import {Dispatcher} from './core/Dispatcher.js' import * as Specifications from './all.js' export default new Dispatcher(Specifications) import {Complex} from './Complex/type.js' import {absquare as absquare_complex} from './Complex/arithmetic.js' const mockRealAdd = (a: number, b: number) => a+b const mockComplexAbsquare = (z: Complex) =>* +* const quatAbsquare = absquare_complex({ add: mockRealAdd, absquare: mockComplexAbsquare }) const myabs = quatAbsquare({re: {re: 0, im: 1}, im: {re:2, im: 3}}) const typeTest: typeof myabs = 7 // check myabs is just a number console.log('Result is', myabs) // Check type of the generic square implementation console.log('Type of square is', Specifications.generic.square.reflectedType)