{ name: 'vrml1to97', version: '0.4.0', description: 'JavaScript converter from VRML 1 to VRML97', scripts: { test: 'echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1', // Use civet to create .ts files from the source: build_ts: 'mkdir -p build && civet -c -o build/.ts src/*civet', // These next three steps get all dependencies into one place for convenience: build_deps1: 'mkdir -p deps', // Strip the UMD header so that es6 can import: build_deps2: 'node tools/modulize.mjs < node_modules/moo/moo.js > deps/moo.js', // Give Typescript the info it needs: build_deps3: 'cp node_modules/@types/moo/index.d.ts deps/moo.d.ts', // Use the Typescript compiler to create the final .js files: build_js1: 'tsc && mkdir -p dist/deps && cp deps/*.js dist/deps', build_js2: 'rm dist/vrml1to97/example.d.ts', // it's empty anyway // And finally add the executable and construct a package.json build_etc1: 'cp etc/*.js README.md dist', build_etc2: 'node tools/repackage.mjs < package.json5 > dist/package.json', build: 'pnpm --sequential /build_/', try: 'pnpm build && node dist/vrml1to97/example.js', clean: 'rm -r build dist deps', }, keywords: [ 'javascript', 'vrml', 'VRML97', 'wrl', ], author: 'Glen Whitney', license: 'MIT', repository: { type: 'git', url: 'https://code.studioinfinity.org/glen/vrml1to97.git', }, main: 'dist/vrml1to97/index.js', bin: { vrml1to97: 'dist/vrml1to97.js', }, type: 'module', devDependencies: { '@danielx/civet': '^0.6.72', '@types/moo': '^0.5.9', 'http-server': '^14.1.1', json5: '^2.2.3', typescript: '^5.3.3', }, dependencies: { moo: '^0.5.2', }, }