#ifndef NO_POSIX_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cell.h" #include "default.h" #include "eval.h" #include "main.h" #include "utf8.h" const char *Adjust_Name[] = { [LEFT] = "Left", [RIGHT] = "Right", [CENTER] = "Center", [AUTOADJUST] = "Auto" }; const char Adjust_Char[] = "lrca"; const char *FloatFormat_Name[] = { [FLT_DECIMAL] = "Decimal", [FLT_SCIENTIFIC] = "Scientific", [FLT_COMPACT] = "Compact", [FLT_HEXACT] = "Hexact" }; const char FloatFormat_Char[] = "dsch"; const char *ColorAspect_Name[] = { [FOREGROUND] = "Foreground", [BACKGROUND] = "Background" }; const ColorNum DefaultCN[] = { [FOREGROUND] = 0, [BACKGROUND] = 16, [NUM_COLOR_ASPECTS] = 255 }; const char *TokVariety_Name[] = { [BASE_CONT] = "Base Content", [ITER_CONT] = "Iterative Content", [ATTR_REF] = "Attribute Reference", [CURR_VAL] = "Current Value", [RES_VAL] = "Resultant Value", [CONTINGENT] = "Contingent Content" }; /* initcellcontents - make a fresh cell into the "empty" one; don't worry about freeing anything there, that will have been handled. */ void initcellcontents(Cell *fresh) { for (TokVariety tv = BASE_CONT; tv < CONTINGENT; ++tv) fresh->tok[tv].type = EMPTY; fresh->label = NULL; fresh->precision = -1; fresh->fform = DEF_FLOATFORM; fresh->adjust = AUTOADJUST; for (ColorAspect a = FOREGROUND; a < NUM_COLOR_ASPECTS; ++a) fresh->aspect[a] = DefaultCN[a]; fresh->updated = 0; fresh->shadowed = 0; fresh->locked = 0; fresh->transparent = 0; fresh->ignored = 0; fresh->clock_t0 = 0; fresh->clock_t1 = 0; fresh->clock_t2 = 0; fresh->bold = 0; fresh->underline = 0; } /* getcont -- get contents */ Token gettok(const Cell *cell, TokVariety v) { Token emp; emp.type = EMPTY; if (cell == NULLCELL) return emp; if (v == CONTINGENT) v = (cell->clock_t0 && cell->tok[ITER_CONT].type != EMPTY) ? ITER_CONT : BASE_CONT; return cell->tok[v]; } /* getadjust -- get cell adjustment */ Adjust getadjust(const Cell* cell) { if (cell == NULLCELL) return LEFT; else if (cell->adjust == AUTOADJUST) return (cell->tok[CURR_VAL].type == INT || cell->tok[CURR_VAL].type == FLOAT) ? RIGHT : LEFT; else return cell->adjust; } /* shadowed -- is cell shadowed? */ bool shadowed(const Cell *cell) { return (cell != NULLCELL) && cell->shadowed; } /* isbold -- is cell bold? */ bool isbold(const Cell* cell) { return (cell != NULLCELL) && cell->bold; } /* getcolor -- a color associated to cell */ ColorNum getcolor(const Cell* cell, ColorAspect aspect) { return cell == NULLCELL ? DefaultCN[aspect] : cell->aspect[aspect]; } /* isunderline -- is cell underlined? */ bool underlined(const Cell *cell) { return (cell != NULLCELL) && cell->underline; } /* locked -- is cell locked? */ bool locked(const Cell *cell) { return (cell != NULLCELL) && cell->locked; } /* transparent -- is cell transparent? */ bool transparent(const Cell* cell) { return (cell != NULLCELL) && cell->transparent; } /* ignored -- is cell ignored? */ bool ignored(const Cell *cell) { return (cell != NULLCELL) && cell->ignored; } /* getfltformat -- float format for numbers */ FloatFormat getfltformat(const Cell *cell ) { return (cell == NULLCELL) ? DEF_FLOATFORM : cell->fform; } /* getprecision -- get cell precision */ int getprecision(const Cell *cell) { if (cell == NULLCELL || cell->precision == -1) return def_precision; return cell->precision; } /* getlabel -- get cell label */ const char *getlabel(const Cell* cell) { if (cell == NULLCELL || cell->label == (char*)0) return ""; return cell->label; } /* copytokens -- copy a sequence of tokens, possibly reallocating dest */ static void copytokens(Token*** totoks, Token** fromtoks) { size_t from_len = tveclen(fromtoks); if (from_len == 0) { tvecfree(*totoks); *totoks = EMPTY_TVEC; return; } size_t to_len = tveclen(*totoks); if (from_len > to_len || *totoks == fromtoks) { if (*totoks != fromtoks) tvecfree(*totoks); *totoks = malloc((from_len+1)*sizeof(Token*)); (*totoks)[from_len] = NULLTOKEN; } else { tvecfreetoks(*totoks); } for (size_t i = 0; itok[tv])); if (faded->label != NULL) free(faded->label); } /* copycell - copies one Cell to another, handling any allocation issues */ void copycell(Cell *to, const Cell *fromcell, LabelHandling lh) { assert(to != NULLCELL); if (to == fromcell) return; freecellcontents(to); if (fromcell != NULLCELL) { memcpy(to, fromcell, sizeof(Cell)); for (TokVariety tv = BASE_CONT; tv < CONTINGENT; ++tv) if (tv <= MAX_PERSIST_TV) to->tok[tv] = tcopy(fromcell->tok[tv]); else to->tok[tv].type = EMPTY; if (lh != PRESERVE_LABEL && fromcell->label != (char*)0) { size_t len = strlen(fromcell->label); to->label = strcpy(malloc(len+2), fromcell->label); (to->label)[len] = '_'; (to->label)[len+1] = '\0'; } } else { initcellcontents(to); } } /* print_fident -- print a field identifier to a dest and return the number of characters written */ /*{{{*/ static int print_fident(char* dest, size_t space, FunctionIdentifier id) { size_t identlen = strlen(tfunc[id].name); if ((identlen+1) < space) strcpy(dest, tfunc[id].name); else { (void)strncpy(dest, tfunc[id].name, space); dest[space-1] = '\0'; } return identlen; } /*}}}*/ /* print_string -- print a string value to a dest and return the number of characters written */ /*{{{*/ static int print_string(char* dest, size_t space, const char *str, StringFormat sf) { size_t cur = 0; if (sf == QUOTE_STRING && cur < space) dest[cur++] = '"'; for ( ; cur < space && *str != '\0'; ++str) { if (sf == QUOTE_STRING && (*str == '"' || *str=='\\')) dest[cur++] = '\\'; if (cur < space) dest[cur++] = *str; } if (sf == QUOTE_STRING && cur < space) dest[cur++] = '"'; return cur; } /*}}}*/ /* printtok -- print a single token, passed by address, although not changed */ /*{{{*/ size_t ptokatprec(char* dest, size_t size, size_t field_width, StringFormat sf, FloatFormat ff, int digits, ErrorFormat ef, const Token *tok, FunctionPrecedence atprec) { if (debug_level > 2) { printf("..Entering printtok; bufsize %d, field_width %d, qs %d, ff %s," "prec %d, verr %d\n", size, field_width, sf, FloatFormat_Name[ff], digits, ef); } if (size > 0 ) *dest = '\0'; if (tok == NULLTOKEN || tok->type == EMPTY) return 0; size_t cur = 0; switch (tok->type) { /* STRING */ case STRING: cur += print_string(dest, size-cur, tok->u.string, sf); break; /* INT */ /*{{{*/ case INT: { char buf[64]; size_t buflen; buflen = sprintf(buf, INT_T_FMT, tok->u.integer); assert(buflen < sizeof(buf)); (void)strncpy(dest+cur,buf,size-cur-1); cur+=buflen; break; } /*}}}*/ /* FLOAT */ /*{{{*/ case FLOAT: { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ char buf[1100], buf2[1100], *use, *p; size_t len, len2; /*}}}*/ if (digits <= 0) digits += FLT_T_DIG; if (digits > sizeof(buf) - 20) digits = sizeof(buf) - 20; switch (ff) { case FLT_DECIMAL: len = sprintf(buf, FLT_T_STD_FMT, digits, tok->u.flt); use = buf; break; case FLT_SCIENTIFIC: len = sprintf(buf, FLT_T_SCI_FMT, digits, tok->u.flt); use = buf; break; case FLT_COMPACT: len = sprintf(buf, FLT_T_CPT_FMT, digits, tok->u.flt); /* Unfortunately, %g is so clever that sometimes it omits the decimal; it also has a penchant for not switching to scientific notation until the magnitude gets very large. So we try to counteract these bad tendencies here. If there is no decimal, we take the shorter of %.1f and %e with the same number of digits. */ use = buf; if (strchr(buf, '.') == NULL) { len = sprintf(buf, FLT_T_STD_FMT, 1, tok->u.flt); len2 = sprintf(buf2, FLT_T_SCI_FMT, digits, tok->u.flt); /* remove trailing 0s from sci format to be fair */ size_t epos = strchr(buf2, 'e') - buf2; size_t tpos = epos; while (tpos > 1 && buf2[tpos-1] == '0' && buf2[tpos-2] != '.') --tpos; if (tpos < epos) { memmove(buf2+tpos, buf2+epos, len2-epos+1); len2 -= epos - tpos; } if (len2 < len) { use = buf2; len = len2; } } break; case FLT_HEXACT: len = sprintf(buf, FLT_T_HEX_FMT, tok->u.flt); use = buf; break; } assert(len < sizeof(buf)); p = use + len; while (*--p == ' ') { *p = '\0'; --len; } (void)strncpy(dest+cur, use, size-cur-1); cur += len; break; } /*}}}*/ /* OPERATOR */ /*{{{*/ case OPERATOR: { static const char *ops[]={ "+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", ",", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "==", "~=", "!=", "^", "%" }; if ((size-cur)>1) { dest[cur++]=*ops[tok->u.op]; if (*(ops[tok->u.op]+1) && size>cur) dest[cur++]=*(ops[tok->u.op]+1); } break; } /*}}}*/ /* LIDENT */ /*{{{*/ case LIDENT: { size_t identlen; identlen=strlen(tok->u.lident); if ((cur+identlen+1)<=size) strcpy(dest+cur,tok->u.lident); else (void)strncpy(dest+cur,tok->u.lident,size-cur-1); cur+=identlen; break; } /*}}}*/ /* FIDENT */ /*{{{*/ case FIDENT: if (debug_level > 2) { printf("...Found function [%s].\n", tfunc[tok->u.fident].name); } cur += print_fident(dest+cur, size-cur-1, tok->u.fident); break; /*}}}*/ /* LOCATION */ /*{{{*/ case LOCATION: { char buf[60]; sprintf(buf,"&(%d,%d,%d)",tok->u.location[0],tok->u.location[1],tok->u.location[2]); (void)strncpy(dest+cur,buf,size-cur-1); cur+=strlen(buf); break; } /*}}}*/ /* FUNCALL */ /*{{{*/ case FUNCALL: { FunctionIdentifier fid = tok->u.funcall.fident; if (tok->u.funcall.argc <= 0) { cur += print_fident(dest+cur, size-cur-1, fid); if (tok->u.funcall.argc == 0) { if (cur < size - 2) { dest[cur++] = '('; dest[cur++] = ')'; } else cur += 2; } break; } FunctionPrecedence fp = tfunc[fid].precedence; switch (fp) { case PREFIX_FUNC: { cur += print_fident(dest+cur, size-cur-1, fid); if (cur < size) dest[cur++] = '('; for (size_t ai = 0; ai < tok->u.funcall.argc && cur < size-1; ++ai) { if (ai > 0 && cur < size) dest[cur++] = ','; /* The commas eliminate the need for precedence worries in arguments*/ cur += ptokatprec(dest+cur, size-cur-1, field_width-cur, sf, ff, digits, ef, tok->u.funcall.argv + ai, NO_PRECEDENCE); } if (cur < size) dest[cur++] = ')'; break; } case PREFIX_NEG: { assert(tok->u.funcall.argc == 1); assert(tfunc[fid].display_symbol != NULL); if (fp < atprec && cur < size) dest[cur++] = '('; if (cur < size) { strncpy(dest+cur, tfunc[fid].display_symbol, size-cur-1); cur += strlen(tfunc[fid].display_symbol); } cur += ptokatprec(dest+cur, size-cur-1, field_width-cur, sf, ff, digits, ef, tok->u.funcall.argv, fp); if (fp < atprec && cur < size) dest[cur++] = ')'; break; } default: /* infix argument */ assert(tok->u.funcall.argc > 1); if (fp < atprec && cur < size) dest[cur++] = '('; for (size_t ai = 0; ai < tok->u.funcall.argc && cur < size-1; ++ ai) { bool parenarg = false; if (ai > 0) { if (fp < INFIX_MUL && cur < size) dest[cur++] = ' '; const char *use = tfunc[fid].display_symbol; if (use == NULL) use = tfunc[fid].name; strncpy(dest+cur, use, size-cur-1); cur += strlen(use); if (fp < INFIX_MUL && cur < size) dest[cur++] = ' '; } else if (fp > PREFIX_NEG) { char powbuf[4096]; size_t arglen = ptokatprec(powbuf, sizeof(powbuf), 0, sf, ff, digits, ef, tok->u.funcall.argv, fp); assert(arglen < sizeof(powbuf)-1); if (powbuf[0] == '-') { parenarg = true; if (cur < size) dest[cur++] = '('; } } cur += ptokatprec(dest+cur, size-cur-1, field_width-cur, sf, ff, digits, ef, tok->u.funcall.argv + ai, fp); if (parenarg && cur < size) dest[cur++] = ')'; } if (fp < atprec && cur < size) dest[cur++] = ')'; break; } break; } /* EEK */ /*{{{*/ case EEK: { if (ef == RESTORE_ERROR) { strncpy(dest + cur, "error(", size-cur-1); cur += 6; if (cur < size - 1) cur += print_string(dest+cur, size-cur-1, tok->u.err, QUOTE_STRING); if (cur < size - 1) dest[cur++] = ')'; break; } (void)strncpy(dest+cur, _("ERROR"), size-cur-1); cur += strlen(_("ERROR")); if (ef == VERBOSE_ERROR) { (void)strncpy(dest+cur, ": ", size-cur-1); cur += 2; size_t errlen = strlen(tok->u.err); if ((cur+errlen+1) < size) strcpy(dest+cur, tok->u.err); else (void)strncpy(dest+cur, tok->u.err, size-cur-1); cur += errlen; } break; } /*}}}*/ /* default */ /*{{{*/ default: assert(0); /*}}}*/ } if (cur field_width) { for (cur = 0; cur < field_width; ++cur) dest[cur] = '#'; dest[cur] = 0; } return cur; } /*}}}*/ /* printtok -- print a single token, passed by address, although not changed */ /*{{{*/ size_t printtok(char* dest, size_t size, size_t field_width, StringFormat sf, FloatFormat ff, int digits, ErrorFormat ef, const Token *tok) { return ptokatprec(dest, size, field_width, sf, ff, digits, ef, tok, NO_PRECEDENCE); } /*}}}*/ /* print -- print token sequence */ /*{{{*/ void print(char *s, size_t size, size_t chars, StringFormat sf, FloatFormat ff, int digits, Token **n) { size_t cur; cur=0; if (n != EMPTY_TVEC) for (; cur chars) { for (cur=0; cur < chars; ++cur) s[cur] = '#'; s[cur] = 0; } } /*}}}*/