (DisplaySize == LARGER) {
xml.printArg("display", "larger");
if (DisplaySize == RECT) {
xml.printArg("display", "rectangle");
if (Filled) {
xml.printArg("filled", "true");
if (E.isValid()) {
xml.printArg("fixed", E.toString());
} else {
xml.printArg("fixed", "" + A / Math.PI * 180);
if (!Obtuse) {
xml.printArg("acute", "true");
if (Inverse) {
xml.printArg("inverse", "true");
if (Reduced) {
xml.printArg("reduced", "true");
if (Dragable) {
xml.printArg("dragable", "true");
public boolean nearto(final int c, final int r, final ZirkelCanvas zc) {
if (!Valid && P2.valid()) {
return P2.nearto(c, r, zc);
if (!displays(zc)) {
return false;
// compute point at c,r
final double x = zc.x(c), y = zc.y(r);
// compute distance from x,y
final double d = (x - X1) * DY - (y - Y1) * DX;
final double e = (x - X1) * DX + (y - Y1) * DY;
// scale in screen coordinates
Value = Math.abs(zc.col(zc.minX() + d) - zc.col(zc.minX()));
if (!Reduced && Value < zc.selectionSize() && e > 0) {
return true;
final double dx = zc.x(c) - X1, dy = zc.y(r) - Y1;
final double size = zc.dx(zc.selectionSize());
final double rd = getDisplaySize(zc);
final double rr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
boolean near;
if (Filled || DisplaySize == RECT) {
near = (rr < rd + size);
} else {
near = (Math.abs(rr - rd) < size);
if (!near) {
return false;
if (rd < size) {
return near;
double a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
if (a < 0) {
a += 2 * Math.PI;
final double cc = 0.05;
if (A1 - cc < a && A2 + cc > a) {
return true;
a = a - 2 * Math.PI;
if (A1 - cc < a && A2 + cc > a) {
return true;
a = a + 4 * Math.PI;
if (A1 - cc < a && A2 + cc > a) {
return true;
return false;
public void setDisplaySize(final int i) {
DisplaySize = i;
public int getDisplaySize() {
return DisplaySize;
public Enumeration depending() {
depset(P1, P2);
final Enumeration e = E.getDepList().elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
DL.add((ConstructionObject) e.nextElement());
return DL.elements();
public void translate() {
P1 = (PointObject) P1.getTranslation();
P2 = (PointObject) P2.getTranslation();
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
public String getE() {
return E.toString();
public double getValue() throws ConstructionException {
if (!Valid) {
throw new InvalidException("exception.invalid");
} else {
return A / Math.PI * 180;
public void setFilled(final boolean flag) {
Filled = flag;
public boolean isFilled() {
return Filled;
public boolean isFilledForSelect() {
return false;
public boolean contains(final double x, final double y) {
final double a = (x - X1) * DX + (y - Y1) * DY;
if (a < 1e-9) {
return false;
return true;
public double project(final double x, final double y) {
final double h = super.project(x, y);
if (h < 0) {
return 0;
return h;
public Enumeration points() {
return depset(P2);
public void move(final double x, final double y) {
init(getConstruction(), x, y, true);
public boolean moveable() {
return Dragable; // E.isNumber();
public boolean isFixed() {
return true;
public boolean getInverse() {
return Inverse;
public void setInverse(final boolean inverse) {
Inverse = inverse;
public boolean isEditAborted() {
return EditAborted;
public boolean isDragable() {
return Dragable;
public void setDragable(final boolean f) {
Dragable = f;
public boolean isReduced() {
return Reduced;
public void setReduced(final boolean f) {
Reduced = f;
public boolean fixedByNumber() {
return (E != null && E.isNumber());
// For the simulate function:
* Set the simulation value, remember the old value.
public void setSimulationValue(final double x) {
A = x / 180 * Math.PI;
final Expression OldE = E;
E = null;
E = OldE;
* Reset the old value.
public void resetSimulationValue() {
public void startDrag(final double x, final double y) {
public void dragTo(final double x, final double y) {
move(x, y);
public double getOldX() {
return 0;
public double getOldY() {
return 0;
public double containsInside(final PointObject P) {
final double dx = P.getX() - X1, dy = P.getY() - Y1;
double a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
if (a < A1) {
a += 2 * Math.PI;
final double c = 1e-5;
if (a > A1 && a < A1 + A) {
return 1;
} else if (a > A1 - c && a < A1 + A + c) {
return 0.5;
return 0;
public boolean keepInside(final PointObject P) {
if (containsInside(P) > 0) {
return true;
final double x = P.getX(), y = P.getY();
final double x1 = X1, y1 = Y1;
double xmin = x1, ymin = y1, dmin = 1e20;
double x2 = X1 + Math.cos(A1), y2 = Y1 + Math.sin(A1);
double dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1;
double r = dx * dx + dy * dy;
double h = dx * (x - x1) / r + dy * (y - y1) / r;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0;
double xh = x1 + h * dx, yh = y1 + h * dy;
double dist = Math.sqrt((x - xh) * (x - xh) + (y - yh) * (y - yh));
if (dist < dmin) {
dmin = dist;
xmin = xh;
ymin = yh;
x2 = X1 + Math.cos(A2);
y2 = Y1 + Math.sin(A2);
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
r = dx * dx + dy * dy;
h = dx * (x - x1) / r + dy * (y - y1) / r;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0;
xh = x1 + h * dx;
yh = y1 + h * dy;
dist = Math.sqrt((x - xh) * (x - xh) + (y - yh) * (y - yh));
if (dist < dmin) {
dmin = dist;
xmin = xh;
ymin = yh;
P.move(xmin, ymin);
return false;
public PointObject getP1() {
return P1;
public PointObject getP2() {
return P2;