/* #includes */ /*{{{C}}}*//*{{{*/ #ifndef NO_POSIX_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #endif #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "default.h" #include "eval.h" #include "func.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "sheet.h" /*}}}*/ /* tcopy -- return copy of token */ /*{{{*/ Token tcopy(Token n) { /* result */ /*{{{*/ Token result; /*}}}*/ result=n; if (result.type==STRING) result.u.string=strcpy(malloc(strlen(n.u.string)+1),n.u.string); else if (result.type==EEK) result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(n.u.err)+1),n.u.err); else if (result.type==LIDENT) result.u.lident=strcpy(malloc(strlen(n.u.lident)+1),n.u.lident); return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tfree -- free dynamic data of token */ /*{{{*/ void tfree(Token *n) { if (n->type==STRING) { free(n->u.string); n->u.string=(char*)0; } else if (n->type==EEK) { free(n->u.err); n->u.err=(char*)0; } else if (n->type==LIDENT) { free(n->u.lident); n->u.lident=(char*)0; } } /*}}}*/ /* tvecfree -- free a vector of pointer to tokens entirely */ /*{{{*/ void tvecfree(Token **tvec) { if (tvec!=(Token**)0) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token **t; /*}}}*/ for (t=tvec; *t!=(Token*)0; ++t) { tfree(*t); free(*t); } free(tvec); } } /*}}}*/ /* tadd -- + operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tadd(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is int sum of two ints */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer+r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==STRING && r.type==STRING) /* result is concatenated strings */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=STRING; result.u.string=malloc(strlen(l.u.string)+strlen(r.u.string)+1); (void)strcpy(result.u.string,l.u.string); (void)strcat(result.u.string,r.u.string); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && (r.type==INT || r.type==STRING || r.type==FLOAT || r.type==EMPTY)) /* return right argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type==INT || l.type==STRING || l.type==FLOAT) && r.type==EMPTY) /* return left argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float sum of int and float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=((double)l.u.integer)+r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is float sum of float and int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt+((double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float sum of float and float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt+r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==EMPTY) /* result is emty */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EMPTY; } /*}}}*/ else /* result is type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("wrong types for + operator"))+1),_("wrong types for + operator")); } /*}}}*/ if (result.type==FLOAT && (msg=dblfinite(result.u.flt))!=(const char*)0) /* result is error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=malloc(strlen(msg)+4); (void)strcpy(result.u.err,"+: "); (void)strcat(result.u.err,msg); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tsub -- binary - operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tsub(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is int difference between left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer-r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float difference between left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt-r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY) /* return negated right argument */ /*{{{*/ return tneg(r); /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type==INT || l.type==FLOAT) && r.type==EMPTY) /* return left argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float difference of left integer and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=((double)l.u.integer)-r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is float difference between left float and right integer */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt-((double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else /* result is difference type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("wrong types for - operator"))+1),_("wrong types for - operator")); } /*}}}*/ if (result.type==FLOAT && (msg=dblfinite(result.u.flt))!=(const char*)0) /* result is error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=malloc(strlen(msg)+4); (void)strcpy(result.u.err,"-: "); (void)strcat(result.u.err,msg); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tdiv -- / operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tdiv(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if ((r.type==INT && r.u.integer==0) || (r.type==FLOAT && r.u.flt==0.0) || (r.type==EMPTY)) /* result is division by 0 error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("division by 0"))+1),_("division by 0")); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is quotient of left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer/r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is quotient of left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt/r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==INT) /* result is 0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=0; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is 0.0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=0.0; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float quotient of left int and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=((double)l.u.integer)/r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is float quotient of left float and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt/((double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else /* result is quotient type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("wrong types for / operator"))+1),_("wrong types for / operator")); } /*}}}*/ if (result.type==FLOAT && (msg=dblfinite(result.u.flt))!=(const char*)0) /* result is error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=malloc(strlen(msg)+4); (void)strcpy(result.u.err,"/: "); (void)strcat(result.u.err,msg); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tmod -- % operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tmod(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if ((r.type==INT && r.u.integer==0) || (r.type==FLOAT && r.u.flt==0.0) || (r.type==EMPTY)) /* result is modulo 0 error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("modulo 0"))+1),_("modulo 0")); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is remainder of left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer%r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is remainder of left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=fmod(l.u.flt,r.u.flt); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==INT) /* result is 0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=0; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is 0.0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=0.0; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float remainder of left int and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=fmod((double)l.u.integer,r.u.flt); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is float remainder of left float and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=fmod(l.u.flt,(double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else /* result is remainder type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("wrong types for % operator"))+1),_("wrong types for % operator")); } /*}}}*/ if (result.type==FLOAT && (msg=dblfinite(result.u.flt))!=(const char*)0) /* result is error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=malloc(strlen(msg)+4); (void)strcpy(result.u.err,"%: "); (void)strcat(result.u.err,msg); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tmul -- * operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tmul(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error */ /*{{{*/ result=tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error */ /*{{{*/ result=tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is int product of left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result=l; result.u.integer=l.u.integer*r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float product of left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt*r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type==EMPTY && r.type==INT) || (l.type==INT && r.type==EMPTY)) /* result is 0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=0; } /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type==EMPTY && r.type==FLOAT) || (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==EMPTY)) /* result is 0.0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=0.0; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float product of left int and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=((double)l.u.integer)*r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is float product of left float and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt*((double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==EMPTY) /* result is empty */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EMPTY; } /*}}}*/ else /* result is product type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("wrong types for * operator"))+1),_("wrong types for * operator")); } /*}}}*/ if (result.type==FLOAT && (msg=dblfinite(result.u.flt))!=(const char*)0) /* result is error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=malloc(strlen(msg)+4); (void)strcpy(result.u.err,"*: "); (void)strcat(result.u.err,msg); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tneg -- monadic - operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tneg(Token x) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; /*}}}*/ if (x.type==EEK) /* return error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(x); /*}}}*/ else if (x.type==INT) /* result is negated int argument */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=-x.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (x.type==FLOAT) /* result is negated float argument */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=-x.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (x.type==EMPTY) /* result is argument itself */ /*{{{*/ { result=tcopy(x); } /*}}}*/ else /* result is negation error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("wrong type for - operator"))+1),_("wrong type for - operator")); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tpow -- ^ operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tpow(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ else if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type==INT || l.type==FLOAT || l.type==EMPTY) && (r.type==INT || r.type==FLOAT || l.type==EMPTY)) /* do the real work */ /*{{{*/ { if ((l.type==INT || l.type==EMPTY) && ((r.type==INT && r.u.integer>=0) || r.type==EMPTY)) /* int^int, return int or error if 0^0 */ /*{{{*/ { long x,y; if (l.type==EMPTY) x=0; else x=l.u.integer; if (r.type==EMPTY) y=0; else y=r.u.integer; if (x==0 && y==0) { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("0^0 is not defined"))+1),_("0^0 is not defined")); } else { long i; result.type=INT; if (x==0) result.u.integer=0; else if (y==0) result.u.integer=1; else for (result.u.integer=x,i=1; iu.fident].func(argc, argv); } /*}}}*/ /* tlt -- < operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tlt(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; static char empty[]=""; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { l.type=r.type; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { r.type=l.type; switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* return left int < right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer= operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tge(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; static char empty[]=""; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { l.type=r.type; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { r.type=l.type; switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is left int >= right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer>=r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==STRING && r.type==STRING) /* return left string >= right string */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=(strcmp(l.u.string,r.u.string)>=0); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* return left float >= right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt>=r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* return left float >= (double) right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt>=((double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* return (double) left int >= right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=((double)l.u.integer)>=r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else /* return >= type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("type mismatch for relational operator"))+1),_("type mismatch for relational operator")); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tgt -- <= operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tgt(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; static char empty[]=""; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) /* return left error argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(l); /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EEK) /* return right error argument */ /*{{{*/ return tcopy(r); /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { l.type=r.type; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { r.type=l.type; switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is left int > right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer>r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==STRING && r.type==STRING) /* result is left string > right string */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=(strcmp(l.u.string,r.u.string)>0); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is left float > right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt>r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is left float > (double) right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt>((double)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is left int > right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=((double)l.u.integer)>r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else /* result is relation op type error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=mystrmalloc(_("type mismatch for relational operator")); } /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* teq -- == operator */ /*{{{*/ Token teq(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; static char empty[]=""; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) return tcopy(l); else if (r.type==EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { l.type=r.type; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { r.type=l.type; switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt==((double)r.u.integer); } else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=((double)l.u.integer)==r.u.flt; } else if (l.type!=r.type) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=0; } else if (l.type==INT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer==r.u.integer; } else if (l.type==STRING) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=(strcmp(l.u.string,r.u.string)==0); } else if (l.type==FLOAT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt==r.u.flt; } else if (l.type==EMPTY) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=1; } else { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("type mismatch for relational operator"))+1),_("type mismatch for relational operator")); } return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tabouteq -- ~= operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tabouteq(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) return tcopy(l); else if (r.type==EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { l.type=r.type; switch (r.type) { case FLOAT: l.u.flt=0.0; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { r.type=l.type; switch (l.type) { case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=(fabs(l.u.flt-r.u.flt)<=DBL_EPSILON); } else { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("type mismatch for relational operator"))+1),_("type mismatch for relational operator")); } return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tne -- != operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tne(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; static char empty[]=""; /*}}}*/ if (l.type==EEK) return tcopy(l); else if (r.type==EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { l.type=r.type; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { r.type=l.type; switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string=empty; break; default: ; } } /*}}}*/ if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt!=((double)r.u.integer); } else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=((double)l.u.integer)!=r.u.flt; } else if (l.type!=r.type) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=1; } else if (l.type==INT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.integer!=r.u.integer; } else if (l.type==STRING) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=(strcmp(l.u.string,r.u.string)!=0); } else if (l.type==FLOAT) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=l.u.flt!=r.u.flt; } else if (l.type==EMPTY) { result.type=INT; result.u.integer=0; } else { result.type=EEK; result.u.err=strcpy(malloc(strlen(_("type mismatch for relational operator"))+1),_("type mismatch for relational operator")); } return result; } /*}}}*/