/* #includes */ /*{{{C}}}*//*{{{*/ #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "csv.h" #include "default.h" #include "display.h" #include "eval.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "parser.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "sheet.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "xdr.h" /*}}}*/ /* #defines */ /*{{{*/ #define HASH(x,s) \ { \ const unsigned char *S=(const unsigned char*)s; \ \ x=0; \ while (*S) { x=(x<<5)+((x>>27)^*S); ++S; } \ x%=LABEL_CACHE; \ } /*}}}*/ /* variables */ /*{{{*/ static bool upd_clock; /* evaluate clocked expressions */ /* Used during evaluation of a cell to specify the currently updated cell */ Sheet *upd_sheet; Location upd_l; int max_eval; /*}}}*/ /* copycelltosheet -- copy a cell into a sheet*/ /*{{{*/ void copycelltosheet(const Cell *fromcell, Sheet *sheet2, const Location to, LabelHandling lh) { assert(sheet2 != (Sheet*)0); Cell *tocell = safe_cell_at(sheet2, to); if (fromcell == tocell) return; freecellofsheet(sheet2, to); if (fromcell != NULLCELL) /* copy first cell to second */ /*{{{*/ { sheet2->changed = true; Cell *alsotocell = initcellofsheet(sheet2, to, NULL); assert(tocell == NULLCELL || tocell == alsotocell); copycell(alsotocell, fromcell, lh); } /*}}}*/ } /*}}}*/ /* dump_cell -- write internal contents of cell to standard out */ /*{{{*/ static void dump_cell(Sheet *sheet, int x, int y, int z) { Cell* c; char buf[2048]; assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0) { printf("TEADUMP: Requested cell &(%d,%d,%d) has negative coordinates.\n", x, y, z); return; } if (!LOC_WITHINC(sheet, x, y, z)) { printf("TEADUMP: Requested cell &(%d,%d,%d) outside sheet dims %zu,%zu,%zu.\n", x, y, z, sheet->dim[X], sheet->dim[Y], sheet->dim[Z]); return; } c = CELL_ATC(sheet, x, y, z); if (c == NULLCELL) { printf("TEADUMP: Cell at &(%d,%d,%d) is empty.\n", x, y, z); return; } printf("TEADUMP of &(%d,%d,%d):\n", x, y, z); for (TokVariety tv = BASE_CONT; tv < CONTINGENT; ++tv) { printf(" %s: (%s)", TokVariety_Name[tv], Type_Name[c->tok[tv].type]); printtok(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, QUOTE_STRING, FLT_COMPACT, -1, VERBOSE_ERROR, c->tok + tv); printf("%s.\n", buf); } if (c->label == NULL) printf("\n No label.\n"); else printf("\n Label: %s.\n", c->label); if (c->updated) printf(" updated "); if (c->locked) printf(" locked "); if (c->ignored) printf(" ignored "); if (c->use_iter_cont) printf(" use_iter_cont "); if (c->clock_resolving) printf(" clock_resolving "); if (c->clock_requested) printf(" clock_requested "); printf("\n\n"); } /*}}}*/ /* dump_current_cell -- dump_cell of the current_cell */ /*{{{*/ void dump_current_cell(Sheet *sheet) { assert(sheet != (Sheet *)0); dump_cell(sheet, sheet->cur[X], sheet->cur[Y], sheet->cur[Z]); } /*}}}*/ /* swapblock -- swap two non-overlapping blocks of cells */ /*{{{*/ static void swapblock(Sheet *sheet1, Location l1, Sheet *sheet2, Location l2, Location dist) { assert(sheet1 != (Sheet*)0); assert(sheet2 != (Sheet*)0); resize(sheet1, l1[X]+dist[X]-1, l1[Y]+dist[Y]-1, l1[Z]+dist[Z]-1, NULL); resize(sheet2, l2[X]+dist[X]-1, l2[Y]+dist[Y]-1, l2[Z]+dist[Z]-1, NULL); Location off; for (off[Z] = 0; off[Z] < dist[Z]; off[Z]++) for (off[Y] = 0; off[Y] < dist[Y]; off[Y]++) for (off[X] = 0; off[X] < dist[X]; off[X]++) { Location a; LOCATION_GETS(a,l1); LOCATION_ADD(a,off); Cell *t = CELL_AT(sheet1, a); Location b; LOCATION_GETS(b,l2); LOCATION_ADD(b,off); CELL_AT(sheet1,a) = CELL_AT(sheet2,b); CELL_AT(sheet2,b) = t; } sheet1->changed = true; sheet2->changed = true; } /*}}}*/ /* signum -- -1 if < 0, 0 if 0, 1 if > 0 */ static int signum(int x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0); } /* cmpflt -- -1 if <, 0 if =, 1 if > */ static int cmpflt(FltT x, FltT y) { return (x > y) - (x < y); } /* cmpflint -- -1 if <, 0 if =, 1 if > */ static int cmpflint(FltT x, IntT y) { return (x > y) - (x < y); } /* cmpint -- -1 if <, 0 if =, 1 if > */ static int cmpint(IntT x, IntT y) { return (x > y) - (x < y); } /* cmpintfl -- -1 if <, 0 if =, 1 if > */ static int cmpintfl(IntT x, FltT y) { return (x > y) - (x < y); } #define NOT_COMPARABLE 2 /* cmpcell -- compare to cells with given order flags */ /*{{{*/ /* Notes */ /*{{{*/ /* Compare the _values_ of two cells. The result is -1 if first is smaller than second, 0 if they are equal and 1 if the first is bigger than the second. A result of 2 means they are not comparable. */ /*}}}*/ static int cmpcell(Sheet *sheet1, const Location l1, Sheet *sheet2, const Location l2, int sortkey) { int ascending = (sortkey & ASCENDING) ? 1 : -1; Token leftval = gettok(safe_cell_at(sheet1, l1), CURR_VAL); Token rightval = gettok(safe_cell_at(sheet2, l2), CURR_VAL); /* empty cells are smaller than any non-empty cell */ /*{{{*/ if (leftval.type == EMPTY) { if (rightval.type == EMPTY) return 0; else return -ascending; } if (rightval.type == EMPTY) return ascending; /*}}}*/ switch (leftval.type) { /* STRING */ /*{{{*/ case STRING: if (rightval.type == STRING) return signum(strcmp(leftval.u.string, rightval.u.string)) * ascending; return NOT_COMPARABLE; /*}}}*/ /* FLOAT */ /*{{{*/ case FLOAT: if (rightval.type == FLOAT) return cmpflt(leftval.u.flt, rightval.u.flt)*ascending; if (rightval.type == INT) return cmpflint(leftval.u.flt, rightval.u.integer)*ascending; return NOT_COMPARABLE; /*}}}*/ /* INT */ /*{{{*/ case INT: { if (rightval.type == INT) return cmpint(leftval.u.integer, rightval.u.integer)*ascending; if (rightval.type == FLOAT) return cmpintfl(leftval.u.integer, rightval.u.flt)*ascending; return NOT_COMPARABLE; } /*}}}*/ default: return NOT_COMPARABLE; } } /*}}}*/ /* initialize_sheet -- fill in fields of a newly allocated Sheet */ /*{{{*/ void initialize_sheet(Sheet *sheet) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); OLOCATION(sheet->cur); sheet->offx = sheet->offy = 0; sheet->dim[X] = sheet->dim[Y] = sheet->dim[Z] = 0; sheet->sheet = (Cell**)0; sheet->column = (ColWidT*)0; sheet->rowhts = (RowHgtT*)0; sheet->orix = sheet->oriy = 0; sheet->maxx = sheet->maxy = 0; sheet->name = (char*)0; OLOCATION(sheet->mark1); OLOCATION(sheet->mark2); sheet->marking = UNMARKED; sheet->changed = 0; sheet->moveonly = 0; sheet->clk = 0; (void)memset(sheet->labelcache, 0, sizeof(sheet->labelcache)); sheet->max_colors = MAX_MAX_COLORS; /* start display of this sheet */ if (!batch) { display_init(sheet, always_redraw); line_msg((const char*)0,""); } } /*}}}*/ /* resize -- check if sheet needs to be resized in any dimension */ /*{{{*/ void resize(Sheet *sheet, CoordT x, CoordT y, CoordT z, bool *qextended) { assert(x >= 0); assert(y >= 0); assert(z >= 0); assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); if (!LOC_WITHINC(sheet,x,y,z)) { Sheet dummy; sheet->changed = true; if (qextended) *qextended = true; dummy.dim[X] = ((size_t)x >= sheet->dim[X] ? (size_t)(x+1) : sheet->dim[X]); dummy.dim[Y] = ((size_t)y >= sheet->dim[Y] ? (size_t)(y+1) : sheet->dim[Y]); dummy.dim[Z] = ((size_t)z >= sheet->dim[Z] ? (size_t)(z+1) : sheet->dim[Z]); /* allocate new sheet */ /*{{{*/ dummy.sheet = malloc(dummy.dim[X]*dummy.dim[Y]*dummy.dim[Z]*sizeof(Cell*)); for (ALL_COORDS_IN_SHEETC(&dummy,x,y,z)) { if (LOC_WITHINC(sheet,x,y,z)) CELL_ATC(&dummy,x,y,z) = CELL_ATC(sheet,x,y,z); else CELL_ATC(&dummy,x,y,z) = NULLCELL; } if (sheet->sheet!=(Cell**)0) free(sheet->sheet); sheet->sheet = dummy.sheet; /*}}}*/ /* allocate new column widths and row heights */ /*{{{*/ if ((size_t)x > sheet->dim[X] || (size_t)z >= sheet->dim[Z]) { dummy.column = malloc(dummy.dim[X] * dummy.dim[Z] * sizeof(ColWidT)); for (x=0; (size_t)x < dummy.dim[X]; ++x) for (z=0; (size_t)z < dummy.dim[Z]; ++z) { if ((size_t)x < sheet->dim[X] && (size_t)z < sheet->dim[Z]) *(dummy.column + ((size_t)x)*dummy.dim[Z] + (size_t)z) = *(sheet->column + ((size_t)x)*sheet->dim[Z] + (size_t)z); else *(dummy.column + ((size_t)x)*dummy.dim[Z] + (size_t)z) = DEF_COLUMNWIDTH; } if (sheet->column != (ColWidT*)0) free(sheet->column); sheet->column = dummy.column; } if ((size_t)(y) > sheet->dim[Y] || (size_t)z > sheet->dim[Z]) { dummy.rowhts = malloc(dummy.dim[Y] * dummy.dim[Z] * sizeof(RowHgtT)); for (y=0; (size_t)y < dummy.dim[Y]; ++y) for (z=0; (size_t)z < dummy.dim[Z]; ++z) { RowHgtT *dumht = dummy.rowhts + ((size_t)y)*dummy.dim[Z] + (size_t)z; if ((size_t)y < sheet->dim[Y] && (size_t)z < sheet->dim[Z]) *dumht = *(sheet->rowhts + ((size_t)y)*sheet->dim[Z] + (size_t)z); else *dumht = DEF_ROWHEIGHT; } if (sheet->rowhts != (RowHgtT*)0) free(sheet->rowhts); sheet->rowhts = dummy.rowhts; } /*}}}*/ for (Dimensions dd = X; dd < HYPER; ++dd) sheet->dim[dd] = dummy.dim[dd]; } } /*}}}*/ /* initcellofsheet -- initialise new cell, if it does not exist yet */ /*{{{*/ Cell *initcellofsheet(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, bool *qnew) { Cell *nc; assert(IN_OCTANT(at)); resize(sheet, at[X], at[Y], at[Z], qnew); nc = CELL_AT(sheet,at); if (nc == NULLCELL) { sheet->changed = true; if (qnew) *qnew = true; nc = malloc(sizeof(Cell)); CELL_AT(sheet,at) = nc; initcellcontents(nc); } return nc; } /*}}}*/ /* safe_cell_at -- returns pointer to the cell at the given location, even in the face of various edge conditions. */ Cell *safe_cell_atc(Sheet *sheet, int x, int y, int z) { if (sheet == (Sheet*)0) return NULLCELL; if (sheet->sheet == (Cell **)0) return NULLCELL; if (!LOC_WITHINC(sheet,x,y,z)) return NULLCELL; return CELL_ATC(sheet,x,y,z); } /* safe_cell_at -- returns pointer to the cell at the given location, even in the face of various edge conditions. */ Cell *safe_cell_at(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { if (sheet == (Sheet*)0) return NULLCELL; if (sheet->sheet == (Cell **)0) return NULLCELL; if (!LOC_WITHIN(sheet, at)) return NULLCELL; return CELL_AT(sheet, at); } /* curcell -- return pointer to the current cell */ /*{{{*/ Cell *curcell(Sheet *sheet) { return safe_cell_at(sheet, sheet->cur); } /* cachelabels -- create new label cache */ /*{{{*/ void cachelabels(Sheet *sheet) { int i; Location w; if (sheet==(Sheet*)0) return; for (i=0; ilabelcache[i]; run!=(struct Label*)0;) { struct Label *runnext; runnext=run->next; free(run); run=runnext; } sheet->labelcache[i]=(struct Label*)0; } /*}}}*/ for (ALL_LOCS_IN_SHEET(sheet,w)) /* cache all labels */ /*{{{*/ { const char *l = getlabel(CELL_AT(sheet,w)); if (*l) { unsigned long hx; struct Label **run; HASH(hx,l); for (run=&sheet->labelcache[(unsigned int)hx]; *run!=(struct Label*)0 && strcmp(l,(*run)->label); run=&((*run)->next)); if (*run==(struct Label*)0) { *run=malloc(sizeof(struct Label)); (*run)->next=(struct Label*)0; (*run)->label=l; LOCATION_GETS((*run)->location,w); } /* else we have a duplicate label, which _can_ happen under */ /* unfortunate conditions. Don't tell anybody. */ } } /*}}}*/ } /*}}}*/ /* freesheet -- free all cells of an entire spread sheet */ /*{{{*/ void freesheet(Sheet *sheet, int all) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); sheet->changed = FALSE; Location w; for (ALL_LOCS_IN_SHEET(sheet,w)) freecellofsheet(sheet,w); if (all) { for (int i=0; i < LABEL_CACHE; ++i) /* free all buckets */ /*{{{*/ for (struct Label *run = sheet->labelcache[i]; run != (struct Label*)0;) { struct Label *runnext = run->next; free(run); run = runnext; } /*}}}*/ if (sheet->sheet) free(sheet->sheet); if (sheet->column) free(sheet->column); if (sheet->rowhts) free(sheet->rowhts); if (sheet->name) free(sheet->name); if (!batch) display_end(sheet); } else { for (size_t x = 0; x < sheet->dim[X]; ++x) for (size_t z = 0; z < sheet->dim[Z]; ++z) *(sheet->column + x*sheet->dim[Z] + z) = DEF_COLUMNWIDTH; for (size_t y = 0; y < sheet->dim[y]; ++y) for (size_t z = 0; z < sheet->dim[Z]; ++z) *(sheet->rowhts + y*sheet->dim[Z] + z) = DEF_ROWHEIGHT; cachelabels(sheet); forceupdate(sheet); } } /*}}}*/ /* forceupdate -- clear all clock and update flags */ /*{{{*/ void forceupdate(Sheet *sheet) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); if (sheet->sheet == (Cell **)0) return; size_t i; Cell *cell; for (ALL_CELLS_IN_SHEET(sheet,i,cell)) if (cell != NULLCELL) { cell->updated = cell->use_iter_cont = cell->clock_resolving = cell->clock_requested = false; tfree(&(cell->tok[STYLE_VAL])); } update(sheet); } /*}}}*/ /* freecellofsheet -- free one cell */ /*{{{*/ void freecellofsheet(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); if (sheet->sheet != (Cell**)0 && CELL_IS_GOOD(sheet,at)) { Cell *c = CELL_AT(sheet,at); freecellcontents(c); free(c); CELL_AT(sheet,at) = NULLCELL; sheet->changed = 1; } } /*}}}*/ /* columnwidth -- get width of column */ /*{{{*/ ColWidT columnwidth(Sheet *sheet, CoordT x, CoordT z) { assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); if ((size_t)x < sheet->dim[X] && (size_t)z < sheet->dim[Z]) return (*(sheet->column + ((size_t)x)*sheet->dim[Z] + (size_t)z)); else return DEF_COLUMNWIDTH; } /*}}}*/ /* rowheight -- get height of row */ /*{{{*/ ColWidT rowheight(Sheet *sheet, CoordT y, CoordT z) { assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); if ((size_t)y < sheet->dim[Y] && (size_t)z < sheet->dim[Z]) return (*(sheet->rowhts + ((size_t)y)*sheet->dim[Z] + (size_t)z)); else return DEF_ROWHEIGHT; } /*}}}*/ /* setwidth -- set width of column */ /*{{{*/ bool setwidth(Sheet *sheet, CoordT x, CoordT z, ColWidT width) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); bool isbigger = false; resize(sheet, x, 1, z, &isbigger); if (isbigger) sheet->changed = true; ColWidT *storage = sheet->column + (size_t)x*sheet->dim[Z] + (size_t)z; if (*storage != width) { *storage = width; sheet->changed = true; return true; } return isbigger; } /*}}}*/ /* setheight -- set height of row */ /*{{{*/ bool setheight(Sheet *sheet, CoordT y, CoordT z, RowHgtT height) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); bool isbigger = false; resize(sheet, 1, y, z, &isbigger); if (isbigger) sheet->changed = true; RowHgtT *storage = sheet->rowhts + (size_t)y*sheet->dim[Z] + (size_t)z; if (*storage != height) { *storage = height; sheet->changed = true; return true; } return isbigger; } /*}}}*/ /* cellwidth -- get width of a cell */ /*{{{*/ ColWidT cellwidth(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { if (shadowed(sheet,at)) return 0; Location near; LOCATION_GETS(near,at); ColWidT width = columnwidth(sheet,at[X],at[Z]); for (near[X]++; shadowed(sheet,near); width += columnwidth(sheet,near[X]++,near[Z])); return width; } /*}}}*/ /* cellheight -- get height of a cell */ /*{{{*/ RowHgtT cellheight(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { /* At the moment this is trivial because there is no vertical "shadowing". Probably rather than implementing that more general cell merging would be a preferable way to go */ return rowheight(sheet, at[Y], at[Z]); } /*}}}*/ /* putcont -- assign new contents */ /*{{{*/ void puttok(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, Token t, TokVariety v) { Cell *cell; assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); sheet->changed = 1; cell = initcellofsheet(sheet, at, NULL); tfree(&(cell->tok[v])); cell->tok[v] = t; redraw_cell(sheet, at); } /*}}}*/ /* recompvalue -- get tcopy()ed value */ /*{{{*/ Token recompvalue(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; Cell* cell; /*}}}*/ assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); if (!IN_OCTANT(at)) /* return error */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=EEK; char *templ = _("Attempt to access cell at (%d,%d,%d) with negative index"); result.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ)+32); sprintf(result.u.err, templ, at[X], at[Y], at[Z]); return result; } /*}}}*/ result.type = EMPTY; /* Can always short-circuit an out-of-bounds or empty cell */ if (!CELL_IS_GOOD(sheet,at)) return result; /* only short-circuit on empty contents of a good cell if we are NOT depending on this call to update the current value */ cell = CELL_AT(sheet, at); if (!upd_clock && gettok(cell, CONTINGENT).type == EMPTY) return result; /* update value of this cell if needed and return it */ /*{{{*/ bool orig_upd_clock = upd_clock; if (cell->ignored) { tfree(cell->tok + CURR_VAL); cell->updated = true; } else if (cell->updated == false) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Sheet *old_sheet; Location old_l; int old_max_eval; Token oldvalue; /*}}}*/ old_sheet = upd_sheet; LOCATION_GETS(old_l, upd_l); old_max_eval = max_eval; upd_sheet = sheet; LOCATION_GETS(upd_l, at); max_eval = MAX_EVALNEST; if (!(cell->clock_resolving)) { cell->updated = true; oldvalue = gettok(cell, CURR_VAL); upd_clock = false; cell->tok[CURR_VAL] = evaltoken(gettok(cell, CONTINGENT), FULL); tfree(&oldvalue); } else if (upd_clock) { cell->updated = true; upd_clock = false; oldvalue = gettok(cell, RES_VAL); cell->tok[RES_VAL] = evaltoken(gettok(cell, CONTINGENT), FULL); tfree(&oldvalue); } upd_sheet = old_sheet; LOCATION_GETS(upd_l, old_l); max_eval = old_max_eval; } /* When upd_clock was true on entry, the result is going to be thrown away in any case, so don't bother doing the copy. */ if (!orig_upd_clock) result = tcopy(cell->tok[CURR_VAL]); /*}}}*/ return result; } /*}}}*/ /* evaluate_at -- evaluate a token in a sheet at a location */ /*{{{*/ Token evaluate_at(Token t, Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { assert(sheet != (Sheet *)0); Sheet *oldsheet = upd_sheet; upd_sheet = sheet; Location old_l; LOCATION_GETS(old_l, upd_l); LOCATION_GETS(upd_l, at); Token result = evaltoken(t, FULL); LOCATION_GETS(upd_l, old_l); upd_sheet = oldsheet; return result; } /*}}}*/ /* update -- update all cells that need it */ /*{{{*/ void update(Sheet *sheet) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); int iterating = 0; bool kp = false; for (sheet->clk = true; sheet->sheet && sheet->clk && !kp; kp = keypressed()) { sheet->clk = 0; if (iterating == 1) { line_msg(NULL, _("Recalculation running, press Escape to abort it")); ++iterating; } else if (iterating == 0) ++iterating; Cell *cell; size_t i; for (ALL_CELLS_IN_SHEET(sheet,i,cell)) { if (cell && cell->clock_requested) { cell->updated = false; cell->use_iter_cont = true; cell->clock_resolving = true; cell->clock_requested = false; tfree(&(cell->tok[STYLE_VAL])); } } Location w; for (ALL_LOCS_IN_SHEET(sheet,w)) { upd_clock = true; recompvalue(sheet, w); } bool current_changed = false; for (ALL_CELLS_IN_SHEET(sheet,i,cell)) { if (cell && cell->clock_resolving) { tfree(&(cell->tok[CURR_VAL])); cell->tok[CURR_VAL] = cell->tok[RES_VAL];; cell->tok[RES_VAL].type = EMPTY; current_changed = true; } } if (current_changed) { /* Recompute all of the non-clocked cells so that they get the values of the newly-changed clocked cells */ for (ALL_CELLS_IN_SHEET(sheet, i, cell)) { if (cell) { if (cell->clock_resolving) { cell->clock_resolving = false; } else { cell->updated = false; } } } for (ALL_LOCS_IN_SHEET(sheet, w)) { upd_clock = true; recompvalue(sheet, w); } } upd_clock = false; } if (iterating == 2) line_msg(NULL, kp ? _("Calculation aborted") : _("Calculation finished")); sheet->clk = false; redraw_sheet(sheet); } /*}}}*/ /* geterror -- get malloc()ed error string */ /*{{{*/ char *geterror(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { Token v; assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); if ((v = recompvalue(sheet,at)).type != EEK) { tfree(&v); return NULL; } else return (v.u.err); } /*}}}*/ /* printvalue -- get ASCII representation of value */ /*{{{*/ size_t printvalue(char *s, size_t size, size_t chars, StringFormat sf, FloatFormat ff, PrecisionLevel precision, Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); Token t = recompvalue(sheet, at); size_t retval = printtok(s, size, chars, sf, ff, precision, TRUNCATED_ERROR, &t); tfree(&t); return retval; } /*}}}*/ /* getstyle -- get the current style token */ Style getstyle(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { Token res; res.type = STYLE; clearstyle(&(res.u.style)); res.u.style.fform = DEF_FLOATFORM; res.u.style.precision = def_precision; if (!IN_OCTANT(at) || !CELL_IS_GOOD(sheet, at)) { res.u.style.adjust = LEFT; return res.u.style; } Cell *cell = CELL_AT(sheet, at); if (!(cell->updated)) recompvalue(sheet, at); assert(cell->updated); if (cell->tok[STYLE_VAL].type == STYLE) return cell->tok[STYLE_VAL].u.style; Sheet *old_up_sh = upd_sheet; Location old_upd_l; LOCATION_GETS(old_upd_l, upd_l); upd_sheet = sheet; LOCATION_GETS(upd_l, at); Token tsty = evaltoken(cell->tok[STYLE_CONT], FULL); LOCATION_GETS(upd_l, old_upd_l); upd_sheet = old_up_sh; Style sty; switch (tsty.type) { case STYLE: sty = tsty.u.style; break; case EMPTY: sty = res.u.style; break; default: { char buf[4096]; const char *msg = _("Produced non-style value at &(%d,%d,%d) '"); sprintf(buf, msg, at[X], at[Y], at[Z]); printtok(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf)-1, 0, QUOTE_STRING, FLT_COMPACT, -1, VERBOSE_ERROR, &tsty); strcat(buf, "'"); line_msg(_("Cell style expr:"), msg); sty = res.u.style; break; } } if (sty.adjust == AUTOADJUST) sty.adjust = TOKISNUM(cell->tok[CURR_VAL]) ? RIGHT : LEFT; if (sty.fform == FLT_NO_FORMAT) sty.fform = DEF_FLOATFORM; if (sty.precision == NO_PRECISION) sty.precision = def_precision; cell->tok[STYLE_VAL].type = STYLE; cell->tok[STYLE_VAL].u.style = sty; return sty; } /* shadowed -- is cell shadowed? */ bool shadowed(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { return getstyle(sheet, at).shadowed; } /* transparent -- is cell transparent? */ bool transparent(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { return getstyle(sheet, at).transparent; } /* getprecision -- get cell precision */ PrecisionLevel getprecision(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { return getstyle(sheet, at).precision; } /* overridestyle -- coerce the style of a cell to match sty */ bool overridestyle(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, Style sty) { Style esty; clearstyle(&esty); if (style_equal(sty, esty)) return false; assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); bool isnew = false; Cell* thecell = initcellofsheet(sheet, at, &isnew); if (isnew) sheet->changed = true; Token stok = gettok(thecell, STYLE_CONT); switch (stok.type) { case EMPTY: thecell->tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; thecell->tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style = sty; tfree(&(thecell->tok[STYLE_VAL])); return true; case STYLE: { Token tsty; tsty.type = STYLE; tsty.u.style = sty; thecell->tok[STYLE_CONT] = tadd(tsty, stok); if (style_equal(stok.u.style, thecell->tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style)) return false; tfree(&(thecell->tok[STYLE_VAL])); return true; } default: break; } /* Create an expression that adds the prior expression to this style */ Token tsty; tsty.type = STYLE; tsty.u.style = sty; Token fsty; fsty.type = FUNCALL; fsty.u.funcall.fident = FUNC_PLUS_SYMBOL; fsty.u.funcall.argc = 2; fsty.u.funcall.argv = malloc(2*sizeof(Token)); fsty.u.funcall.argv[0] = tsty; fsty.u.funcall.argv[1] = stok; thecell->tok[STYLE_CONT] = fsty; tfree(&(thecell->tok[STYLE_VAL])); return true; } /* The cell field setters used to all have nearly identical code, so: */ #define DEFSETTER(funcname,argtype,field) bool\ funcname(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, argtype arg)\ {\ assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0);\ bool isnew = false;\ Cell* thecell = initcellofsheet(sheet, at, &isnew);\ if (isnew) sheet->changed = true;\ if (thecell->field != arg) {\ thecell->field = arg;\ sheet->changed = true;\ return true;\ }\ return isnew;\ } DEFSETTER(lockcell, bool, locked); DEFSETTER(igncell, bool, ignored); #define DEFSTYVAL(funcname,argtype,field) bool\ funcname(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, argtype arg)\ {\ Style nsty; clearstyle(&nsty);\ nsty.field = arg;\ return overridestyle(sheet, at, nsty);\ } DEFSTYVAL(setadjust, Adjust, adjust); DEFSTYVAL(setfltformat, FloatFormat, fform); DEFSTYVAL(setprecision, PrecisionLevel, precision); #define DEFSTYFLAG(funcname,field) bool\ funcname(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, bool arg)\ {\ Style nsty; clearstyle(&nsty);\ nsty.field = arg;\ nsty.field##_set = true;\ return overridestyle(sheet, at, nsty);\ } DEFSTYFLAG(shadow, shadowed); DEFSTYFLAG(makedim, dim); DEFSTYFLAG(embolden, bold); DEFSTYFLAG(italicize, italic); DEFSTYFLAG(underline, underline); DEFSTYFLAG(maketrans, transparent); /* setcolor -- force the color of a cell to be as specified */ bool setcolor(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, ColorAspect asp, ColorNum col) { Style nsty; clearstyle(&nsty); nsty.aspect[asp] = col; return overridestyle(sheet, at, nsty); } /* clk -- clock cell */ /*{{{*/ void clk(Sheet *sheet, const Location at) { assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); assert(IN_OCTANT(at)); assert(LOC_WITHIN(sheet, at)); Cell* toclock = CELL_AT(sheet, at); if (iterable(toclock)) { toclock->clock_requested = true; sheet->clk = true; } } /*}}}*/ /* getmarkstate -- find out where in the marking cycle the sheet is */ /*{{{*/ MarkState getmarkstate(Sheet *sheet) { if (sheet == (Sheet*)0) return MARK_CYCLE; return sheet->marking; } /* setlabel -- set cell label */ /*{{{*/ void setlabel(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, const char *buf, int update) { Cell *cell; assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); sheet->changed = 1; cell = initcellofsheet(sheet, at, NULL); if (cell->label != (char*)0) free(cell->label); if (*buf == '\0') cell->label = (char*)0; else cell->label = strcpy(malloc(strlen(buf)+1), buf); if (update) { cachelabels(sheet); forceupdate(sheet); } } /*}}}*/ /* findlabel -- return cell location for a given label */ /*{{{*/ Token findlabel(Sheet *sheet, const char *label) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; unsigned long hx; struct Label *run; /*}}}*/ assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); /* if (sheet==(Sheet*)0) run=(struct Label*)0; else */ { HASH(hx,label); for (run=sheet->labelcache[(unsigned int)hx]; run!=(struct Label*)0 && strcmp(label,run->label); run=run->next); } if (run) { result.type = LOCATION; LOCATION_GETS(result.u.location, run->location); } else { result.type = EEK; char *pref = _("No such label: "); result.u.err = malloc(strlen(pref) + strlen(label) + 1); strcpy(result.u.err, pref); strcat(result.u.err, label); } return result; } /*}}}*/ /* search and replace for labels in a token */ static void relabel_token(Token *tok, const char *oldl, const char *newl) { switch (tok->type) { case LIDENT: if (strcmp(tok->u.lident, oldl) == 0) { tfree(tok); tok->type = LIDENT; tok->u.lident = strdup(newl); } break; case FUNCALL: for (int ai = 0; ai < tok->u.funcall.argc; ++ai) relabel_token((tok->u.funcall.argv) + ai, oldl, newl); break; default: break; } } /* relabel -- search and replace for labels */ /*{{{*/ void relabel(Sheet *sheet, const Location at, const char *oldlabel, const char *newlabel) { /* asserts */ /*{{{*/ assert(oldlabel!=(const char*)0); assert(newlabel!=(const char*)0); /*}}}*/ if (!LOC_WITHIN(sheet, at)) return; Cell *cell = CELL_AT(sheet, at); if (cell != NULLCELL) for (TokVariety v = BASE_CONT; v <= MAX_PERSIST_TV; ++v) relabel_token(cell->tok + v, oldlabel, newlabel); } /*}}}*/ /* savetbl -- save as tbl tyble */ /*{{{*/ const char *savetbl(Sheet *sheet, const char *name, int body, const Location beg, const Location end, unsigned int *count) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ FILE *fp=(FILE*)0; /* cause run time error */ Location w; char buf[1024]; char num[20]; char fullname[PATH_MAX]; /*}}}*/ /* asserts */ /*{{{*/ assert(sheet!=(Sheet*)0); assert(name!=(const char*)0); /*}}}*/ *count=0; w[X] = beg[X]; for (w[Z]=beg[Z]; w[Z]<=end[Z]; ++(w[Z])) for (w[Y]=beg[Y]; w[Y]<=end[Y]; ++(w[Y])) if (shadowed(sheet,w)) return _("Shadowed cells in first column"); if (!body && (fp=fopen(name,"w"))==(FILE*)0) return strerror(errno); for (w[Z]=beg[Z]; w[Z]<=end[Z]; ++(w[Z])) { if (body) /* open new file */ /*{{{*/ { sprintf(num, ".%d", w[Z]); fullname[sizeof(fullname)-strlen(num)-1]='\0'; (void)strncpy(fullname,name,sizeof(fullname)-strlen(num)-1); fullname[sizeof(fullname)-1]='\0'; (void)strncat(fullname,num,sizeof(fullname)-strlen(num)-1); fullname[sizeof(fullname)-1]='\0'; if ((fp=fopen(fullname,"w"))==(FILE*)0) return strerror(errno); } /*}}}*/ else if (fputs_close(".TS\n",fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); for (w[Y]=beg[Y]; w[Y]<=end[Y]; ++(w[Y])) { /* print format */ /*{{{*/ if (w[Y] > beg[Y] && fputs_close(".T&\n",fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); for (w[X]=beg[X]; w[X]<=end[X]; ++(w[X])) { if (w[X] > beg [X] && fputc_close(' ',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); Style sw = getstyle(sheet,w); if (sw.shadowed && fputc_close('s',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); if (sw.bold && fputc_close('b',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); /* FIXME: troff for italic/dim? */ if (sw.underline && fputc_close('u',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); switch (sw.adjust) { case LEFT: if (fputc_close('l',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; case RIGHT: if (fputc_close('r',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; case CENTER: if (fputc_close('c',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; default: assert(0); } } if (fputs_close(".\n",fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); /*}}}*/ /* print contents */ /*{{{*/ for (w[X]=beg[X]; w[X]<=end[X]; ++(w[X])) { Cell *cw = CELL_AT(sheet,w); Style sw = getstyle(sheet,w); if (!sw.shadowed) { if (w[X] > beg[X] && fputc_close('\t',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); if (cw != NULLCELL) { printvalue(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, DIRECT_STRING, sw.fform, sw.precision, sheet, w); if (sw.transparent) { if (fputs_close(buf,fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); } else for (char *bufp = buf; *bufp; ++bufp) switch (*bufp) { case '\\': { if (fputc_close('\\',fp)==EOF || fputc_close('e',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; } case '_': { if (fputc_close('\\',fp)==EOF || fputc_close('&',fp)==EOF || fputc_close('_',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; } case '.': { if (w[X] == beg[X] && bufp==buf && (fputc_close('\\',fp)==EOF || fputc_close('&',fp)==EOF)) return strerror(errno); if (fputc_close('.',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; } case '\'': { if (w[X] == beg[X] && bufp==buf && (fputc_close('\\',fp)==EOF || fputc_close('&',fp)==EOF)) return strerror(errno); if (fputc_close('\'',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; } case '-': { if (*(bufp+1)=='-') { if (fputc_close('-',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); else ++bufp; } else if (fputs_close("\\-",fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); break; } default: if (fputc_close(*bufp,fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); } } } } if (fputc_close('\n',fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); /*}}}*/ ++*count; } if (!body) { if (fputs_close(".TE\n",fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); if (w[Z] < end[Z] && fputs_close(".bp\n",fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); } if (body && fclose(fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); } if (!body && fclose(fp)==EOF) return strerror(errno); return (const char*)0; } /*}}}*/ /* savetext -- save as text */ /*{{{*/ const char *savetext(Sheet *sheet, const char *name, const Location beg, const Location end, unsigned int *count) { /* asserts */ /*{{{*/ assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); assert(name != (const char*)0); /*}}}*/ *count=0; Location w; w[X] = beg[X]; for (w[Z]=beg[Z]; w[Z]<=end[Z]; ++(w[Z])) for (w[Y]=beg[Y]; w[Y]<=end[Y]; ++(w[Y])) if (shadowed(sheet,w)) return _("Shadowed cells in first column"); FILE *fp; if ((fp=fopen(name,"w"))==(FILE*)0) return strerror(errno); for (w[Z]=beg[Z]; w[Z]<=end[Z]; ++(w[Z])) { for (w[Y]=beg[Y]; w[Y]<=end[Y]; ++(w[Y])) { size_t size,fill; for (w[X]=beg[X]; w[X]<=end[X]; ++(w[X])) { size = cellwidth(sheet,w); Cell *cw = CELL_AT(sheet,w); if (cw != NULLCELL) { char *buf = malloc(size*UTF8SZ+1); Style sw = getstyle(sheet,w); printvalue(buf, size*UTF8SZ + 1, size, DIRECT_STRING, sw.fform, sw.precision, sheet, w); adjust(sw.adjust, buf, size); if (fputs_close(buf,fp)==EOF) { free(buf); return strerror(errno); } for (fill=strlen(buf); fill beg[X]) if (fputc_close(sep,fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); Cell *cw = CELL_AT(sheet,w); if (cw != NULLCELL) { static const size_t bufchar = 511; static const size_t bufsz = bufchar*UTF8SZ + 1; char *buf = malloc(bufsz); Style sw = getstyle(sheet, w); printvalue(buf, bufsz, bufchar, DIRECT_STRING, sw.fform, sw.precision, sheet, w); bool needquote = !(sw.transparent) && (strlen(buf) != strcspn(buf, "\",\n\r")); if (needquote && fputc_close('"',fp) == EOF) { free(buf); return strerror(errno); } for (const char *s = buf; *s; ++s) { if (fputc_close(*s,fp) == EOF || (*s=='"' && needquote && fputc_close(*s,fp) == EOF)) { free(buf); return strerror(errno); } } free(buf); if (needquote && fputc_close('"', fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); } ++*count; } if (fputc_close('\n', fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); } if (w[Z] < end[Z] && fputc_close('\f', fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); } if (fclose(fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); return (const char*)0; } /*}}}*/ static const char *saveport_contentleader[] = { [BASE_CONT] = ":", [ITER_CONT] = "\\\n", [STYLE_CONT] = "\\\n" }; /* saveport -- save as portable text */ /*{{{*/ const char *saveport(Sheet *sheet, const char *name, unsigned int *count) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ FILE *fp; /*}}}*/ /* asserts */ /*{{{*/ assert(sheet != (Sheet*)0); assert(name != (const char*)0); /*}}}*/ *count = 0; if ((fp = fopen(name,"w")) == (FILE*)0) return strerror(errno); fprintf(fp,"# This is a work sheet generated with teapot %s.\n",VERSION); for (CoordT z = (CoordT)(sheet->dim[Z] - 1); z >= 0; --z) { for (CoordT y = (CoordT)(sheet->dim[Y] - 1); y >= 0; --y) { for (CoordT x = (CoordT)(sheet->dim[X] - 1); x >= 0; --x) { if (y == 0 && columnwidth(sheet,x,z) != DEF_COLUMNWIDTH) fprintf(fp,"W%d %d %zu\n", x, z, columnwidth(sheet,x,z)); if (x == 0 && rowheight(sheet, y, z) != DEF_ROWHEIGHT) fprintf(fp, "Y%d %d %zu\n", y, z, rowheight(sheet, y, z)); Cell *cell = CELL_ATC(sheet,x,y,z); if (cell != NULLCELL) { fprintf(fp,"C%d %d %d ",x,y,z); if (cell->label) fprintf(fp, "L%s ", cell->label); if (cell->locked) fprintf(fp, "K "); if (cell->ignored) fprintf(fp, "I "); TokVariety lastv = MAX_PERSIST_TV; while (lastv > BASE_CONT && cell->tok[lastv].type == EMPTY) --lastv; for (TokVariety v = BASE_CONT; v <= lastv; ++v) { if (v == BASE_CONT && cell->tok[v].type == EMPTY) continue; static const size_t bl = 4096; char buf[bl]; if (fputs_close(saveport_contentleader[v], fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); size_t used = printtok(buf, bl, 0, QUOTE_STRING, FLT_HEXACT, -1, RESTORE_ERROR, cell->tok + v); if (used > bl - 3) return _("Internal buffer overrun in saveport"); if (fputs_close(buf, fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); } if (fputc_close('\n', fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); ++(*count); } } } } if (fclose(fp) == EOF) return strerror(errno); sheet->changed = false; return (const char*)0; } /*}}}*/ /* loadport -- load from portable text */ /*{{{*/ const char *loadport(Sheet *sheet, const char *name) { Cell loaded; FILE *fp; if ((fp=fopen(name,"r")) == (FILE*)0) return strerror(errno); freesheet(sheet, 0); static char errbuf[80]; const char *err = NULL; int line = 1; char buf[4096]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { /* remove nl */ /*{{{*/ size_t width = strlen(buf); if (width > 0 && buf[width-1] == '\n') buf[--width] = '\0'; /*}}}*/ bool is_height = false; switch (buf[0]) { /* C -- parse cell */ /*{{{*/ case 'C': { TokVariety rv = BASE_CONT, nextrv = BASE_CONT; Location loc; if (width > 0 && buf[width-1]=='\\') { buf[--width]='\0'; ++nextrv; } initcellcontents(&loaded); /* parse x y and z */ /*{{{*/ const char *os = buf + 1; char *ns = buf + 1; loc[X] = (CoordT)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for x position in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } while (*ns == ' ') ++ns; os = ns; loc[Y] = (CoordT)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for y position in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } while (*ns == ' ') ++ns; os=ns; loc[Z] = (CoordT)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for z position in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } /*}}}*/ /* parse optional attributes */ /*{{{*/ cleartoken(&(loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT])); do { while (*ns==' ') ++ns; switch (*ns) { /* A -- adjustment */ /*{{{*/ case 'A': { ++ns; const char *found = strchr(Adjust_Char, *ns); if (found != NULL) { loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.adjust = (Adjust)(found - Adjust_Char); ++ns; break; } sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for adjustment in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } /*}}}*/ /* F -- float format */ /*{{{*/ case 'F': { ++ns; const char* found = strchr(FloatFormat_Char, *ns); if (found != NULL) { loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.fform = (FloatFormat)(found - FloatFormat_Char); ++ns; break; } sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for float format in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } /*}}}*/ /* L -- label */ /*{{{*/ case 'L': { char lbuf[1024]; char *p = lbuf; ++ns; while (*ns && *ns!=' ') { *p = *ns; ++p; ++ns; } *p = '\0'; loaded.label = strdup(lbuf); break; } /*}}}*/ /* P -- precision */ /*{{{*/ case 'P': { os=++ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.precision = (PrecisionLevel)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for precision in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } break; } /*}}}*/ /* H -- hue (colors) */ /*{{{*/ case 'H': { os = ++ns; size_t na = (size_t)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns || na > NUM_COLOR_ASPECTS) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for number of hues in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; for (unsigned int a = 0; a < na; ++a) { while (*ns && (*ns == ' ')) { ++ns; } os = ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.aspect[a] = (ColorNum)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error in hue %ud on line %d"), a, line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } } break; } /*}}}*/ /* S -- shadowed */ /*{{{*/ case 'S': { if (loc[X]==0) { sprintf(errbuf,_("Trying to shadow cell (%d,%d,%d) in line %d"), loc[X],loc[Y],loc[Z],line); err=errbuf; goto eek; } ++ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.shadowed = true; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.shadowed_set = true; break; } /*}}}*/ /* U -- underline */ /*{{{*/ case 'U': { ++ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.underline = true; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.underline_set = true; break; } /*}}}*/ /* B -- bold */ /*{{{*/ case 'B': { ++ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.bold = true; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.bold_set = true; break; } /*}}}*/ /* E -- scientific, for backward compatibility */ /*{{{*/ case 'E': { ++ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.fform = FLT_SCIENTIFIC; break; } /*}}}*/ /* K (formerly C) -- locked */ /*{{{*/ case 'C': case 'K': { ++ns; loaded.locked=1; break; } /*}}}*/ /* T -- transparent */ /*{{{*/ case 'T': { ++ns; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].type = STYLE; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.transparent = true; loaded.tok[STYLE_CONT].u.style.transparent_set = true; break; } /*}}}*/ /* I -- ignored */ /*{{{*/ case 'I': { ++ns; loaded.ignored=1; break; } /*}}}*/ /* : \0 -- do nothing */ /*{{{*/ case ':': case '\0': break; /*}}}*/ /* default -- error */ /*{{{*/ default: sprintf(errbuf,_("Invalid option %c in line %d"),*ns,line); err=errbuf; goto eek; /*}}}*/ } } while (*ns!=':' && *ns!='\0'); /*}}}*/ if (*ns) ++ns; /* convert remaining string(s) into token sequence */ /*{{{*/ while (true) { Token **t = scan(&ns); if (t == EMPTY_TVEC) { sprintf(errbuf,_("Expression syntax error in line %d"),line); err=errbuf; goto eek; } Token pt = eval_safe(t, LITERAL); tvecfree(t); if (pt.type == EEK) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error in line %d: %s"), line, pt.u.err); err = errbuf; tfree(&pt); goto eek; } loaded.tok[rv] = pt; if (nextrv == rv) break; rv = nextrv; if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == (char*)0) break; ++line; width = strlen(buf); if (width > 0 && buf[width-1] == '\n') buf[--width] = '\0'; /* More content? */ if (width > 0 && buf[width-1] == '\\') { buf[--width] = '\0'; ++nextrv; } ns = buf; } /*}}}*/ copycelltosheet(&loaded, sheet, loc, PRESERVE_LABEL); break; } /*}}}*/ /* Y -- row height */ case 'Y': is_height = true; /* FALL THROUGH */ /* W -- column width */ /*{{{*/ case 'W': { /* parse x/y and z */ /*{{{*/ const char *os = buf+1; char *ns = buf+1; CoordT cxy = (CoordT)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for %c position in line %d"), is_height ? 'y' : 'x', line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } while (*ns == ' ') ++ns; os = ns; CoordT cz = (CoordT)strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for z position in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } /*}}}*/ /* parse width/height */ /*{{{*/ while (*ns == ' ') ++ns; os = ns; long extent = strtol(os, &ns, 0); if (os == ns) { sprintf(errbuf, _("Parse error for width in line %d"), line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } /*}}}*/ if (is_height) setheight(sheet, cxy, cz, (RowHgtT)extent); else setwidth(sheet, cxy, cz, (ColWidT)extent); break; } /*}}}*/ /* # -- comment */ /*{{{*/ case '#': break; /*}}}*/ /* default -- error */ /*{{{*/ default: { sprintf(errbuf, _("Unknown tag %c in line %d"), buf[0], line); err = errbuf; goto eek; } /*}}}*/ } ++line; } eek: if (fclose(fp) == EOF) { if (err == (const char*)0) err=strerror(errno); } else { sheet->changed = false; } cachelabels(sheet); forceupdate(sheet); return err; } /*}}}*/ /* loadcsv -- load/merge CSVs */ /*{{{*/ const char *loadcsv(Sheet *sheet, const char *name) { bool separator = false; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(name,"r")) == (FILE*)0) return strerror(errno); const char *err = NULL; Location where; LOCATION_GETS(where, sheet->cur); char ln[4096]; for (; fgets(ln,sizeof(ln),fp); ++(where[Y])) { const char *s; const char *cend; if (!separator) { /* FIXME: find a better way to autodetect */ int ccnt = 0, scnt = 0; char *pos = ln; while ((pos = strchr(pos, ','))) pos++, ccnt++; pos = ln; while ((pos = strchr(pos, ';'))) pos++, scnt++; if (ccnt || scnt) separator = true; csv_setopt(scnt > ccnt); } s=cend=ln; where[X] = sheet->cur[X]; do { Token t; t.type = EMPTY; IntT lvalue = csv_long(s, &cend); if (s != cend) /* ok, it is a integer */ /*{{{*/ { t.type = INT; t.u.integer = lvalue; puttok(sheet, where, t, BASE_CONT); } /*}}}*/ else { FltT value = csv_double(s, &cend); if (s != cend) /* ok, it is a double */ /*{{{*/ { t.type = FLOAT; t.u.flt = value; puttok(sheet, where, t, BASE_CONT); } /*}}}*/ else { const char *str = csv_string(s, &cend); if (s != cend) /* ok, it is a string */ /*{{{*/ { t.type = STRING; t.u.string = strdup(str); puttok(sheet, where, t, BASE_CONT); } /*}}}*/ else { csv_separator(s,&cend); while (s == cend && *s && *s!='\n') { err=_("unknown values ignored"); csv_separator(++s, &cend); } /* else it is nothing, which does not need to be stored :) */ } } } } while (s != cend ? s = cend, ++(where[X]), 1 : 0); } fclose(fp); return err; } /*}}}*/ /* insertcube -- insert a block */ /*{{{*/ void insertcube(Sheet *sh, const Location beg, const Location end, Dimensions dm) { Location start; LOCATION_GETS(start,end); Location fini; LOCATION_GETS(fini,beg); start[dm] = (CoordT)(sh->dim[dm]) + end[dm] - beg[dm]; fini[dm] = end[dm]+1; Location w; for (w[Z] = start[Z]; w[Z] >= fini[Z]; w[Z]--) for (w[Y] = start[Y]; w[Y] >= fini[Y]; w[Y]--) for (w[X] = start[X]; w[X] >= fini[X]; w[X]--) { resize(sh, w[X], w[Y], w[Z], NULL); Location from; LOCATION_GETS(from,w); from[dm] -= end[dm]-beg[dm]+1; CELL_AT(sh,w) = CELL_AT(sh,from); CELL_AT(sh,from) = NULLCELL; } sh->changed = true; cachelabels(sh); forceupdate(sh); } /*}}}*/ /* deletecube -- delete a block */ /*{{{*/ void deletecube(Sheet *sh, const Location beg, const Location end, Dimensions dm) { Location w; /* free cells in marked block */ /*{{{*/ for (w[Z] = beg[Z]; w[Z] <= end[Z]; w[Z]++) for (w[Y] = beg[Y]; w[Y] <= end[Y]; w[Y]++) for (w[X] = beg[X]; w[X] <= end[X]; w[X]++) freecellofsheet(sh, w); /*}}}*/ Location fini; LOCATION_GETS(fini, end); fini[dm] = (CoordT)(sh->dim[dm]) - (end[dm]-beg[dm]+1); for (w[Z] = beg[Z]; w[Z] <= fini[Z]; w[Z]++) for (w[Y] = beg[Y]; w[Y] <= fini[Y]; w[Y]++) for (w[X] = beg[X]; w[X] <= fini[X]; w[X]++) { Location fm; LOCATION_GETS(fm, w); fm[dm] += end[dm]-beg[dm]+1; if (LOC_WITHIN(sh,fm)) { CELL_AT(sh,w) = CELL_AT(sh,fm); CELL_AT(sh,fm) = NULLCELL; } } sh->changed = true; cachelabels(sh); forceupdate(sh); } /*}}}*/ /* moveblock -- move a block */ /*{{{*/ void moveblock(Sheet *sheet, const Location beg, const Location end, const Location dest, int copy) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Location wid, dir, fm, to, get, go; Dimensions dim; /*}}}*/ if (SAME_LOC(beg, dest)) return; LOCATION_GETS(wid, end); LOCATION_SUB(wid, beg); for (dim = X; dim < HYPER; ++dim) { if (dest[dim] > beg[dim]) { dir[dim] = -1; fm[dim] = wid[dim]; to[dim] = beg[dim]-1; } else { dir[dim] = 1; fm[dim] = 0; to[dim] = beg[dim]+wid[dim]+1; } } for (get[Z] = beg[Z]+fm[Z], go[Z] = dest[Z]+fm[Z]; get[Z] != to[Z]; get[Z] += dir[Z], go[Z] += dir[Z]) for (get[Y] = beg[Y]+fm[Y], go[Y] = dest[Y]+fm[Y]; get[Y] != to[Y]; get[Y] += dir[Y], go[Y] += dir[Y]) for (get[X] = beg[X]+fm[X], go[X] = dest[X]+fm[X]; get[X] != to[X]; get[X] += dir[X], go[X] += dir[X]) { if (!LOC_WITHIN(sheet, get)) freecellofsheet(sheet, go); else if (copy) copycelltosheet(CELL_AT(sheet, get), sheet, go, ALTER_LABEL); else { resize(sheet, go[X], go[Y], go[Z], NULL); CELL_AT(sheet, go) = CELL_AT(sheet, get); CELL_AT(sheet, get) = NULLCELL; } } sheet->changed = TRUE; cachelabels(sheet); forceupdate(sheet); } /*}}}*/ /* sortblock -- sort a block */ /*{{{*/ /* Notes */ /*{{{*/ /* The idea is to sort a block of cells in one direction by swapping the planes which are canonical to the sort key vectors. An example is to sort a two dimensional block line-wise with one column as sort key. You can have multiple sort keys which all have the same direction and you can sort a cube plane-wise. */ /*}}}*/ const char *sortblock(Sheet *sheet, const Location beg, const Location end, Dimensions dm, Sortkey *sk, size_t sklen) { assert(sklen > 0); Location wbeg, wend; LOCATION_GETS(wbeg, beg); LOCATION_GETS(wend, end); poscorners(wbeg, wend); Location dist; LOCATION_GETS(dist, wend); LOCATION_SUB(dist, wbeg); Location one = {1, 1, 1}; LOCATION_ADD(dist, one); Location inc; OLOCATION(inc); inc[dm] = 1; wend[dm]--; dist[dm] = 1; bool norel = false; bool work; do { work = false; Location w; for (LOCATION_GETS(w,wbeg); LOCATION_LEQ(w,wend); LOCATION_ADD(w,inc)) { int r = -3; for (size_t i = 0; i < sklen; ++i) { Location here, there; LOCATION_GETS(here, w); LOCATION_ADD(here, sk[i].soff); LOCATION_GETS(there, here); LOCATION_ADD(there, inc); r = cmpcell(sheet, here, sheet, there, sk[i].sortkey); if (r == NOT_COMPARABLE) norel = true; else if (r == -1 || r == 1) break; else assert(r == 0); } if (r == 1) { Location la; LOCATION_GETS(la,wbeg); la[dm] = w[dm]; Location lb; LOCATION_GETS(lb,wbeg); lb[dm] = w[dm]+inc[dm]; swapblock(sheet, la, sheet, lb, dist); work = true; } } LOCATION_SUB(wend, inc); } while (work); cachelabels(sheet); forceupdate(sheet); sheet->changed = true; if (norel) return _("uncomparable elements"); else return NULL; } /*}}}*/ /* mirrorblock -- mirror a block */ /*{{{*/ void mirrorblock(Sheet *sh, const Location beg, const Location end, Dimensions dm) { Location dist; LOCATION_GETS(dist, end); LOCATION_SUB(dist, beg); Location one = {1, 1, 1}; LOCATION_ADD(dist, one); for (CoordT c = 0; c < (end[dm]-beg[dm]+1)/2; ++c) { Location la; LOCATION_GETS(la, beg); la[dm] += c; Location lb; LOCATION_GETS(lb, end); lb[dm] -= c; swapblock(sh, la, sh, lb, dist); } sh->changed = true; cachelabels(sh); forceupdate(sh); } /*}}}*/