/* #includes */ /*{{{C}}}*//*{{{*/ #ifndef NO_POSIX_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #endif #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char *strdup(const char* s); #include #include "default.h" #include "eval.h" #include "func.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "sheet.h" /*}}}*/ /* tcopy -- return copy of token */ /*{{{*/ Token tcopy(Token n) { /* result */ /*{{{*/ Token result; /*}}}*/ result = n; switch (n.type) { case STRING: result.u.string = strdup(n.u.string); break; case LIDENT: result.u.lident = strdup(n.u.lident); break; case FUNCALL: if (n.u.funcall.argc > 0) { result.u.funcall.argv = malloc(((unsigned int)n.u.funcall.argc)*sizeof(Token)); for (int ai = 0; ai < n.u.funcall.argc; ++ai) result.u.funcall.argv[ai] = tcopy(n.u.funcall.argv[ai]); } else result.u.funcall.argv = NULLTOKEN; break; case EEK: result.u.err = strdup(n.u.err); break; default: break; } return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tfree -- free dynamic data of token */ /*{{{*/ void tfree(Token *n) { Token fake; fake.type = INT; tfree_protected(n, fake); } /*}}}*/ /* tfree_protected -- free dynamic data of token but not if same as protected */ /*{{{*/ void tfree_protected(Token *n, const Token dontfree) { bool difftype = (dontfree.type != n->type); switch (n->type) { case STRING: if (difftype || n->u.string != dontfree.u.string) { free(n->u.string); n->u.string=(char*)0; } break; case LIDENT: if (difftype || n->u.lident != dontfree.u.lident) { free(n->u.lident); n->u.lident=(char*)0; } break; case FUNCALL: if (difftype || n->u.funcall.argv != dontfree.u.funcall.argv) { for (int ai = n->u.funcall.argc-1; ai >= 0; --ai) if (n->u.funcall.fident == FUNC_AND && ai > 0 && n->u.funcall.argv[ai].type == FUNCALL && n->u.funcall.argv[ai-1].type == FUNCALL && n->u.funcall.argv[ai].u.funcall.argc == 2 && n->u.funcall.argv[ai-1].u.funcall.argc == 2 && IS_RELATION_FUNC(n->u.funcall.argv[ai].u.funcall.fident) && IS_RELATION_FUNC(n->u.funcall.argv[ai-1].u.funcall.fident)) { tfree_protected(n->u.funcall.argv + ai, n->u.funcall.argv[ai-1].u.funcall.argv[1]); } else tfree_protected(n->u.funcall.argv + ai, dontfree); if (n->u.funcall.argv != NULLTOKEN) { free(n->u.funcall.argv); n->u.funcall.argv = NULLTOKEN; } } break; case EEK: if (difftype || n->u.err != dontfree.u.err) { free(n->u.err); n->u.err=(char*)0; } break; default: break; } n->type = EMPTY; } /*}}}*/ /* tvecfreetoks -- free the tokens in vector of pointer to tokens */ /*{{{*/ void tvecfreetoks(Token **tvec) { if (tvec!=EMPTY_TVEC) while (*tvec != NULLTOKEN) { tfree(*tvec); free(*tvec); *(tvec++) = NULLTOKEN; } } /*}}}*/ /* tvecfree -- free a vector of pointer to tokens entirely */ /*{{{*/ void tvecfree(Token **tvec) { tvecfreetoks(tvec); free(tvec); } /*}}}*/ /* tveclen -- return length of a vector of pointer to tokens */ /*{{{*/ size_t tveclen(Token **tvec) { size_t len; if (tvec == EMPTY_TVEC) return 0; for (len = 0; *tvec != NULLTOKEN; ++len,++tvec); return len; } /*}}}*/ /* checkflt -- check for error conditions in floating point result */ static Token checkflt(Token res, const char* context) { if (res.type != FLOAT) return res; const char *msg = dblfinite(res.u.flt); if (msg == NULL) return res; res.type = EEK; res.u.err = malloc(strlen(msg) + strlen(context) + 1); (void)strcpy(res.u.err, context); (void)strcat(res.u.err, msg); return res; } /* operand_type_error -- return an error message about operands */ static Token operand_type_error(const char* context, Type lt, Type rt) { const char* templ = _("wrong operand types, %s and %s"); size_t conlen = strlen(context); Token err; err.type = EEK; err.u.err = malloc(conlen + strlen(templ) + 2*MAX_TYPE_NAME_LENGTH + 1); strcpy(err.u.err, context); sprintf(err.u.err + conlen, templ, Type_Name[lt], Type_Name[rt]); return err; } /* tadd -- + operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tadd(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *cntxt = "+: "; /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK || r.type == EMPTY) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK || l.type == EMPTY) return tcopy(r); if (l.type == INT && r.type == INT) /* result is int sum of two ints */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = l.u.integer+r.u.integer; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == STRING && r.type == STRING) /* result is concatenated strings */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = STRING; result.u.string = malloc(strlen(l.u.string) + strlen(r.u.string) + 1); (void)strcpy(result.u.string, l.u.string); (void)strcat(result.u.string, r.u.string); return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == INT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is float sum of int and float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = ((FltT)l.u.integer) + r.u.flt; return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == INT) /* result is float sum of float and int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = l.u.flt + ((FltT)r.u.integer); return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is float sum of float and float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = l.u.flt + r.u.flt; return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == LOCATION) /* result is component-wise sum of locations */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = LOCATION; for (size_t len = 0; len < 3; ++len) result.u.location[len] = l.u.location[len] + r.u.location[len]; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == STYLE && r.type == STYLE) /* result fills in any unset fields in l from r */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = STYLE; memcpy(&(result.u.style), &(l.u.style), sizeof(Style)); if (result.u.style.precision == NO_PRECISION) result.u.style.precision = r.u.style.precision; for (ColorAspect ca = FOREGROUND; ca < NUM_COLOR_ASPECTS; ++ca) if (result.u.style.aspect[ca] == NO_COLOR_SET) result.u.style.aspect[ca] = r.u.style.aspect[ca]; if (result.u.style.adjust == AUTOADJUST) result.u.style.adjust = r.u.style.adjust; if (result.u.style.fform == FLT_NO_FORMAT) result.u.style.fform = r.u.style.fform; if (!result.u.style.shadowed_set && r.u.style.shadowed_set) { result.u.style.shadowed = r.u.style.shadowed; result.u.style.shadowed_set = true; } if (!result.u.style.transparent_set && r.u.style.transparent_set) { result.u.style.transparent = r.u.style.transparent; result.u.style.transparent_set = true; } if (!result.u.style.bold_set && r.u.style.bold_set) { result.u.style.bold = r.u.style.bold; result.u.style.bold_set = true; } if (!result.u.style.underline_set && r.u.style.underline_set) { result.u.style.underline = r.u.style.underline; result.u.style.underline_set = true; } return result; } /*}}}*/ return operand_type_error(cntxt, l.type, r.type); } /*}}}*/ /* tconcat -- concat operands as strings */ /*{{{*/ Token tconcat(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ static size_t conc_buf_len = 4096; Token result; char buf[conc_buf_len]; const char *buferr = _("Internal string concatenation buffer too small"); /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); size_t len = printtok(buf, conc_buf_len, 0, DIRECT_STRING, DEF_FLOATFORM, def_precision, TRUNCATED_ERROR, &l); if (len > conc_buf_len - 2) { duperror(&result, buferr); return result; } len += printtok(buf + len, conc_buf_len - len - 1, 0, DIRECT_STRING, DEF_FLOATFORM, def_precision, TRUNCATED_ERROR, &r); if (len > conc_buf_len - 2) { duperror(&result, buferr); return result; } buf[len] = '\0'; result.type = STRING; result.u.string = strdup(buf); return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tsub -- binary - operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tsub(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *cntxt = "-: "; /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK || r.type == EMPTY) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type == EMPTY) return tneg(r); if (l.type == INT && r.type == INT) /* result is int difference between left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = l.u.integer - r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float difference between left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type=FLOAT; result.u.flt=l.u.flt-r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==INT && r.type==FLOAT) /* result is float difference of left integer and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = ((FltT)l.u.integer) - r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type==FLOAT && r.type==INT) /* result is float difference between left float and right integer */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = l.u.flt - ((FltT)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == LOCATION) /* result is component-wise difference of locations */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = LOCATION; for (size_t len = 0; len < 3; ++len) result.u.location[len] = l.u.location[len] - r.u.location[len]; } /*}}}*/ else return operand_type_error(cntxt, l.type, r.type); return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ /* tdiv -- / operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tdiv(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *cntxt = "/: "; /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if ((r.type == INT && r.u.integer == 0)|| (r.type == FLOAT && r.u.flt == 0.0) || (r.type == EMPTY)) /* result is division by 0 error */ /*{{{*/ { duperror(&result, _("division by 0")); return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EMPTY && TOKISNUM(r)) { if (r.type == INT) { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = 0; return result; } else { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = 0.0; return result; } } if (l.type==INT && r.type==INT) /* result is quotient of left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = l.u.integer/r.u.integer; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is quotient of left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = l.u.flt/r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == INT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is float quotient of left int and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = ((FltT)l.u.integer)/r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == INT) /* result is float quotient of left float and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = l.u.flt/((FltT)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == INT) /* result is divide each component of location by right */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = LOCATION; for (size_t len = 0; len < 3; ++len) result.u.location[len] = l.u.location[len] / r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else return operand_type_error(cntxt, l.type, r.type); return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ /* tmod -- % operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tmod(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *cntxt = "%: "; /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if ((r.type == INT && r.u.integer == 0) || (r.type == FLOAT && r.u.flt == 0.0) || (r.type == EMPTY)) /* result is modulo 0 error */ /*{{{*/ { duperror(&result, _("modulo 0")); return result; } if (l.type == EMPTY && TOKISNUM(r)) { if (r.type == INT) { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = 0; return result; } else { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = 0.0; return result; } } if (l.type == INT && r.type == INT) /* result is remainder of left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = l.u.integer % r.u.integer; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is remainder of left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = FMODFLT(l.u.flt, r.u.flt); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == INT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is float remainder of left int and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = FMODFLT((FltT)l.u.integer, r.u.flt); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == INT) /* result is float remainder of left float and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = FMODFLT(l.u.flt, (FltT)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == LOCATION) /* result is component-wise mod of locations */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = LOCATION; for (size_t len = 0; len < 3; ++len) result.u.location[len] = l.u.location[len] % r.u.location[len]; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == INT) /* result is mod each component of location by right */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = LOCATION; for (size_t len = 0; len < 3; ++len) result.u.location[len] = l.u.location[len] % r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else return operand_type_error(cntxt, l.type, r.type); return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ /* tmul -- * operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tmul(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *cntxt = "*: "; /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type==EMPTY && r.type==EMPTY) /* result is empty */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = EMPTY; return result; } /*}}}*/ if ((l.type == EMPTY && r.type == INT) || (l.type == INT && r.type == EMPTY)) /* result is 0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = 0; return result; } /*}}}*/ if ((l.type == EMPTY && r.type == FLOAT) || (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == EMPTY)) /* result is 0.0 */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = 0.0; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == INT && r.type == INT) /* result is int product of left int and right int */ /*{{{*/ { result = l; result.u.integer = l.u.integer * r.u.integer; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == FLOAT) /* result is float product of left float and right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; result.u.flt = l.u.flt * r.u.flt; } /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type == INT && r.type == FLOAT) || (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == INT)) /* result is float product of int and float */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = FLOAT; if (l.type == INT) result.u.flt = ((FltT)l.u.integer) * r.u.flt; else result.u.flt = l.u.flt * ((FltT)r.u.integer); } /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type == EMPTY && r.type == LOCATION) || (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == EMPTY)) /* result is 0 location */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = LOCATION; OLOCATION(result.u.location); } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == INT) /* result is each component of location times right */ /*{{{*/ { if (r.u.integer < COORD_MIN || r.u.integer > COORD_MAX) { result.type = EEK; const char* templ = _("Attempt to multiply Location by out of range int: " INT_T_FMT); result.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + 64); sprintf(result.u.err, templ, r.u.integer); return result; } result.type = LOCATION; for (Dimensions dim = X; dim < HYPER; ++dim) result.u.location[dim] = l.u.location[dim] * (CoordT)r.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == INT && r.type == LOCATION) /* result is each component of right location times left */ /*{{{*/ { if (l.u.integer < COORD_MIN || l.u.integer > COORD_MAX) { result.type = EEK; const char* templ = _("Attempt to multiply Location by out of range int: " INT_T_FMT); result.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + 64); sprintf(result.u.err, templ, l.u.integer); return result; } result.type = LOCATION; for (Dimensions dim = X; dim < HYPER; ++dim) result.u.location[dim] = r.u.location[dim] * (CoordT)l.u.integer; } /*}}}*/ else if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == LOCATION) /* result is dot product of locations */ /*{{{*/ { result.type = INT; result.u.integer = 0; for (Dimensions dim = X; dim < HYPER; ++dim) result.u.integer += l.u.location[dim] * r.u.location[dim]; } /*}}}*/ else if ((l.type == INT && r.type == STRING) || (l.type == STRING && r.type == INT)) /* result is n copies of string concatenated together */ /*{{{*/ { IntT copies; char *pat; if (l.type == INT) { copies = l.u.integer; pat = strdup(r.u.string); } else { copies = r.u.integer; pat = strdup(l.u.string); } if (copies == 0) result.type = EMPTY; else { size_t len = strlen(pat); if (copies < 0) /* negative coefficient means reverse string */ { char *tmp = strdup(pat); int j = 0; for (int i = (int)len - 1; i >= 0; --i, ++j) tmp[j] = pat[i]; free(pat); pat = tmp; copies = -copies; } result.type = STRING; result.u.string = malloc(len * (size_t)copies + 1); for (size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)copies; ++c) strcpy(result.u.string + c*len, pat); result.u.string[len*(size_t)copies] = '\0'; free(pat); } } else return operand_type_error(cntxt, l.type, r.type); return checkflt(result, cntxt); } /*}}}*/ /* tneg -- monadic - operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tneg(Token x) { Token result; result.type = x.type; switch (x.type) { case EEK: return tcopy(x); case EMPTY: return x; case INT: result.u.integer = -x.u.integer; return result; case FLOAT: result.u.flt = -x.u.flt; return result; case LOCATION: for (size_t len = 0; len < 3; ++len) result.u.location[len] = -x.u.location[len]; return result; case BOOL: result.u.bl = !x.u.bl; return result; default: break; } result.type = EEK; const char* templ = "wrong type for - operator: %s"; result.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + MAX_TYPE_NAME_LENGTH + 1); sprintf(result.u.err, templ, Type_Name[x.type]); return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tpow -- ^ operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tpow(Token l, Token r) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ Token result; const char *cntxt = "^: "; /*}}}*/ if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if (TOKISNUM(r) && TOKISNUM(l)) { if ((l.type == INT || l.type == EMPTY) && ((r.type == INT && r.u.integer >= 0) || r.type == EMPTY)) /* int^int, return int or error if 0^0 */ /*{{{*/ { IntT x; UIntT y; if (l.type == EMPTY) x = 0; else x = l.u.integer; if (r.type == EMPTY) y = 0; else y = (UIntT)r.u.integer; if (x == 0 && y == 0) duperror(&result, _("0^0 is not defined")); else { UIntT i; result.type = INT; if (x == 0) result.u.integer = 0; else if (y == 0) result.u.integer = 1; else for (result.u.integer = x,i=1; i < y; ++i) result.u.integer *= x; } return result; } /*}}}*/ /* float^float */ /*{{{*/ FltT x=0.0, y=0.0; switch (l.type) { case INT: x = (FltT)l.u.integer; break; case FLOAT: x = l.u.flt; break; case EMPTY: x = 0.0; break; default: assert(0); } switch (r.type) { case INT: y = (FltT)r.u.integer; break; case FLOAT: y = r.u.flt; break; case EMPTY: y = 0.0; break; default: assert(0); } result.type = FLOAT; errno=0; /* there is no portable EOK :( */ result.u.flt = POWFLT(x,y); switch (errno) { case 0: result.type = FLOAT; break; case ERANGE: case EDOM: duperror(&result, _("^ caused a domain error")); break; default: assert(0); } return checkflt(result, cntxt); } return operand_type_error(cntxt, l.type, r.type); } /*}}}*/ /* tfuncall -- function operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tfuncall(FunctionIdentifier fident, int argc, Token argv[]) { return tfunc[fident].func(fident, argc, argv); } /*}}}*/ static Token relational_type_mismatch(Type l, Type r) { Token mismatch; mismatch.type = EEK; char *templ = _("Type mismatch: cannot compare %s and %s"); mismatch.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + 2*MAX_TYPE_NAME_LENGTH + 1); sprintf(mismatch.u.err, templ, Type_Name[l], Type_Name[r]); return mismatch; } /* tlt -- < operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tlt(Token l, Token r) { Token result; result.type = BOOL; result.u.bl = false; static char empty[] = ""; if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type == EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { if (r.type == EMPTY) return result; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer = 0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt = 0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string = empty; break; case BOOL: l.u.bl = false; break; default: return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } l.type = r.type; } /*}}}*/ if (r.type == EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer = 0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt = 0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string = empty; break; case BOOL: r.u.bl = false; break; default: return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type);; } r.type = l.type; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == INT) /* handle left operand integer */ /*{{{*/ { if (r.type == INT) /* return left int < right int */ /*{{{*/ { result.u.bl = l.u.integer < r.u.integer; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (r.type == FLOAT) /* return left int < right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.u.bl = ((FltT)l.u.integer) < r.u.flt; return result; } /*}}}*/ return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == STRING && r.type == STRING) /* return left string < right string */ /*{{{*/ { result.u.bl = (strcmp(l.u.string,r.u.string)<0); return result; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT) /* handle left operand float */ { if (r.type == FLOAT) /* return left float < right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.u.bl = l.u.flt < r.u.flt; return result; } /*}}}*/ if (r.type == INT) /* return left float < right float */ /*{{{*/ { result.u.bl = l.u.flt < ((FltT)r.u.integer); return result; } /*}}}*/ return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } if (l.type == LOCATION && r.type == LOCATION) /* result is true if l is strictly in rectangle from origin to r */ /*{{{*/ { Dimensions dim = X; while (dim < HYPER) { if (l.u.location[dim] > r.u.location[dim]) break; else if (l.u.location[dim] < r.u.location[dim]) result.u.bl = true; ++dim; } if (dim < HYPER) result.u.bl = false; return result; } /*}}}*/ return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } /*}}}*/ /* tle -- <= operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tle(Token l, Token r) { return tor(tlt(l, r), teq(l, r)); } /*}}}*/ /* tge -- >= operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tge(Token l, Token r) { return tor(tgt(l, r), teq(l, r)); } /*}}}*/ /* tgt -- < operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tgt(Token l, Token r) { return tlt(r, l); } /*}}}*/ /* teq -- == operator */ /*{{{*/ Token teq(Token l, Token r) { Token result; result.type = BOOL; result.u.bl = true; static char empty[]=""; if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type == EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of r.type */ /*{{{*/ { if (r.type == EMPTY) return result; switch (r.type) { case INT: l.u.integer = 0; break; case FLOAT: l.u.flt = 0.0; break; case STRING: l.u.string = empty; break; case BOOL: l.u.bl = false; break; default: return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } l.type = r.type; } /*}}}*/ if (r.type==EMPTY) /* try to assign 0 element of l.type */ /*{{{*/ { switch (l.type) { case INT: r.u.integer=0; break; case FLOAT: r.u.flt=0.0; break; case STRING: r.u.string=empty; break; case BOOL: r.u.bl = false; break; default: return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } r.type=l.type; } /*}}}*/ if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == INT) { result.u.bl = (l.u.flt == ((FltT)r.u.integer)); return result; } if (l.type == INT && r.type == FLOAT) { result.u.bl = (((FltT)l.u.integer) == r.u.flt); return result; } if (l.type != r.type) { result.u.bl = false; return result; } switch (l.type) { case INT: result.u.bl = l.u.integer == r.u.integer; return result; case STRING: result.u.bl = (strcmp(l.u.string,r.u.string)==0); return result; case FLOAT: result.u.bl = l.u.flt == r.u.flt; return result; case BOOL: result.u.bl = l.u.bl == r.u.bl; return result; case LOCATION: { /* result is true if locations are component-wise equal */ Dimensions dim = X; while (dim < HYPER && l.u.location[dim] == r.u.location[dim]) ++dim; if (dim < HYPER) result.u.bl = false; return result; } case STYLE: result.u.bl = style_equal(l.u.style, r.u.style); return result; default: break; } return relational_type_mismatch(l.type, r.type); } /*}}}*/ static bool nearly_equal(FltT a1, FltT a2) { if (a1 == 0 && a2 == 0) return true; FltT A1 = ABSFLT(a1); FltT A2 = ABSFLT(a2); FltT max = A1 > A2 ? A1 : A2; FltT eps = FLTEPS; FltT diff = ABSFLT(a1 - a2); FltT thelog = LOG2FLT(max); int expn = (int)thelog; FltT scale = POWFLT(2.0, expn); return diff <= eps * scale; } /* tabouteq -- ~= operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tabouteq(Token l, Token r) { Token result; result.type = BOOL; if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); if (r.type == EEK) return tcopy(r); if (l.type == EMPTY && r.type == FLOAT) { l.type = FLOAT; l.u.flt = 0.0; } if (r.type == EMPTY && l.type == FLOAT) { r.type = FLOAT; r.u.flt = 0.0; } if (l.type == FLOAT && r.type == FLOAT) { result.u.bl = nearly_equal(l.u.flt, r.u.flt); return result; } return duperror(&result, _("Usage: ~= only compares float values")); } /*}}}*/ /* tne -- != operator */ /*{{{*/ Token tne(Token l, Token r) { return tneg(teq(l,r)); } /*}}}*/ /* tbool -- token considered as a boolean value */ /*{{{*/ Token tbool(Token x) { Token result; result.type = BOOL; result.u.bl = true; switch (x.type) { case EEK: return x; case EMPTY: result.u.bl = false; return result; case BOOL: return x; case INT: result.u.bl = (x.u.integer != 0); return result; case STRING: result.u.bl = (strlen(x.u.string) > 0); return result; case FLOAT: result.u.bl = x.u.flt != 0.0; return result; default: break; /* everything else is true */ } return result; } /*}}}*/ /* tor -- logical or of two tokens */ /*{{{*/ Token tor(Token l, Token r) { if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); Token lbool = tbool(l); if (lbool.u.bl) return tcopy(l); return tcopy(r); } /*}}}*/ /* tand -- logical and of two tokens */ /*{{{*/ Token tand(Token l, Token r) { if (l.type == EEK) return tcopy(l); Token lbool = tbool(l); if (!lbool.u.bl) return tcopy(l); return tcopy(r); } /*}}}*/