/* #includes */ /*{{{C}}}*//*{{{*/ #ifndef NO_POSIX_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #endif #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char *optarg; extern int optind,opterr,optopt; int getopt(int argc, char * const *argv, const char *optstring); #include #include #include "default.h" #include "display.h" #include "eval.h" #include "htmlio.h" #include "latex.h" #include "context.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "sc.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "parser.h" #include "sheet.h" #include "wk1.h" /*}}}*/ /* variables */ /*{{{*/ char helpfile[PATH_MAX]; int batch=0; unsigned int batchln=0; int def_precision=DEF_PRECISION; int quote=0; int header=1; int debug_level=0; static int usexdr=1; /*}}}*/ static void get_mark(Sheet *sheet, int *x1, int *x2, int *y1, int *y2, int *z1, int *z2, int everything) { if (sheet->marking) { posorder(&sheet->mark1x, &sheet->mark2x); posorder(&sheet->mark1y, &sheet->mark2y); posorder(&sheet->mark1z, &sheet->mark2z); sheet->marking = 0; } if (x1) { if (sheet->mark1x >= 0) { *x1 = sheet->mark1x; *x2 = sheet->mark2x; *y1 = sheet->mark1y; *y2 = sheet->mark2y; *z1 = sheet->mark1z; *z2 = sheet->mark2z; } else if (everything) { *x1 = 0; *x2 = sheet->dimx-1; *y1 = 0; *y2 = sheet->dimy-1; *z1 = 0; *z2 = sheet->dimz-1; } else { *x1 = *x2 = sheet->curx; *y1 = *y2 = sheet->cury; *z1 = *z2 = sheet->curz; } } } void moveto(Sheet *sheet, int x, int y, int z) { int need_redraw = 0; int xdir = x > sheet->curx?1:-1; if (x >= 0) sheet->curx = x; if (y >= 0) sheet->cury = y; if (z >= 0) need_redraw++, sheet->curz = z; while (sheet->curx > 0 && shadowed(sheet, sheet->curx, sheet->cury, sheet->curz)) sheet->curx += xdir; if (sheet->marking) { sheet->mark2x = sheet->curx; sheet->mark2y = sheet->cury; sheet->mark2z = sheet->curz; } if (sheet->curx <= sheet->offx && sheet->offx) need_redraw++, sheet->offx = (sheet->curx?sheet->curx-1:0); if (sheet->cury <= sheet->offy && sheet->offy) need_redraw++, sheet->offy = (sheet->cury?sheet->cury-1:0); if (sheet->curx >= sheet->offx+sheet->maxx) need_redraw++, sheet->offx = sheet->curx-sheet->maxx+2; if (sheet->cury >= sheet->offy+sheet->maxy) need_redraw++, sheet->offy = sheet->cury-sheet->maxy+2; if (need_redraw) redraw_sheet(sheet); else if (x != sheet->curx || y != sheet->cury || z != sheet->curz) redraw_cell(sheet, sheet->curx, sheet->cury, sheet->curz); } void relmoveto(Sheet *sheet, int x, int y, int z) { moveto(sheet, sheet->curx+x, sheet->cury+y, (z?sheet->curz+z:-1)); } /* line_numedit -- number line editor function */ /*{{{*/ static int line_numedit(int *n, const char *prompt, size_t *x, size_t *offx) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ char buf[20]; const char *s; Token **t; int c; /*}}}*/ /* asserts */ /*{{{*/ assert(prompt!=(char*)0); assert(x!=(size_t*)0); assert(offx!=(size_t*)0); /*}}}*/ t=(Token**)0; sprintf(buf,"%d",*n); s=buf+strlen(buf); do { tvecfree(t); *x=s-buf; if ((c=line_edit((Sheet*)0,buf,sizeof(buf),prompt,x,offx))<0) return c; s=buf; t=scan(&s); } while ((*s!='\0' && t==(Token**)0) || !(t!=(Token**)0 && ((*t)==(Token*)0 || ((*t)->type==INT && (*t)->u.integer>=0 && *(t+1)==(Token*)0)))); if (t==(Token**)0 || *t==(Token*)0) *n=-1; else *n=(*t)->u.integer; tvecfree(t); return 0; } /*}}}*/ /* line_lidedit -- label identifier line editor function */ /*{{{*/ static int line_idedit(char *ident, size_t size, const char *prompt, size_t *x, size_t *offx) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ const char *s; Token **t; int c; /*}}}*/ t=(Token**)0; s=ident+strlen(ident); do { tvecfree(t); *x=s-ident; if ((c=line_edit((Sheet*)0,ident,size,prompt,x,offx))<0) return c; s=ident; t=scan(&s); } while ((*s!='\0' && t==(Token**)0) || !(t!=(Token**)0 && ((*t)==(Token*)0 || ((*t)->type==LIDENT && *(t+1)==(Token*)0)))); tvecfree(t); return 0; } /*}}}*/ /* doanyway -- ask if action should be done despite unsaved changes */ /*{{{*/ int doanyway(Sheet *sheet, const char *msg) { int result; if (sheet->changed) { result=line_ok(msg,0); if (result < 0) return 0; return result; } return 1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_edit -- set or modify cell contents */ /*{{{*/ static int do_edit(Sheet *cursheet, Key c, const char *expr, int clocked) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ char buf[1024]; const char *s; size_t x,offx; int curx,cury,curz; Token **t; /*}}}*/ if (locked(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz)) line_msg(_("Edit cell:"),_("Cell is locked")); else { curx=cursheet->curx; cury=cursheet->cury; curz=cursheet->curz; if (expr) { s=expr; t=scan(&s); if (*s!='\0' && t==(Token**)0) line_msg(clocked ? _("Clocked cell contents:") : _("Cell contents:"),"XXX invalid expression"); } else { offx=0; if (c==K_NONE) { print(buf,sizeof(buf),0,1,getscientific(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz),-1,getcont(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz,clocked)); s=buf+strlen(buf); } else if (c==K_BACKSPACE) { print(buf,sizeof(buf),0,1,getscientific(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz),-1,getcont(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz,clocked)); if (strlen(buf)) *mbspos(buf+strlen(buf),-1)='\0'; s=buf+strlen(buf); } else if (c==K_DC) { print(buf,sizeof(buf),0,1,getscientific(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz),-1,getcont(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz,clocked)); memmove(buf,mbspos(buf,1),strlen(mbspos(buf,1))+1); s=buf; } else if (isalpha(c)) { buf[0] = '"'; buf[1] = c; buf[2] = 0; s=buf+2; } else { if (c < 256) buf[0]=c; else buf[0] = 0; buf[1]='\0'; s=buf+1; } do { int r; x=mbslen(buf)-mbslen(s); if ((r=line_edit(cursheet,buf,sizeof(buf),clocked ? _("Clocked cell contents:") : _("Cell contents:"),&x,&offx))<0) return r; s=buf; if (buf[0] == '"' && buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '"' && strlen(buf)+1 < sizeof(buf)) { buf[strlen(buf)+1] = 0; buf[strlen(buf)] = '"'; } t=scan(&s); } while (*s!='\0' && t==(Token**)0); } if (t!=(Token**)0 && *t==(Token*)0) { free(t); t=(Token**)0; } moveto(cursheet,curx,cury,curz); putcont(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz,t,clocked); forceupdate(cursheet); } return 0; } /*}}}*/ /* do_label -- modify cell label */ /*{{{*/ static int do_label(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ char buf[1024],oldlabel[1024]; size_t edx,offx,ok; Token t; int x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; int c; /*}}}*/ assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); if (sheet->mark1x==-1 && locked(sheet,sheet->curx,sheet->cury,sheet->curz)) line_msg(_("Cell label:"),_("Cell is locked")); else { get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); ok=edx=offx=0; (void)strcpy(buf,getlabel(sheet,sheet->curx,sheet->cury,sheet->curz)); (void)strcpy(oldlabel,buf); do { if ((c=line_idedit(buf,sizeof(buf),_("Cell label:"),&edx,&offx))<0) return c; if (buf[0]=='\0') ok=1; else { ok=((t=findlabel(sheet,buf)).type==EEK || (t.type==LOCATION && t.u.location[0]==sheet->curx && t.u.location[1]==sheet->cury && t.u.location[2]==sheet->curz)); tfree(&t); } } while (!ok); setlabel(sheet,sheet->curx,sheet->cury,sheet->curz,buf,1); if (buf[0]!='\0') for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) relabel(sheet,oldlabel,buf,x,y,z); } return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_columnwidth -- set the column width */ /*{{{*/ static int do_columnwidth(Sheet *cursheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ size_t edx,offx; int n; int x,x1,x2,z,z1,z2; int c; /*}}}*/ offx=0; edx=0; n=columnwidth(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->curz); do if ((c=line_numedit(&n,_("Column width:"),&edx,&offx))<0) return c; while (n<=0); if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) /* range is the current cell */ /*{{{*/ { x1=x2=cursheet->curx; z1=z2=cursheet->curz; } /*}}}*/ else /* range is the marked cube */ /*{{{*/ { x1=cursheet->mark1x; x2=cursheet->mark2x; z1=cursheet->mark1z; z2=cursheet->mark2z; } /*}}}*/ for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) setwidth(cursheet,x,z,n); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_attribute -- set cell attributes */ /*{{{*/ static void do_attribute(Sheet *cursheet, Key action) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ int x,y,z; int x1,y1,z1; int x2,y2,z2; int c = 0; /*}}}*/ get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); if (action != ADJUST_LOCK && cursheet->mark1x==-1 && action != ADJUST_LOCK && locked(cursheet,cursheet->curx,cursheet->cury,cursheet->curz)) { line_msg(_("Cell attribute:"),_("Cell is locked")); return; } switch ((int)action) { /* 0 -- adjust left */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_LEFT: { if (cursheet->mark1x != -1 && line_ok(_("Make block left-adjusted:"), 0) <= 0) break; for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) setadjust(cursheet,x,y,z,LEFT); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- adjust right */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_RIGHT: { if (cursheet->mark1x != -1 && line_ok(_("Make block right-adjusted:"), 0) <= 0) break; for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) setadjust(cursheet,x,y,z,RIGHT); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- adjust centered */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_CENTER: { if (cursheet->mark1x != -1 && line_ok(_("Make block centered:"), 0) <= 0) break; for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) setadjust(cursheet,x,y,z,CENTER); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 3 -- set scientific notation flag */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_SCIENTIFIC: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !getscientific(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Make block notation scientific:"), getscientific(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (n >= 0) for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) setscientific(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 5 -- set precision */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_PRECISION: { size_t ex,offx; int n; offx=0; ex=0; n=getprecision(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); do if (line_numedit(&n,cursheet->mark1x==-1 ? _("Precision for cell:") : _("Precision for block:"),&ex,&offx)==-1) return; while (n!=-1 && (n==0 || n>20)); for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) setprecision(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 6 -- shadow */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_SHADOW: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !shadowed(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Shadow block:"), shadowed(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (x1 == 0 && n == 1) { line_msg(_("Shadow cell:"),_("You can not shadow cells in column 0")); break; } if (n >= 0) { for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) { int rx; if (n==0) for (rx=x+1; shadowed(cursheet,rx,y,z); ++rx) shadow(cursheet,rx,y,z,0); else if (x>0) shadow(cursheet,x,y,z,1); } } break; } /*}}}*/ /* 7 -- transparent */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_TRANSPARENT: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !transparent(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Make block transparent:"), transparent(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (n >= 0) for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) maketrans(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 8 -- bold */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_BOLD: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !isbold(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Make block bold:"), isbold(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (n >= 0) for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) bold(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 9 -- underline */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_UNDERLINE: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !underlined(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Make block underlined:"), underlined(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (n >= 0) for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) underline(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- edit label and goto end */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_LABEL: { do_label(cursheet); return; } /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- lock */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_LOCK: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !locked(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Lock block:"), locked(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (n >= 0) for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) lockcell(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* 3 -- ignore */ /*{{{*/ case ADJUST_IGNORE: { int n; if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) n = !ignored(cursheet,x1,y1,z1); else n = line_ok(_("Ignore values of all cells in this block:"), ignored(cursheet,x1,y1,z1)); if (n >= 0) for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) igncell(cursheet,x,y,z,n); break; } /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } if (c>=0) { if (cursheet->mark1x==-1) redraw_cell(cursheet, cursheet->curx, cursheet->cury, cursheet->curz); else redraw_sheet(cursheet); } forceupdate(cursheet); return; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savexdr -- save sheet as XDR file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savexdr(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; unsigned int count; if (!name) { name = cursheet->name; if (strcmp(name+strlen(name)-3,".tp")) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.tp", name); name = buf; } } if ((msg = savexdr(cursheet, name, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save sheet to XDR file:"), msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save sheet to XDR file:"),buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_saveport -- save sheet as portable ASCII file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_saveport(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; unsigned int count; if (!name) name = cursheet->name; if ((msg = saveport(cursheet, name, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save sheet to ASCII file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save sheet to ASCII file:"),buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savetbl -- save sheet as tbl file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savetbl(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; int standalone=0; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int count; get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); if (!name) { name = cursheet->name; if ((standalone=line_ok(_("Save as stand-alone document:"),1))<0) return standalone; } if ((msg = savetbl(cursheet, name, !standalone, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save in tbl format to file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save in tbl format to file:"), buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savelatex -- save sheet as LaTeX file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savelatex(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; int standalone=0; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int count; get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); if (!name) { name = cursheet->name; if ((standalone=line_ok(_("Save as stand-alone document:"),1))<0) return standalone; } if ((msg = savelatex(cursheet, name, !standalone, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save in LaTeX format to file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save in LaTeX format to file:"), buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savecontext -- save sheet as ConTeXt file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savecontext(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; int standalone=0; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int count; get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); if (!name) { name = cursheet->name; if ((standalone=line_ok(_("Save as stand-alone document:"),1))<0) return standalone; } if ((msg = savecontext(cursheet, name, !standalone, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save in ConTeXt format to file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save in ConTeXt format to file:"), buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savehtml -- save sheet as HTML file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savehtml(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; int standalone=0; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int count; get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); if (!name) { name = cursheet->name; if ((standalone=line_ok(_("Save as stand-alone document:"),1))<0) return standalone; } if ((msg = savehtml(cursheet, name, !standalone, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save in HTML format to file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save in HTML format to file:"), buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savetext -- save sheet as formatted text file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savetext(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int count; get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); if (!name) name = cursheet->name; if ((msg = savetext(cursheet, name, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save in plain text format to file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save in plain text format to file:"), buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_savecsv -- save sheet as CSV file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_savecsv(Sheet *cursheet, const char *name) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *msg; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int count; int sep = 0; const char seps[4] = ",;\t"; get_mark(cursheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); if (!name) { MenuChoice menu[4]; name = cursheet->name; menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("cC)omma (,)")); menu[0].c='\0'; menu[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("sS)emicolon (;)")); menu[1].c='\0'; menu[2].str=mystrmalloc(_("tT)ab (\\t)")); menu[2].c='\0'; menu[3].str=(char*)0; sep=line_menu(_("Choose separator:"),menu,0); if (sep < 0) return sep; } if ((msg = savecsv(cursheet, name, seps[sep], x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, &count))) { line_msg(_("Save in CSV format to file:"),msg); return -2; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%u cells written"), count); if (!batch) line_msg(_("Save in CSV format to file:"), buf); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_loadxdr -- load sheet from XDR file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_loadxdr(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *msg; if ((msg=loadxdr(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from XDR file:"),msg); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_loadport -- load sheet from portable ASCII file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_loadport(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *msg; /*}}}*/ if ((msg=loadport(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from ASCII file:"),msg); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_loadsc -- load sheet from SC file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_loadsc(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *msg; if ((msg=loadsc(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from SC file:"),msg); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_loadwk1 -- load sheet from WK1 file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_loadwk1(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *msg; if ((msg=loadwk1(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from WK1 file:"),msg); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_loadcsv -- load/merge sheet from CSV file */ /*{{{*/ static int do_loadcsv(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *msg; if ((msg=loadcsv(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from CSV file:"),msg); return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_mark -- set mark */ /*{{{*/ void do_mark(Sheet *cursheet, int force) { if (force==0) { if (!cursheet->marking && cursheet->mark1x==-1) force=1; else if (cursheet->marking) force=2; else force=3; } switch (force) { case 1: { cursheet->mark1x=cursheet->mark2x=cursheet->curx; cursheet->mark1y=cursheet->mark2y=cursheet->cury; cursheet->mark1z=cursheet->mark2z=cursheet->curz; cursheet->marking=1; break; } case 2: { cursheet->marking=0; break; } case 3: { cursheet->mark1x=-1; break; } default: assert(0); } } /*}}}*/ static int do_name(Sheet *cursheet); /* do_save -- save sheet */ /*{{{*/ static int do_save(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *ext = cursheet->name; if (ext==(char*)0) return do_name(cursheet); ext += strlen(ext)-1; if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".tpa")) return do_saveport(cursheet, NULL); if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".tbl")) return do_savetbl(cursheet, NULL); if (!strcmp(ext-5, ".latex")) return do_savelatex(cursheet, NULL); if (!strcmp(ext-4, ".html")) return do_savehtml(cursheet, NULL); if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".csv")) return do_savecsv(cursheet, NULL); if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".txt")) return do_savetext(cursheet, NULL); if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".tex")) return do_savecontext(cursheet, NULL); return do_savexdr(cursheet, NULL); } /*}}}*/ /* do_name -- (re)name sheet */ /*{{{*/ static int do_name(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *name; name = line_file(cursheet->name, _("Teapot \t*.tp\nTeapot ASCII \t*.tpa\ntbl \t*.tbl\nLaTeX \t*.latex\nHTML \t*.html\nCSV \t*.csv\nFormatted ASCII \t*.txt\nConTeXt \t*.tex"), _("New file name:"), 1); if (!name) return -1; if (cursheet->name!=(char*)0) free(cursheet->name); cursheet->name=strdup(name); return do_save(cursheet); } /*}}}*/ /* do_load -- load sheet */ /*{{{*/ static int do_load(Sheet *cursheet) { const char *name, *ext; if (doanyway(cursheet, _("Sheet modified, load new file anyway?")) != 1) return -1; name = line_file(cursheet->name, _("Teapot \t*.tp\nTeapot ASCII \t*.tpa\nSC Spreadsheet Calculator \t*.sc\nLotus 1-2-3 \t*.wk1\nCSV \t*.csv"), _("Load sheet:"), 0); if (!name) return -1; if (cursheet->name!=(char*)0) free(cursheet->name); cursheet->name=strdup(name); ext = name+strlen(name)-1; if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".tpa")) return do_loadport(cursheet); if (!strcmp(ext-2, ".sc")) return do_loadsc(cursheet); if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".wk1")) return do_loadwk1(cursheet); if (!strcmp(ext-3, ".csv")) return do_loadcsv(cursheet); return do_loadxdr(cursheet); } /*}}}*/ /* do_clear -- clear block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_clear(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ int x,y,z; int x1,y1,z1; int x2,y2,z2; int c; /*}}}*/ if (sheet->mark1x==-1 && locked(sheet,sheet->curx,sheet->cury,sheet->curz)) line_msg(_("Clear cell:"),_("Cell is locked")); else { if (sheet->mark1x!=-1) { if ((c=line_ok(_("Clear block:"),0))<0) return c; else if (c!=1) return -1; } get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); for (x=x1; x<=x2; ++x) for (y=y1; y<=y2; ++y) for (z=z1; z<=z2; ++z) freecell(sheet,x,y,z); cachelabels(sheet); forceupdate(sheet); } return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_insert -- insert block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_insert(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,reply; /*}}}*/ /* ask for direction of insertation */ /*{{{*/ { MenuChoice menu[4]; menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("cC)olumn")); menu[0].c='\0'; menu[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("rR)ow")); menu[1].c='\0'; menu[2].str=mystrmalloc(_("dD)epth")); menu[2].c='\0'; menu[3].str=(char*)0; reply=line_menu(_("Insert:"),menu,0); free(menu[0].str); free(menu[1].str); free(menu[2].str); if (reply<0) return reply; } /*}}}*/ if (sheet->mark1x==-1) /* ask if current cell or whole dimension should be used */ /*{{{*/ { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ MenuChoice menu[3]; int r; /*}}}*/ /* show menu */ /*{{{*/ switch (reply) { case 0: menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("wW)hole column")); break; case 1: menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("wW)hole line")); break; case 2: menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("wW)hole sheet")); break; default: assert(0); } menu[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("sS)ingle cell")); menu[1].c='\0'; menu[2].str=(char*)0; r=line_menu(_("Insert:"),menu,0); free(menu[0].str); free(menu[1].str); /*}}}*/ switch (r) { /* 0 -- use whole dimension */ /*{{{*/ case 0: { switch (reply) { /* 0 -- use whole column */ /*{{{*/ case 0: { x1=x2=sheet->curx; y1=0; y2=sheet->dimy; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- use whole line */ /*{{{*/ case 1: { x1=0; x2=sheet->dimx; y1=y2=sheet->cury; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- use whole layer */ /*{{{*/ case 2: { x1=0; x2=sheet->dimx; y1=0; y2=sheet->dimy; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } break; } /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- use current cell */ /*{{{*/ case 1: { x1=x2=sheet->curx; y1=y2=sheet->cury; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* -2,-1 -- go up or abort */ /*{{{*/ case -2: case -1: return r; /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } } /*}}}*/ else /* range is the marked cube */ /*{{{*/ { get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); } /*}}}*/ switch (reply) { /* 0 -- columns */ /*{{{*/ case 0: insertcube(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_X); break; /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- rows */ /*{{{*/ case 1: insertcube(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_Y); break; /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- depth */ /*{{{*/ case 2: insertcube(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_Z); break; /*}}}*/ } return 0; } /*}}}*/ /* do_delete -- delete block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_delete(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,reply; /*}}}*/ firstmenu: /* ask for direction of deletion */ /*{{{*/ { MenuChoice menu[4]; menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("cC)olumn")); menu[0].c='\0'; menu[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("rR)ow")); menu[1].c='\0'; menu[2].str=mystrmalloc(_("dD)epth")); menu[2].c='\0'; menu[3].str=(char*)0; reply=line_menu(_("Delete:"),menu,0); free(menu[0].str); free(menu[1].str); free(menu[2].str); if (reply<0) return reply; } /*}}}*/ if (sheet->mark1x==-1) /* ask if range is the current cell or whole dimension should be used */ /*{{{*/ { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ MenuChoice menu[3]; int r; /*}}}*/ /* show menu */ /*{{{*/ switch (reply) { case 0: menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("wW)hole column")); break; case 1: menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("wW)hole line")); break; case 2: menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("wW)hole sheet")); break; default: assert(0); } menu[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("sS)ingle cell")); menu[1].c='\0'; menu[2].str=(char*)0; r=line_menu(_("Delete:"),menu,0); free(menu[0].str); free(menu[1].str); /*}}}*/ switch (r) { /* 0 -- use whole dimension */ /*{{{*/ case 0: { switch (reply) { /* 0 -- use whole column */ /*{{{*/ case 0: { x1=x2=sheet->curx; y1=0; y2=sheet->dimy; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- use whole line */ /*{{{*/ case 1: { x1=0; x2=sheet->dimx; y1=y2=sheet->cury; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- use whole layer */ /*{{{*/ case 2: { x1=0; x2=sheet->dimx; y1=0; y2=sheet->dimy; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } break; } /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- use current cell */ /*{{{*/ case 1: { x1=x2=sheet->curx; y1=y2=sheet->cury; z1=z2=sheet->curz; break; } /*}}}*/ /* -1 -- abort */ /*{{{*/ case -1: return -1; /*}}}*/ /* -2 -- go back to previous menu */ /*{{{*/ case -2: goto firstmenu; /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } } /*}}}*/ else /* range is the marked cube */ /*{{{*/ { get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); } /*}}}*/ switch(reply) { /* 0 -- columns */ /*{{{*/ case 0: deletecube(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_X); break; /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- rows */ /*{{{*/ case 1: deletecube(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_Y); break; /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- depth */ /*{{{*/ case 2: deletecube(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_Z); break; /*}}}*/ } return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_move -- copy or move a block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_move(Sheet *sheet, int copy, int force) { int c; c=-1; if (sheet->mark1x==-1) line_msg(copy ? _("Copy block:") : _("Move block:"),_("No block marked")); else if (force || (c=line_ok(copy ? _("Copy block:") : _("Move block:"),0))==1) { int x1,y1,z1; int x2,y2,z2; get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); moveblock(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,sheet->curx,sheet->cury,sheet->curz,copy); if (!copy) sheet->mark1x=-1; } if (c<0) return c; else return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_fill -- fill a block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_fill(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ size_t offx,edx; int cols,rows,layers; int x,y,z; int x1,y1,z1; int x2,y2,z2; int c; /*}}}*/ if (sheet->mark1x==-1) line_msg(_("Fill block:"),_("No block marked")); else { get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 0); cols=rows=layers=1; firstmenu: offx=0; edx=0; do if ((c=line_numedit(&cols,_("Number of column-wise repetitions:"),&edx,&offx))<0) return c; while (cols<=0); secondmenu: offx=0; edx=0; do { c=line_numedit(&rows,_("Number of row-wise repetitions:"),&edx,&offx); if (c==-1) return -1; else if (c==-2) goto firstmenu; } while (rows<=0); offx=0; edx=0; do { c=line_numedit(&layers,_("Number of depth-wise repetitions:"),&edx,&offx); if (c==-1) return -1; else if (c==-2) goto secondmenu; } while (layers<=0); for (x=0; xcurx+x*(x2-x1+1),sheet->cury+y*(y2-y1+1),sheet->curz+z*(z2-z1+1),1); } return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_sort -- sort block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_sort(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ MenuChoice menu1[4],menu2[3],menu3[3]; Sortkey sk[MAX_SORTKEYS]; unsigned int key; size_t x,offx; const char *msg; Direction in_dir=(Direction)-2; /* cause run time error */ int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; int doit=-1; int c; int last; /*}}}*/ /* note and order block coordinates */ /*{{{*/ get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); /*}}}*/ /* build menues */ /*{{{*/ menu1[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("cC)olumn")); menu1[0].c='\0'; menu1[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("rR)ow")); menu1[1].c='\0'; menu1[2].str=mystrmalloc(_("dD)epth")); menu1[2].c='\0'; menu1[3].str=(char*)0; menu2[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("sS)ort region")); menu2[0].c='\0'; menu2[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("aA)dd key")); menu2[1].c='\0'; menu2[2].str=(char*)0; menu3[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("aA)scending")); menu3[0].c='\0'; menu3[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("dD)escending")); menu3[0].c='\0'; menu3[2].str=(char*)0; /*}}}*/ last=-1; /* ask for sort direction */ /*{{{*/ zero: switch (c=line_menu(_("Sort block:"),menu1,0)) { /* 0 -- in X */ /*{{{*/ case 0: in_dir=IN_X; break; /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- in Y */ /*{{{*/ case 1: in_dir=IN_Y; break; /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- in Z */ /*{{{*/ case 2: in_dir=IN_Z; break; /*}}}*/ /* -2,-1 -- abort */ /*{{{*/ case -2: case -1: goto greak; /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } last=0; /*}}}*/ key=0; do { /* ask for positions */ /*{{{*/ one: if (in_dir==IN_X) sk[key].x=0; else /* ask for x position */ /*{{{*/ { x=0; offx=0; sk[key].x=0; do { c=line_numedit(&(sk[key].x),_("X position of key vector:"),&x,&offx); if (c==-1) goto greak; else if (c==-2) switch (last) { case -1: goto greak; case 0: goto zero; case 2: goto two; case 3: goto three; case 5: goto five; } } while (sk[key].x<0); last=1; } /*}}}*/ two: if (in_dir==IN_Y) sk[key].y=0; else /* ask for y position */ /*{{{*/ { x=0; offx=0; sk[key].y=0; do { c=line_numedit(&(sk[key].y),_("Y position of key vector:"),&x,&offx); if (c==-1) goto greak; else if (c==-2) switch (last) { case -1: goto greak; case 0: goto zero; case 1: goto one; case 3: goto three; case 5: goto five; default: assert(0); } } while (sk[key].y<0); last=2; } /*}}}*/ three: if (in_dir==IN_Z) sk[key].z=0; else /* ask for z position */ /*{{{*/ { x=0; offx=0; sk[key].z=0; do { c=line_numedit(&(sk[key].z),_("Z position of key vector:"),&x,&offx); if (c==-1) goto greak; else if (c==-2) switch (last) { case -1: goto greak; case 0: goto zero; case 1: goto one; case 2: goto two; case 5: goto five; default: assert(0); } } while (sk[key].z<0); last=3; } /*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* ask for sort key */ /*{{{*/ four: sk[key].sortkey=0; switch (c=line_menu(_("Sort block:"),menu3,0)) { /* 0 -- ascending */ /*{{{*/ case 0: sk[key].sortkey|=ASCENDING; break; /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- descending */ /*{{{*/ case 1: sk[key].sortkey&=~ASCENDING; break; /*}}}*/ /* -1 -- abort */ /*{{{*/ case -1: goto greak; /*}}}*/ /* -2 -- go to first menu */ /*{{{*/ case -2: switch (last) { case -1: goto greak; case 1: goto one; case 2: goto two; case 3: goto three; default: assert(0); } /*}}}*/ /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } last=4; /*}}}*/ ++key; five: if (key==MAX_SORTKEYS) /* ask for sort comfirmation */ /*{{{*/ { c=line_ok(_("Sort block:"),0); if (c==-1) goto greak; else if (c==-2) goto four; else if (c==0) doit=1; } /*}}}*/ else /* ask for sort or adding another key */ /*{{{*/ switch (line_menu(_("Sort block:"),menu2,0)) { /* 0 -- sort it */ /*{{{*/ case 0: doit=1; break; /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- add another key */ /*{{{*/ case 1: doit=0; break; /*}}}*/ /* -1 -- abort */ /*{{{*/ case -1: goto greak; /*}}}*/ case -2: goto four; /* default -- should not happen */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } /*}}}*/ last=5; } while (!doit); c=-1; if ((msg=sortblock(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,in_dir,sk,key))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Sort block:"),msg); greak: /* free menues */ /*{{{*/ free((char*)menu1[0].str); free((char*)menu1[1].str); free((char*)menu1[2].str); free((char*)menu2[0].str); free((char*)menu2[1].str); free((char*)menu2[2].str); free((char*)menu3[0].str); free((char*)menu3[1].str); free((char*)menu3[2].str); /*}}}*/ return c; } /*}}}*/ /* do_batchsort -- sort block in a batch*/ /*{{{*/ static void do_batchsort(Sheet *sheet, Direction dir, char* arg) { Sortkey sk[MAX_SORTKEYS]; int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; unsigned int key = 0; char* next; while( *arg != '\0' ) { while (isspace((int)*arg)) arg++; sk[key].x=sk[key].y=sk[key].z=sk[key].sortkey=0; switch (*arg) { case 'a': sk[key].sortkey|=ASCENDING; arg++; break; case 'd': sk[key].sortkey&=~ASCENDING; arg++; break; } if ( *arg != '\0' && dir != IN_X ) { sk[key].x=strtol(arg, &next, 10); arg = next; } if ( *arg != '\0' && dir != IN_Y ) { sk[key].y=strtol(arg, &next, 10); arg = next; } if ( *arg != '\0' && dir != IN_Z ) { sk[key].z=strtol(arg, &next, 10); arg = next; } key++; } get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); sortblock(sheet, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, dir, sk, key); } /*}}}*/ /* do_mirror -- mirror block */ /*{{{*/ static int do_mirror(Sheet *sheet) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ int x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,reply; /*}}}*/ /* note and order block coordinates */ /*{{{*/ get_mark(sheet, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, &z1, &z2, 1); /*}}}*/ /* ask for direction of mirroring */ /*{{{*/ { MenuChoice menu[4]; menu[0].str=mystrmalloc(_("lL)eft-right")); menu[0].c='\0'; menu[1].str=mystrmalloc(_("uU)pside-down")); menu[1].c='\0'; menu[2].str=mystrmalloc(_("fF)ront-back")); menu[2].c='\0'; menu[3].str=(char*)0; reply=line_menu(_("Mirror block:"),menu,0); free(menu[0].str); free(menu[1].str); free(menu[2].str); if (reply<0) return reply; } /*}}}*/ switch (reply) { /* 0 -- left-right */ /*{{{*/ case 0: mirrorblock(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_X); break; /*}}}*/ /* 1 -- upside-down */ /*{{{*/ case 1: mirrorblock(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_Y); break; /*}}}*/ /* 2 -- front-back */ /*{{{*/ case 2: mirrorblock(sheet,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,IN_Z); break; /*}}}*/ default: assert(0); } return 0; } /*}}}*/ /* do_goto -- go to a specific cell */ /*{{{*/ static int do_goto(Sheet *sheet, const char *expr) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ char buf[1024]; const char *s; size_t x,offx; Token **t; int c; /*}}}*/ assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); buf[0]='\0'; x=offx=0; if (expr) strcpy(buf,expr); else if ((c=line_edit(sheet,buf,sizeof(buf),_("Go to location:"),&x,&offx))<0) return c; s=buf; t=scan(&s); if (t!=(Token**)0) { Token value; upd_x=sheet->curx; upd_y=sheet->cury; upd_z=sheet->curz; upd_sheet=sheet; value=eval(t); tvecfree(t); if (value.type==LOCATION && value.u.location[0]>=0 && value.u.location[1]>=0 && value.u.location[2]>=0) moveto(sheet,value.u.location[0],value.u.location[1],value.u.location[2]); else line_msg(_("Go to location:"),_("Not a valid location")); tfree(&value); } return -1; } /*}}}*/ /* do_sheetcmd -- process one key press */ /*{{{*/ int do_sheetcmd(Sheet *cursheet, Key c, int moveonly) { switch ((int)c) { case K_GOTO: do_goto(cursheet, (const char *)0); break; case K_COLWIDTH: do_columnwidth(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_CLEAR: do_clear(cursheet); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_INSERT: do_insert(cursheet); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_DELETE: do_delete(cursheet); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_MOVE: do_move(cursheet,0,0); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_COPY: do_move(cursheet,1,0); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_FILL: do_fill(cursheet); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_SORT: do_sort(cursheet); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case BLOCK_MIRROR: do_mirror(cursheet); redraw_sheet(cursheet); break; case ADJUST_LEFT: case ADJUST_RIGHT: case ADJUST_CENTER: case ADJUST_SCIENTIFIC: case ADJUST_PRECISION: case ADJUST_SHADOW: case ADJUST_BOLD: case ADJUST_UNDERLINE: case ADJUST_TRANSPARENT: case ADJUST_LABEL: case ADJUST_LOCK: case ADJUST_IGNORE: do_attribute(cursheet, c); break; /* UP -- move up */ /*{{{*/ case K_UP: { relmoveto(cursheet, 0, -1, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* DOWN -- move down */ /*{{{*/ case K_DOWN: { relmoveto(cursheet, 0, 1, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* LEFT -- move left */ /*{{{*/ case K_LEFT: { relmoveto(cursheet, -1, 0, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* RIGHT -- move right */ /*{{{*/ case K_RIGHT: { relmoveto(cursheet, 1, 0, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* FIRSTL -- move to first line */ /*{{{*/ case K_FIRSTL: case '<': { moveto(cursheet, -1, 0, -1); break; } /*}}}*/ /* LASTL -- move to last line */ /*{{{*/ case K_LASTL: case '>': { moveto(cursheet, -1, (cursheet->dimy ? cursheet->dimy-1 : 0), -1); break; } /*}}}*/ /* HOME -- move to beginning of line */ /*{{{*/ case K_HOME: { moveto(cursheet, 0, -1, -1); break; } /*}}}*/ /* END -- move to end of line */ /*{{{*/ case K_END: { moveto(cursheet, (cursheet->dimx ? cursheet->dimx-1 : 0), -1, -1); break; } /*}}}*/ /* + -- move one sheet down */ /*{{{*/ case K_NSHEET: case '+': { relmoveto(cursheet, 0, 0, 1); break; } /*}}}*/ /* - -- move one sheet up */ /*{{{*/ case K_PSHEET: case '-': { relmoveto(cursheet, 0, 0, -1); break; } /*}}}*/ /* * -- move to bottom sheet */ /*{{{*/ case K_LSHEET: case '*': { moveto(cursheet, -1, -1, (cursheet->dimz ? cursheet->dimz-1 : 0)); break; } /*}}}*/ /* _ -- move to top sheet */ /*{{{*/ case K_FSHEET: case '_': { moveto(cursheet, -1, -1, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* ENTER -- edit current cell */ /*{{{*/ case K_ENTER: if (moveonly) break; do_edit(cursheet,'\0',(const char*)0,0); break; /*}}}*/ /* MENTER -- edit current clocked cell */ /*{{{*/ case K_MENTER: if (moveonly) break; do_edit(cursheet,'\0',(const char*)0,1); break; /*}}}*/ /* ", @, digit -- edit current cell with character already in buffer */ /*{{{*/ case K_BACKSPACE: case K_DC: case '"': case '@': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (moveonly) break; do_edit(cursheet,c,(const char*)0,0); break; /*}}}*/ /* MARK -- toggle block marking */ /*{{{*/ case '.': case K_MARK: if (moveonly) break; do_mark(cursheet,0); break; /*}}}*/ /* _("Save sheet file format:") -- save menu */ /*{{{*/ case K_SAVEMENU: if (moveonly) break; do_save(cursheet); break; /*}}}*/ /* _("Load sheet file format:") -- load menu */ /*{{{*/ case K_LOAD: case K_LOADMENU: if (moveonly) break; do_load(cursheet); break; /*}}}*/ /* _("nN)ame") -- set name */ /*{{{*/ case K_NAME: if (moveonly) break; do_name(cursheet); break; /*}}}*/ #ifdef ENABLE_HELP case K_HELP: show_text(helpfile); break; #else case K_HELP: show_text(_("Sorry, manual is not installed.")); break; #endif case K_DUMPCELL: dump_current_cell(cursheet); break; case K_ABOUT: show_text(_("About teapot
        "               ` ',`    '  '                   \n"
        "                `   '  ` ' '                   \n"
        "                 `' '   '`'                    \n"
        "                 ' `   ' '`                    \n"
        "    '           '` ' ` '`` `                   \n"
        "    `.   Table Editor And Planner, or:         \n"
        "      ,         . ,   ,  . .                   \n"
        "                ` '   `  ' '                   \n"
        "     `::\\    /:::::::::::::::::\\   ___         \n"
        "      `::\\  /:::::::::::::::::::\\,'::::\\       \n"
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        "       `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_/:;'      \n"
        "         `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'        \n"
        "          `////////////////////////'           \n"
        "           `:::::::::::::::::::::'             \n"
\n" "

Teapot " VERSION "

\n" "\n" "

Original Version: Michael Haardt
\n" "Current Maintainer: Joerg Walter
\n" "Contibutions by: Glen Whitney
\b" "Home Page: http://www.syntax-k.de/projekte/teapot/

\n" "This distribution: https://code.studioinfinity.org/glen/teapot-spreadsheet/

\n" "\n" "

Copyright 1995-2006 Michael Haardt,
\n" "Copyright 2009-2010 Joerg Walter (info@syntax-k.de)
" "Copyright 2019 Glen Whitney

\n" "\f" "

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" "the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n" "(at your option) any later version.

\n" "\n" "

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n" "GNU General Public License for more details.

\n" "\n" "

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" "along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

" "")); break; /* MENU, / -- main menu */ /*{{{*/ case '/': if (!moveonly && do_sheetcmd(cursheet, show_menu(cursheet), 0)) return 1; break; /*}}}*/ /* _("sS)ave") -- save in current native format */ /*{{{*/ case K_SAVE: do_save(cursheet); break; /*}}}*/ /* _("cC)opy") -- copy block */ /*{{{*/ case K_COPY: if (moveonly) break; do_move(cursheet,1,1); break; /*}}}*/ /* RECALC -- recalculate */ /*{{{*/ case K_RECALC: if (moveonly) break; forceupdate(cursheet); break; /*}}}*/ /* _("Usage: clock(condition,location[,location])") -- clock */ /*{{{*/ case K_CLOCK: { int x,y,z; for (x=0; xdimx; ++x) for (y=0; ydimy; ++y) for (z=0; zdimz; ++z) clk(cursheet,x,y,z); update(cursheet); break; } /*}}}*/ /* NPAGE -- page down */ /*{{{*/ case K_NPAGE: { cursheet->offy+=(cursheet->maxy-3); relmoveto(cursheet, 0, cursheet->maxy-3, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* PPAGE -- page up */ /*{{{*/ case K_PPAGE: { cursheet->offy = (cursheet->offy>=(cursheet->maxy-3) ? cursheet->offy-(cursheet->maxy-3) : 0); relmoveto(cursheet, 0, (cursheet->cury>=(cursheet->maxy-3) ? -(cursheet->maxy-3) : -cursheet->cury), 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* FPAGE -- page right */ /*{{{*/ case K_FPAGE: { cursheet->offx+=cursheet->width; relmoveto(cursheet, cursheet->width, 0, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* BPAGE -- page left */ /*{{{*/ case K_BPAGE: { cursheet->offx=(cursheet->offx>=cursheet->width ? cursheet->offx-cursheet->width : 0); relmoveto(cursheet, (cursheet->curx>=cursheet->width ? -cursheet->width : -cursheet->curx), 0, 0); break; } /*}}}*/ /* SAVEQUIT -- save and quit */ /*{{{*/ case K_SAVEQUIT: { if (moveonly) break; if (do_save(cursheet)!=-2) return 1; break; } /*}}}*/ /* _("qQ)uit") -- quit */ /*{{{*/ case K_QUIT: if (moveonly) break; return 1; /*}}}*/ default: if (isalpha(c) && !moveonly) do_edit(cursheet,c,(const char*)0,0); break; } return 0; } /*}}}*/ /* main */ /*{{{*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Sheet sheet,*cursheet; int o; const char *loadfile; int always_redraw=0; char ln[1024]; /*}}}*/ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); find_helpfile(helpfile, sizeof(helpfile), argv[0]); /* parse options */ /*{{{*/ while ((o=getopt(argc,argv,"abdhnrqHp:?"))!=EOF) switch (o) { /* a -- use ascii as default */ /*{{{*/ case 'a': { usexdr=0; break; } /*}}}*/ /* b -- run batch */ /*{{{*/ case 'b': batch=1; break; /*}}}*/ /* d -- increase debug level */ /*{{{*/ case 'd': ++debug_level; break; /*}}}*/ /* n -- no quoted strings */ /*{{{*/ case 'n': quote=0; break; /*}}}*/ /* q -- force quoted strings */ /*{{{*/ case 'q': quote=1; break; /*}}}*/ /* H -- no row/column headers */ /*{{{*/ case 'H': header=0; break; /*}}}*/ /* r -- always redraw */ /*{{{*/ case 'r': { always_redraw=1; break; } /*}}}*/ /* p -- precision */ /*{{{*/ case 'p': { long n; char *end; n=strtol(optarg,&end,0); if (*end || n<0 || n>DBL_DIG) { fprintf(stderr,_("teapot: precision must be between 0 and %d.\n"),DBL_DIG); exit(1); } def_precision=n; break; } /*}}}*/ /* default -- includes ? and h */ /*{{{*/ default: { fprintf(stderr,_( "Usage: %s [-a] [-b] [-d]* [-h] [-n|-q] [-H] [-r] [-p digits] [file]\n" " -a: use ASCII file format as default\n" " -b: batch mode\n" " -d: increase debug level, once for each occurrence\n" " -h: print this message and exit\n" " -n|-q: DO NOT or DO display strings in quotes, respectively\n" " -H: hide row/column headers\n" " -r: redraw more often\n" " -p: set decimal precision\n" ), argv[0]); exit(1); } /*}}}*/ } loadfile=(optindcurx=cursheet->cury=cursheet->curz=0; cursheet->offx=cursheet->offy=0; cursheet->dimx=cursheet->dimy=cursheet->dimz=0; cursheet->sheet=(Cell**)0; cursheet->column=(int*)0; cursheet->orix=0; cursheet->oriy=0; cursheet->maxx=0; cursheet->maxy=0; cursheet->name=(char*)0; cursheet->mark1x=-1; cursheet->marking=0; cursheet->changed=0; cursheet->moveonly=0; cursheet->clk=0; (void)memset(cursheet->labelcache,0,sizeof(cursheet->labelcache)); /*}}}*/ /* start display */ /*{{{*/ if (!batch) { display_init(&sheet, always_redraw); line_msg((const char*)0,""); } /*}}}*/ if (loadfile) /* load given sheet */ /*{{{*/ { const char *msg; cursheet->name=mystrmalloc(loadfile); if (usexdr) { if ((msg=loadxdr(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from XDR file:"),msg); } else { if ((msg=loadport(cursheet,cursheet->name))!=(const char*)0) line_msg(_("Load sheet from ASCII file:"),msg); } } /*}}}*/ if (batch) /* process batch */ /*{{{*/ while (fgets(ln,sizeof(ln),stdin)!=(char*)0) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ size_t len; char *cmd,*arg; /*}}}*/ /* set cmd and arg */ /*{{{*/ ++batchln; len=strlen(ln); if (len && ln[len-1]=='\n') ln[len-1]='\0'; cmd=ln; while (isspace((int)*cmd)) ++cmd; arg=cmd; while (*arg && !isspace((int)*arg)) ++arg; while (isspace((int)*arg)) *arg++='\0'; /*}}}*/ /* goto location */ /*{{{*/ if (strcmp(cmd,"goto")==0) do_goto(cursheet,arg); /*}}}*/ /* from location */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"from")==0) { do_goto(cursheet,arg); do_mark(cursheet,1); } /*}}}*/ /* to location */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"to")==0) { do_goto(cursheet,arg); do_mark(cursheet,2); } /*}}}*/ /* save-tbl file */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"save-tbl")==0) do_savetbl(cursheet,arg); /*}}}*/ /* save-latex file */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"save-latex")==0) do_savelatex(cursheet,arg); /*}}}*/ /* save-context file */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"save-context")==0) do_savecontext(cursheet,arg); /*}}}*/ /* save-csv file */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"save-csv")==0) do_savecsv(cursheet,arg); /*}}}*/ /* save-html file */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"save-html")==0) do_savehtml(cursheet,arg); /*}}}*/ /* load-csv file */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"load-csv")==0) { loadcsv(cursheet,arg); forceupdate(cursheet); } /*}}}*/ /* sort in x direction */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"sort-x")==0) do_batchsort(cursheet, IN_X, arg); /*}}}*/ /* sort in y direction */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"sort-y")==0) do_batchsort(cursheet, IN_Y, arg); /*}}}*/ /* sort in z direction */ /*{{{*/ else if (strcmp(cmd,"sort-z")==0) do_batchsort(cursheet, IN_Z, arg); /*}}}*/ /* this is an unknown command */ /*{{{*/ else line_msg(_("Unknown batch command:"),cmd); /*}}}*/ } /*}}}*/ else /* process interactive input */ /*{{{*/ { display_main(cursheet); display_end(); } /*}}}*/ freesheet(cursheet,1); fclose(stdin); return 0; } /*}}}*/