First pass at coordinate axes

This commit is contained in:
Glen Whitney 2019-12-12 02:44:33 -05:00
parent 413a8b5b81
commit c7f2feab1f
2 changed files with 28 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ site/node_modules: node_modules package.json package-lock.json
cp package.json package-lock.json tmpproj cp package.json package-lock.json tmpproj
cd tmpproj && npm install --production cd tmpproj && npm install --production
cp -r tmpproj/node_modules site cp -r tmpproj/node_modules site
touch site/node_modules $(BLDTARGS) $(BLDTARGS)
zip -r $@ site zip -r $@ site

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@ -5,11 +5,37 @@ When you load dyna3, you should initially see a three-dimensional coordinate sys
import {threeLoaded, three as J3} from './externals.js' import {threeLoaded, three as J3} from './externals.js'
LTx = { dashed: true, plain: false }
buildAxis = (to, color, tx) ->
geom = new J3.Geometry()
if tx then mat = new J3.LineDashedMaterial(
{linewidth: 3, color, dashSize: 0.5, gapSize: 0.5})
else mat = new J3.LineBasicMaterial {linewidth:3, color}
geom.vertices.push(new J3.Vector3(0,0,0))
geom.vertices.push to.clone()
axis = new J3.Line geom, mat, J3.LineSegments
axes = (length) ->
ax = new J3.Object3D()
dirs = [ new J3.Vector3(length, 0, 0),
new J3.Vector3(0, length, 0),
new J3.Vector3(0, 0, length) ]
cols = [ 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF ]
for i in [0, 1, 2]
ax.add buildAxis dirs[i], cols[i], LTx.plain
ax.add buildAxis dirs[i], cols[i], LTx.dashed
main = -> main = ->
renderer = new J3.WebGLRenderer() renderer = new J3.WebGLRenderer()
rwd = window.innerWidth rwd = window.innerWidth
rht = window.innerHeight rht = window.innerHeight
renderer.setSize rwd, rht renderer.setSize rwd, rht
renderer.setClearColor 0xeeeeee, 1.0
document.body.appendChild renderer.domElement document.body.appendChild renderer.domElement
scene = new J3.Scene() scene = new J3.Scene()
@ -17,6 +43,7 @@ When you load dyna3, you should initially see a three-dimensional coordinate sys
material = new J3.MeshBasicMaterial {color: 0xff00ff} material = new J3.MeshBasicMaterial {color: 0xff00ff}
ball = new J3.Mesh geometry, material ball = new J3.Mesh geometry, material
scene.add ball scene.add ball
scene.add axes 10
camera = new J3.PerspectiveCamera 75, rwd/rht, 0.1, 1000 camera = new J3.PerspectiveCamera 75, rwd/rht, 0.1, 1000
camera.position.z = 5 camera.position.z = 5