#ifndef FUNC_H #define FUNC_H #define MAX_FUNC_NAME_LENGTH 20 typedef enum /* The purpose of this enum is to enforce backward compatibility of numeric function identifiers which may be recorded in old save files. Hence, do NOT change the order of the items in this enum, merely add new identifiers at the end, just before N_FUNCTION_IDENTIFIERS. */ { NOT_A_FUNCTION = -1, FIRST_FUNCTION = 0, FUNC_AT_SYMBOL = 0, FUNC_AMPERSAND, FUNC_X, FUNC_Y, FUNC_Z, FUNC_EVAL, FUNC_ERROR, FUNC_STRING, FUNC_SUM, FUNC_N, FUNC_INT, FUNC_FRAC, FUNC_LEN, FUNC_MIN, FUNC_MAX, FUNC_ABS, FUNC_DOLLAR_SIGN, FUNC_FLOAT, FUNC_STRFTIME, FUNC_CLOCK, FUNC_POLY, FUNC_E, FUNC_LOG, FUNC_SIN, FUNC_COS, FUNC_TAN, FUNC_SINH, FUNC_COSH, FUNC_TANH, FUNC_ASIN, FUNC_ACOS, FUNC_ATAN, FUNC_ARSINH, FUNC_ARCOSH, FUNC_ARTANH, FUNC_DEG2RAD, FUNC_RAD2DEG, FUNC_RND, FUNC_SUBSTR, FUNC_STRPTIME, FUNC_TIME, FUNC_BITAND, FUNC_BITOR, FUNC_R, FUNC_D, FUNC_CAP_X, FUNC_X_AMPERSAND, FUNC_NEGATE, FUNC_PLUS_SYMBOL, FUNC_MINUS_SYMBOL, FUNC_ASTERISK, FUNC_SLASH, /* Note use of these in the macro below */ FUNC_LESS_EQUAL, FUNC_GREATER_EQUAL, FUNC_LESS_THAN, FUNC_GREATER_THAN, FUNC_EQUAL_EQUAL, FUNC_TILDE_EQUAL, FUNC_BANG_EQUAL, FUNC_CARET, FUNC_PER_CENT, FUNC_CONCAT, FUNC_TAU, FUNC_SQRT, FUNC_FLOOR, FUNC_CEIL, FUNC_TRUNC, FUNC_ROUND, FUNC_DECIMAL, FUNC_SCIENTIFIC, FUNC_COMPACT, FUNC_HEXACT, FUNC_RIGHT, FUNC_LEFT, FUNC_DOWN, FUNC_UP, FUNC_BELOW, FUNC_ABOVE, FUNC_TRUE, FUNC_FALSE, FUNC_AND, FUNC_OR, /* Note use of these in the macro below */ FUNC_BOOL, FUNC_EMPTY, FUNC_FIDENT, FUNC_FUNCALL, FUNC_LIDENT, FUNC_LOCATION, FUNC_NUMBER, FUNC_OPERATOR, FUNC_IS, N_FUNCTION_IDS } FunctionIdentifier; #define IS_RELATION_FUNC(f) (((f) >= FUNC_LESS_EQUAL) && ((f) <= FUNC_BANG_EQUAL)) #define IS_TYPE_FUNC(f) (((f) >= FUNC_BOOL && ((f) <= FUNC_OPERATOR)) || (f)==FUNC_ERROR || (f)==FUNC_FLOAT || (f)==FUNC_INT || (f)==FUNC_STRING) /* Forward declaration of Token, since this header is used in scanner.h */ typedef struct Token_struc Token; typedef enum /* In increasing order of precedence */ { NO_PRECEDENCE, INFIX_CONC, INFIX_BOOL, INFIX_REL, INFIX_PLUS, INFIX_MUL, PREFIX_NEG, INFIX_POW, PREFIX_FUNC } FunctionPrecedence; typedef enum { FUNCT, MACRO } EvaluationStrategy; typedef struct { const char name[MAX_FUNC_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; Token (*func)(FunctionIdentifier self, int, const Token*); FunctionPrecedence precedence; EvaluationStrategy eval_as; const char* display_symbol; } Tfunc; FunctionIdentifier identcode(const char *s, size_t len); extern Tfunc tfunc[]; #endif