import typed from 'typed-function' /* Use a plain object with keys re and im for a complex; note the components * can be any type (for this proof-of-concept; in reality we'd want to * insist on some numeric or scalar supertype). */ export function isComplex(z) { return z && typeof z === 'object' && 're' in z && 'im' in z } typed.addType({name: 'Complex', test: isComplex}) typed.addConversion({ from: 'number', to: 'Complex', convert: x => ({re: x, im: 0}) }) /* Pleasantly enough, it is OK to add this conversion even if there is no * type 'bigint' defined, so everything should Just Work. */ typed.addConversion({ from: 'bigint', to: 'Complex', convert: x => ({re: x, im: 0n}) }) /* test if an entity is Complex, so to speak: */ export function numComplex(z) { return isComplex(z) && typeof === 'number' && typeof === 'number' }