import 'reflect-metadata' import {Dispatcher} from './core/Dispatcher.js' import * as Specifications from './all.js' import {Complex} from './Complex/type.js' import {absquare as absquare_complex} from './Complex/arithmetic.js' import { CallSite, ReflectedObjectRef, reflect } from 'typescript-rtti' import { square } from './generic/arithmetic.js' // verify that typescript-rtti works (just as experiment) const add = (a: number, b: number): number => a + b console.log('reflect add') console.log('parameterNames', reflect(add).parameterNames) console.log('parameterTypes', reflect(add) => type.toString())) console.log('returnType', reflect(add).returnType.toString()) console.log() // output: // reflect function add // parameterNames [ 'a', 'b' ] // parameterTypes [ 'class Number', 'class Number' ] // returnType class Number // try out a very simple case (just as experiment) function createSquare(deps: { multiply: (a: number, b: number) => number, subtract: (a: number, b: number) => number }) { return (a: number) => deps.multiply(a, a) } console.log('reflect createSquare') console.log('parameter names', reflect(createSquare) => // console.log('parameter[0]', (reflect(createSquare).parameters[0] as ReflectedFunctionParameter)) // @ts-ignore console.log('parameterTypes[0]', (reflect(createSquare).parameterTypes[0] as ReflectedObjectRef)._ref.m) console.log('parameterTypes[0].ref.m[0]', // @ts-ignore (reflect(createSquare).parameterTypes[0] as ReflectedObjectRef)._ref.m[0].n, // @ts-ignore (reflect(createSquare).parameterTypes[0] as ReflectedObjectRef)._ref.m[0] ) console.log('parameterTypes[0].ref.m[0].t.m', // @ts-ignore (reflect(createSquare).parameterTypes[0] as ReflectedObjectRef)._ref.m[0].t.m ) // @ts-ignore // console.log('parameters[0]', reflect(createSquare).parameters[0]) // FIXME: where to find the information of the types of the dependencies multiply and subtract? // Test whether we loose the type information when casting to a generic interface // Conclusion: we keep the information, that is good. console.log() console.log('reflect createFunction') type MathjsDependencies = Record type MathjsCreateFunction = (deps: MathjsDependencies) => Function const createFunction: MathjsCreateFunction = createSquare as MathjsCreateFunction console.log('parameter names', reflect(createFunction) => // @ts-ignore console.log('parameterTypes[0]', (reflect(createFunction).parameterTypes[0] as ReflectedObjectRef)._ref.m) console.log() console.log('CallSite') function foo(call? : CallSite) { console.log(reflect(call).typeParameters[0].isClass(String)) } function bar(call? : CallSite) { foo(); } bar(); // FIXME: get all types out of Specifications // console.log('Specifications', reflect(Specifications)) // Throws errors // TODO: import all specificiations (turned off for debugging purposes) // export default new Dispatcher(Specifications) const mockRealAdd = (a: number, b: number) => a+b const mockComplexAbsquare = (z: Complex) =>* +* const quatAbsquare = absquare_complex({ add: mockRealAdd, absquare: mockComplexAbsquare }) const myabs = quatAbsquare({re: {re: 0, im: 1}, im: {re:2, im: 3}}) const typeTest: typeof myabs = 7 // check myabs is just a number console.log('Result is', myabs)