/* #includes */ /*{{{C}}}*//*{{{*/ #ifndef NO_POSIX_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #endif #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include extern char *strdup(const char* s); #include #include "eval.h" #include "func.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "parser.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "sheet.h" /*}}}*/ /* #defines */ /*{{{*/ #define MAXARGC 16 /*}}}*/ /* prototypes */ /*{{{*/ static Token term(Token *n[], int *i, EvalMethod meth); /*}}}*/ /* full_eval_funcall -- evaluate the args of a funcall token and then call the function on them */ static Token full_eval_funcall(Token *t) { assert(t->type == FUNCALL); if (t->u.funcall.argc < 1) return tfuncall(t->u.funcall.fident, t->u.funcall.argc, 0); Token *eval_argv = malloc(t->u.funcall.argc*sizeof(Token)); for (size_t ai = 0; ai < t->u.funcall.argc; ++ai) { eval_argv[ai] = evaltoken(t->u.funcall.argv[ai], FULL); } Token result = tfuncall(t->u.funcall.fident, t->u.funcall.argc, eval_argv); /* To allow a function to return one of its arguments, we need to be sure not to free that argument: */ for (size_t ai = 0; ai < t->u.funcall.argc; ++ai) tfree_protected(&eval_argv[ai], result); free(eval_argv); return result; } /* primary -- parse and evaluate a primary term */ /*{{{*/ static Token primary(Token *n[], int *i, EvalMethod meth) { /* variables */ /*{{{*/ int argc; int fident = -2; Token *ident,argv[MAXARGC],result; /*}}}*/ if (n[*i] == NULLTOKEN) /* error */ /*{{{*/ { duperror(&result, _("missing operator")); return result; } /*}}}*/ switch (n[*i]->type) { /* STRING, FLOAT, INT */ /*{{{*/ case STRING: case FLOAT: case INT: return tcopy(*n[(*i)++]); /*}}}*/ /* LIDENT */ /*{{{*/ case LIDENT: { ident = n[*i]; ++(*i); if (meth == FULL) return findlabel(upd_sheet,ident->u.lident); return tcopy(*ident); } /*}}}*/ /* OPERATOR */ /*{{{*/ case OPERATOR: { switch (n[*i]->u.op) { case OP: /* return paren term */ /*{{{*/ ++(*i); result = term(n, i, meth); if (result.type == EEK) return result; if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op==CP) { ++(*i); return result; } tfree(&result); duperror(&result, _(") expected")); return result; /*}}}*/ /* Unary minus will be handled in powterm */ case CP: duperror(&result, _("Extra umatched ')'")); return result; case COMMA: duperror(&result, _("Occurrence of ',' outside parameter list")); return result; default: /* Can also use any infix symbol as a function, but only with parens, not bare */ if (n[(*i)+1] == NULLTOKEN || n[(*i)+1]->type != OPERATOR || n[(*i)+1]->u.op != OP) { const char *templ = "To use %s as function symbol, must use %s(...)"; result.type = EEK; result.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + 2 * MAX_OP_NAME_LENGTH + 1); sprintf(result.u.err, templ, Op_Name[n[*i]->u.op], Op_Name[n[*i]->u.op]); return result; } fident = identcode(Op_Name[n[*i]->u.op], strlen(Op_Name[n[*i]->u.op])); /* FALL THROUGH TO PROCESS OPERATOR AS FUNCTION CALL */ } } /*}}}*/ /* FIDENT */ /*{{{*/ case FIDENT: { if (fident == -2) fident = n[*i]->u.fident; ++(*i); if (n[*i] == NULLTOKEN || n[*i]->type != OPERATOR || n[*i]->u.op != OP) argc = -1; else /* parse arguments and closing paren of function call */ /*{{{*/ { ++(*i); argc = 0; if (!(n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type==OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op==CP)) /* parse at least one argument */ /*{{{*/ { if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type==OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op==COMMA) /* empty argument */ /*{{{*/ { argv[argc].type = EMPTY; } /*}}}*/ else argv[argc] = term(n, i, meth); if (argv[argc].type == EEK) return argv[argc]; ++argc; while (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op == COMMA) /* parse the following argument */ /*{{{*/ { ++(*i); if (argc < MAXARGC) { if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR && (n[*i]->u.op == COMMA || n[*i]->u.op == CP)) { argv[argc].type=EMPTY; } else { argv[argc] = term(n, i, meth); if (argv[argc].type == EEK) { for (size_t pa = 0; pa < argc; +pa) tfree(argv + pa); return argv[argc]; } } } else { duperror(&result, _("too many arguments")); for (size_t j=0; j < argc; ++j) tfree(&argv[j]); return result; } ++argc; } /*}}}*/ } /*}}}*/ if (n[*i] == NULLTOKEN || n[*i]->type != OPERATOR || n[*i]->u.op != CP) /* ) expected */ /*{{{*/ { for (size_t j = 0; j < argc; ++j) tfree(&argv[j]); duperror(&result, _(") expected")); return result; } ++(*i); } if (meth == FULL) { result = tfuncall(fident, argc, argv); /* To allow a function to return one of its arguments, we need to be sure not to free that argument: */ for (size_t j = 0; j < argc; ++j) tfree_protected(&argv[j], result); return result; } result.type = FUNCALL; result.u.funcall.fident = fident; result.u.funcall.argc = argc; if (argc > 0) { result.u.funcall.argv = malloc(argc*sizeof(Token)); for (size_t ai = 0; ai < argc; ++ai) result.u.funcall.argv[ai] = argv[ai]; } else result.u.funcall.argv = NULLTOKEN; return result; } /*}}}*/ /* FUNCALL */ /*{{{*/ case FUNCALL: if (meth == FULL) result = full_eval_funcall(n[*i]); else result = tcopy(*n[*i]); ++(*i); return result; /*}}}*/ default: ; /* fall through */ } duperror(&result, _("value expected")); return result; } /*}}}*/ /* powterm -- parse and evaluate a x^y term */ /*{{{*/ static Token powterm(Token *n[], int *i, EvalMethod meth) { Token l; size_t npows = 0; if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op == MINUS) { /* A - symbol here is a pain. If it is being used as a function symbol, it is higher precedence than exponentiation. If it is unary negation, then it's lower precedence and we have to grab a powterm to the right, and negate it. As far as I can tell the only way to tell is to look ahead a term to see if there's a comma... */ bool unaryneg = true; int j = *i + 1; if (n[j] == NULLTOKEN) return duperror(&l, _("A bare - is not a valid expression")); if (n[j]->type == OPERATOR && n[j]->u.op == OP) { ++j; Token dummy = term(n, &j, meth); if (n[j] != NULLTOKEN && n[j]->type == OPERATOR && n[j]->u.op == COMMA) unaryneg = false; tfree(&dummy); } if (unaryneg) { ++(*i); l = powterm(n, i, meth); if (meth == FULL) return tneg(l); if (l.type == EEK) return l; if (TOKISNUM(l)) return tneg(l); Token result; result.type = FUNCALL; result.u.funcall.fident = FUNC_NEGATE; result.u.funcall.argc = 1; result.u.funcall.argv = malloc(sizeof(Token)); result.u.funcall.argv[0] = l; return result; } } l = primary(n, i, meth); if (l.type == EEK) return l; while (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op == POW) { Token r; ++(*i); r = primary(n,i,meth); if (meth == FULL) { Token result = tpow(l,r); tfree(&l); tfree(&r); if (result.type == EEK) return result; l = result; } else { if (r.type == EEK) { tfree(&l); return r; } if (npows == 0) { Token tmp = l; l.type = FUNCALL; l.u.funcall.fident = FUNC_CARET; l.u.funcall.argc = 1; l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(MAXARGC * sizeof(Token)); l.u.funcall.argv[0] = tmp; } if (npows + 1 >= MAXARGC) { tfree(&l); tfree(&r); duperror(&l, _("Exceeded maximum sequence length of ^")); return l; } ++npows; ++(l.u.funcall.argc); l.u.funcall.argv[npows] = r; } } return l; } /*}}}*/ /* piterm -- parse and evaluate a product/division/modulo term */ /*{{{*/ static Token piterm(Token *n[], int *i, EvalMethod meth) { FunctionIdentifier mulident = FUNC_ASTERISK; Token l; Operator op = CP; bool first_funcall = true; l = powterm(n, i, meth); if (l.type == EEK) return l; if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR) op = n[*i]->u.op; while (op == DIV || op == MUL || op == MOD) { Token r; ++(*i); r = powterm(n, i, meth); if (meth == FULL) { Token result; switch (op) { case MUL: result = tmul(l,r); break; case DIV: result = tdiv(l,r); break; case MOD: result = tmod(l,r); break; default: assert(0); } tfree(&l); tfree(&r); if (result.type == EEK) return result; l = result; } else { if (r.type == EEK) { tfree(&l); return r; } if (first_funcall || l.u.funcall.fident != mulident || op != MUL) { first_funcall = false; Token tmp = l; l.type = FUNCALL; l.u.funcall.fident = identcode(Op_Name[op], strlen(Op_Name[op])); l.u.funcall.argc = 2; if (op == MUL) l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(MAXARGC * sizeof(Token)); else l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(2*sizeof(Token)); l.u.funcall.argv[0] = tmp; l.u.funcall.argv[1] = r; } else { if (l.u.funcall.argc >= MAXARGC) { tfree(&r); tfree(&l); duperror(&l, _("Exceeded maximum sequence length of *")); return l; } l.u.funcall.argv[(l.u.funcall.argc)++] = r; } } if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR) op = n[*i]->u.op; else op = CP; } return l; } /*}}}*/ /* factor -- parse and evaluate a factor of sums/differences */ /*{{{*/ static Token factor(Token *n[], int *i, EvalMethod meth) { FunctionIdentifier plusident = FUNC_PLUS_SYMBOL; Token l; Operator op = CP; bool first_funcall = true; l = piterm(n, i, meth); if (l.type == EEK) return l; if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR) op = n[*i]->u.op; while (op == PLUS || op == MINUS) { Token r; ++(*i); r = piterm(n, i, meth); if (meth == FULL) { Token result = (op==PLUS ? tadd(l,r) : tsub(l,r)); tfree(&l); tfree(&r); if (result.type == EEK) return result; l = result; } else { if (r.type == EEK) { tfree(&l); return r; } if (first_funcall || l.u.funcall.fident != plusident || op != PLUS) { first_funcall = false; Token tmp = l; l.type = FUNCALL; l.u.funcall.fident = identcode(Op_Name[op], strlen(Op_Name[op])); l.u.funcall.argc = 2; if (op == PLUS) l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(MAXARGC * sizeof(Token)); else l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(2*sizeof(Token)); l.u.funcall.argv[0] = tmp; l.u.funcall.argv[1] = r; } else { if (l.u.funcall.argc >= MAXARGC) { tfree(&r); tfree(&l); duperror(&l, _("Exceeded maximum sequence length of +")); return l; } l.u.funcall.argv[(l.u.funcall.argc)++] = r; } } if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR) op = n[*i]->u.op; else op = CP; } return l; } /*}}}*/ /* term -- parse and evaluate a relational term */ /*{{{*/ static Token term(Token *n[], int *i, EvalMethod meth) { Token l = factor(n, i, meth); if (l.type == EEK) return l; /* a < b < c used to mean (a < b) < c, but that does not make sense really because there is not an ordering on bools (if we had a separate bool type). So restrict to a single binary relation; one can still use parens to get the old, odd behavior */ if (n[*i] != NULLTOKEN && n[*i]->type == OPERATOR && n[*i]->u.op >= LT && n[*i]->u.op <= NE) { Operator op = n[*i]->u.op; Token result, r; ++(*i); r = factor(n, i, meth); if (meth == FULL) { switch (op) { case LT: result=tlt(l,r); break; case LE: result=tle(l,r); break; case GE: result=tge(l,r); break; case GT: result=tgt(l,r); break; case ISEQUAL: result=teq(l,r); break; case ABOUTEQ: result=tabouteq(l,r); break; case NE: result=tne(l,r); break; default: assert(0); } tfree(&l); tfree(&r); if (result.type == EEK) return result; l = result; } else { if (r.type == EEK) { tfree(&l); return r; } Token tmp = l; l.type = FUNCALL; l.u.funcall.fident = identcode(Op_Name[op], strlen(Op_Name[op])); l.u.funcall.argc = 2; l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(2*sizeof(Token)); l.u.funcall.argv[0] = tmp; l.u.funcall.argv[1] = r; } } return l; } /*}}}*/ /* eval -- parse and evaluate nonempty token sequence if the sequence might be empty, use eval_safe. */ /*{{{*/ Token eval(Token **n, EvalMethod meth) { Token l; int i = 0; bool first_funcall = true; assert(meth == LITERAL || upd_sheet != (Sheet*)0); l = term(n, &i, meth); if (l.type == EEK) return l; while (n[i] != NULLTOKEN) { Token r = term(n, &i, meth); if (meth == FULL) { Token result = tconcat(l,r); tfree(&l); tfree(&r); if (result.type == EEK) return result; l = result; } else { if (r.type == EEK) { tfree(&l); return r; } if (first_funcall) { first_funcall = false; Token tmp = l; l.type = FUNCALL; l.u.funcall.fident = FUNC_CONCAT; l.u.funcall.argc = 1; l.u.funcall.argv = malloc(MAXARGC*sizeof(Token)); l.u.funcall.argv[0] = tmp; } if (l.u.funcall.argc >= MAXARGC) { tfree(&l); tfree(&r); duperror(&l, _("Exceeded max sequence lentgh of concatenated terms")); return l; } l.u.funcall.argv[(l.u.funcall.argc)++] = r; } } return l; } /*}}}*/ /* eval_safe -- like eval, but handles null pointer to token sequence */ /*{{{*/ Token eval_safe(Token **n, EvalMethod meth) { Token result; if (n == EMPTY_TVEC || *n == NULLTOKEN) { result.type = EMPTY; return result; } return eval(n, meth); } /* evaltoken -- like eval, but evaluate a single token NOTE: caller owns the result and must arrrange that it be eventually tfree()ed */ /*{{{*/ Token evaltoken(Token n, EvalMethod meth) { if (meth == LITERAL) return tcopy(n); switch (n.type) { case EMPTY: return n; case STRING: return tcopy(n); case FLOAT: case INT: return n; case OPERATOR: { Token err; err.type = EEK; const char *templ = _("Attempt to eval bare operator token: "); err.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + MAX_OP_NAME_LENGTH + 2); strcpy(err.u.err, templ); strcat(err.u.err, Op_Name[n.u.op]); return err; } case LIDENT: return findlabel(upd_sheet, n.u.lident); case FIDENT: { Token err; err.type = EEK; const char *templ = _("Attempt to eval bare function identifier token: "); err.u.err = malloc(strlen(templ) + MAX_FUNC_NAME_LENGTH + 2); strcpy(err.u.err, templ); strcat(err.u.err, tfunc[n.u.fident].name); return err; } case LOCATION: return n; case FUNCALL: return full_eval_funcall(&n); case EEK: return tcopy(n); default: assert(0); } return n; }