Glen Whitney 904f651897 feat: Add syntax for string literals
Also rudimentary code generation. The difficulty
  is that for Haskell generation, we need to know
  whether an expression is a string or in to send it
  to standard output. So we will need to begin
  implementation of a type system for fostr.
2021-02-11 10:02:43 -08:00

58 lines
2.1 KiB

module haskell
imports libstrategolib signatures/- util
/* Approach: Generate code from the bottom up.
At every node, we create a pair of the implementation and
necessary preamble of IO actions.
We concatenate preambles as we go up.
Finally, at the toplevel we emit the preamble before returning the
final value.
hs: TopLevel((c,p)) -> $[import System.IO
data IOStream = StdIO
gets :: Show b => a -> b -> IO a
gets s d = do
putStr(show d)
return s
main = do
[p]return [c]]
hs: Stream() -> ("StdIO", "")
hs: Int(x) -> (x, "")
hs: LitString(x)
-> ($["[<string-as-chars(escape-chars(HaskellEscape))>x]"], "")
hs: Sum( (c, p), (d, q)) -> ($[([c] + [d])], <conc-strings>(p,q))
hs: Gets((c, p), (d, q)) -> <hsget>(c,d,<conc-strings>(p,q),<newname>"fosgt")
hsget: (s, x, p, v) -> (v, <concat-strings>[p, $[[v] <- [s] `gets` [x]],
hs: To( (c, p), (d, q)) -> <hsto>(c,d,<conc-strings>(p,q),<newname>"fosto")
hsto: (x, s, p, v) -> (v, <concat-strings>[p, $[let [v] = [x]], "\n",
$[[s] `gets` [v]], "\n"])
hs: Terminate((c,p)) -> ($[[c];;], p)
hs: Sequence(l) -> (<last; Fst>l, <map(Snd); concat-strings>l)
/* Characters we need to escape in Haskell string constants */
Hascape: ['\t' | cs ] -> ['\', 't' | cs ]
/* I think I can just use ASCII constants for characters... */
Hascape: [ 0 | cs ] -> ['\', '0' | cs ]
Hascape: [ 7 | cs ] -> ['\', 'a' | cs ] // Alert
Hascape: [ 8 | cs ] -> ['\', 'b' | cs ] // Backspace
Hascape: [ 11 | cs ] -> ['\', 'v' | cs ] // Vertical tab
Hascape: [ 12 | cs ] -> ['\', 'f' | cs ] // Form feed
HaskellEscape = Escape <+ Hascape
haskell = bottomup(try(hs))
// Interface haskell code generation with editor services and file system
to-haskell: (selected, _, _, path, project-path) -> (filename, result)
with filename := <guarantee-extension(|"hs")> path
; result := <haskell> selected